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《专题07阅读理解-5年(2018-2022)中考1年模拟英语真题分项汇编(福建专用)(原卷版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《专题07阅读理解-5年(2018-2022)中考1年模拟英语真题分项汇编(福建专用)(原卷版).docx(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、专题07 阅读理解(2022福建中考真题)On the afternoon of March 23, 2022, Chinese astronauts on board Chinas Tiangong space station gave a science lesson 400 kilometers above Earth. It was a great success. Do you still remember the first space lesson hosted by Wang Yaping in 2013? Helped by the other two astronauts,

2、 she gave the lesson to more than 60 million school children all over the country.While watching the science lesson from the Tiangong-1 on the morning of June 20, 2013, Wang Lutian, a 10-year-old disabled student at a special school in downtown Beijing, was drawing a colorful rocket with crayons in

3、his classroom. “Moonstarsa rocket to the sky,” Wang explained his work in a cheerful voice. At that time, he and more than 100 other disabled students were enjoying the lesson given by Wang Yaping, who talked about movements in micro-gravity(微重力)environments. “Zero gravity!” Qian Shaohong, another s

4、tudent at the school, shouted when he saw astronaut Nie Haisheng making a show of crossing his legs in mid-air. “Scientific knowledge has helped open a window for the children to know about the world,” said Zhang Yini, a teacher at the school.The lesson also increased interest in space science among

5、 teenagers living on the “roof (屋脊) of the world”. “I was most interested in the presentation of the water ball in a gravity-free environment. Its really amazing,” said Rigzin Jigme Doje, a high school student in Lhasa, Tibet. Describing himself as a lover of physics, Doje said the lesson helped him

6、 stay true to his dream of becoming a physicist.The lesson also encouraged other Tibetan school children to relate the mysterious world of outer space to their hometown.1The space lesson in 2013 was for _.AChinese astronautsBChinese teachersCschool children in ChinaDscientists all over China2Which p

7、icture shows Nie Haishengs body movement according to the text?ABCD3What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?AWang Yapings talk on micro-gravity environments.BThe influence of the space lesson on the disabled students.CThe efforts of the disabled students in a special school.DA 10-year-old students dream of

8、 sending a rocket to the sky.4What do we know about Rigzin Jigme Doje?AHe liked drawing stars.BHe talked a lot about his work.CHe was a primary school student.DHe was fond of physics.5After watching the space lesson, the Tibetan students _.Ahad a new view of their high schoolsBgot an amazing “water

9、ball” in spaceCincreased an understanding of the roof of the worldDdeveloped a deep interest in the world of outer space(2022福建中考真题)Success is often considered to be the opposite of failure. To teenagers, it is the achievement of a goal or completion of something they really need, such as good grade

10、s and the ability to get along well with their classmates. Some schools used to agree with most parents who measured (判定) the success of their children according to grades, but now they pay special attention to moral (道德的) education and character-building to make sure teenagers achieve success in bu

11、ilding human relationships.Schools give chances to students to discover their hidden ability so that they can enjoy some form of success. For example, those good at speaking skills are advised to take part in speech competitions while those interested in arts are expected to perform in front of thei

12、r classmates. Teenagers also get the pleasure of success when they join their favorite clubs.Teenagers are often told that success is not easy to achieve and that success lies in hard work. Great efforts have to be put into project work. Doing things much later than planned should be avoided as this

13、 will lead to a mountain of work which finally makes them nervous. Another good quality (品质) is a sense of responsibility which makes them remember that a task has to be completed.Sticking to moral values is the key to success too. Honest teenagers will win the trust of friends leading to good relat

14、ionships. Self-motivation (自我激励) is another quality to be developed, for self-motivated teenagers will have the strong will and drive to perform a task and finally get to enjoy a sense of achievement.6What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 1 refer to (指代)?ATheir classmates.BSome schools.C

15、Most parents.DTheir children.7Why are students given chances to take part in activities?ATo get good grades.BTo improve speaking ability.CTo express their love for arts.DTo get the pleasure of success.8What can we learn from Paragraph 3?AProject work makes teenagers nervous.BGood qualities will lead

16、 to a happy life.CTeenagers are advised to complete tasks in time.DTaking responsibility will make work much easier.9What is important for making students strong minded?AHonesty.BSelf-motivation.CCommunication.DFriends trust.10What can be the best title for the text?AThe Value of Moral EducationBThe

