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《专题03阅读理解-5年(2018-2022)中考1年模拟英语真题分项汇编(北京专用)(原卷版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《专题03阅读理解-5年(2018-2022)中考1年模拟英语真题分项汇编(北京专用)(原卷版).docx(41页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、5年(2018-2022)中考1年模拟英语真题分项汇编(北京专用)专题03 阅读理解(2022年北京市中考英语真题)AWHO IS YOUR ROLE MODEL? WHY?My role model is my neighbor Ms. Li. She is in her eighties now but she is still young at heart. I often see her riding her bike in the park and she also spends time doing volunteer work. She helps me understand t

2、hat people wont be old if they still have a great love for life.AdamI miss Mrs. White most after primary school. She was our math teacher and always patient with us. She helped us to work out the answers ourselves, no matter how difficult the questions were. So Mrs. White is my role model, and I wan

3、t to be a teacher like her in the future.BettyNorman Bethune was a Canadian doctor. In 1938, Dr. Bethune came to China and helped treat the wounded. He often worked very hard without resting. Once, he managed to save over one hundred lives in sixty-nine hours. He is still remembered in both China an

4、d Canada today. So he is my role model.PeterYuan Longping is my role model. He is one of the greatest agricultural (农业的) scientists of our time. He worked hard to grow better rice to solve the problems of food shortage. It is sad that Mr. Yuan has left us, but his dreams are carried by many plant an

5、d agricultural researches.Emma21Who is Emmas role model?AMs. Li.BMrs. White.CNorman Bethune.DYuan Longping.22What does Betty want to be in the future?AA teacher.BA scientist.CA doctor.D A volunteer.23What do we know about Ms. Li?AShe worked in a hospital.BShe solved the food problems.CShe is old in

6、age but young at heart.DShe is very patient with her students.(2022年北京市中考英语真题)BI joined a band (乐队)as a drummer in my middle school. I thought it would be fun playing the drum and meeting new friends. At first it was easy, but a month later, it got difficult. I was the only one who couldnt keep pace

7、 (节奏)with the other players. Our teacher, Angie, singled me out to keep practicing while everyone else got to relax. I felt ashamed (羞愧的)as my teammates watched me fail so many times. Finally I got so tired of practicing that I didnt care about doing it right.“Are you giving up on me. Steve?” Angie

8、asked.“Yes, I am,” I shouted. Angie sent me inside the music room where I cried out. Then she came in and said. “Dont be sad. I believe you can make it!” She told me never to give up. She left me alone and I realized Angie was rightby giving up, I was also giving up on the team and myself.With her c

9、omfort, I decided to go on practicing. However, I still couldnt play well. Knowing my difficulties, my teammates gave me a hand. They spent about three more hours practicing with me every week. Thanks to their support and help, I began to keep pace with them. Later, we performed wonderfully in an im

10、portant show.In the whole process, I was taught that although we each had our own job to do in a show, it would take all of us working together to make the show great. I felt accepted and made great progress. I love everyone in the band. I cant imagine what my school life would be like without them.

11、24One month after he joined the band, Steve felt playing the drum was _.AfunnyBhelpfulCnoisyDdifficult25With Angies comfort, Steve decided to _.Ahave a good restBgo on practicingCgive others a handDstart another band26From his experience, Steve learned about _.Athe value of teamworkBthe effect of sh

12、owsCthe importance of hobbiesDthe power of music(2022年北京市中考英语真题)CWhat does it mean to be green? Green is more than just a color. It also means taking special steps to protect the environment. Buying a green product is a small step everyone can take. Deciding whether a product is green, however, isnt

13、 always easy. We need to consider the whole life cycle of the product even after its of no use. Here is what we may keep in mind.The materials of a product are usually our first focus (关注). What is it made of? Are there any harmful chemicals in it? Green products are made of more natural materials w

14、hich are free from harmful chemicals, so they can be good for our physical health.Packaging is important. How is a product packaged? Is it over packaged? Wed better choose glass, metal and paper packaging, as these can be reused or more easily recycled (回收利用). We can also look for less packaging or

15、even choose unbagged products whenever possible. Location (地点) matters. Where was a product produced? Where are we buying it? Think about how much energy was used to get it to us try to choose local products. When it comes to food, it is a good idea to order directly from local farmer, shop at marke

16、ts and buy fruits in season. Buying from stores near our houses is also a good choice, because we can go there without driving a car.Look into what the company tells us about their product. Its easy to say that a product is “green” or “all natural” but the words may be too good to be true. So, much

17、of the information about a product should be taken with a grain of salt. After all, companies try to make us believe that their products are environmentally responsible.The greenest thing is certainly the one we dont buy. Things like food and clothing are necessary for life. But many others are not.

