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《高中英语2024届高考复习课标词汇高分写作词语1219(共两组).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语2024届高考复习课标词汇高分写作词语1219(共两组).doc(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语课标词汇高分写作词语(一)【知词义】reduce v.1.+object: to make (something) smaller in size, amount, number, etc.减少;缩小;降低(常用义)2.+objecta: to cause (someone) to be in a specified state or condition 使(某人)处于某种状态b: to cause (something) to be in a specified form by breaking it, burning it, etc.(通过破裂、燃烧等)使变成,使化为c: to f

2、orce (someone) to do something that causes shame, embarrassment, etc.迫使(某人)做丢脸的事3.+object: to describe (something) in a way that includes only some of the facts and details 简化;归纳【晓变化】reducible adj.正式可以简化的reduction n.(尺寸、价格或数量的)缩小,减少,下降【记搭配】a drastically reduced price 大幅降低的价格reduce sth (from sth) to

3、sth 把某物(从)减少到reduce sb to tears/ silence etc.使某人流泪/沉默等reduce sb to doing sth 迫使某人做某事;使某人沦落到做某事的地步reduce sth to ashes/rubble/ruins 把某物(尤指建筑物)化为灰烬/变成瓦砾/夷为废墟【仿佳句】It reduces the risks of heart disease.这降低了患心脏病的风险。Consumption is being reduced by 25 per cent.消费下降了25个百分点。The movies ending reduced them to t

4、ears.=made them cry影片结尾使他们潸然泪下。The crowd was reduced to silence.=became suddenly silent人群突然沉默下来。The reduced consumer demand is also affecting the companys profits.消费需求的降低也影响到了公司的利润。I reduced the problem to a few simple questions.我把这个难题简化为几个简单的小问题。Her argument can be reduced to a few essential points

5、.她的论据可以归纳成几个要点。We bought a television that was reduced (from 500 to 350) in the sales.我们在大减价时,以(从500英镑减至350英镑)很便宜的价格买了台电视。The medicine reduces the risk of infection.这种药物可降低感染的风险。We are trying to reduce our debt.我们正努力减少债务。The museum has been reduced to begging for funding.这家博物馆已经沦落到乞求经费的境地。Their hous

6、e was reduced to ashes =was completely burned/destroyed by the fire.他们的房子被大火烧成灰烬。The city was reduced to rubble/ruins by the bombing.城市被炸成了废墟。Stricter speed limit enforcement has reduced the number of car accidents.更加严格的限速力度减少了交通事故的数量。Her prison sentence was reduced from 15 years to 10.她的刑期从15年减到了10

7、年。【巧应用】1.教育如果孩子能自己完成任务,他们的自信心和责任感便会增强,从而减少对父母的依赖。If children can complete their tasks on their own, their self-confidence and sense of responsibility will grow, and this will _.2.科技无人驾驶能大幅降低交通事故数量,可能挽救数百万人生命。Autonomous vehicles can significantly _, saving millions of lives.3.环境如何减少工厂和汽车的碳排放量,已经成了越来越

8、重要的议题。The issue of _ carbon emissions from factories and cars has grown in importance.4.传统文化技术的发展使得保护和修复古建筑的难度大大降低了。Technological advances _ of protecting and repairing ancient buildings.5.青少年犯罪如果我们要降低青少年性犯罪率,在性教育方面应该更坦率。More openness is needed in sex education if we are to _ the sexual crime rate a

9、mong adolescents.6.健康在工作间隙站起来远眺有助于缓解视觉疲劳和背部病症的问题。Standing up and looking far away during work _ eyestrain and back problems.7.合作团队合作的真正意义在于,把不同能力的人组合在一起,取长补短,从而降低完成任务的难度。The true meaning of teamwork is to group people of different abilities to complement each other, _.8.成功在工作中要注意培养自己把难题简化为多个简单的小问题,并

