2022初中教案北师版初二(下)英语第7讲:Unit4词汇篇( 原卷版).doc

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1、Unit 4 词汇篇_学生通过本讲学习,能够掌握本单元的重点词汇句型,并在综合能力上有一定的拓展。1 from time to time 不时, 偶尔, 间或,有时 Eg: a.) From time to time he fired questions at me. 他不时向我提出许多问题。 b.) Ships are laid up, from time to time, for repairs. 船只常常因不能使用而需要修理。 c.) I can see Hieks at the library from time to time. 我在图书馆有时能看见希克斯。 d )Good idea

2、s swim into my mind from time to time. 我的脑海里不时地会浮现出一些好主意。 e. )From time to time,she gave him an encouraging nod. 她不时对他点头鼓励。2.care about 在意Eg: a)I dont care about money. 我不看重钱。 b). Dont you care about this countrys future? 你不在意国家的未来吗?3 in low spirit情绪低落的 - in high spirit情绪高涨的4 stick to 坚持If you stick

3、 to it long enough you can find the answer to that problem.如果你坚持一段时间,你就会发现那个问题的答案。 I hate listening to him; he never sticks to the point.我不喜欢听他说,他从不坚持自己的观点。 I hope you will stick to the point in the debate.我希望你在辩论中能抓住要害。If you stick to the truth,youve nothing to fear.你要是坚持真理,就可以无所畏惧。5 communicate wi

4、th 交流,相通The living room communicates with the dining room. 起居室与饭厅相通。1.I am always _ high spirits.Aon Bat Cin D. with2. Just make a decision and _ it.A. stick B. stick to C. persist D. Insist3._ the old woman was a little worried, but then she felt quite all right.A. From time to time B. In the end C

5、. In the beginning D. At the same time4. My bedroom communicates _my brothers.A. in B on C at D with5. Do you often care _ your appearance?A for B about C of D with解析:1. 本题为固定搭配in high spirits,故选C。2. 本题意思是坚持下去,故此选stick to,C选项应为persist in D选项应为insist on故答案为B。3.依据句意,有时候有点担心,B选项最终的意思,C选项应为 at the begin

6、ning,D选项意思应为同时,故选A。4. 依据题意,相通的意思,故选C。5.本题固定搭配 care about在意,你在意你的外貌吗,故选B。基础演练一 根据句意和首字母填写单词1.His father is a b_ of a shoe factory.2.Eddie is a very l_ dog. He is sleeping all the time.3.The soup was too salty so we a_ some water again.4.Tom changed a lot and got much p_ last term. Now he is a top stu

7、dent.5.In the future robots will help people do most h_ at home.6.They looked u_ because they lost their money.7.The old man feels l_ when he is alone at home.8.In order to a_ your dream, you must work hard.9.Though he prepared for the exam for a long time, he still f _it.10.To be h_ , I am a little

8、 afraid of my father.二、用单词正确形式填空1. They are listening to the _(relax) music. They are very _(relax).2. Chen Dan is not at all _(satisfy) with the lazy robot.3.Fruit is _(health) food, but hot dogs are _(health) food.4.Confidence is the key to _(succeed).5.He is a good student and I think he has no _

9、(difficult) in his spelling.6.Please knock at the door before _(enter) the teachers office.7. The farmers are both busy _(grow) vegetables now.8. Miss Weston is having difficulty in _ (control)the children in that class.9. I am sure that we can _(produce) this kind of engine.10.why not _ (spend)most

10、 of your spare time on your hobbies?巩固提高1.我们必须坚持原则。We must _ the principle.2.我的阿姨成功减肥。My aunt _.3. 即使你不喜欢蔬菜你也应该每天吃_ you dont like eating vegetables, you should eat them every day.4.如果你去参加聚会,你应该带一份小礼物。You _take a small present if you go to the party.5.把筷子插在食物里是不礼貌的。_ stick your chopsticks into your f

11、ood.6.不要在意别这么说你,继续做自己的事Dont _what others say about you, just go on with your work.7.看!这位女士正在独自购物。Look! The lady is shopping _.8.当你发现难以与你的父母相处时你会感到孤独吗?Will you _when you find it difficult to_ your parents?9.你应该对你的孩子要求严格。You should _ your children.10.他儿子一进房间就看到了桌上的新电脑。His son saw the new computer on t

12、he desk _the room. 1.We also _learn how to well with others at school.Aget to Bget on Cget down Dget up2.- Li Yundi will give a concert this Sunday. I have _to get a ticket.- Youre so lucky!Ahoped Bwanted Cplanned Dmanaged3.Daming often offers his mother_ do the housework.Ahelp Bto help Chelping Dto

