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《高中英语2024届高考复习课标词汇高分写作词语(共三组).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语2024届高考复习课标词汇高分写作词语(共三组).doc(5页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语课标词汇高分写作词语(一)【知词义】blind1.adj.not able to see 瞎的;失明的(to sth) not noticing or realizing sth (对某事)视而不见的,未察觉的usually before noun (of strong feelings强烈的感觉) seeming to be unreasonable, andaccepted without question; seeming to be out of control 盲目接受的;不能自制的2.v.sb to permanently destroy sbs ability to se

2、e 使变瞎;使失明sb/sth to make it difficult for sb to see for a short time 使眼花;使目眩sb (to sth) to make sb no longer able to think clearly or behave in a sensible way 使思维混沌;使失去判断力3.n.a covering for a window, especially one made of a roll of cloth that is fixed at the top of the window and can be pulled up an

3、d down 窗帘;(尤指)卷帘【晓变化】blindly adv.看不见地;摸黑地;未注意地;无视一切地;盲目地blindness n.失明;盲目【记搭配】turn a blind eye to 对视而不见be blind to sth.对视而不见,未注意到,未察觉【仿佳句】It was a moment of blind panic.当时一阵莫名的惊慌。The nations cultural relics chief is opposed to the blind reconstruction of old city towns.国家文物局局长反对盲目改造旧城。We mustnt let

4、our prejudices blind us to the facts of the situation.我们一定不能让偏见蒙蔽自己而看不清实际形势。He is blind to his own mistakes.他对自己的错误视而不见。The thick fog blinds us.大雾使我们看不见。He wanted to decide for himself instead of blindly following his parents advice.他想自己拿主意,而不是盲目听从他父母的意见。【巧应用】1.教育我们一定不能让对考试分数的追求蒙蔽了孩子对这个世界的好奇心。We mus

5、t not let the pursuit of test scores _ about the world.2.科技虚拟世界让我们变成了“低头族”,使我们看不到丰富多彩的世界。The virtual world has turned us into “phubbers”, _.3.环境这些破坏环境的行为虽然很可能在短时间内不会造成伤害,但正是因为这个原因,我们遭到了蒙蔽,以至于后来陷入深深的懊悔。Although these environmentally damaging practices are unlikely to cause harm in a short period of t

6、ime, it is for this reason that _ and eventually fall into deep remorse.4.传统文化随着科技的发展,我们开始觉得自己无所不能,但这种想法会使我们蒙蔽自己,使得我们不重视历史经验。As technology develops, we begin to feel that we are capable of anything, _ and make us unwilling to attach importance to historical experience.5.青少年犯罪很多年轻人受一些暴力电影的蒙蔽,以为暴力就是酷的

7、。_, thinking that violence is cool.6.健康很多人受一些错误观念的蒙蔽,认为健康的根本在于吃药,而不是有规律的饮食习惯和适量的运动。_ by some misconceptions, believing that their health relies on taking medicine, rather than regular eating habits and moderate exercise.7.合作我们有时候会被激烈的竞争蒙蔽双眼,变得眼光短浅,但其实合作与竞争是可以共存的。Sometimes _ and become short-sighted,

8、 but in fact, cooperation and competition can coexist.8.成功当一个人突然取得巨大的成功时,他往往会被蒙蔽,意识不到眼前的风险。When a person suddenly achieves great success, _, not seeing the risks ahead.【答案】1.blind childrens curiosity 2.blinding us to this colorful world3.we are blinded 4.but this kind of thinking will blind us5.Many

9、 young people are blinded by some violent movies6.Many people are blinded 7.we are blinded by intense competition8.he is often blinded(二)【知词义】demand1.n. (for sth/that .) a very firm request for sth; sth that sb needs (坚决的)要求;所需之物(of sth) | (on sb) things that sb/sth makes you do, especially things t

10、hat are difficult,make you tired, worried, etc.(尤指困难、使人劳累、令人担忧等的)要求(for sth/sb) the desire or need of customers for goods or services which they want to buyor use (顾客的)需求,需要2.v.to ask for sth very firmly 强烈要求to require (something) 需要【晓变化】demanding adj.要求高的;耗时的;费力的;苛求的;苛刻的;难以满足的【记搭配】in demand 大量需求on

11、demand 一经要求;需要时popular demand 大众要求;普遍要求meet the demand 满足需要;满足要求【仿佳句】We are seeing an increased demand for hospital beds.我们发现,医院床位的需求量在不断增加。Tickets for her concerts are always in great demand.她的演唱会门票总是需求量极大。Help is available 24 hours a day on demand.全天24小时及时提供援助。The circus will be back by popular de

