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《【中考真题】2022年甘肃省甘南州中考英语试卷(附答案).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【中考真题】2022年甘肃省甘南州中考英语试卷(附答案).docx(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年甘肃省甘南州中考英语真题学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、单项选择1.We know that there isU in the word usually”.A.B. anC.the2.Lucys favoriteis red.A.fruitB. colorC.juice3.ItA.cantB. might notC.must4.Its raining and cold outside. You shouldyour jacket.A.take offB , take inC.put on5.You will let your parents down if youthe exam.A.w

2、ill failB. failedC.fail6.Please be quiet! The studentsan English class.A.haveB , are havingC.will have7.Welcome you all to Guangyuan and enjoyhere.A.youB, yourC.yourselvesIs that Jack over there?be him. He is having a piano lesson now.8.What time do you usually go to bed?about 9:00.A. AtB. InC.On9.

3、On hisbirthday, he got the first gift from his best friend.A. eightB , eighthC. the eighth10.does Tina go to the library?She goes there twice a week.A. How oftenB , How soonC. How far二、完形填空Zhang Liang11from Beijing. Now he works in Gannan. He is 12He teaches music in a middle school. He is handsome

4、and always helps others. So his参考答案:1. A【详解】句意:我们知道在单词“usually”里有一个字母W考查冠词辨析。此处表示泛指,且字母u是以辅音音素开头的,故选A。2. B【详解】句意:露西最喜欢的颜色是红色。考查名词辨析。fruit水果;color颜色;juice果汁。根据“red”可知红色属于颜色。故选B。3. A【详解】句意:那边那个是杰克吗? 不可能是他。他现在正在上钢琴课。考查情态动词can表示推测。cant不可能,不可以;might not可能不;must必须。根据“He is having a piano lesson now.”可知,杰克

5、正在上钢琴课,因此推测“不可能”是他,应用情态动 词can*。故选A。4. C【详解】句意:外面又冷又下雨。你应该穿上夹克。考查动词短语。take off脱下;take in吸收;put on穿上。根据“cold outside.”可知外面冷,应 该要穿上夹克,故选C。5. C【详解】句意:如果你考试不及格,你会让你父母失望的。考查动词时态。if引导的条件状语从句,遵循“主将从现”,从句用一般现在时,故选C。6. B【详解】句意:请安静!学生们正在上英语课。考查动词时态。根据提醒语“Please be quiet!”可知正在上英语课,需用现在进行时。故选B。7. C【详解】考查物主代词用法。句

6、意:欢迎你们所有的人来广元,愿你们在这里玩得愉快。A. you你,你们,是人称代词;B. your你的,是物主代词;C. yourselves你们自己,是反 身代词。短语enjoy oneself,意为玩得愉快,根据前面的you all可知是复数反身代词,用 yourselves, 故选 C。8. A【详解】句意:你通常什么时候睡觉? 大约9点。考查时间介词辨析。at后接具体时刻;in后接某年某月某季节;on后接具体一天。“9:00” 是具体的时刻,故选A。9. B【详解】句意:在他八岁生日那天,他从他最好的朋友那里得到了第一份礼物。考查序数词。eight八,基数词;eighth第八,序数词。

7、根据On his. .birthday”可知,此处 用序数词表示顺序,序数词前有形容词性物主代词his,省略the,故选B。10. A【详解】句意:Tina多久去一次图书馆? 她一周去两次那里。考查特殊疑问句。how often多久一次;how soon多久;how far多远。根据答语twice a week” 可知,是对频率进行提问,故选A。11. A 12. B 13. B 14. B 15. B【导语】本文主要介绍了张亮的个人信息,爱好以及他女儿的情况。11 .句意:张亮来自北京。comes动词三单;come动词原形;coming动名词。此句是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单 数形式,动词

8、用三单,故选A。12 .句意:他是一名老师。a driver一名司机;a teacher一位老师;a farmer 一位农民。根据He teaches music in a middle school”可知,他是一名老师,故选Bo13 .句意:所以他的学生和同事都很喜欢他。he他,人称代词主格;him他,人称代词宾格;his他的,物主代词。此空位于动词like后,应填宾格him,故选B。14 .句意:他足球踢得很好。good好的;well好地;badly差地。此空修饰动词play,应用副词。根据“Mr Zhang likes playing football”可推断,足球踢得好,故选B。15

