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1、 正保远程教育(美国纽交所上市公司代码:DL)2008年度全国职称英语等级考试综合类(B级)试题及答案第1部分:词汇选项(第115题,每题1分,共15分)下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1she found me very dull A dirtyB sleepy C lazy D boring 2The President made a brief visit to Beijing A shortB working C formal D secret3He was persuaded to give up the idea A ment

2、ionB accept C consider D drop4Jack consumes a pound of cheese a day A eatsB drinks C buys D produces 5Mary just told us a very fascinating story A strangeB frightening C difficult D interesting6Its a gorgeous day anyway A lovelyB cold C normal D rainy7Her life is becoming more diverse A generousB hu

3、morous C varied D romantic8Foreign military aid was prolonging the war A broadening B worsening C extendingD accelerating9She was unwilling to go but she had no choice. A unable B Indecisive C readyDreluctant10 She is slender, with delicate wrists and ankles. A sick B weak C slim D pale11 With immen

4、se relief, I stopped running. A some B enormous C little D extensive12 The scientists began to accumulate data. A collect B handleC analyze D investigate13 Jack eventually overtook the last truck A hitB passed C reached D led14 Sometimes it is advisable to book hotels in advance A possible B profita

5、bleC easy D wise 15 The reason for their unusual behavior remains a puzzle A factB mystery C statement D game第部分:阅读判断(第1622题,每题1分,其7分)下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择果该句提供的是错误的信息,请选择;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择。etitionsPetitions have long been a part of British political life. Anyone who wante

6、d to change something would get a list of signatures from people who agreed to the idea and either send them to the government or deliver them personally to the Prime Ministers house in London. They are always accepted at the door by one of the PMS officials. What happens then? Nothing much, usually

7、. But petitions have always been thought of as a useful way for those who govern to find out what the people really think. Thats why the UK government launched its e. petition site in November 2006. Instead of physically collecting signatures, all anyone with an idea has to do now is to make a propo

8、sal on the government website, and anyone who supports the idea is free to add his or her signature. The petitions soon started to flow in. The idea was for the British people to express their constructive ideas. Many chose instead to express their sense of humor. One petitioner called on Tony Blair

9、 to “stop the Deputy Prime Minister eating so much”. Another wanted to expel(驱逐)Scotland from the United Kingdom because Scottish football fans never support England In the World Cup. Other petitioners called on the Prime Minister to abolish the monarchy. Some wanted to give it more power. Some want

10、ed to oppose the United States. Others wanted to leave the European Union. Some wanted to send more troops to lraq and others wanted them all brought home. Some wanted to adopt the euro(欧元). Others wanted to keep the pound. Yet if some petitions are not serious, others present a direct challenge to

11、government policy. A petition calling on the government to drop plans to charge drivers for using roads has already drawn around l8 million signatures. In response to that, a rival petition has been posted in support of road pricing. And that is also rapidly growing. There are about 60 million peopl

12、e in Britain. So it is understandable that the government wants to find out what people are thinking. But the problem with the e-petition site seems to be that the British people have about 70 million opinions, and want the Prime Minister to hear all of them. Perhaps he could start a petition asking

13、 everyone to just shut up for a while. 16A petition needs to be signed. ARight BWrong CNot mentioned17The Prime Minister reads petitions every day. ARight BWrong CNot mentioned18A petition has to be mailed to the Prime Ministers house in London. ARight BWrong CNot mentioned19Petitions have been take

14、n to be one of the ways for the British people to express their ideas. ARight BWrong CNot mentioned20No other governments have launched their e-petition sites. ARight BWrong CNot mentioned21All petitions are serious. ARight BWrong CNot mentioned22It is impossible for the Prime Minister to hear all o

15、f the opinions. ARight BWrong CNot mentioned第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第2330题,每题l分,共8分) 下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第2326题要求从所给的6个选项中为第25段每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第2730题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。A New Citizenship Test1Last week, a sample of the new US citizenship(公民身份)exam was released by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services(U

16、S-CIS). It will be tried out in 10 cities early next year to replace the current test in 2008. Instead of asking how many stripes the US flag has, as the current test does, the new one asks why there are l3 stripes. Instead of having to name the branches of government, an applicant is asked to expla