12、mand later this summer.应广大观众要求,马戏团将在今年夏末回来演出。The math exam is so difficultit demands a lot of concentration.这个数学考试很困难需要大量的专注力。I demand to see the chef.Theres a fly in my soup.我要求见主厨。我的汤里有一只苍蝇。The librarian demanded that everyone (should) keep quiet.图书馆员要求每个人保持安静。【巧应用】1.教育你不能总是屈从于孩子们的要求。最好是让他们通过做一些家务

13、来获得他们想要的东西。You cant _.It is better to let them earn what they want by doing some household chores.2.科技取得科学突破需要很大的耐心、努力和牺牲。Making scientific breakthroughs would _.3.环境保护环境要求所有国家积极合作,严格遵守碳排放制度并彼此监督。Protecting the environment _, and they should abide by the carbon credit system while supervising each o

14、ther.4.传统文化跟很多人想象地不一样的是,传统文化元素比如服装、乐曲在年轻人中间非常受欢迎。Contrary to public belief, traditional cultural elements such as clothing and music _.5.青少年犯罪随着犯罪率的逐渐上升,对警察的要求也变得越来越高。As the crime rate rises, _.6.健康清洁牙齿并不难,但坚持是最难的。好的口腔健康需要持之以恒的努力,如果做不到这一点,你的牙齿就会越来越差。Cleaning your teeth is not that difficult, but sti

15、cking to it is the most difficult part.Good dental hygiene _, and failing to keep your mouth clean will make you suffer from poor oral health.7.合作高效的团队合作要求每个团队成员尽可能多地分享他们的想法,并尽最大努力实现共同的目标。Efficient teamwork _ and do their best to achieve the common goal.8.成功如果你总是能以别人难以想象的高标准来要求自己,那么就没有人能阻止你实现梦想。_, t

16、hen no one can ever stop you from realizing your dreams.【答案】1.give in to childrens demands all the time2.demand much patience, hard work and sacrifice3.demands the active cooperation of all countries4.are much in demand among young people5.there have been increased demands placed on police officers6

17、.demands constant efforts7.demands each team member share their ideas as much as possible8.If you demand more from yourself than anyone else could ever expect(三)【知词义】drain1.n.a pipe that carries away dirty water or other liquid waste 下水道;排水管2.v.(sth) to make sth empty or dry by removing all the liqu

18、id from it; to become empty or dry in this way 排空;(使)流光;放干to make sb/sth weaker, poorer, etc.by using up their/its strength, money, etc.使(精力、金钱等)耗尽sth to empty a cup or glass by drinking everything in it 喝光;喝干【晓变化】drained adj.排出水分的;干的;精疲力竭drainage n.排水;放水【记搭配】talent / brain drain 人才流失,人才外流【仿佳句】The r

19、iver drains into a lake.河水流进了湖里。She felt her anger drain away.她感到她的怒火逐渐平息下来。All the colour drained from his face when I told him the news.我把这消息告诉他时他脸色变得煞白。Fraud trials are often complex and have become an expensive drain on the public purse.诈骗案通常错综复杂,会给公共资金造成巨大损失。I feel totally drained of energy thi

20、s evening.今天晚上我感到耗尽了精力。The experience left her emotionally drained.这次经历使得她心灰意懒。The area has good natural drainage.这个地区有良好的天然排水系统。【巧应用】1.教育人们担心近年来兴起的留学热潮会导致严重的人才外流。People are worried that the rising trend of studying abroad in recent years will _.2.科技过度使用手机会极大消耗我们的精力,让我们很难集中精力在手头的工作上。_, making it dif

21、ficult for us to focus on the task at hand.3.环境这个国家很多曾经宽广的河流如今都干涸了,而水资源浪费的问题一直没有得到有效处理。_, but the problem of water wastage has not been effectively addressed.4.传统文化过去人们向往传统节日,因为他们在节日里可以吃大餐以及穿漂亮的衣服。但随着人们收入的提高,传统节日的气氛似乎消失了。In the past, people looked forward to traditional festivals because they could

22、have big meals and nice clothes at the festivals.However, as peoples income rises, _.5.健康IT行业大部分工作都让人心力交瘁,很多IT行业人员也因此遭受了亚健康问题。Most jobs in the IT industry are _, and many IT workers suffer from sub-health as a result.6.合作团队成员之间的恶性竞争如果不加以制止,会降低整个团队的工作效率和积极性。Vicious competition between team members, i

23、f left unchecked will _.7.成功失败会给人们造成多大的影响取决于他们的性格。如果他们消极悲观,那么一个很小的失败都可能让他们心力交瘁。The impact that a failure will have on people depends on their personalities.If they always see the world in a negative light, _.【答案】1.lead to a serious brain drain2.Excessive use of mobile phones will drain us3.Many of the once wide rivers in this country are now drained4.the festivity surrounding traditional festivals seems to drain5.physically exhausting and emotionally draining6.drain the team of its efficiency and enthusiasm7.then a small failure can drain them5


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