9、.句意:她喜欢看动画片。see看;watching观看;looking at看。根据“cartoons”可知,止匕处用watch cartoons表示“看动 画片故选B。16 . A 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. B 21. C 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. A【导语】本文讲述了斯蒂菲在一家大型购物中心工作时,遇到一位老人丢失了里面只有他妻 子照片的钱包的故事。16 .句意:斯蒂菲在一家大型购物中心当销售人员。as作为;of的;for为了。根据“a salesperson(售货员)”可知考查固定短语work as担任工作”,故选A。17 .句意:七夕节马上就要到了,

10、所以她这几天很忙。angry 生气的;busy 忙碌的;sad 伤心的。根据Chinese Valentines Day(情人节)was coming soon” 可知七夕节要到了,所以会很忙,故选B。18 .句意:很多人来这里买礼物。food食物;gifts礼物;books书本。根据in a big shopping mall”结合七夕节要来了可知,很 多人来这里买礼物。故选B。19 .句意:明天会有新衣服到,所以她需要把架子上的旧衣服拿走,因为没有足够的空间了。 unless 除非;if 如果;because 因为。根据“so she needed to take the old clot

11、hes from the shelves(架 子)there was no enough space”可知因为没有足够的空间了,所以她需要把架子上的旧衣服 拿走。故选C。20 .句意:衣服到处都是。anywhere 任何地方;everywhere 每处;somewhere 某地。根据The clothes were.结合there was no enough space”可知衣服到处都是,故选Bo21 .句意:下午,当她正忙着整理衣服时,一位老人向她走来。make动词原形;made动词过去式;making动名词。be busy doing sth“忙于做某事”,为固定 短语。故选C。22 .句

12、意:他看起来很沮丧。scared 害怕的;upset 沮丧的;happy 开心的。根据“He asked her if she saw a black wallet”可 知老人丢了钱包,所以看起来沮丧,故选B。23 .句意:在那一刻,斯蒂菲没有时间为他寻找钱包,所以她只是让他去失物招领处。look for 寻找;look at 看;look up 查阅。根据Stephy had no time to.the wallet fbr him”可知 她没有时间帮助老人寻找钱包,故选A。24 .句意:过了一会儿,她在凌乱的衣服里发现了钱包。tidy 整洁的;messy 凌乱的;dirty 脏的。根据“

13、After a while, she found the wallet in theclothes” 答案第3页,共9页结合上文“there was no enough space. The clothes were”可知她在凌乱的衣服里发现了钱包。 故选Bo25 .句意:斯蒂菲给了他一个拥抱,含着眼泪说:“情人节快乐。”with 带有;without 没有;has 有,动词。根据Stephy gave him a hug and said Happy Valentines Day.tears in her eyes.”可知是含着眼泪说的,句中已有动词,此处应用介词with表示“含有”。 故选

14、Ao26 . B 27. A 28. B 29. B 30. A【导语】本文讲述了作者去巴黎旅行时遇到一位善良的老妇人的故事。27 .细节理解题。根据“You can sit with me”以及“After the lunch”可知作者和老妇人坐在一起 吃了午饭。故选B。28 .细节理解题。根据Im retired (退休的)and I can drive you to any place you want.”可知老 妇人愿意开车送作者去任何她想去的地方。故选A。29 .细节理解题。根据“She drove me to the Eiffel Tower and then left after

15、 staying with me for some time”可知老妇人把作者送到埃菲尔铁塔后,待了一段时间就走了,并没有和作者一起 参观了埃菲尔铁塔。故选B。30 .细节理解题。根据She drove me to the Eiffel Tower and then left after staying with me for some time. At the end of the day, she came back to take me back to my hotel. I gave her money, but she refused.”可知老妇人开车送作者到埃菲尔铁塔后并没有得到钱

