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《高中英语2024届高考复习写作基础词汇升级高分词汇(共151组).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语2024届高考复习写作基础词汇升级高分词汇(共151组).doc(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语写作基础词汇升级高分词汇1.几天前:a few days agothe other day2.许多:a lot ofa large quantity/amount of3.充当,担当:act as work as, serve as4.总计,共达:add up toamount to5.尊敬;尊重:admire ,respect, show respect for6.建议:advicesuggestion,tip7.影响:affect have an effect/influence/impact on8.时期:age period, generation, time9.同意某人的观点

2、: agree with sb. share sb.s view/approve of sb./in favour of sb.10.帮助某人:aid/help/assist sbgive sb.a hand,/do sb. a favour11.目的:aimpurpose,/goal12.种类繁多的:all kinds ofa variety of/varieties of /various/a wide range of13.几乎;差不多:almost,nearlypractically/ all but14.向某人道歉:apologize to sb.make an apology to

3、 sb15.出现:appearoccur,/turn up16.赞成,同意:approve ofsubscribe to,/be in favour/ support of17.害怕:fearbe afraid of /be scared of/approve of18.反对: disagree with be against/object to/be opposed to19.生某人的气:be angry with sbbe annoyed with/ at sb/be cross with sb.20比更好:be better than be superior to21对厌烦:be bor

4、ed with/tired of be fed up with22.忙于:be busy withbe occupied in/with,be buried in/be engaged in23对有信心:be confident ofhave confidence in24控告:be charged withbe accused of25即将到来:be coming soonbe approaching/be around/round the corner26.热衷于:be crazy aboutbe keen on/be enthusiastic about27与不同:be differen

5、t from differ/vary from28渴望做:be eager to do be dying to do, long to do29胜任:be equal to be qualified for, be up to30因而闻名:be famous forbe noted/celebrated for, have a reputation for31适合:be fit for be suitable for , be appropriate for32擅长;精通;be good atbe skilled at/in , be expert at/in, have a good com

6、mand/knowledge of,33.有利于;有助于:be good for, be beneficial to, do good to, contribute to34.对有害: be bad for,be harmful to, do harm to, do damage to35.由构成:be made up ofconsist of, be composed of36.贵重的:be valuablebe of value37. 短缺:be short of a shortage of, be lacking in, a lack of38.结束:be over put.to an

7、end39.对负责:be responsible for take/shoulder bear responsibility for, be in charge of, take charge of40.富余/盛产:be rich in be abundant in41.伤心:be sadbe cast down42.一定会做某事:be sure/certain to do sth.be bound to do sth.43.沉迷于上网:be unable to stop surfing the Internetbe addicted to surfing the Internet44.习惯于

8、做某事:be used to doing sth.be accustomed to doing sth.45.疲惫的:be tired out be worn out, be exhausted be weary46. 因为:because of on account of47. 容忍:bear put up with, tolerate, stand48.呼吁,号召:call on/uponappeal to49.小心谨慎的:carefulcautious50.促成,导致:contribute to,cause result in, lead to, bring about51.机会:cha

9、nceopportunity52.选择:choicealternative53.选择,挑选:chooseselect, pick out54.种类:class category, kind, type55.评论,评价:comment(on)remark(on/upon), assessment56.常见的:commonuniversal57.考虑某事:consider sthtake sth. into consideration /account58.解决:deal with,do withaddress, solve, cope with59.决定做某事:decide to do sth.

10、, determine to do sth. make up ones mind to do sth.60.支持某人;替某人说话:defend sb.support sb., stand up for sb.61.指望,依靠:depend on rely on, count on62.细节:detaildescription63.提高:developpromote, improve, raise, increase64.驾驶:driveat/behind the wheel65.影响:effectinfluence, impact66.喜欢,爱好:enjoy,love,likebe fond

11、of, have bent for, have an amazing appetite for67.充足的:enoughadequate68.优秀的:excellentoutstanding69.期望做某事:expect to do sth. cant wait to do sth., desire to do sth. look forward to doing sth.70.面对:face be faced with, be confronted with71.特点:featurecharacteristic72.感到舒心:feel comfortablefeel at ease73.最终

