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《重庆市第八中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期高考适应性月考卷(五)英语答案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《重庆市第八中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期高考适应性月考卷(五)英语答案.docx(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、优点英语重庆市第八中学2024届高考适应性月考卷(五)英语参考答案第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)15CBABC 610 CAABB 1115 ACBCB 1620 CABCB第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)第一节(共15 小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分 37.5 分)2125AABDC 2630 DCCDD 3135BBCAD第二节(共5 小题; 每小题 2.5分, 满分 12.5 分)3640 FGBDC第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)第一节(共15 小题; 每小题1分, 满分 15分)4145 BACDB 4650 DACAC 5155ADDCB第二节(共 10 小题

2、; 每小题1.5 分, 满分 15 分)56. realization 57. in 58. was thrown 59. incredibly 60. whose61. to be seen 62. its 63. has won 64. a 65. closed第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分 15分)【参考范文】NoticeWith the Arbor Day approaching, all exchange students are invited to join in the upcoming tree planting activity in Peoples Pa

3、rk this Sunday , March 12th . This event aims to promote environmental awareness and to enhance our commitment to green living.It starts at 8 : 00 am , with a short briefing on tree planting techniques and safety precautions. Participants will then be divided into groups and given seedlings by the p

4、arks staff, and proceed to the designated area in the park. Lunch will be provided at mid-afternoon, followed by a short break before the activity is completed.To ensure a smooth experience, its highly recommended to wear comfortable clothing suitable for outdoor activities and bring a water bottle

5、to stay hydrated. Dont forget instruments of labor,say, a spade or a bucket.Look forward to an enjoyable and fulfilling day with you!Student Union第二节(满分 25分)【参考范文】Finally Amy got up from her seat. The bright girl, on the verge of tears, flew to Confucius like a gust of wind.“No!”We let out a deafeni

6、ng roar in chaos, with a noisy discussion hanging over the classroom. “The rule!” Mr. Williamss warning echoed in Amys mind repeatedly. “Under no circumstances are you to touch the fish.” Hesitantly, she took a step back. Confucius lay on the ground, with its mouth gasping for air and its tail gradu

7、ally stopping swinging. We all sat frozen in place, and just watched, at a loss what to do in panic. At this critical moment Amy had an idea. She put the plastic bag over her hand swiftly, picked Confucius up like a live grenade and put it back into the tank. Thankfully, the lovely creature came to

8、life in the water. It swam merrily, as if to express its gratitude to the sweet angel Amy.Relieved, we turned our eyes to Mr. Williams. Unfortunately, Mr. Williams, with a severe look on his face, told Amy to pack her bags and suspended her from school for two days. “Are you serious?”We were all bab

9、bling, wearing a woebegone expression. But Mr. Williams did not show the slightest inclination to change. We flocked to the tank, and pressed our faces up to the glass to watch Confucius, wallowing in our guilt. Just then, Amy raised her heroic hand high, still wrapped in the plastic bag.“Look!”A co

10、nfident smile spread across her lips. She didnt touch the fish directly with her fingers. That was not against the rule. Mr. Williams nodded in agreement and went back to lecturing. Delighted and feeling proud of Amy, we all ca st eyes now and then on Amy, who invited us to witness how smart it was

11、to apply rules flexibly without violating principles.【解析】第二部分 阅读第一节A【语篇导读】这是一篇应用文,文字介绍了参观 Stonehenge 和 Windsor Castle两处景点的一日游行程安排及注意事项。21.A 细节理解题。根据第一段“as we set off on our journey towards Stonehenge”以及第二段“After visiting Stonehenge, we drive to Windsor Castle”可知, 该行程共有Stonehenge 和 Windsor Castle 两个旅

12、游景点。 故选 A。22. A 细节理解题。 根据第四段“We recommend you wear comfortable clothing and carry essentials such as a jacket or jumper, dry snacks, water, tissues, chargers, power bank,etc., in your handbag as access to the luggage hold is only possible until a comfort stop or arrival at your destination. ”可知, 巴士运

13、行时行李舱无法打开。故选 A。23. B 文章来源题。 根据最后一段“Click here to go through the general information and Terms & Condition s before booking and travelling. ”可知, 该文章选自网页。 故选 B。B【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述 Peterson基于同情心,通过为流浪汉画肖像画,帮他们重塑生活, 同时无意间使人们从新的角度看待流浪汉的故事。24. D 细节理解题。根据第二段“Peterson was relaxing in his living room, readi