16、。故选B。31 .细节理解题。根据That wonderful woman made my short vacation in Paris great. I will never forget her.”可知作者永远不会忘记这位老妇人的善良。故选A。32 . B 32. A 33. C 34. A 35. B【导语】本文介绍了 2022年北京冬奥会的吉祥物冰墩墩和残奥会吉祥物雪容融。33 .细节理解题。根据Shuey Rhon Rhon. It is the mascot of the Paralympic Winter Games(冬残 奥会)可知雪容融是冬残奥会的吉祥物。故选B。34 .细

17、节理解题。根据Im a black and white panda”可知冰墩墩像一个熊猫。故选A。35 .细节理解题。根据“It looks like a red lantern”可知雪容融是红色的,故选Co36 .细节理解题。根据“What is it on my left hand? Haha, it is a heart pattern(心形图案)“可知心 形图案在冰墩墩的左手。故选A。37 .细节理解题。根据it is a heart pattern(心形图案)to welcome friends all over the world to come to China.”可知这是一个欢

18、迎世界各地朋友来中国的心形图案。故选B。38 . C 37. C 38. C 39. A 40. B【导语】本文讲述了一个聪明的粉刷工怎样让一位贵妇满意的故事。36 .细节理解题。根据“she decides to have her bedroom painted the same color as the vase J可知 女人决定把卧室粉刷成和花瓶一样的颜色。故选C。37 .细节理解题。根据“Finally, the ninth person comes”可知一共有九位画家尝试调色。故选 Co38 .细节理解题。根据“He is confident that he can mix the

19、proper color. The woman is pleased with the result, and Wilson becomes famous”可知他调配了合适的颜色,让女人满意,这使得 他出名,故选C。39 .细节理解题。根据“Years later, he retires and turns the business over to his son”可知 Wilson 的儿子会接手他的生意,故选A。40 .最佳标题题。根据全文可知,本文讲述了一个聪明的粉刷工怎样让一位贵妇满意的故事。 B选项最合适。故选B。41 . A 42. B 43. C 44. B 45. C【导语】本文

20、是三位学生对“双减政策”发表了自己的看法。42 .细节理解题。根据“Some parents worry that the policy (政策)will lead to worse grades”可知, 一些家长对此感到担心,故选A。43 .细节理解题。根据“Yang Xue, 13, Shanghai”可知,她来自上海,故选B。44 .细节理解题。根据表格所示可知,提到了三位学生,故选C。45 .细节理解题。根据The best thing about the double reduction? is that we have more time to do after-school ac

21、tivities”可知,杨雪有更多的时间做课外活动,故选B。46 .主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文是三位学生对“双减政策”发表了自己的看法,提到了 在双减之后自己生活发生的改变,故选C。47 . pronounce【详解】句意:李雷擅长英语。他的英语发音很好。pronounce发音,情态动词can后接动词原形,故填pronounceo48 . invitation【详解】句意:由于工作繁忙,杰森拒绝了朋友的邀请。invitation”邀请。名词作宾语。故填 invitation o49 . widely【详解】句意:钟南山是举世闻名的中国名医。widely广泛地”,副词修饰动词known,故

22、填 widely o50 . surprise【详解】句意:令我们惊讶的是,美国已经有超过1.4亿人感染了新冠肺炎。t。ones surprise令 某人惊讶的“,为固定短语。故填surprise。51 . development【详解】句意:父母应该知道,将孩子与其他孩子进行比较对孩子的发展没有好处。development“发展”,名词作宾语。故填developmento52 . A 52. C 53. F 54. D 55. B【导语】本文是Bob邀请Amy周六去打扫城市花园,但是Amy没有空,并介绍了自己的 周末安排。51 .根据,Td love to”可知,邀请对方一起参加,A选项“你

23、想要加入我吗”符合,故选A。52 .根据But I am not available on Saturday及I have to take piano and dancing lessons可矢口, 询问对方为什么没有空,C选项“为什么”符合,故选C。53 .根据“Oh, I have to take English lessons in the morning”可知,紧接着介绍下午要做的事情, F选项“下午,我要去游泳俱乐部”符合,故选F。54 .根据Not really及Sometimes I take them on Tuesday evening”可知,询问上某种课的时 间安排,D选项

