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《2020年山东省德州市中考英语试题.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年山东省德州市中考英语试题.pdf(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、德州市二 O 二 O 年初中学业水平考试英英语语试试题题注意事项:1.本试题共六个大题,分选择题和非选择题两种类型;选择题计 80 分,非选择题计 70 分;试卷总分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。2.考生应将答案全部答在答题卡上,注意事项请参照答题卡要求。考试结束后,试题和答题卡将一并收回。一、听力测试(共 25 小题;120 小题,每小题 1 分;2125 小题,每小题 2 分;共计 30 分;每小题约有 8 秒钟的答题时间)(一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题 A、B、C 中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。(5 分)1.A.Good luck.B.Congrat

2、ulations!C.Enjoy yourself,2.A.Nice idea.B.It doesnt matter.C.This way,please.3.A.Sounds boring.B.Well,I like both.C.Best wishes,4.A.Have a nice day.B.Thank you.C.Thats no excuse.5.A.What a pity!B.Well done.C.I promise.(二)录音中有三个句子,每个句子对应一幅图片,每个句子听两遍,然后选择与句子内容相对应的图片。(3分)6._7._8._ABC(三)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,

3、从每小题 A、B、C 中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(5 分)9.When was tea first discovered as a drink?A.About 1,500 years ago.B.About 3,500 years ago.C.About 5.000 years ago.10.What is the mans advice on reducing air pollution?A.Riding a bike.B.Giving up smoking.C.Driving a car.11.Whats the name of the space station?A.Tiangon

4、g.B.ChangeC.Shenzhou.12.Why did the car hit the walking man?A.The driver drove too fast.B.The driver was tired and sleepy.C.The driver talked on his phone while driving.13.How does the woman go to the hospital?A.She walks there.B.She drives there herself.C.The man drives her there.(四)录音中有一段长对话,听对话两遍

5、后,从每小题 A、B、C 中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(4 分)14.What is the girl?A.A student.B.A computer seller.C.A shop worker.15.What does the girl plan to do this summer vacation?A.Learn English.B.Do a part-time job.C.Go to high school.16.Why does the girl need money?A.To travel to Canada.B.To help her uncle.C.To buy a pr

6、esent.17.What does the girl want to buy for her friend?A.A watch.B.A computer.C.A bag.(五)录音中有三小段独白,听独白两遍后,根据独白内容,将信息配对。(3 分)18.OliviaA.be interested in 5G technology and a smarter life19.WilliamB.like travelling and always want to see the sea20.AliceC.love animals and try to help the homeless animal

7、s(六)听力填表(共 5 小题;录音播放前,你有 20 秒钟的读题时间)。(10 分)学校做了一个关于初中生暑假期间是否可以独自外出游玩的词查问卷,请你认真听下面一段 radio report。了解调查结果和学校建议。听广播两后,请你根据表格内容提示记录相关信息,完成表格(每空一词)Could students go out alone during the summer vacation?Pros(赞成)Cons(反对)StudentsAbout 56%think its(22)_to go out alone./Teachers/78%think students had better n

8、ot goout a lone.They think its(23)_.(21)_More than(24)_ agree that students areable to look after themselves./AdviceIf you have to go out alone,take a(25)_ with you.二、阅读理解(共 20 小题,每小题 2.5 分,计 50 分)阅读下列短文,然后从每小题 A.B、C、D 中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。ALi Shijin,30,didnt expect to make a living through his vo

9、ice.Li began to work as a company salesman in Liaoning Province in 2012.He tried to find a part-time job as awedding host to improve his confidence.Around the spring festival in 2014,he started listening to audiobooks(音频书).After being a listener for twoyears,he decided to record himself reading book

10、s.Then,he posted his first audiobook Youth Will Not Return onQingting in 2016.It was broadcast(广播)and listened to about 20 million times.A year later,after he had read three audiobooks,he was signed up as a voice performer by Qingting.However,he was under great pressure(压力)when he was signed up by Q