12、:finallyeventually, last but not least74.第一:firstto begin/start with75.全神贯注于:focus onconcentrate on, be absorbed in, be devoted to, put ones heart into76.习惯;适应:get used to, get accustomed to adapt(oneself)to ,adjust(oneself)to77.好的:goodamazing, fantastic, superb, splendid, marvelous, absolutely gorg

13、eous78.分发:hand outdistribute79.发生:happenoccur,come about80.勤奋的:hard-workingdiligent81.拥有:have possess,be in the possession of,own82.有接触的机会:have access tobe accessible/ available to83.几乎不:hardlybarely84.关系密切:have much to do withbe closely related to85.我认为:I think,in my opinionas far as Im concerned86

14、.观点,主张:ideaopinion,view, point, attitude, belief87.如果:ifsuppose,supposing,on condition that88.总共:in allin total89.在一定程度上:in a way, in some waysto some degree90.处于危险中:in dangerat risk91.事实上:in fact,actuallyin truth, in practice, in reality, as a matter of fact92.立即:immediatelyin a flash93.重要的:importa

15、ntbe essential/vital/significant/ crucial,count,matter,be of importance/significance make sense, make a difference,be of much/vital/ great importance, be absolutely vital/essential, play an important role/part in ,attach much importance to94.不可能的:impossibleout of the question95.给留下印象:impress ,make/l

16、eave an impression on96.打断某人:interrupt sb.cut sb.short97.职业:jobcareer,employment,profession98.知道;意识到:knowbe aware of/that, be conscious of,99.取笑:laugh atmake fun of,100.动身去:leave forhead for, set off for101.位于:lie in be located in,be situated in102.喜欢:like, loveshow/take great interest in, be intere

17、sted in, be fond of103.照看:look after attend to, take care of104.构成,占(有):make upaccount for105.利用:make use of take advantage of106.许多:manya great/large quantity of, large quantities of107.重要:mattercount, be very important, be of importance, make sense, make a difference108.有意义的:meaningfulrewarding109

18、.古老的:oldancient110.老人:old people the old, the elderly, the aged, senior citizens111.提供某物给某人:offer sth.to sb. provide sb. with sth., provide sth. for sb, supply sb with sth. supply sth. to sb.112.唯一的:onlyunique113.为做准备:prepare for make preparations for, be prepared for114.承诺做某事:promise to do sth. com

19、mit oneself to doing sth.115.贫穷的:poor needy, poverty-stricken116.合适的:properappropriate, suitable117.适当地:properlyappropriately118.积极乐观的:positiveoptimistic119.存钱;把放在一边:put awayset aside120.实现,完成:reach,realizeaccomplish121.拒绝:refuse,rejectdecline, deny, turn down122.置若罔闻:refuse to listen to turn a deaf

20、 ear to123.记住:rememberbear/keep in mind替代:replacesubstitute124.后果:resultconsequence125.尊敬;尊重:respectshow respect for, look up to126.丰富的:rich abundant127.节省:saveset aside128.满足某人的需求:satisfy/meet ones needs/demands/requirements129.想到:sb.think(s)of sth.sth.occur(s)to sb., sth. strike(s)sb.,e(s)up with

21、sth130.看见:seecatch sight of131.第二:secondlyin addition, whats more132.着手做:set about doing sth. get down to doing sth., set out to do sth.133.缺点:shortcomingdrawback134.应该:shouldbe supposed to10135.因此:sotherefore136.有时:sometimesoccasionally, once in a while, from time to time137.把时间用于:spend(ones time)

22、doing sth. devote(ones time )to sth138.站起来:stand up get to ones feet139.饿死:starve to death die of hunger/starvation140.参加:take part in attend, participate in, join in, be present at141.与合作:team up with cooperate with142.区分:tell.from.distinguish.from.143.因某事而感谢某人:thank sb.for sth.be thankful to sb. f

23、or sth, be grateful to sb. for sth., express ones gratitude to sb for sth.144. 培养的能力:traincultivate145.理解:understandmake sense of, figure out146.使用:use employ, make use of, take advantageof, make the best of147.可用的:usableavailable148.用完:use uprun out of149.参观,拜访:visittour, pay a visit to, go to.for a visit150.重视,关注:valueattach great importance to, lay stress on, pay attention to, take notice of, take sth.seriously151.很,非常:very absolutely, extremely, highly extraordinarily ,considerably, incredibly4


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