24、“你每个星期天早上都上英语课吗”符合,故选D。55 .根据“Sometimes I take them on Tuesday evening”可知,此处提到了上课的频率,B选项“我 每周上一次英语课”符合,故选B。56 . (m)oved 57. (b)etween 58. (n)eed 59. (H)owever 60. (a)lthough【导语】本文主要介绍了中国和美国在教育上的差别。57 .句意:2021年,她和家人搬到了美国。根据sheto the USA with her family”及首字母可知,搬到了美国,move“搬”,结合时间状语In 2021可知,动词用过去式,故填(m

25、)oved。58 .句意:作为一名高中生,她发现了中美之间的许多差异。根据 Chinese and Americans”及首字母可知,此处用betweenand表示“在与之间”,故填(b)etween。59 .句意:例如,许多美国父母认为没有必要把他们的孩子送到昂贵的学校。根据there is no .to send their children to an expensive school”及首字母可知, 此处用 there is no need to do sth表示“没有必要做某事: 故填(n)eed。60 .句意:然而,这在中国是不同的。many American parents th

26、ink there is no to send their children to an expensive schoo与Many Chinese parents would do anything to send their children to expensive schools”是转折关系,however“然而,故填(H)owever。61 .句意:许多中国父母会不惜一切把孩子送到昂贵的学校,尽管他们的家庭并不富裕。 “Many Chinese parents would do anything to send their children to expensive schools与t

27、heir family isnt rich enough”是让步关系,although引导让步状语从句,故填(a)lthough。62 . B 62. B 63. B 64. C 65. A【导语】本文主要介绍了学生厌学的原因,并就如何解决这个问题提出了建议。63 .推理判断题。根据So lefs talk about school and what to do when you dont like it.“可知, 这篇文章要谈谈如果你不喜欢学校的话,可以做些什么,也就是说,有一些方法可以帮助那 些厌学的学生。故选B。64 .细节理解题 o 根据“Remember, your mum, dad

28、 or teachers can always help you.”可知,老师 能帮助那些学业上有困难的学生。故选B。65 .词句猜测题。根据“You may be getting farther and farther behind, and it may seem like youll never catch up.可知,你可能会越来越落后,看起来好像你永远都赶不上。说明catch up意 为“赶上”。故选B。66 .细节理解题。根据School is a fact of life and getting a good education can help you build the ki

29、nd of future life you want.”可知,作者认为,学校是生活的一个事实,接受良好的教育可以 帮助学生打造他们想要的未来生活。故选C。67 .细节理解题。根据Another good idea is to write down your feelings about school in a notebook.”可知,如果学生厌学,可以把他们关于学校的感觉记在笔记本里。故选A。68 . made in【详解】be made in“产自,固定搭配,故填made; in。67.In fact【详解】对比中英文可知,空处缺少“事实上”的翻译,英文表达为in fact,位于句首的单词

30、 首字母耍大写,故填In; facto68. too to【详解】分析句意和题干可知,此处是考查t。t。太而不能”结构。too后接形 容词,to后接动词原形。故填too; to。69. in common【详解】根据中英文对照可知,此处为固定短语have sth in common”有共同之处,有共同点工 故填 in; commono70. take seriously【详解】take sth seriously认真对待某事”,should是情态动词,后接动词原形,故填take; seriously o71. Agree with doing choresWeve had a discussi

31、on about doing chores. Some students agree, while others dont. I think doing chores is good for us. First of all, doing chores can develop students9 independence. In this way, students can do many things by themselves. Second, doing chores can help students learn to look after themselves. Last but n

32、ot least, doing chores can promote the development of students? brains and improve their learning ability.In a word, as students, we should do more chores, which is good for ourselves and our families.【详解】总体分析 题材:本文是一篇说明文,为材料作文;时态:时态为“一般现在时”; 提示:根据所给提示完成写作,不能遗漏信息,可适当发挥。写作步骤第一步,将标题补充完整;第二步,根据表格给出的理由描

33、述你的观点。亮点词汇in this way以这种方式last but not least最后但同样重要的in a word总之高分句型doing chores can develop students9 independence.(动名词作主语)we should do more chores, which is good for ourselves and our families. (which 弓I 导的非限制定语从句)students and colleagues(同事)like 13 very much. Mr Zhang likes playing football.And he