18、 Better than buying is choosing to leave an unnecessary product in the store and doing without. It sends a message to the producer, keeps money in our pockets, reduces (减少) waste and keeps the planet healthy.27The writer would suggest choosing a product that is _.Aover packagedBdelivered from abroad

19、Clocally producedDmade of unnatural materials28The words “be taken with a grain of in salt” Paragraph 5 probably mean “_”.Abe easily understoodBnot be completely believedCbe widely spreadDnot be quickly forgotten29Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?ABuying GreenBRecycling

20、 WasteCKeeping HealthyDReducing Energy Use(2022年北京市中考英语真题)DA Pathway (路径) to Meaning in LifeWhen it comes to a meaningful life, we might think of love, happiness and health. A life filled with meaning is what most of us want for ourselves. Then, what makes a meaningful life?Many researchers agree th

21、at a meaningful life comes down to three factors (因素): having long-term goals, believing that ones life matters, and feeling that ones life fits together and “makes sense”.But we believe there is more to consider. Sometimes life enables us to experience small moments of beauty. When people are open

22、to appreciating (欣赏) such experiences, these moments may improve how they see their own life. We call this experiential appreciation (EA). EA is about the person feeling connected to events and being able to appreciate the value within the connection. It shows the discovery of and admiration for lif

23、es beauty.We recently set out to better understand EA in studies. We were interested in whether EA was also tied to general judgment of meaning in life. If so, it could be a factor for meaningfulness.In the first study, we had people rate (评估) their support for different methods of reducing stress.

24、We found that people who managed stress by focusing on their appreciation for lifes beauty also reported experiencing life as highly meaningful.In the next study, we asked people to rate the degree to which they agreed with various statements, such as “I appreciate the beauty of life” and “I appreci

25、ate little things in life,” as well as other statements that related to the three factors and a general sense of meaning in life. Our results showed that the more people reported that they were “appreciating life” and its many experiences, the more they felt their life was valuable.In the following

26、studies, we further looked at the connection between EA and meaningfulness. For example, we found that people who were asked to look back on the most meaningful event of the past week generally reported high EA in those moments.All the results proved our theory (假设) true. But putting it into practic

27、e can be difficult. Our fast-paced lifestyles fill the day with goals. We try to get the highest output both at work and in spare time. This focus on future outcomes makes it all too easy to miss what is happening right now. We should slow down and let life surprise us.30You were most probably in th

28、e EA condition when _.Ayou made a travel plan for the coming holidayByou hurried to serve the customers in the storeCyou practiced hard to become the best violinistDyou stopped to admire the roses by the roadside31What can we learn from the studies mentioned in the passage?AThinking back to the past

29、 weakens our sense of meaning.BEnjoying small things can influence our attitude toward life.CProper stress management is the key to living a satisfying life.DGood judgment on beauty improves connections among people.32What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?AIt is easier for results-driven peopl

30、e to achieve success.BWe often turn a blind eye to the present moment.CA fast-paced lifestyle helps us reach our goals.DFuture life will bring us many more surprises.33What is the writers main purpose in writing this passage?ATo explain how to discover beauty in life.BTo discuss what the true meanin

31、g of life is.CTo introduce a new factor for a meaningful life.DTo compare different factors for meaningfulness.2021年北京中考真题三、阅读单选AYoung Heroes for the PlanetNowadays, people around the world are working to help our planet. Check out how the four young adults made a difference. Saving PandasWhen Jack

32、was 11, he started a group to teach kids about pandas. He also sold toy pandas to raise money to protect pandas in danger. “I hope to encourage more people to care about pandas,” Jack says. Growing RightKathy, 14, set up an organization to educate people about growing right plant in right places. Sh

