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《2022年中考英语二轮复习讲练测专题8名词(解析版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年中考英语二轮复习讲练测专题8名词(解析版).docx(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、专题8 名词.单项选择1.(2020 广西贺州市平桂年中考模拟)There is a beautiful alarm clock in the little _ bedroom. She likes it very much.A. girl B. girlsC. boyD. boys【答案】B【解析】“”表示是个女性,根据选项是女孩,名词s所有格形式。2.(2021 安徽阜阳市太和县中考模拟)-Oh, my God! We have missed the last bus. What shall we do?-Im afraid we have no but to take a taxi.A.

2、 decision B. choice C. purpose D. reason【答案】B【解析】choice 意为“选择”,符合句意;decision 意为“决定”;purpose 意为“目的,意图”;reason 意为“理由,原因”,均不符合句意。3.(2021 浙江省温州市第十二中学中考四模) As a of Wenzhou, Mount Yandang attracts many tourists to take photos there.A. custom B. symbol C. memory D. standard【答案】B【解析】“Mount Yandang”吸引了无数游客来温

3、州来拍照,说明它是温州的“标志”物。4.(2022 江西中考模拟卷七)-Could you show me how to operate the machine? -Read the _ first and then follow it.A. instruction B. introduction C. condition D. production【答案】A【解析】A操作说明;B 介绍;C条件,情况;D.产品。根据后文的follow it 可知是如何操作这个机器。由各项选项的意思可知,A项是表示操作说明。5.(2022 江西中考模拟卷五)To his _, all the students

4、put on their hands to answer his question.A. headache B. surprise C. risk D. interest【答案】B【解析】根据题意,所有学生都举手回答他的问题,再结合四个选项,可知,这使他“意外或吃惊”。6.(2022 山东济南学业水平测试四)-Mary, whats your favorite_?-I like P.E. best. I can play tennis wellA.school B.color C.subject D.sport【答案】C【解析】根据答句的体育课,可知上文说的是“课目”。7.(2022 牛津译林

5、版中考模拟测试一)Wang Yaping and Liu Yang are our _ in China. Were proud _ them.A. Women astronauts; of B. woman astronauts; of C. women astronauts; in D. woman astronauts; in【答案】A【解析】“woman”的复数形式为“women”它构成的名词词组需要前后的名词都同时变为复数。后填考查“be proud of”词组。8.(2022 山东济南人教版学业水平测试四)-The shoes are not the right _ for me.

6、 They are too small.-Shall I get you another pair?A. price B. color C. size D. material【答案】【解析】根据“too small”可知说的是“尺码”。9.(2022 中考英语复习综合提优练习)-Michael, could you tell me the way to Haian Museum?-Sorry. But you can download a map app on your phone that can show you _ and guide you to where you want to g

7、o.A.conversation B.location C.invention D.introduction【答案】B【解析】问句是询问如何找路的,答是在手机上用APP,它可以给你指出“位置”还可以指导如何走。 10. (2020 天津)Every year many foreign friends come to see the_ of Tianjin, such as Tianjin Eye and Haihe River.A. concerts B. plays C. cartoons D. sights【答案】D【解析】根据句意可知,每年许多外国人来天津看“风景”,“ sight”作风

8、景,有复数形式。 11.( 2020河北)In a restaurant, people usually choose food and drink from the_ .A. book B. menu C. newspaper D. magazine【答案】B【解析】分清四个选项意思,A为书本,B为菜单,C为报纸,D为杂志。12.(2020山东日照)As the saying goes, “ Where there is a will, there is a_.” A. wish B. road C. way D. key 【答案】C【解析】固定搭配,“有志者,事竟成。”只能平时都记忆,常使

9、用。13.(2020山西)As you listen, you can write down the key information such as names and numbers. The _ will help you understand and remember what you hear.A. notes B. photos C. letters【答案】A【解析】分清选项意思很重要,前文说记下听到的信息,那么后面的“ notes”与它一致。14.(2020阜阳颍泉区模拟) The spring is coming! You can see flowers _ in the par