17、in why there are three. 2The goal is to make it more meaningful.” explains Emilio Gonzalez, director of the USCIS. Immigrants who pass it are expected to have a better “understanding and respect” for US civic(公民的)values, Gonzalez says. 3The US isnt the only country dealing with citizenship tests tha

18、t aim to get a “shared commitment” from immigrants for their adopted countrys “values”. In recent years, in addition to the usual requirement of languagework skills and economic status, several European countries have adopted citizenship tests. Britain introduced a new citizenship test last November

19、. In March, a new Dutch law took effect requiring all would-be immigrants to take a citizenship test. it involved watching a video showing nude(裸体的) women bathing at beaches and gay(同性恋的)men kissing in public. The aim was to ensure that “newcomers will be comfortable with the countrys liberal social

20、 mores(风俗)”. 4Europe has been known for welcoming immigrants for decades. But, today, the fact is that some immigrants are kept apart from local citizens by culture and they become hostile to each other. Promoting integration has become a major concern for European countries, after the rioting in Mu

21、slim ghettoes(少数民族聚居区)in France and the killing of Dutch public figures by religious extremists.5Officials believe that a persons attachment to, a country can be tested by his or her knowledge of the country. However, some critics say that the changes can do little to help people assimilate(同化)thems

22、elves. ”Immigration is a culture war today. Is giving a new test the right way to lessen the accusations in that fight?” says Ali Noorani, of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition(难民辩护联盟). 23Paragraph 2 .24Paragraph 3 .25Paragraph 4 .26Paragraph 5 .A Preparation for taking a cit

23、izenship testB Citizenship tests in European countriesC Importance of promoting integrationD Necessity to know the branches of governmentE Different views on the new citizenship testF Goal of the new citizenship test27The questions in the new citizenship test are more difficult . 28Would-be immigran

24、ts to the US are expected . 29In the Dutch citizenship test, all wouldbe immigrants are required . 30Some people fear that changes in the citizenship test will do little .Ato know a lot more about the countyBto watch a videoCto help immigrants accept the new cultureDto marry American citizensEto do

25、low-skill jobsFto answer第4部分:阅读理解(第3145题,每题3分,共45分) 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。第一篇Political SpinsLast week, US White House spokesman Tony Snow sent journalists digging for their dictionaries. He called recent criticism by the former President Bill Clinton “chutzpah”(大胆放肆). With just one s

26、entence, Snow managed to make headlines, a joke and a defense of President George W. Bush. Interestingly, this is how battles are fought and won in US politics - with carefully-worded one-liners(一行字幕新闻)made for TV which often lack substance and clarity(清晰度). “The amount of information that candidate

27、s attempt to communicate to people is actually getting smaller and smaller,” said Mark Smith, a political science professor at Cedarville University. This has been accompanied by a changing media environment, Smith said. In l968, the average TV or radio soundbite(演讲中的句子或短语)was 48 seconds, according

28、to Smith. In l996, the average soundbite had shrunk To 8 seconds. Thus, politicians wanting publicity try to make their public communication as quotable as possible. Campaigning politicians also use 30-second TV ads and clever campaign slogans to boost their messages. Republican presidential candida

29、te John McCain rides to campaign stops in a bus named the “Straight. Talk Express”. McCain hopes the name will convince voters he plans to tell people the truth - whether its in fashion or not. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has chosen the campaign slogan “Let

30、the conversation begin”. She hopes it will help her appear open-minded and friendly. But one-liners, TV ads and campaign slogans all have a single key ingredient:something commonly called political “spin”. Brooks Jackson, a former journalist and the current director of the non-partisan(无党派的)website

31、FactCheck.org, calls spin “just apolite word for deception(欺骗). ”“I do believe that very often politicians believe their own spin,” said Jackson.”Strong partisans suffer from a universal human tendency:They ignore the evidence that would force them into the uncomfortable position of having to change

32、 their minds and admit that they were wrong. ”31Which statement is NOT true of one 1iners? AThey are unclear. BThey contain a lot of information. CThey lack substance. DThey are carefully constructed. 32What changed from l968 to 1996 ? APublicity. BInformation. CCommunication. DThe average soundbite