14、ng the book Love Does, about the power of love in actionInspired by the books compassionate message, Peterson made a decision: He was going to go outside and introduce himself.”可知, Love Does 书中传递的同情让Peterson开启对话。 故选 D。25. C 细节理解题。根据第四段“Peterson sells the paintings for money, splitting the proceeds a

15、nd putting half into a love account for his model. He then helps people use the money to get back on their feet.”可知, Peterson 成立 Faces of Santa Ana 帮助流浪的人重塑生活。 故选 C。26. D 推理判断题。根据第六段“Hes discovered that the buyers tend to connect to the story of the person in the painting, finding similarities and o

16、ften friendship with someone they might have otherwise overlooked or stereotyped.”和第七段“People often tell me, I was the one that would cross the street, but I see homeless people differently now,”可知,买家们在买画后对流浪汉们对印象呈积极转变,故选 D。27. C 最佳标题题。本文讲述Peterson基于同情心, 通过为流浪汉画肖像画,帮他们重塑生活,同时无意间使人们从新的角度看待流浪汉的故事。故选 C

17、。C【语篇导读】本文是一篇论说文。由电影第二十条热映引发对防卫者正当防卫的思考。28. C 细节理解题。 根据第一段中“Drawing inspiration from real-life cases of justifiable defense,”可知,电影第二十条是因灵感来自于正当防卫的生活真实案件才在春节期间受到了大众的关注。故选C。29. D 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“when a person, faced with an unlawful attack, takes action to protect his or her own rights or interests or t

18、hose of others, and the attacker is thereby harmed, the defender will be considered to hav e acted in justifiable defense and will not bear criminal responsibility ”可知, 抢劫受害者面对不法行为实施正当 防卫行为, 不承担刑事责任。故选 D。30. D 推理判断题。 根据第三段中的“But the true meaning of the law should be to increase the responsibility fo

19、r wrongdoers, rather than burdening good people.”和“The concern over justifiable defense reflects the publics demand for fairness, justice, security and rule of law.”可知,法律的真正意义应该是增加违法者的责任,而不是加重正义的人的负担。昆山案就提供了证明来支持这观点。故选 D。31. B 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“they should consider the situation in which the defender wa

20、s involved, empathize with the defenders position”可得出 B 项: 考虑防卫者的处境,设身处地地考虑问题。 故选B。D【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。科学技术新发现的黑洞吞噬其宿主星系中的物质以推动其生长。文章大意:研究人员发现了有史以来观测到的最古老的黑洞,其历史可以追溯到宇宙的黎明,并发现它正在“吃掉”它的宿主星系。32. B 词义猜测题。根据第三段“The size of this newly-discovered black hole suggests that they might form in other ways: they mig

21、ht be born big or they can eat matter at a rate thats five times higher than had been thought possible.(这个新发现的黑洞的大小表明它们可能以其他方式形成:它们可能天生大,或者它们可以以比人们想象的高五倍的速度吃掉物质。)” 以及第一段 “Researchers have discovered the oldest black hole ever observed, dating from the dawn of the universe, and found that it iseating

22、 its host galaxy to death.(研究人员发现了有史以来观测到的最古老的黑洞,其历史可以追溯到宇宙的黎明,并发现它正在 吃掉 它的宿主星系。)”可知, “devours”是 “狼吞虎咽”的意思, 等同于“swallow”故选 B。33. C 细节理解题。 根据第五段 “When black holes consume too much gas, it pushes the gas away like an ultra-fast wind. This wind could stop the process of star formation, slowly killing t

23、he galaxy, but it will also kill the black hole itself, as it would cut off the black holes source of food. (当黑洞消耗过多的气体时, 它会像超快的风一样将气体推开。这种风可以阻止恒星形成的过程,慢慢杀死星系,但它也会杀死黑洞本身,因为它会切断黑洞的食物来源。)”可知, C 选项的表述“Because thewind ceases star formation.”符合原文表意, 故选 C。34. A 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Maiolino says that the gigantic

24、 leap forward provided by JWST makes this the most exciting time in his career. (Maiolino 说, JWST 提供的巨大飞跃使这成为他职业生涯中最激动人心的时刻。)”和“The universe has been quite generous in what its showing us, and this is just the beginning.(宇宙在它向我们展示的东西上非常慷慨,而这仅仅是个开始。)”可推断出 Maiolino 对于黑洞新发现的态度是赞许、支持的,故选 A。35. D 细节理解题。