17、 Key to Discovering Hidden AbilityCThe Meaning of Success to TeenagersDThe Way to Communicate with Others(2022福建中考真题)Anna Brown was an artist who believed that it was important to help others. When she heard of a summer camp for children with serious illnesses, she came up with an idea. It cost mone

18、y for these kids to go to the camp, so Anna decided to see what she could do to help. It was impossible for her to donate (捐赠) a lot of money, so she had to think of another way.She wanted to take advantage of her love of art. So she started making and selling beautiful cards to raise money for thes

19、e kids. Because these cards were all handmade, it would take her a long time to make a lot of them. So Anna had another idea. She started inviting friends to her house to help her make the cards. At first her friends were hesitant. Many said that they were not artistic and didnt know how to make car

20、ds. But once they saw the beautiful materials that she had in her workroom, her friends felt more comfortable doing things such as drawing and cutting in order to make a new card.But the materials were expensive. To make money without spending money, Anna asked for and got donations of paper, glue,

21、scissors, and other things from nearby stores. She sold her cards for three dollars each in different art markets during the year. Anna raised more than $30,000 in her 10 years making cards.11What was Anna?AAn artist.BA doctor.CA worker.DA teacher.12What did Anna invite her friends to do?ASell cards

22、.BMake cards.CBuy materials.DDonate materials.13What does the underlined word “hesitant” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?A坐立不安的B犹豫不决的C兴高采烈的D心甘情愿的14Where did Anna sell her handmade cards?AIn her house.BIn her workroom.CIn nearby stores.DIn art markets.15Which of the following can best describe Anna?AK

23、ind-hearted.BPolite.CBrave.DHumorous.(2022福建中考真题)Welcome to School Dance ClubAre you tired of sitting too long? Do you want to be healthier? Join the School Dance Club and move your body!Choice of dances: folk, modern, pop, etc.Level of difficulty: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3Teachers:Helen White 13

24、 years of teaching experience Graduated from International Master Dance SchoolJohn Smith First prize winner of “Dancers on Stage” for 4 years starting from 2016Ken Power Skilled in different kinds of dance, especially in “fusion (融合)” danceWho to join: Aged 1215If you would like to be one of us, ple

25、ase kindly fill in the form and send it to Maria Coopers office before 18th March.16 The Dance Club best suits those who want to _.Abe healthierBbe quietCsing folk songsDlearn pop music17How many levels of difficulty does the Dance Club offer?A1.B2.C3.D4.18If you want to learn “fusion” dance, you ca

26、n choose _.AHelen WhiteBJohn SmithCKen PowerDMaria Cooper19Who can join the Dance Club?ATeachers with rich experience.BTeachers good at dancing.CStudents aged 10.DStudents aged 13.20The text is probably a _.AposterBdiaryCpoemDreport(2021福建中考真题)If you have to describe yourself to someone else, what w

27、ill you say? It can be difficult to see yourself from the outside, but knowing who you are, namely self-awareness, can help you understand feelings and make friendships closer. Self-awareness means having a good understanding of our own character, that is, having the ability to see ourselves clearly

28、. If youre self-aware, you may know that you love playing an instrument because you do well in it, and music makes you happy, or that you prefer watching TV on your own because it helps you relax. Knowing what you like and dislike, what you do well in and what you find difficult allows you to make b

29、etter decisions about friendships, schoolwork and so on. You learn to trust your own feelings more, which builds confidence (信心). The World Health Organization says self - awareness is one of ten important life skills that help young people live happier, healthier lives. Being self - aware doesnt me

30、an only thinking of yourself. By understanding your own feelings, you will better understand other people too. How do you learn to be self-aware? Its a good way to ask questions. But ask yourself questions that start with “What” instead of “Why” . So if you dont understand why you keep arguing with

31、a friend, ask yourself what you disagree on instead of why youre arguing. Learning to be more self-aware is a skill, which means you learn it as you grow. So be bold and try out new things, like playing a new sport or listening to different kinds of music. Dont be afraid to dislike somethingdiscover