10、k. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere 【答案】C【解析】春天来了,公园处处看到花。A.为某处,B用在否定句或疑问句的多,D为没有地方。15.(2021 牡丹江、鸡西)Me and My Motherland is a famous movie and I have seen it twice in the _.A. bankB. cinemaC. supermarket【答案】B【解析】 bank银行;cinema电影院;supermarket超市。根据“Me and My Motherland is a famous mov

11、ie”可知要在电影院看电影。故选B。16.(2021 扬州)- We can always find something good in a bad _ if we look for it. -Its so true. Lets make full use of what comes.A. situationB. directionC. instructionD. competition【答案】A【解析】 situation情况;direction方向;instruction指导;competition比赛。根据“We can always find something good in a b

12、ad”可知,此处指“在不好的情况下/在逆境中”,故选A。17.(2021 盐城)Yuan Longping and his team have solved the problem of _ for many people.A. hungerB. healthC. pollutionD. population【答案】A【解析】hunger饥饿;health健康;pollution污染;population人口。根据“Yuan Longping and his team have solved the problem offor many people.”和常识可知,袁隆平和他的团队解决的是饥饿

13、问题,故选A。18.(2021 南通)-Have you decided what to write about Gulliver in Lilliput in the report?-Im not sure. Maybe I need to read some _ about it before writing.A. reasonsB. rewardsC. resultsD. reviews【答案】D【解析】 reasons理由;rewards奖励;results结果;reviews评论。空格后的it指代前文提到的“Gulliver in Lilliput”,结合“Im not sure”可

14、知,并不太确定写什么,所以需要参考一些有关它的评论,故选D。19. (2021 江西) Your leg looks really bad! I think you should send for a _ about that.A. pilotB. doctorC. singerD. postman【答案】B【解析】pilot飞行员;doctor医生;singer歌手;postman邮递员。根据“Your leg looks really bad!”可知,应该是叫医生来。故选B。20.(2021 安徽)-Have you ever heard “A thousand mile journey

15、begins with the first _”?-Yes. Its a famous Chinese saying by Laozi.A. classB. stepC. breakD. exam【答案】B【解析】class班级;step步;break休息;exam考试。根据“A thousand mile journey begins with the first”可知,此处表示“千里之行始于足下”,故选B。21.(2021 长春)We used to buy things in the _ but now we usually do it online.A. shopB. museumC.

16、 bankD. library【答案】A【解析】shop商店;museum博物馆;bank银行;library图书馆;根据“buy things”及常识可知,买东西应在商店,故选A。22.(2021 抚顺、本溪、辽阳)_ can make people happy and want to make greater progress.A. FearB. PraiseC. DoubtD. Regret【答案】B【解析】Fear害怕;Praise表扬、赞扬;Doubt怀疑;Regret后悔。根据空后“can make people happy and want to make greater pro

17、gress.”可推知,应是表扬可以让人开心并且想要取得更大进步。故选B。23.(2021 锦州)-What _ can you give me on my future study?-Believe in yourself. You can do it.A. news B. adviceC. attentionD. information【答案】B【解析】 news新闻;advice建议;attention注意;information信息。根据“Believe in yourself. You can do it”可知,是询问有关学习的建议,故选B。24.(2021 山西)-Jenny, I

18、cant solve the problems by myself. What should I do?-Maybe working in groups is a good _.A. methodB. surveyC. report【答案】A【解析】 method方法;survey调查;report报告。根据“I cant solve the problems by myself. What should I do”及“Maybe working in groups is a good”可知,是提供解决这件事情的办法,故选A。25.(2021 天津)His beautiful music ha

19、s brought _ to people all over the world.A. difficultyB. pleasureC. weatherD. danger【答案】B【解析】 difficulty困难;pleasure快乐;weather天气;danger危险。根据“His beautiful music”,结合选项,可知优美的音乐可以给全世界的人带来快乐,故选B。26.(2021 昆明)Zhang Guimei started the first free senior high school for girls to help them get an _ in Lijiang,

20、 Yunnan.A. educationB. invitationC. informationD. Imagination【答案】A【解析】 education教育;invitation邀请;information信息;imagination想象。根据“Zhang Guimei started the first free senior high school for girls”可知在高中是接受教育。故选A。29.(2021 乐山)-Hello! May I speak to Tony, please?-Sorry, Im afraid you have the wrong _.A. tel