13、 helping4.- How will you _your dream?- Through hard practice.Aaccept Bachieve Creceive Dsucceed5.At last, they _in getting to the top of Mount Huaguo.Asucceeded Bachieved Cinterested Dreminded6._he was busy, he helped me with my work.ABecause BEven though CEver since DIf7.We are going to do voluntee

14、r work _it rains tomorrow.Asince Bif Cas soon as Dunless8.The teacher gave me _on how to learn math well.Aan advice Bsome advice Csome advices Dmany advices9.The boy _to give me his seat, but I refused.Aoffered Btold Crepresented Dtreated10.- Would you mind if I smoke here?- . _ Look at the sign. It

15、 says No Smoking.AIt doesnt matter BYou had better notCNo, you dont DCertainly not二、完型河南省鹤壁市2015年初中毕业调研暨第一次中考模拟测试Susan was afraid of the dark. In fact, she couldnt 1 without leaving the lights on. If there was a storm, she always preferred there to be lightning 2 it helped to light the room. She was

16、nt sure 3 she hated the dark so much. She didnt think there were monsters under her bed or in her closet. Shed never been attacked at night, either. There was just something strange about being in total darkness!Her parents worried about her fear, and they always tried to find ways 4her around it. T

17、heyd tried nightlights, but there had to be at least two of them, in case one burned out. Theyd tried leaving the lights on and then coming back to turn them 5 after she fell asleep, but if she woke up shed always start crying.Her father had given up, but her mother 6 trying to think of new things.

18、One day, she came home with a big smile on her face and a shopping bag in her hands, Guess what Ive got.I have no idea, Susan answered, feeling very interested about the 7.Susans mother pulled two packages out of the bag. The first, Susan discovered, was a pair of slippers that had lights on them. 8

19、 package was a pair of glow-in-the-dark pajamas.Wow! Susan cried, These are amazing. Even though it was only four oclock, she tried them on 9. They fit nicely, looked great, and they lit up very brightly!Well? her mother asked.Theyre the best thing in the universe ever! Susan cried. She was so excit

20、ed that she went to sleep after dinner. The lights on her slippers blinked away happily, and the glow-in-the-dark pajamas kept her feeling 10 all night.1Asleep Blearn Cdance Deat2Asince Bbecause Cuntil Dthen3Ahow Bwhat Cwhy Dwhen4Ato help Bhelp Chelping Dhelped5Aover Bon Coff Dup6Awanted Bhoped Clik

21、ed Dkept7Abag Bhand Croom Dface8AAnother BThe other COthers DOther9Aat once Bat times Cat present Djust now10Aangry Bsafe Cupset Dscared_AOlivia looked at her new rooms white walls. Theyre so plain. Dont worry, well paint them, and you can even choose the color, Dad said. Do you want pink? Mom sugge

22、sted. Olivia shook her head. No, thats for babies. I want pink for my room! Olivias younger sister, Veronica, shouted. Olivia wanted another color though.What should I choose? Olivia wondered, I like sunsets and daisies, so maybe yellow or orange.How about both? Dad offered, We could paint all the w

23、alls one color, and put a similar color on the last wall for an accent. I saw it on TV once. You could have three walls painted light yellow, and one wall painted tangerine orange.Olivias eyes nearly popped from her head, That would be amazing. Lets get painting! Sadly, it took a rather dull trip to

24、 the home-improvement store to pick up some paint, rollers, and brushes before they could begin. Looking at all the colors was interesting, and so was watching the paint-can shaker machine, but the rest of it was boring. She really just wanted to throw paint on the walls and move into her room.Back

25、at home, Mom and Veronica unpacked things while Olivia and Dad painted. It was hard work, especially since she couldnt reach very high. She wasnt very good at detail work around edges and windows, either. Dad helped her a lot. He even smoothed out areas where her paint wasnt completely even. He was

26、a really good painter!How did you get so good at painting? she asked him. I painted my parents house, my friends house, my old apartment, and now this house! Practice makes perfect. Youre tall, too. That does help, Dad agreed, finishing up the edges, Its always important to take your time to do any

27、job right. You have to live with these colors for a few years, so do it right. I understand, she replied, and she did, too. Somehow, doing her own room the right way made her very serious about painting. It was hard to wait until the next day to see the paint all dry so she could move into her room.

