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《专题03阅读理解-5年(2018-2022)中考1年模拟英语真题分项汇编(天津专用)(原卷版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《专题03阅读理解-5年(2018-2022)中考1年模拟英语真题分项汇编(天津专用)(原卷版).docx(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、专题03 阅读理解(2022天津中考真题)People in the office usually sit for most of the day when they work. But this is bad for a persons health. When people sit for too long every day, they dont move very much. So it is easy to start getting fat. Sitting too long is also bad for their work because it makes them want

2、 to sleep. When this happens, people may make more mistakes in their work or spend more time finishing their work. Companies need workers to be healthy, so how do they fix the problem?Some companies have different types of desks to help their workers. The first type of desk is the standing desk. The

3、 desk can be taller when a person wants to stand. It can also be shorter when the person wants to sit. Another type of desk is the walking desk. This desk is made so that a person can work while walking at the same time.Workers in the companies like the different types of desks very much. They think

4、 these desks are quite useful.1When people in the office work, they usually _.AsitBmoveCrunDsing2What does the word “fix” mean in Paragraph 1?ACause.BSolve.CBring.DDiscuss.3How many types of desks are mentioned in Paragraph 2?A2.B3.C4.D5.4What do the workers think of the different types of desks?ATh

5、ey are cheap.BThey are traditional.CThey are useful.DThey are expensive.5The purpose of the passage is to _.Atell us the reasons for sittingBshow the advantages of standingCintroduce desks that help people work betterDcompare companies that provide different jobs(2022天津中考真题)Tea and coffee are two of

6、 the most popular drinks in the world. However, people usually like one more than the other. These drinks also have very different uses.Tea drinking started in China over 4,000 years ago. Tea is made from leaves. These days, some people drink tea for health, using it to help with stress(压力) or losin

7、g weight. However, most people in tea-drinking countries think of tea as more than just a healthy drink. In fact, tea drinking in some countries is a part of the culture. In Turkey(土耳其), tea is always there when people meet. Whether in someones home or a company, tea is always offered as a way of we

8、lcoming. In the UK, homes and offices usually have tea time. Tea and other dishes are served at tea time in the afternoon. It is a way of relaxing with friends or co-workers(同事). Coffee came much later than tea, just over 1,000 years ago. Coffee is made from beans. Something in the coffee beans make

9、s a person feel active. Most people do not drink coffee to relax. Instead, they drink coffee to get going. Many people drink coffee in the morning to help them wake up. Others will also drink coffee during short breaks in the afternoon to keep going through the working day. Some people may visit cof

10、fee shops just to meet and talk with friends. However, many people in coffee shops drink coffee while working on their computers.Is tea or coffee more common in your country? Between the two, which do you like to drink more?6Where did tea drinking start?AIn Japan.BIn China.CIn Turkey.DIn the UK.7We

11、can learn from Paragraph 2 that people in the UK _.Adrink tea to get fatBoffer tea to say goodbyeCthink of tea as a bad drinkDhave tea to relax themselves8What is coffee made from?ALeaves.BSugar.CDishes.DBeans.9Which of the following is NOT true according to Paragraph 3?ACoffee came much earlier tha

12、n tea.BMany people drink coffee to wake up.CMany people work on their computers in coffee shops.DSome people meet and talk with friends in coffee shops.10What is the best title of the passage?AThe Smells of Tea and CoffeeBThe Prices of Tea and CoffeeCThe Different Cultures of Tea and CoffeeDThe Diff

13、erent Ways of Making Tea and Coffee(2022天津中考真题)Steve is James and Johns big brother. One day, when their mum left for work, James and John started crying. They didnt want her to leave. Steve tried to stop them crying and said, “Lets play hide-and-seek (捉迷藏). You hide and Ill count to ten. Then Ill t

14、ry to find you.” Steve found James under a chair and John behind a door. They played over and over again. Each time, the two boys hid in the same places. Finally, Steve felt too bored with the game. “Lets take the dog for a walk,” he said.When Steve walked the dog, he found James and John were runni

15、ng in the street. He thought it was so dangerous. Then he had an idea. “Anyone who walks back to the house with me can have some snacks!” Steve shouted.At home, the boys ate some cookies and got ready for a sleep. James and John wanted a story. Steve told them the story about the little red hen. Whe

16、n their mum returned home, she was pleased to find the three sleeping boys.11James and John started _ when their mum left home.AcryingBrunningCreadingDsleeping12Where did James hide during the game?AUnder a table.BUnder a chair.CBehind a door.DBehind a box.13Why did Steve feel bored with the game?AB