21、ephoneB. nameC. number【答案】C【解析】telephone电话;name名字;number数字。根据上句“Hello! May I speak to Tony, please?”可知,是双方在打电话;根据答语“sorry”提示可知,应是打错电话号码了。故选C。28.(2021 重庆B)June 1st is _ Day.A. ChildrenB. ChildrensC. ChildD. Childs【答案】B【解析】Childrens Day儿童节,固定表达。故选B。.完形填空(2021 盐城)Red Packets in Chinese CultureGiving Ho

22、ngbao (red packets) is a tradition in China. Traditional red pockets are often decorated with gold Chinese characters(汉字), such as _16_ and wealth.How red packets are usedDuring Chinese New Year, _17_ is (are) put inside red packets which are then handed out to younger generations by their parents,

23、grandparents, relatives, and even close neighbours and friends.The _18_Red represents luck and good fortune in Chinese culture. That is _19_ red packets are used during Chinese New Year and other celebrations. How to give and receiveGiving and receiving red packets is a _20_ act. Therefore, red pack

24、ets are always _21_ and received with both hands. Someone who receives a red packet at Chinese New Year or on his or her birthday should not _22_ it in front of the giver. _23_, things are different at a Chinese wedding, where the guests usually give the red packets to the attendants and sign _24_ n

25、ames on a large scroll ( long piece of paper). The attendants will open the packets at once, _25_ the money inside, and record it on a register(登记簿) next to the guests names. The amount(数量)The amount of money is relative to your relationship to the person who receives-the _26_your relationship is, t

26、he more money is expected. Anyway, it is not the amount of the money that matters, but the care and love you hold for others .What not to giftCertain amounts of money are to be _27_. Anything with a four is not good because four sounds similar to _28_ in Chinese. Even numbers(偶数), except four, are b

27、etter than odd-as good things are believed to come in _29_. For example, gifting 20 is better than 21.The money inside a red packet should _30_ be new. Folding the money or giving dirty or wrinkled bills is in bad taste. Hongbao is a symbol of love from others, as well as a sign of good luck.16. A.

28、praiseB. dreamC. happinessD. advice17. A. paperB. moneyC. lettersD. notes18. A. colourB. sizeC. shapeD. history19. A. whenB. whyC. howD. where20. A. strangeB. simpleC. smartD. serious21. A. presentedB. filledC. coveredD. gathered22. A. watchB. hideC. openD. accept23. A. MoreoverB. HoweverC. Otherwis

29、eD. Besides24. A. hisB. theirC. yourD. our25. A. countB. changeC. chooseD. collect26. A. worseB. harderC. closerD. wider27. A. avoidedB. increasedC. affordedD. returned28. A. birthB. fearC. deathD. envy29. A. groupsB. rowsC. teamsD. pairs30. A. sometimesB. neverC. seldomD. always【答案】16. C 17. B 18.

30、A 19. B 20. D 21. A 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. C 29. D 30. D【解析】16. C.praise赞扬;dream梦想;happiness幸福;advice建议。根据常识可知,红包意味着好的事物,象征着幸福和财富。17. B. paper纸;money钱;letters信;notes笔记。根据常识可知,新年红包里会放钱,故选B。 18. A.colour颜色;size尺寸;shape形状;history历史。根据“Red represents luck and good fortune in Chinese cul

31、ture.”可知,本段介绍红包的颜色。19B.when何时;why为什么;how如何;where哪里。分析“That isred packets are used during Chinese New Year and other celebrations.”可知,此处强调红包是红色的原因。20D. strange奇怪的;simple简单的;smart聪明的;serious严肃的。根据“Therefore, red packets are alwaysand received with both hands.”给红包和收红包用双手,可知,收发红包是一种严肃的行为,21A. presented颁

32、发;filled填满;covered覆盖;gathered聚集。根据“Therefore, red packets are alwaysand received with both hands.”可知,与用双手接红包对应的是用双手送红包。22C.watch观看;hide隐藏;open打开;accept接受。此处与后文“The attendants will open the packets at once”形成对比,不会马上打开红包。23B. Moreover此外;However然而;Otherwise否则;Besides此外。根据“things are different at a Chin