34、can play it 14. Mr Zhang has a daughter. Her name is Zhang Wei. She is aprimary school student. She goes to school on foot every day. She likes 15 cartoons.11. A. comesB.comeC.coming12. A. a driverB.a teacherC.a farmer13. A. heB.himc.his14. A. goodB.wellc.badly15. A. seeB.watchingc.looking atStephy

35、worked 16a salesperson(售货员)in a big shopping mall. ChineseValentines Day(T青人节)was coming soon so she was very 17 these days. A lot of people came here to buy 18, Some new clothes would arrive tomorrow, so sheneeded to take the old clothes from the shelves(架子),19 there was no enoughspace. The clothes

36、 were 20.In the afternoon, when she was busy 21 the clothes tidy, an old man came to her. He looked 22. She remembered that he bought a red skirt from her half an hourago. He asked her if she saw a black wallet. At that moment, Stephy had no time to23 the wallet for him, so she just asked him to go

37、to the lost and found desk. He thanked her and left.After a while, she found the wallet in the 24 clothes. She ran to the old man at once and gave the wallet back to him. He smiled(微笑)and thanked her for many times. He said there was the only photo of his wife in it and his wife had been dead for te

38、n years.Stephy gave him a hug and said Happy Valentines Day 25 tears in her eyes.16. A. asB.ofC. for17. A. angryB.busyC. sad18. A. foodB.giftsC. books19. A. unlessB.ifC, because20. A. anywhereB.everywhereC. somewhere21. A. makeB.madeC. making22. A. scaredB.upsetC- happy23. A. look forB.look atC , lo

39、ok up24. A. tidyB.messyC. dirty25. A. withB. withoutC. has三、阅读判断阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断文后句子的正误。正确的句子涂A,错误的涂B。Three years ago, I went on a vacation in Paris, France.One day, I went to a restaurant to have lunch, but there were no more free tables there. Then an old woman said, “You can sit with me. I thanked

40、 her and sat down with the kind woman.After the lunch, she asked me how I would spend the vacation in Paris. I told her I would take a taxi to go out, although it was a little expensive.“My dear, dont use any more taxis J said the woman. Im retired (退休的)and I can drive you to any place you want.”I t

41、old her I couldnt trouble her too much, but she disagreed and asked me where I was staying and the next morning she came to my hotel. She drove me to the Eiffel Tower and then left after staying with me for some time. At the end of the day, she came back to take me back to my hotel. I gave her money

42、, but she refused.That wonderful woman made my short vacation in Paris great. I will never forget her.26. The writer didnt have lunch because there were no free tables in the restaurant.27. The old woman would like to drive the writer anywhere she wanted to go.28. The old woman visited the Eiffel To

43、wer with the writer.29. The old woman got some money after she drove the writer to the Eiffel Tower.30. The writer will never forget the old woman because of her kindness.四、阅读单选Bing Dwen Dwen Shuey Rhon RhonHello, my friends! Nice to meet you! My name is Bing Dwen Dwen. Tm the mascot(吉 祥物)of the 202

44、2 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Tm a black and white panda. I have big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. My arms and legs are short. What is it on my left hand? Haha, it is a heart pattemQC?形图案)to welcome friends all over the world to come to China.Who is that? It is my good friend, Shuey Rhon R

45、hon. It is the mascot of the Paralympic Winter Games(冬残奥会)It looks like a red lantern. It has two small eyes. Its arms and legs are short, too. We are very cute.31. Shuey Rhon Rhon is the mascot of.A. the 2022 Winter Olympic GamesB. the 2022 Paralympic Winter GamesC. the Olympic and Paralympic Winte

46、r Olympic Games32. What does Bing Dwen Dwen look like?A, A panda.B. A mascot.C. A red lantern.33. What color is Shuey Rhon Rhon?A. Green.B. Black and white.C. Red.34. Where is the heart pattern?A. It is on Bing Dwen Dwens left hand.B. It is on Bing Dwen Dwens right hand.C. It is on Bing Dwen Dwens b

47、ack.35. What means to welcome friends all over the world to come to China?A. Bing Dwen Dwen.B. The heart pattern.C. Shuey Rhon Rhon.A rich woman is so proud of a valuable antique vase (古董花瓶)that she decides to have her bedroom painted the same color as the vase. Several painters try to mix the color right,


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