17、ecause he was not good at it.BBecause he didnt know where to hide.CBecause his brothers made the room dirty.DBecause his brothers always hid in the same places.14What were James and John doing when Steve walked the dog?AStaying in the house.BShouting at Steve.CRunning in the street.DEating some snac

18、ks.15How did their mum feel when she found the sleeping boys?AAngry.BPleased.CAfraid.DSad.(2021天津中考真题)There are many deserts (沙漠) on the earth. And the following are some facts you may find interesting. What are deserts like? Deserts can be hot and dry places. Rain may not fall there for months or y

19、ears. Some deserts are sandy and stony (多石的). Deserts can also be very windy places. The wind can change the shape of the deserts. It moves sand around from place to place. Temperatures in the desert can vary enormously(非常). During the daytime, the temperature may reach 40 even in the shade (阴凉处). A

20、t night, deserts can become very cold. In winter there may even be a frost (霜冻) in the early morning. Living in the desertThe camel is sometimes called “the ship of the desert”. It stores food in its hump (驼峰) and can go for days without water. It has large feet which help it not to fall into the so

21、ft sand. Its long eyelashes (睫毛) keep out the sand during sandstorms. An oasis is an area of the desert where water may be found. The water may be in pools or under the ground. People and animals visit an oasis for water and food. Plants grow at an oasis. Some farmers are able to grow crops here. Th

22、e Arabian DesertThe Arabian Desert lies between the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf. In some parts of the desert, it is too hot for people to live. Oil was discovered under parts of the desert and in the Arabian Gulf. This oil has made some countries in the area very rich. Much of the money has been sp

23、ent building fine cities with lovely parks and lakes, and people live a comfortable life there.16Which of the following can best describe deserts?AHot and dry.BSandy and rainy.CWet and stony.DWindy and snowy.17The word “vary” in the passage means “_”.Abe lowBbe highCbe similarDbe different18The came

24、l has long eyelashes to _.Astay cool in desertsBgo for days without waterChelp it not to fall into the soft sandDkeep out the sand during sandstorms19According to the passage, people and animals visit an oasis for _.Afrost and cropsBsand and stonesCwater and foodDmoney and oil20What is the best titl

25、e of the passage?AWhat is the weather like in deserts?BWhat do you know about deserts?CHow do people live in deserts?DWhere is the Arabian Desert?(2021天津中考真题)Im Kevin, a student of Grade 9. Most of my friends walk to school, but I like to ride my bike each day. I wake up at 7:00. After I wash my fac

26、e and eat breakfast, I throw the schoolbag on my back. Do I have my books and homework? Yes, I do. I take my bike, hop (跳)onto it and ride to school at 7: 30. “See you later. Mum,” I say. I pass my friends when I ride by. “Hi, Kevin!” they call when I pass. Mary does not want to ride with me. She do

27、es not like to wear a schoolbag. She likes to carry her books in her arms when she walks. She likes to kick the autumn leaves. But she likes to look at the flowers the best. Not me! I like to ride my bike to feel the fresh air in my face. When I get to school, I lock my bike in the bicycle park. I w

28、alk across the field to say hi to Mr Brown and wait for my friends in our classroom.21What grade is Kevin in?AGrade 6.BGrade 7.CGrade 8.DGrade 9.22What time does Kevin ride to school?AAt 6:30.BAt 7:00.CAt 7:30.DAt 8:00.23On her way to school, Mary likes to _ the best.Aride with KevinBlook at the flo

29、wersCwear a schoolbagDkick the autumn leaves24Why does Kevin like to ride a bike?ATo take his mum with him.BTo meet his grandpa.CTo feel the fresh air in his face.DTo show he is brave.25Where does Kevin wait for his friends?AAt home.BIn the field.CAt the school gate.DIn the classroom.(2021天津中考真题)Whe

30、n the days grew long in the middle of summer, Lisa liked to go to the park and watch the clouds. One day, Lisa saw a cloud that looked like a standing dragon. After a few minutes it became a flying dragon. Then it seemed to change direction. Another cloud moved in to mix with it, and the dragon chan

31、ged into a dancing elephant. Then it became a sitting dog then a barking(吠、叫)dog, and then a tiger. “This is better than TV!” Lisa shouted. Mr Thomas, the music teacher at Lisas school, was flying a kite with his son in the park. He heard Lisas voice. He gave the kite string(线)to his son and came to