33、ese wedding”可知,两句话构成转折关系,前者不能当着给红包的人拆红包,而婚礼则不一样。24B.his他的;their他们的;your你的/你们的;our我们的。此处指参加婚礼的人,“他们的”符合语境。25A.count数;change改变;choose选择;collect收集。根据“and record it on a register”可知,数好钱再把金额登记在册。26C.worse更差;harder更难;closer更近;wider更宽。根据“theyour relationship is, the more money is expected”可知,关系越亲近,给的红包就越大。

34、27A.avoided避免;increased增加;afforded买得起;returned归还。根据“Anything with a four is not good”可知,有些数字需要避免,比如含有4的数字。28C.birth出生;fear害怕;death死亡;envy嫉妒。根据“because four sounds similar toin Chinese”和常识可知,4在中文里听起来和死亡很像。29D.groups组;rows排;teams队;pairs双。根据“Even numbers(偶数), except four, are better than odd-as good th

35、ings are believed to come in”可知,人们相信好事成双。30D.sometimes有时;never从不;seldom很少;always总是。根据“Folding the money or giving dirty or wrinkled bills is in bad taste.”把钱折叠或者用皱了的钱不好,可知,红包里的钱应该总是新的。.阅读理解(2021 陕西)Look at the Earth from space. Why does our planet look so blue? Its blue because water covers almost t

36、hree quarters of the Earths surface. Water is not just an important part of our planet. It is an important part of our body, too. More than half of our total body weight is water. Our body loses water whenever we exercise or go to the toilet. Thats why we need to drink plenty of water every day. We

37、drink water. We use it to cook, clean, and carry waste out of our homes. Farmers use it to grow vegetables and crops like rice and corn; factories use it to make products. Since the 1950s, the amount(数量)of water people use has increased by three times. But the water supply(供应)hasnt. Scientists worry

38、 that soon there wont be enough water for us, as well as for the animals and plants that share our world. What can we do to help? Use water wisely. Having enough water isnt our only problem. We also need it clean. Right now, ships and factories are putting wastes into seas, rivers and so on. Even ch

39、emicals that farmers use are running into rivers and lakes. All this pollution can make the water dangerous to drink. It can also harm fish and other water-living lives. We must do something to stop pollution. Its the best way to protect our worlds most valuable natural resource(资源).24. How many imp

40、ortant areas of water are mentioned in Paragraph 1?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.25. The underlined sentence “We also need it clean” in Paragraph 4 means” _.”A. We also need water to wash thingsB. We also need water that looks cleanC. We also need to keep water cleanD. We also need to discover clea

41、n water26. This passage was written to _A. ask people to value waterB. advise people to drink more waterC. introduce the uses of waterD. describe the situation of water supply【答案】24. B 25. C 26. A【解析】24B.根据“Water is not just an important part of our planet. It is an important part of our body, too”可

42、知,水不仅仅是地球的重要组成部分,它也是我们身体的一个重要部分;一共提到了两个水资源的重要区域。25C.根据下文“Right now, ships and factories are putting wastes into seas, rivers and so on”可知,下文讲述了水污染的情况,所以我们必须要保持水资源是干净的,划线句子与C选项的句子同义。26A.根据“We must do something to stop pollution. Its the best way to protect our worlds most valuable natural resource”可知

43、,作者的目的是让人们珍惜水资源。.阅读回答问题(2021 海南)阅读下面短文,按要求完成下列各题 It is nine oclock on Sunday evening. Anna isnt listening to her favorite pop music. Instead, she is reading a book called The call of the wild. For one thing, Ms. Woo, her teacher asked her to write a report about the book. For another, the book is so

44、 wonderful that she cant wait to finish it.51 What does Anna think of The call of the wild?(根据短文内容回答问题)_52. Who wrote the book The Call of the wild?(根据短文内容回答问题)_53. How many owners of Buck are mentioned in the passage?(根据短文内容回答问题)_54. In the passage, the underlined word “He” refers to _.55. What do

45、you think may happen to buck next?(不超过20个词)_【答案】51. Its wonderful./Wonderful /The book is so wonderful that she cant wait to finish it. /She cant wait to finish it. 52. Jack London. 53. Three /3. 54. the dog /Buck. 55. Buck returns to the nature, and becomes the king of the wolves in the wild.【解析】51.根据“ For another,


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