11、ingting.To improve my ability,I didnt sleep formore than five hours a day during that year.I had better results the following year.”Also,to improve hisperformance,Li attended a training course at Communication University of China to learn dubbing(配音)and howto write a play in 2018.So far,he has compl

12、eted nearly 30 works on Qingting.On the road to success,Li put a lot of effort.Many people tried to get a foothold(立足地)but failed,while hemade it!When talking about the secret of his success,he said,“Many people have good abilities and many work veryhard,but they may fail.Early birds get worms.I bel

13、ieve they will get chances and succeed sooner or later if theyhold on to their dreams and keep on trying.”26.Why did Li work as a wedding host?A.To develop his interest.B.To make a living.C.To make friends.D.To improve himself.27.How did Li feel after being signed up by Qingting?A.Happy.B.Sad.C.Worr

14、ied.D.Lucky.28.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?A.Li succeeded easily.B.Li never failed.C.Li succeeded through hard work.D.Li succeeded because of good luck.29.Put the following into correct order according to the passage.Li posted his first audiobook.Li went to the university.Li start

15、ed to listen to audiobooks.Li was signed up by Qingting.A.B.C.D.30.Which is the best title for the passage?A.A friend in need is a friend indeed.B.Chances favor(偏爱)the prepared mind.C.Two heads are better than one.D.Time waits for no man.BStop motion moviesStop motion is a special type of movie-maki

16、ng.It uses real objects-instead ofdrawings-to tell a story.The story characters can be people,animals,or eveneveryday objects.You can make them out of clay(橡皮泥)or just use some smalltoys.Give it a try,and be creative!Get your parents and friends together and show your film!YOU WILL NEEDMake up short

17、 story.Make sure it has a beginning,middle andend.Then write down your story.Pick a place where youre going to shoot the movie,Make sureyoull have enough room to take pictures.Collect or make the characters youll need for your movie,then prepare any backdrops(背景幕布)(Even a piece of clothwill work).*A

18、 smart phone or camera that shoots videos*A support with three legs used for the phone orcamera*Your imagination and a story to tell*Characters(Use action figures(动态木偶),toys,etc.,or make some with clay)*A good place to shoot a movie*Whatever else you need for your storySet up your first shot(拍摄).Put

19、 your characters and props(道具)at the right place for your first scene.Keep your“movie camera”steady(稳定 的)and in the same place.Repeat the step above over and over and over until you complete your story.31.Stop motion is a special way to make_.A.charactersB.moviesC.propsD.backdrops32.When making stop

20、 motion movies,you must use _ to tell a story.A.real objectsB.drawingsC.real peopleD.real animals33.Why is a support with three legs needed?A.To shoot a movie.B.To make characters.C.To support the backdrops.D.To keep the phone or camera steady.34.This passage teaches readers _.A.how to make a movieB

21、.how to tell a storyC.how to pick a placeD.how to set up your first shot35.This passage is from a website(网站)for _.A.adultsB.kidsC.parentsD.teachersCHow did people tell the time before clocks were invented?At first,the ancient people looked up at the sun and could tell it was the middle of the day w

22、hen the sun wasdirectly overhead in the sky.They also knew when it was morning or evening.Later,the Egyptians used sticks.These sticks measured(测量)time during the day.The sun shone on the tallstick and the stick made a shadow(阴影).As the sun moved across the sky,the position(位置)of the shadowchanged.T

23、his would let people tell what time it was.Over time,the Chinese first used sundials instead of shadow sticks.The sundial has a type of shadow stick onit.As the sun shines on it,a shadow appears on the numbers.Each number stands for an hour of the day.Butsundials dont work at night or on a cloudy da

24、y!There are no shadows unless the sun is out.Water clocks used water to measure time at night.Water dripped(滴 落)slowly from one bowl into another.The level of the water in the bowls showed the time.People also used sand-glasses.You may have seen one.Some games still use sand-glasses.The sand fallsfr