10、逐一解决的能力。At work, you should develop your ability to _ and solve them one by one.【答案】1.reduce their dependence on their parents2.reduce the number of traffic accidents3.how to reduce4.have greatly reduced the difficulty5.reduce6.can help reduce7.thus reducing the difficulty of completing tasks8.reduc

11、e the problem to multiple simple questions(二)【知词义】restrict v.1.限制,限定(大小、规模等)If you restrict something, you put a limit on it in order to reduce it or prevent it becoming too great.2.约束,限制(活动或行为)To restrict the movement or actions of someone or something means to prevent them from moving or acting fr

12、eely.3.限制,限定(人或其行为)If you restrict someone or their activities to one thing, they can only do, have, or deal with that thing.If you restrict them to one place, they cannot go anywhere else.【晓变化】restricted adj.狭小的;有限的;(活动、能做的事)有限的,受限制的;(尤指在法律或规则上)受限制的,受约束的restrictive adj.限制(性)的,约束(性)的=limitingrestric

13、tion n.限制,规定,约束;(对大小、数量、范围的)限制【记搭配】restrict .to .把限定在内restrict yourself/sb to (doing) sth 限制自己/某人只做某事【仿佳句】There is talk of raising the admission requirements to restrict the number of students on campus.有传闻称将通过提高录取条件来限制在校学生的数目。The French, I believe, restrict Japanese imports to a maximum of 3 per ce

14、nt of their market.我认为,法国将把从日本的最高进口量限制在其市场总量的3%.Villagers say the fence would restrict public access to the hills.村民们说架篱笆能限制公众进山。The government imprisoned dissidents, forbade travel, and restricted the press.政府囚禁了持不同政见者,禁止出游,并且限制了新闻自由。These dams have restricted the flow of the river downstream.这些堤坝限

15、制了河水顺流而下。He was, however, allowed to stay on at the temple as long as he restricted himself to his studies.然而,只要他专心学习,他就可以继续留在寺庙里。The patient isnt restricted to a meagre diet.并没有限制这位病人少吃东西。For the first two weeks patients are restricted to the grounds.在头两周里,病人们只能在院子里活动。We restrict the number of stud

16、ents per class to 10.我们将每个班的学生人数限定为10人。Access to the club is restricted to members only.俱乐部仅对会员开放。【巧应用】1.教育学校和社会如果只在意考试分数,则会限制学生的全面发展。Schools and societies will _ of students if they only care about test scores.2.科技企图限制科技的发展以保持自己垄断地位的企业,最终都将走向没落。Enterprises that attempt to _ to maintain their monopo

17、ly will eventually go downhill.3.环境只有各国政府严格限制污染物的排放量,承担起应有的责任,全球环境问题才能得到有效的缓解。Only when governments _ the emission of pollutants and take up their due responsibilities can global environmental problems be effectively alleviated.4.传统文化对科技和现代科学的过分崇拜会限制传统文化的传播,这对于人民的民族自豪感是有损害的。Excessive worship of tech

18、nology and modern science would _ culture, which is detrimental to peoples sense of national pride.5.青少年犯罪父母应只允许孩子有限地接触互联网,因为互联网中大量存在着可能诱导他们犯罪的暴力内容。Parents should allow children _ to the Internet, for it is rife with violent content that can induce them to commit crimes.6.健康只吃某些特定的食物对于一个人的身体健康是极为不利的

19、。_ can be extremely detrimental to ones health.7.合作一个人的经验和能力是有限的,只有通过合作才能更好地解决问题。Only through cooperation can people solve problems better, as ones experience and ability are _.8.成功那些不把自己限制在固定思路里的人更有可能获得成功。Those _ are more likely to succeed.【答案】1.restrict the all-round development2.restrict the development of technology3.restrict4.restrict the spread of traditional culture5.restricted access6.Being restricted to a certain diet7.restricted8.who do not restrict themselves to a fixed mindset4


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