25、选项 A. The black hole took a billion years to achieve its size.中的 took a billion years 与文章 文义不符。 选项 B. Supermassive black holes are assumed to form overnight.中的 form overnight 有误。 选项 C. The new discovery of the host galaxy is a giant leap forward.中的 the host galaxy 有误。 故选 D。第二节【语篇导读】本文是应用文,阐述了保持新年决心的

26、几点建议。36. F 根据前文“But thats not your fault. ”可知后文阐释没有保持新年决心的外在原因,故 F 选项“Old habits tend to die hard, and new habits tend to die easy” (积习难改, 新习惯则容易放弃) 正确。37. G 由选项所在位置可知,这句话并不完整,由此从 E 和 G 选项中做选择。 而根据段落大意及后文所给情况(对自己友善一些) 可知,此处应描述当你对自己没有保持决心而沮丧不已的情况。故G 选项正确。38. B 此处考查段落小标题。根据后文可知本段论述了“resolution”和“inten

27、tion”的对比,并建议将“resolution”转变为“intention”。故 B 选项正确。39. D 根据前文例证(“I will exercise daily. I will kick desserts.” ) 确定关键词“definitive goals”; 再由后文转折关系可知,此处先陈述具体行为目标有时可能有效,但也存在弊端。故 D 选项正确。40. C 根据前文关键词“techniques”及后文指代关系“this”可知, 此处列举了克服障碍的一种具体技能。 故C 选项正确。第三部分 语言运用第一节【语篇导读】作者的儿子不适应现在的学校,出于对他的未来的考虑,作者将他转学到一

28、所非主流的职业学校。41. B 由后文可知,作者的儿子不适应现在的正统学校,选择转学到职业学校,故选 B。42. A 第二段“But my heart hurt a little”, 可知作者有点难过, 故选 A。43. C 作者的儿子不适应现在的学校,只能选择转学,故选 transfer转移,转学。44. D 从后文可知,作者也毕业于该校,曾经走过毕业台,故选 D。45. B 作者发现自己的安排和设计已经不适合她的儿子,故选 wellbeing 幸福,福利。46. D 根据后文,作者的儿子 had a small friend group,可知他是个很害羞不擅长社交的小朋友, 故选 shy。

29、47. A 超过 2500 学生的学校对于任何人来说都有点难以应付, 更别提由 social anxiety 社交焦虑的作者儿子。48. C 作者决定将儿子转学去一所课程要求相同的学校,故选 required。49. A 根据后文,作者的儿子可以早点毕业,必定是将之前所修学分直接转到新学校,故选credit 学分。50. C 从后文可知,作者儿子来到新学校后,非常开心快乐,因为作者亲眼看着她的儿子thrive 茁壮成长。51. A 根据“The difference is astonishing”可知, 作者的儿子发生很大改变, 以前 had a small friend group, 在新的

30、学校相应的就应该 form friendships 结交新朋友。52. D 根据前文可知,作者的社恐儿子发生很大改变,其中包括和新老师相处融洽,故选 D。53. D 作者儿子来到新学校后,每天都很快乐,所以回家的时候面带微笑,故选 D。54. C 作者的儿子对于新学校 enthusiastic,故每天回家都迫不及待的和家人分享学校发生的事。55. B 根据全文,作者没有勉强儿子在她读过的学校就读,而是来到一所不算主流的职业学校,是从是否适合的角度为儿子作的选择,故选B。第二节56. realization 考查词形变化。根据句子结构此处填名词 realization。57. in 考查介词。e

31、nd up in landfills 最后扔在了垃圾填埋地, 故用 in。58. was thrown 考查动词时态和语态。根据 in 2020 故用过去时 was thrown。59. incredibly 考查形容词词形变化。修饰形容词 expensive, 故用副词 incredibly。60. whose 考查定语从句。先行词为 brands,定语从句中这些品牌的厂家使用难以再利用的材料, 故用 whose。61. to be seen 考查非谓语动词。 it为形式主语, whether they will keep these promises 为真正主语, 与 see 是被动关系,

32、 故用 to be seen。62. its 考查代词。根据句意用所有格 its。63. has won 考查动词的时态。根据 up to now, 用现在完成时 has won。64. a 考查冠词。后需修饰可数名词 system, 故用a。65. closed 考查非谓语动词。作定语修饰loop, 意为形成一个闭环, 故用closed。听力原文Text 1M: I picked up a cell phone here a few days ago, but it seems to be out of order.W: Terribly sorry about that. Let me s

33、ee. Oh, yes, Ill contact the manufacturer right away and have a brand-new one of the same model here at the store as soon as possible. (1)Text 2W: John, the pot is boiling! What do you want me to do? Should I take it off the heat and put the soup into bowls?M: No, Amy. Just turn down the heat and co

34、ver for another 10 minutes. (2) And then you can turn off the heat.Text 3W: Have you noticed that people here in Mexico stand very close together?M: Yes. Its the same in Peru too.W: Its the opposite in Britain. I was a little uncomfortable here at first. But after a few days, Im getting used to it.