25、om the top of the sand-glasses to the bottom.It measures short amounts of the time.The more sand falls,the moretime has passed.When the sand has finished falling,you have to tum the sand-glasses over.36.At first,the ancient people told the time by looking at _.A.the stickB.the shadowC.the sun.D.the

26、moon37.Which picture can be a“sundial?ABCD38.Sundials can be used to tell the time when it is _.A.sunnyB.rainyC.cloudyD.snowy39.Which is right according to the passage?A.Sticks measured time in Egypt day and night.B.Sundials were first used in ancient Egypt.C.Sand-glasses usually measure a long time

27、.D.The water clock told the time by the water level in the bowls.40.Whats the main idea of the passage?A.Something about sundials.B.How to tell the time by looking at the sun.C.How to tell the time in the pest.D.Some inventions in China.DThe opening of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed railway took

28、 place in December,2019.The railway is amilestone in Chinas railway development because it has used the latest technologies in railway building.The railway is 174 kilometers long,with 10 stations.The stations are managed by one control center,which isdescribed by China Railway Beijing Group also kno

29、wn as CR Bejing as an intelligent(智能的)brain.The center collects and shares the stations real-time information.“With the information,the workers in thecenter can control the stations lighting and temperature,monitor(监测)trains operation and deal withemergencies(紧急情况).”said Zhu Dianping,from CR Beiing.

30、Zhu said some trains on the Bejing Zhangjiakou line are smart as they provide 5G signals and wirelesscharging(无线充电)for passengers,as well as intelligent lighting.These trains can start and stop,open and closedoors,and deal with emergencies themselves.All the ten stations provide e-ticket services.Tr

31、avelers who have bought tickets online can use their ID cardsinstead of waiting in line for paper tickets.At Qinghe Railway Station in Beijing,Chinas first visual remote ticket vending machine(远程可视售票机)has been installed(安装)to help passengers who are not able to afford tickets online.Passengers keep

32、in touch withthe conductor through the machine and buy tickets according to video instructions.In addition,the Badaling Great Wall Station,the deepest underground railway station in China,is anothergreat example of the countrys achievements in railway building.41.What does the word“milestone mean in

33、 Chinese?A.英石(重量单位)B.垫脚石C.里程碑D.里程表42.The control center is described as _.A.CR BejingB.Railway Beijing GroupC.a railway stationD.an“intelligent brain43.Which is right according to the passage?A.Each station has a control center.B.All the trains can start and stop themselves.C.All the stations have v

34、isual remote ticket vending machines.D.The Badaling Great Wall Station is the deepest underground railway station in China.44.E-ticket services are provided so that travelers _.A.can buy cheaper ticketsB.neednt wait in line for paper ticketsC.can only buy tickets onlineD.can buy paper tickets45.What

35、 is special about the Bejing-Zhangialou high-speed railway according to the passage?A.Fast and cheap.B.Long and deep.C.Smart and intelligent.D.Expensive and steady.三、短文还原(共 5 空,每空 2 分,计 10 分)阅读短文,从短文下面方框中的六个句子中选择五个还原到短文中,使短文通顺完整、衔接自然。Want to save the earth?Plant a tree!Whats causing global(全球的)warmi

36、ng?Is it man-made?Or are temperatures simplychanging naturally?Whatever the case,we can at least try to slow things down,But how?The Wilderness Project has an idea,(46)_.If the earth has more trees,greenhouse gases will be reduced,and this will help stop global warming.(47)_and improve air quality(质

37、量).(48)_.In Belgium,the Organization for Forests worked with farmers to help them plant more trees.In Spain,the Canopy Project plants one tree for every Spaniard(西班牙人)in order to improve the environment.InGermany,a teenager named Felix Finkbeiner has been leading a global movement to plant more tree

