2022初中教案北师大版初二(上)英语第11讲:unit 6 词汇篇(原卷版).docx

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1、Unit 6 词汇篇_1. 理解并灵活运用重点单词、词组2. 理解、掌握并灵活运用重点句型1. search v. 搜索,搜寻 常用短语“search for”搜寻,找寻,其后既可跟人也可跟物。例如: They searched for the little boy in the forest. 他们在森林中搜寻那个小男孩。 search既可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,意为“搜查,在中搜索”。例如: He searched every room in the house. 他搜查了这所房子的每个房间。2. throw v. 扔,投 其过去式threw,过去分词thrown。throw的常用词

2、组:throw sth. at sb.朝某人扔某物。 与throw相关的短语: throw away 扔掉 throw about 乱扔,乱丢 throw off 匆匆脱掉,扔掉3. active adj. 活跃的 其名词形式为activity,“活动”;副词形式为actively,“积极地,主动地”。 常用短语:take an active part in “积极参加”,例如: They take an active part in scientific experiment. 他们积极参加科学实验。4. common adj. 普通的,常见的 in common 共有,相同 have st

3、h. in common with sb. 和某人有共同之处,例如: I have much in common with my good friend. 我和我的好朋友有很多相同之处。 5. realize v. 意识到,领会 realize常用作及物动词,意为“意识到,认识到”,其后可接名词、代词或从句。例如: At last, he realized his fault. 最后他意识到了自己的错误。 realize还可意为“实现(梦想、希望)”,相当于achieve。例如: In order to realize my dream, I will study harder and rea

4、d more books about medicine. 为了实现我的梦想,我会更加努力地学习,阅读更多有关医学的书籍。 注意:realize是美式英语;realise是英式英语。6. never adv. 永不,决不,从不 表示否定意义的频度副词,用法如下:(1) never通常用于实义动词之前,系动词be、助动词之后。例如: A clever politician never promises too much. 一个聪明的政治家从来都不会承诺太多。 I was never good at maths. 我在数学方面从来就不好。(2) never放于祈使句之前,表示“不要,永不”。例如:

5、Never give up! 永不放弃 7. dream v./ n. 梦想,做梦 dream about意为“梦见”,与dream of同义,其后可跟名词、代词或动词-ing形式。例如: Many boys dream about becoming pilots. 许多男生梦想成为飞行员。8. make friends with sb. 和某人交朋友 make friends 也可单独使用,意为“交朋友”。需要注意的是这两个词组中,friend必须是复数。例如: If you want to make friends with others, you must be willing to l

6、isten to them. 如果你想和他们交朋友,你必须愿意倾听。9. get hurt 受伤 get后还可以直接跟形容词,例如:get hungry 生气;get scared 害怕;get hot 变热;get nervous 紧张不安10. wake up 叫醒,醒来 Wake sb. up 把某人叫醒,人称代词作宾语时必须放在wake与up之间。例如: His mother often wakes him up at 6 oclock in the morning. 他妈妈经常早上6点把他叫醒。11. go on a hunting expedition 进行一次猎险 go on常与

7、旅行、远足、野餐、航海类名词连用,意为“去”,例如:go on a picnic 去野餐 go on 还表示“继续”。 go on doing sth. 继续做某事 go on to do sth. 继续做另一件事12. smell v. 闻到,n. 气味;taste v. 尝 n. 味道,滋味 (1) smell, taste等表示感觉的动词,一般不用进行时态。例如: I could smell that the milk was not fresh. 我能闻得出这牛奶不新鲜。(2) smell, taste (等感官动词)+形容词,说明主语的状态。意思分别是“闻起来,尝起来”。例如: Th

8、ese flowers smell very sweet. 这些花闻起来很香。 感官动词还有:look看起来, sound听起来, feel感觉, touch摸起来13. in, wear, put on与dress辨析 in和wear都表示状态,in的宾语为颜色、衣服。例如:the girl in red穿红色衣服的女孩; wear的宾语为衣服、鞋帽、眼镜、首饰等。例如:wear glasses 戴眼镜; put on意为“穿上”,表示动作,宾语为衣服。例如:Put on your clothes. 穿上衣服; dress意为“给某人穿衣服”,表示动作,宾语为人,常用短语:dress sb.