35、(3)Text 4M: Do you remember the ceilings in the old flats?W: Sure. They were very high and gave the feeling of a lot of space. I wonder what the height was for the old ceilings.M: At least 3 meters. But today the flats ceilings are usually 90% of that, (4) and some even lower.Text 5W: Look how nice

36、these tomatoes are. Should we pick some out?M: Sure. Lets make a soup tonight for dinner.W: Perfect. Then well also need some garlic too. And fresh bread. Lets see if we can find a French stick. (5)Text 6M: Mary, is this the Hall of Ancient China?W: Yes. Look at the historic vase exhibited here. (6)

37、 Its amazing!M: Why is it in the glass box?W: For protection. It will probably be damaged if exposed to air directly.M: So delicate it is. I wonder how old the vase is. Thousands of years?W: Yeah. It was made 5,000 years ago and it was made of a kind of gold. It is priceless.M: Wow, thanks for your

38、explanation. You are truly a walking dictionary. (7)Text 7W: This latest book by Louise Roberts is amazing! Its full of excitement and drama but its actually a self-help book!M: That sounds a bit strange. Normally theyre quite boring, technical and over-explain everything. (8)W:Yeah,I cant agree mor

39、e. I usually end up skipping through them looking for practical tips. Like,what can I actually employ into my life?M: Exactly! How does she get away with it?W: Well, its her own story with real-life events, how she learnt to cope with what happened and how she would do things differently. (9) It doe

40、snt give you direct answers, but reminds you to be mindful in difficult situations.M: Hmm. It sounds interesting but it is not really my cup of tea.W: Im afraid it has to be. Have you forgotten the assignment Mr. Brown gave us?(10)M: OK. Ill read it.Text 8W: Good morning, what can I do for you?M: Go

41、od morning, my cat is not feeling well. After she ate yesterday, the food all came back out of her mouth.W: So she threw up yesterday. Anything else?M: Yes. Her belly becomes very big.W: I see. Let me have a look. Is she as active as before these days?(11)M: No. She used to be very playful and curio

42、us about everything, but now she is sleeping almost the whole day. (11)W: What do you feed her?M: I mainly give her cat food several times a day, some dry fish and some fresh meat.W: You give her too much. Too much food caused her a stomach disorder.M: Oh my. What should I do?W: Dont provide your ca

43、t with food for a day. (12) From tomorrow on, reduce the amount of food and increase the amount of activity. Take advantage of the toys she loves, and encourage her to move.M: Okay. Her favorite ball is lost. Ill go to buy her a new one on the way home. (13)Text 9W: Wow, that was a ton of eggs! Your

44、 chickens are machines!M:Haha, yeah, welcome to the countryside! Theres certainly no mess of your city life (14) or the boredom of those suburbs!W:Its wild!In the city, we just go to the corner store for eggs. You dont need to dig them out from under a chickens erbottom.M: And you miss out on the fu

45、n!W: Hah!Youve got a strange definition of “fun”. Watching a play in the park, thats fun!(15)M: Weve both got our own benefits. Did you enjoy the farm truck ride though?W: It was okay but so bouncy. My organs feel rearranged. And those things dont come with seat belts!M: Youre telling me! Try chasin

46、g a goat thats got the taste of freedom.W: Haha!Ill stick to my subways. Thank you very much. The wildest thing there is the occasional street performer. (16)M:Well, now that youve survived the egg collection and truck ride, weve got fence painting after lunch. (17)W: Wow. Farm-style fun never ends,

47、 huh? Cant wait.M: Its no play in the park, but hey, we can listen to some good country music.W: Suppose, Ill have to trade my subway noise for some country accent then.Text 10Swimming is great exercise as well as a vital skill. Thats why we offer swimming lessons to children aged between 4 and 16 at affordable prices. (18) Not all children will be at the same level, so we have classes for different ability levels and ages. The levels are as follows:Pre-school,Foundation and Development. The Foundation swimming le


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