38、s.(49)_.Now,lots of people all over the world have already been planting more trees.In fact,if everyone plants onetree,just one,it will do great good to our environment.So what can you do to help?(50)_,although you need to get advice on how to look after it.Oryou can join a tree planting project suc

39、h as the ones mentioned above to help save the earth.So,go on,plant a treeand save the earth!A.Maybe you can buy a young tree to growB.They suggest that we should plant more treesC.Another question is how quickly the sea level will riseD.Many countries are calling on people to plant more treesE.What

40、s more,they improve human health by producing oxygen(氧气)F.He was nine when he came up with the idea of planting trees around the world四、综合填空(共 20 空,每空 1.5 分,计 30 分)A阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从下面方框内所给 11 个词中选择 10 个意义相符的词,必要时进行词形变化,填入空白处,每空一词。quiet,they,strong,interest,two,like,unless,choice,but,if,howThe secret

41、s of self-controlA new book,the bestseller,Willpower,says that having strong willpower(意志力)isnecessary to a successful life.The book starts by describing a famous experiment:The Marshmallow(软糖)Test.In 1972,a psychology(心理学)professor Mischel tested the willpower of 600 kids.In the experiment,each chi

42、ld was left alone in a room for fifteen minutes with a marshmallow on a table in front of(51)_.They were given two(52)_:they could either eat the marshmallow or,if they waited fifteen minutes,theyd be given a(53)_marshmallow(and then they could eat both).So,what did the kids do?70%ate the first mars

43、hmallow within the fifteen minutes,(54)_the other30%showed willpower-they didnt eat the first one and waited for the second marshmallow(55)_.Twenty years later,Mischel discovered something(56)_.He got in touch with the children and foundthat those with strong willpower were getting better marks at u

44、niversity,were better behaved and were morepopular.So,(57)_ important it is to have strong willpower!But dont worry(58)_ you arent good at controlling yourself.The authors say that willower is like amuscle(肌肉).The more you exercise it,the(59)_ it gets.However,just(60)_ any muscle,your“willower muscl

45、e can get tired.So,if you have to do lots of things that need willpower,take a break.That way,youll build up your willpower again.Lastly,the authors mention that people who learn foreign languages usually have a lot of willpower.So,congratulations!B阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从下面方框内所给11个动词中选择10个意义相符的词,必要时进行词形变化(

46、可添加助动词或者情态动词),填入空白处。promise,look,change,play,allow,hurt,give,take,love,ask,feedIt was a fine day.The sun was shining and the wind was gentle.The kids(61)_in their backyard when a little cat tried to cross into their yard.Unluckily,it gotstuck(卡住的)under the fence(篱笆).The kids tried to free the cat,bu

47、t they couldnt,So they asked their motherfor help.The mother freed the cat.The cat(62)_so cute that the children begged(乞求)to keep it.Theirmother said,“I suppose we can.I dont mind myself,but you must ask your father too.”The kids waited anxiously(焦急地)for their dad back from work.“Do you think our d

48、ad(63)_us tokeep it?the girl asked.Before the boy answered the girl,they heard their father opening the door.“Hi,daddy,they both shouted loudly at the same time.You are surely happier than usual to see me today.What is up?their father said.“Nothing,daddy.We just love you so much,the girl replied.Tha

49、ts when their mother said,“Go ahead.(64)_your dad.”The girl told her dad what had happened and asked to keep the cat.The father said,“No,you cant.We(65)_five cats so far.Your mommy and I have no time(66)_ care of any more.”Hearing this,thekids lowered(低下)their heads disappointedly.Seeing the sad loo

50、ks on the kids faces,the father(67)_ his mind.He said,“All right.Since you(68)_it so much,you can keep it.”Hearing this,the kids happily screamed,“Hooray!Thank you,daddy!However,the father added(补充说)that they(69)_to look after the cat by themselves.The kids were so happy to have another pet friend.T


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