9、 “给某人穿衣服”。1. We should take _active part in the battle to stop the germs. A. the B. an C. a D. /2. We want to see Liu Yu _his dreams, because he always works so hard. A. get to B. finish C. come true D. realize 3. They were walking around the town_ a place for the party. A. search for B. to search f

10、or C. searching D. searched for 4. -These tickets are useless. Can I _? -Yes, but make sure you put them in the dustbin.A. pick them up B. throw them away C. throw away them D. pick up them 5. -Its time for sports! _your sports shoes, please! -Ok, Im coming. A. Put on B. Dress C. Wear D. In6. I drea

11、m_to Paris some day, because it is such a beautiful city. A. to go B. of to go C. to going D. about going 7. You arent outgoing, so youd better try to_others. A. make a friend with B. make friend with C. make friends with D. make friends8. -You _very happy this afternoon. Why? -Because we are going

12、to spend the evening at Lilys house. A. taste B. sound C. look D. smell9. Brian has to get up early to catch the first bus tomorrow. Please_. A. wake up his B. wake his up C. wake up him D. wake him up 10. Although they are twins, they have nothing_common. A. at B. with C. on D. in基础演练一、短语互译1. 现在_ 2

13、. 事实上_ 3. 变得(感到)害怕_4. 度假_ 5. 向外看_ 6. 努力做某事_7. 寻找_ 8. 在旅行中_ 9. 研究睡眠与梦境_10. work at a radio station_11. in my pyjamas_12. come toward the boat_二、根据汉语提示用适当的单词或短语完成句子1. Please dont _ (扔掉) waste paper here and there.2. I always sit between Mum and Dad when we _(拍照).3. You mustnt_(制造噪音) in the reading roo

14、m.4. I like to take things easy when Im _(度假).5. My_(脑) cant hold so much information at one time.6. He is an_(活跃的) member of the schools stamp club.7. Were going on holiday soon, _(很可能)next month.8. Rabbits and foxes are_(常见的) in Britain.9.She_(意识到) her answer was wrong.10. I had an_(特别的) day on my

15、 last school trip.巩固提高 一、从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语完成句子never, in common, right now, interesting, blind, realize 1. Its very _to play basketball with old friends. 2. In this way, you can know more about each other and find out what you have _. 3. Luckily, more and more people are beginning to_the importance of w

16、ildlife. 4. -Must I go there_? -No, you neednt. You may go there before supper. 5. The movie is so great. I have _seen a more moving one. 6. If you didnt have tears, your eyes couldnt move, and soon you would be_. 二、根据中文提示完成句子1. 我认为他学习很努力。 I think_.2. 很难证实为什么我们会做梦。 It is _.3. 请尽量在30分钟内完成这项工作。 _in 30

17、 minutes.4. 你愿意参观我们学校吗? _visit our school?5. 我们感到非常害怕,所以我们飞快地跑上楼梯。 We were_ _ _, so we_.三、句型转换,每空一词1. He got lost in the deep forest. (同义句转换)He _ _in the deep forest.2. 桌子上只有半杯牛奶了。(汉译英)There is only_ _ _ _milk on the table.3. She reached the station last night. (同义句转换)She _ _the station last night.4

18、. She can ride a horse. (一般疑问句)_ _ride a horse?5. I will try my best to make my dream come true. (同义句转换)I will try my best to_ my dream.一、单项选择1. -What time did you get up this morning? -Mother _at 6:30. A. wakes me up B. wake me up C. woke up me D. woke me up2. Its time for class. Lets stop_. A. pla

19、ying football B. play football C. from playing football D. to play football3. More and more young people are trying to do something _the old. A. helped B. to help C. help D. helps4. _, they didnt know anything before they came in. A. Right now B. In fact C. At that moment D. As a result5. My sister

20、is waiting for me at the next stop, _I have to get off there.A. and B. so C. but D. or6. They will call us as soon as they_there. A. get B. got C. will get D. have got7. The flower smells_and I like it very much. A. well B. good C. bad D. badly8. - My dream is to be a well-known star. - I believe yo

21、u can _your dream if you keep on working hard. A. imagine B. come true C. wait D. realize9. Lucy is a(n) _student. She answers the teachers questions _in her class.A. more active; more actively B. active; more activelyC. more active; the most actively D. active; the most actively 10. Dont wake up th

22、e sleeping baby. She has just_. A. fallen sleepy B. fell asleep C. fallen asleep D. felt sleepy 二、完形填空A man works in a factory and gets his pay at the end of the week. 1 Saturday he 2 the money after he gets his pay. Suddenly he 3 that it is wrong. He counts the money 4 , but still there are five po

23、unds more that he 5 get. He puts the money in his pocket and says nothing 6 others. A week goes by and its pay 7 again. But this time there are five pounds less. He is 8 angry that he goes immediately (立刻) to see the boss. The boss says to him, “Didnt you notice there was a mistake 9 week?” “For one