28、There was nothing more satisfying than a job well done. Moving into her new room with its new paint was just about the best thing she could ever remember. Even when they did Veronicas room next, she tried her hardest to make her sisters room look as good as hers did.Veronica might be younger than he

29、r, but she realized it might be just as important to her sister as it was to her for her room to look good.1.What has Olivias family just done at the beginning of the story?ATheyve sold their house.BTheyve moved into a new house.CTheyve just bought a car.DTheyve just been shopping.2.What color does

30、Mom suggest for Olivias room?ARed. BBlue. CPink. DWhite.3.What two colors does Olivia end up with for her room?AYellow and green.BWhite and yellow.COrange and white.DYellow and orange.4.What lesson does Dad teach Olivia when they are painting?ADo a job right.BDont drip paint on the carpet!CAlways pa

31、int well.DPainting is boring.5.How does Olivia feel about painting her sisters room?AShe hates it.BShe thinks its boring.CShe wants to do it well.DShe doesnt care about it.BA robot is a machine. But it is not just any machine. It is a special kind of machine. It is a machine that moves. It follows i

32、nstructions. The instructions come from a computer. Because it is a machine, it does not make mistakes. And it does not get tired. And it never complains. Unless you tell it to!Robots are all around us. Some robots are used to make things. For example, robots can help make cars. Some robots are used

33、 to explore dangerous places. For example, robots can help explore volcanoes. Some robots are used to clean things. These robots can help vacuum your house. Some robots can even recognize words. They can be used to help answer telephone calls.Some robots look like humans. But most robots do not. Mos

34、t robots just look like machines. Long ago, people imagined robots. Over 2,000 years ago, a famous poet imagined robots. The poets name was Homer. His robots were made of gold. They cleaned things and they made things. But they were not real. They were imaginary. Nobody was able to make a real robot

35、. The first real robot was made in 1961. It was called Unimate. It was used to help make cars. It looked like a giant arm.In the future, we will have even more robots. They will do things that we cant do. Or they will do things that we dont want to do. Or they will do things that are too dangerous f

36、or us. Robots will help us fight fires. They will help us fight wars. They will help us fight sickness. They will help us discover things.They will help make life better.6.As used in paragraph 1, we can understand that something special is NOT _ .Anormal Bexpensive Cperfect Dtired7.What is the main

37、purpose of paragraph 2?ATo show how easy it is to make a robot.BTo tell what a robot is.CTo describe the things a robot can do.DTo explain the difference between a robot and a machine.8.According to the passage, when was the first real robot made?A1961.B1900.C2003.D2000 years ago.9.Using the informa

38、tion in the passage as a guide, which of these gives the best use of a robot?ATo help make a sandwich.BTo help tie shoes.CTo help read a book.DTo help explore Mars.10.Which of these statements correctly summarizes how the author of this passage feels about robots?ARobots are old.BRobots are confusin

39、g.CRobots are helpful.DRobots are dangerous.CNew Upcoming Movies 2014 Last year in movies, 2014, was once again a year of sequels and remakes. There were over 20 movie sequels in 2014, including Transformers 4: Age of Extinction, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, X-Men Days of Future, The Hobbit:

40、 There and Back Again, The Amazing Spider-Man, among others.Dawn of the Planet of the Apes(Drama; Sci-Fi)In Movie Theaters: Friday, July 11, 2014 NationwideDirector: Matt ReevesCast: Andy SerkisKeri RussellJason ClarkeGary Oldman Companies: 20th Century FoxEdge of Tomorrow(3D/2D; IMAX 3D Thriller, S

41、ci-Fi)In Movie Theaters: Friday, June 6, 2014 NationwideDirector: Doug LimanCast: Tom CruiseEmily BluntCharlotte RileyBill PaxtonCompanies: Warner Bros. Pictures How to Train Your Dragon 2( 3D/2D; IMAX 3D, Animation)In Movie Theaters: Friday, June 13, 2014 NationwideDirector: Dean DeBloisCast: Jay B

42、aruchel Craig Ferguson America Ferrera Jonah Hill Companies: 20th Century FoxTransformers 4: Age of Extinction(Action, Sci-Fi)In Movie Theaters: Friday, June 27, 2014 NationwideDirector: Michael BayCast: Mark WahlbergNicola PeltzBrenton ThwaitesJack ReynorCompanies: Paramount Pictures 10.If you are

43、a big fan of Tom Cruise, you shouldnt miss the movie .ADawn of the Planet of the ApesBEdge of TomorrowCHow to Train Your Dragon 2DTransformers 4: Age of Extinction11.Which of the following is TRUE?AEmily Blunt played an important role in the movie Transformers 4: Age of Extinction. BThe movie How to Train your Dragon 2 will be shown on Friday, June 6, 2014.CDawn of the Planet of the Apes and How to Train Your Dragon 2 are both made by 20


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