33、e also wrote a book to help people learn what plants are native to (本土的)their area. Creating EnergyAt the age of 12, Linda invented a machine called SuperE. It collects heat from fields to make electricity(电), Linda says her invention creates electricity in a way that is less harmful to the environm

34、ent. Cleaning UpPatrick, 13, joined the Ocean Heroes Camp last year. He started a project and picked up plastic waste around nearby lakes with his friends. The goal of the project was to fight plastic pollution. 21Who started a group to teach kids about pandas?AJack.BKathy.CLinda.DPatrick.22How old

35、was Linda when she invented SuperE?A11.B12.C13.D14.23What was the goal of Patricks project?ATo fight plastic pollution.BTo protect pandas in dangerCTo learn about native plants.DTo use heat to make electricity.B When I was in the eighth grade, my class was assigned(指派) to be friends with the second-

36、grade kids. I got this little girl named Shelley. The first time I saw her, she was silent and cold. She was small for her age, and she didnt play with the other kids in her class. I tried all kinds of things to get her to talk to me. I bought her toys, crayons and candies. But try as I might, nothi

37、ng worked. One time, I gave her a coloring book and said, “Shelley, now you can color at any time.”Shelley looked at the coloring book and then looked up at me, and finally looked away. By that, I didnt know how I was going to get through to the little girl, but I knew I wouldnt give up on her. One

38、Friday, I decided to tell her a story about my childhood. I told her that I felt lonely when I was with my classmates, and how I thought only my teachers liked me. I also told her that every day was a battle(战役) for me and I fought back tears so people wouldnt know how much I was hurting. She sat th

39、ere just listening, trying to decide whether I was lying or not. Finally, when my story ended, there were tears in her eyes. And then she did the unthinkable. She said, “Thank you.” From then on, Shelley was a different little girl. She started smiling and talking with other kids. Looking back at th

40、is, Im in awe(惊叹), because all I did was to help her realize that she wasnt alone. I didnt ask her to tell her story, because her story is my story.24What was Shelley like when the writer first saw her?ACold.BLazy.CNoisy.DSlow.25In order to get through to Shelley, the writer _.Awrote her a bookBmade

41、 her a toyCdrew her a pictureDtold her a story26Shelley changed a lot because she realized that _.Aher teachers loved herBher classmates were kindCthe writer understood herDshe had to study even harderCSchool Gardens Could Help Children Try More VegetablesIts not always enjoyable for children to eat

42、 vegetables. But what if a garden is built in the school? New research suggests that a gardening program in schools can increase childrens vegetable intake(摄入量) . How the Study Was Carried OutThe study was carried out in eight schools. Each school was in the gardening program for one school year. Ev

43、ery child in grades 3-5 received a total of eighteen 60-minute lessons across the school year. In the program, each school built a garden, where children learned to grow their own fresh produce, like fruit and vegetables. The Benefits Children Could GetThe study found that vegetable intake if the ch

44、ildren who grew their own produce increased greatly across the year. Related studies show that increased vegetable intake can improve health and cut the risk of chronic diseases(慢性疾病). Not only are there benefits to health, increasing the variety of vegetables children are exposed(接触)to may also mak

45、e mealtimes much easier.” Children who are often exposed to a variety of vegetables are more likely to try new foods,” explains Dr. Kerry Jones. For children, growing their own food is a powerful tool to increase their intake of the food. 28 Any opportunity to expose children to more vegetables is m

46、eaningful. “If children are learning about vegetables at school, its important to encourage this interest,” says Jones. Parents can listen to their children about what they have learned and read the handouts they bring home from school. Parents and children can also read books together. Younger chil

47、dren can enjoy reading stories about vegetables with parents who offer useful messages. Older children may enjoy searching through cookbooks with parents to find new dinner ideas to cook vegetables in a tasty way. Besides, a small planter box in a sunny part at home can encourage children to underst

48、and more about where their food comes from. Teaching children to grow their own produce is a great way to increase their preference for the produce. If children are taught to enjoy vegetables early in life, they will probably continue eating vegetables in the long term.27What did children do in the gardening program?AThey did research on new plants.BThey grew fresh produce at school.CT


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