24、 mistake, I can close my 10 , but for two mistakes, no, I cant.”1. A. At B. In C. From D. One2. A. studies B. counts C. costs D. spends3. A. thinks B. believes C. knows D. finds4. A. again B. more C. up D. once5. A. should B. will C. may D. does6. A. with B. about C. to D. for7. A. day B. work C. ti

25、me D. week8. A. too B. much C. so D. such9. A. last B. this C. next D. one10. A. wallet B. eyes C. ears D. book_一、单项选择1. Seeing a UFO is an_thing. A. amazing B. amazed C. amaze D. interested 2. _ a beautiful it is! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a 3. They arrived_ Paris_ a winter evening. A. at; in

26、 B. to; on C. in; on D. in; at4. Dont forget_ a letter to me when you get to Shanghai.A. write B. to write C. writing D. writes 5. -Where are all the boys? - I saw them_on the playground.A. to play B. played C. plays D. playing6.-Must I come at 7 oclock? -No, you neednt. You _come a little later.A.

27、can B. need C. should D. must7.The poor girl has only_ books.A. little B. a few C. few D. a little8.-_will you stay in New York? -For a week. A. How often B. How much C. How far D. How long9.Beethoven was one of_European composers. A. great B. greater C. greatest D. the greatest10.-Your sweater_real

28、ly beautiful! -Thank you. A. smells B. looks C. feels D. sounds (附:6-10,2013-2014年北京东城八年级上册英语期末考试题)二、用括号内所给词的正确形式填空11.Mary stared carefully at the huge_(hair) bear.12. I _(throw) a ball to her and she caught it.13. There are always _(newspaper) on the desk in my office.14. All the characters in this

29、 book are _(imagine).15. I _(not realize) that I was wrong. 三、根据汉语提示完成英语句子16. Tom和Mary找那只狗找了好几个小时,最后放弃了。Tom and Mary _.17. 有时,我们梦见忘记了一次考试。Sometimes, we_ a test.18. 这里的景色太美了,我们停下来拍了很多照片。The sights here were_.19. 你应该早点睡觉,因为对你的健康有益。You should go to bed early, because_.20. 这对双胞胎有很多相同之处。The twins_.四、完形填空

30、I always believed in UFOs, but I didnt see one. My husband didnt believe in UFOs before that 21 . Last Friday night, he drove home 22 work. he drove near a gas station(加油站) when he saw a bright light. It looked 23 a light. It was low, and it wasnt moving. He didnt 24 too much about it. He thought ma

31、ybe it was a street light, so he 25 up farther and then the light went off. But a few minutes later, it was on. He stopped the car. He 26 and looked around, but saw nothing. After a short while the 27 was on again. He got on the car and drove another 2 miles to our house. He sat in the 28 for a few

32、minutes thinking of what he saw. He got out of the car and the moving light went off. Then when he looked back, he could 29 it in the sky. Then he was 30 it must be a UFO. He went into our house and told me about it. 21.A. morning B. afternoon C. night D. year 22.A. before B. then C. of D. after 23.

33、A. like B. of C. out D. over24.A. watch B. look C. think D. guess25.A. drove B. ran C. walked D. jumped 26.A. got in B. got down C. got off D. got on27.A.noise B. train C. car D. light28.A. gas station B. car C. bedroom D. office 29.A.watch B. hear C. see D. look at30.A. bored B. sure C. interested

34、D. surprised 五、阅读理解AOne Friday Mrs. King asked her class to write a story after class. “Use your imagination!” she cried, “You can write your story about anything.” Kenny looked worried. “A story?” he thought, “What could I possible have to write about? I dont know any stories.” The bell rang and al

35、l the kids went home. The next day, Kenny sat at his desk at home, thinking and thinking. The warm sun was shining through the window, making him drowsy. And soon he fell fast asleep. As he slept, Kenny began to dream about fantastic things. First he dreamed that he was a world-famous doctor, saving

36、 whole cities and curing diseases. Then he dreamed that he was in a UFO. He was talking to strange but friendly space creature. Then he dreamed that he had become as small as a mouse by a bad scientist. He had to find a way to stop the plot(阴谋) of the mad scientist! Kenny dreamed wonderful and excit

37、ing things until his little brother woke him up. “What were you dreaming about?” he asked. Kenny told his brother the wonderful dreams. His brother enjoyed the stories. Suddenly, Kenny knew that he had his kinds of stories in his imagination. 31. What did the teacher ask the students to do as homewo

38、rk?A. To act as a doctor B. To read some storiesC. To help family members D. To write a story32. How many dreams did Kenny have? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four33. What was Kenny in his first dream? A. A great doctor B. A mad scientist C. A visitor on a spaceship D. A good student34. The underlined word “drowsy” means_.A. unhappy B. sleepy


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