32、ing what you find difficult is a key part of learning more about yourself.21What is the second paragraph mainly about?AWhat self-awareness isBWhat true happiness isCHow to find true happinessDHow to develop self - awareness.22Knowing yourself is important because _.Aitll make you think more of yours

33、elfBitll make you perform better at schoolCitll help you learn how to ask proper questionsDitll help you have a better understanding of others23What does the underlined word “bold” in the last paragraph probably mean in Chinese?A努力的B自豪的C大胆的D耐心的24Whats one of the keys to becoming more self-aware?ABei

34、ng in high spirits.BDiscovering your weak points.CHaving a taste for pleasant music.DLearning to get along well with others.25Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?AIt can be hard for you to know yourself well from others.BIt takes a lot of time and energy to develop close friendships

35、.CIt is important and necessary for you to make a right decision.DIt is a must to stick to your opinions when arguing with others.(2021福建中考真题)Ten-year-old Orion Jean has always known that kindness is important. He often practiced it by volunteering with his family. Last year, after entering the Nati

36、onal Kindness Speech Competition, he became crazy about it. Now he works to spread kindness everywhere through projects that help others. He calls his campaign (活动) the Race to Kindness. When a teacher told him about the competition, Orion had only 24 hours to write, memorize, and record his speech.

37、 In it, he talked about the importance of kindness. “Kindness is like spreading hugs around the world.” Orion said. He encouraged listeners to join him in doing small, kind acts for others. Orions speech won the competition. He used his $ 500 prize to support his first Race to Kindness project, a to

38、y drive for a local childrens hospital. He collected 619 toys. After that, Orion wanted to make an even bigger impact (影响). Working with others, he packed meal bags for people in need with a kind message in each bag. Orion also organized several events in his community. In all, he collected more tha

39、n 100,000 meals!Orion believes that everyone wins this race. He says, “If youre kind to someone else, it can make their day brighter and inspire them to pass on kindness. And then it just grows and grows, and it can make the world a better place. ”26Why did Orion start his campaign?ATo spread kindne

40、ssBTo win the competitionCTo take part in a raceDTo volunteer with his family27What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 probably refer to?AThe competitionBThe world.CHis speechDHis campaign28Which of the following has something to do with Orions campaign?ABCD29What did Orion do for his camp

41、aign?AJoined in a competitionBRecorded his speechCBuilt a hospitalDCollected over 100, 000 meals30Whats the main idea of the last paragraph?APractice makes perfect.BOne is never too old to learn.CBelieving in yourself is the first step to success.DRoses given to others, sweet smell left in your hand

42、.(2020福建中考真题)When Claire Vlases of Montana was in Grade 7, she learned about plans to modernize her middle school. Claire asked the school board(董事会)to add solar panels to the project because, she explained, clean energy would be helpful to a really modern school. The board liked the idea but said i

43、t could offer just $ 25,000-one-fifth of the cost. So Claire organized a group of kids and grown-ups who set to work raising the rest. They sold their second-hand books, put on talent shows and asked for donations(捐赠), even going door-to-door for them. One donated more than half the cost!After two y

44、ears of hard work, the group paid for the solar panels, which now provide one-fourth of the schools electricity needs-saving the neighborhood thousands of dollars. “My favorite part about this project was that one person could start something small and then the project could grow and have a big infl

45、uence on the community,” Claire said. “There are always going to be hard parts. When theres a challenge(挑战)presented to you, you can learn from it and use it as chance to overcome it.”31After knowing the project was still in need of money, Claire _.Araised $ 25,000Basked for more helpCsold old newsp

46、apersDdonated half the cost32What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph2 refer to(指代)?ASolar panels.BSecond-hand books.CShows.DDonations.33Which picture shows the change of the electricity cost after the use of solar panels?ABCD34From Claires words in the last paragraph, we learn that _.Ahard

47、 work was her favoriteBthe project went smoothlyCa small thing makes a big differenceDsolar panels cost a lot35What would be the best title for the text?AA Dependent GirlBA Modern SchoolCDont Waste EnergyDNever Give Up(2020福建中考真题)Frank and his brother Jack lived near the ocean. Frank was outgoing while Jack was shy. They liked doing different things. Frank was famous for organizing games of beach volleyball, football, and any other sport imaginable. Jack preferred to draw, paint, or build sandcastles(沙堡). Frank didnt understand why Jack w


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