32、 Lisa. “Hi, Mr Thomas!” Lisa said. “Look at those clouds. They keep changing! First they looked like a dragon, then an elephant, then a dog, and now a tiger!”Mr Thomas looked up. “A tiger?” he said. “That looks like a horse to me. Its running towards the sun, Thats so lively.”Lisa looked again. He w

33、as right! “How do clouds know how to make so many shapes?”The clouds dont know how to make shapes. Your imagination(想象力)helps you see those shapes in the clouds, “Mr Thomas answered as the horse changed into a chicken.”26What did Lisa like to do in the park in the middle of summer?ATrain her dog.BWa

34、tch the clouds.CFeed animals.DRead books.27Lisa found that “a barking dog” in the clouds changed into “_”.Aa dragonBan elephantCa tigerDa giraffe28What was Mr Thomas doing in the park when Lisa shouted?AStudying plants.BFlying a kiteCHaving music lessons.DPlaying tennis.29What did Mr Thomas think of

35、 the running horse in the clouds?AIt was strong.BIt was shy.CIt was noisy.DIt was lively.30According to Mr Thomas, what helped Lisa see different shapes in the clouds?ATradition.BSilence.CImagination.DEnvironment.(2020天津中考真题)People depend on plants. We use plants for food, cloth, shelter (住处), and e

36、ven the air we breathe (呼吸).Plants keep our air and water clean. Green plants give us oxygen (氧气). Oxygen is part of the air we breathe.Plants are also part of the water cycle (水循环). Most of the water that a plant takes in goes back into the air.Plants give us a lot of the food on the earth. Fruits,

37、 vegetables, and grains (谷物) come from plants. Without plants, we would not have bread, rice, carrots, apples, oranges, or bananas! Many people are growing plants to eat in their own gardens at home. Having your own garden helps the earth as well.When you grow your own fruits and vegetables, you hel

38、p cut down on pollution because big trucks dont need to take your food to shops. You also help reduce the amount of rubbish because you dont need to use bags for packing your food. You can just pick it out of the ground or off a plant and put it into a basket!Trees are an important plant resource (资

39、源). Trees provide wood to build homes and furniture. Trees are used to make lots of things around your home and at your school. And trees provide fruits that are good for you. Without trees, the earth would be a very different place.31_ is part of the air we breathe.ASunlightBWaterCFoodDOxygen32What

40、 happens to most of the water that a plant takes in?AIt goes back into the air.BIt stays in the plant.CIt goes into the ground.DIt stays in the river.33What does the phrase “cut down on” mean in Paragraph 5?ACause.BAccept.CReduce.DExpect.34What is the best title of the passage?AA Different PlaceBThe

41、 Uses of PlantsCFood on the EarthDGardens at Home35You would find the passage in _.Aan interesting novelBa book about animalsCa popular playDa book about nature(2020天津中考真题)Summer Fun at Happy Kids Learning CentreAre you looking for something that can add colour to your summer holiday? If yes, here a

42、re the summer courses that you cannot miss!Children Can CookThe course is to improve childrens knowledge in the kitchen. They will learn basic cooking skills, kitchen safety, and how to buy proper ingredients (原料) and follow steps in recipes (食谱). Children can sit comfortably and eat what they have

43、cooked at the end of each lesson.Little WritersThe course is divided into two parts. In the first part, children are introduced to famous stories and their writers. In the second part, they are taught to write their own stories. Children also get the chance to write other text types, such as poems a

44、nd plays.Acting for FunThis is a course that lets children enjoy the fun of acting. Through acting and speaking in front of people, children will be more confident. Parents are welcome to watch the performance (演出) given by the children at the end of the course.Watercolour PaintingThis course teache

45、s children the basic skills of painting people and animals. We encourage children to watch, imagine and create their own works.36What can children do in the cooking course?ASell the food.BBuy the bowls.CLearn how to cook.DEat what teachers have cooked.37How many parts are there in the writing course

46、?AOne part.BTwo parts.CThree parts.DFour parts.38Which course should children join if they want to be more confident?AActing for Fun.BWatercolour Painting.CLittle Writers.DChildren Can Cook.39What does the painting course teach?AThe importance of acting.BHow to buy proper ingredients.CFamous stories

47、 and their writers.DThe basic skills of painting people and animals.40The purpose of this passage is to encourage children to _.Acook a meal for their parentsBact with their parents in publicCjoin the summer courses at the learning centreDread more books during the holiday(2020天津中考真题)Dear Nicole,How are you? Do you enjoy your summer holiday? Im sure you do.Its been two weeks since I returned to New Zealand, but Im still thinking of the exciting city life in Hong Kong.


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