33、. 33The campaign slogan “StraightTalk Express” aims at convincing voters that the presidential candidate is Ahonest. Bfriendly. Copen-Minded. Dwarm-hearted. 34According to Brooks Jackson, all campaign slogans are Aattractive. Bimpressive. Cdeceptive. Dinformative. 35Which statement best describes st

34、rong partisans ? AThey are very funny. BThey are very healthy. CThey are very aggressive. DThey are very stubborn(顽固的). 第二篇A Tale of Scottish Rural Life Lewis Grassic Gibbons Sunset Song(1932)was voted “the best Scottish novel of all time” by Scotlands reading public in 2005. Once considered shockin

35、g for its frank description of aspens of the lives of Scotlands poor rural farmers. It has been adapted for stage, film, TV and radio in recent decades. The novel is set on the fictional estate of Kinraddie, in the farming country of the Scottish northwest in the years up to and beyond World War l.

36、At its heart is the story of Chris, who is both part of the community and a little outside it. Grassic Gibbon gives US the most detailed and intimate account of the life of his heroine(女主人公). We watch her grow through a childhood dominated by her cruel but hard-working father;experience tragedy(her

37、mothers suicide and murder of her twin children); and learn about her feelings as she grows into a woman. We see her marry, lose her husband, then marry again. Chris has seemed so convincing a figure to some female readers that they cannot believe that she is the creation of a man. But it would be m

38、isleading to suggest that this book is just about Chris. 1t is truly a novel of a place and its people. Its opening section tells of Kinraddies long history, in a language that imitates the places changing patterns of speech and writing. The story itself is amazingly full of characters and incidents

39、. It is told from Chris point of view but also from that of the gossiping community, a community where everybody knows eye, body elses business and nothing is ever forgotten. Sunset Song has a social theme too. It is concerned with what Grassic Gibbon perceives as the destruction of traditional Scot

40、tish rural life first by modernization and then by World War l. Gibbon tried hard to show how certain characters resist the war. Despite this, the war takes the young men away, a number of them to their deaths. In particular, it takes away Chris husband, Ewan Tavendale. The war finally kills Ewan, b

41、ut not in the way his widow is told. In fact, the Germans arent responsible for his death, but his own side. He is shot because he is said to have run away from a battle. If the novel is about the end of one way of life it also looks ahead. It is a “Sunset Song” but is concerned too with the new Kin

42、raddie, indeed of the new European world. Grassic Gibbon went on to publish two other novels about the place that continue its story. 36What is Sunset Song mainly about? AThe First World War. BThe beauty of the sunset. CThe new European world. DThe lives of rural Scottish farmers. 37Which statement

43、is NOT true of Chris? A She is the heroine of Sunset Song. B She had a miserable childhood. C She is the creation of a man. D She married only once. 38What is the opening section of the novel mainly concerned with? AThe climate of Kinraddie. BThe history of Kinraddie. CThe geography of Kinraddie. DT

44、he language spoken in Kinraddie. 39Who killed Chris husband, Ewan? AHis own troops. BThe French army CThe Germans. . DThe Russian soldiers. 40The word “Sunset” in the title of this novel most probably meansAthe end of the heroines life. Bthe end of the story. Cthe end of the traditional way of life.

45、 Dthe end of the day. 第三篇Centers of the Great European CitiesThe centers of the great cities of Europe are meeting places by tradition. People gather there to drink coffee and chat late into the night. A mixture of locals and tourists make for an exciting. metropolitan(大都市的)atmosphere. Squares, plaz

46、as(广场)and arcades(拱廊)form the heart of Europes cities. Venice in Italy has the Piazza San Marco - a beautiful square surrounded by shops, churches, restaurants and cafes. In Barcelona, Spain, La Bosqueria is a lively market with hundreds of stalls selling all kinds of goods. Londons Covent Garden is filled with fruit and vegetable stalls by day and musicians, acrobats(杂技演员)and artists by night. The government buildings at the center of many cities often are architecturally impressive. In London, they


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