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《山东省德州市2020年中考英语试题.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省德州市2020年中考英语试题.docx(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、绝密启用前山东省德州市2021年中考英语试题试卷副标题考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx学校:姓名:班级:考号:题号*-4四五总分得分本卷须知:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息$2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)请点击修改第I卷的文字说明评卷人得分Li Shijin, 30, didnt expect to make a living through his voice.Li began to work as a company salesman in Liaoning Province in 2021. He tried to find a par

2、t-time job as a wedding host to improve his confidence.Around the spring festival in 2021, he started listening to audiobooks (音频书).After being a listener for two years, he decided to record himself reading books. Then, he posted his first audiobook Youth Will Not Return on Qingting in 2021. It was

3、broadcast (播送)and listened to about 20 million times.A year later, after he had read three audiobooks, he was signed up as a voice performer by Qingting. However, he was under great pressure (压力)when he was signed up by Qingting. “To improve my ability, I didn*t sleep for more than five hours a day

4、during that year. I had better results the following year. Also, to improve his performance, Li attended a training course at Communication University of China to learn dubbing(酉己音)and how to write a play in 2021. So far, he has completed nearly 30 works on Qingting.On the road to success, Li put a

5、lot of effort. Many people tried to get a foothold (立足地) but failed, while he made it!When talking about the secret of his success, he said, Many people have good abilities and many work very hard, but they may fail. Early birds get worms. I believe they will get chances and succeed sooner or later

6、if they hold on to their dreams and keep on trying.* 1. Why did Li work as a wedding host?A. To develop his interestB. To make a living.C. To make friends.D. To improve himself. 2. How did Li feel after being signed up by Qingting?Want to save the earth? Plant a tree!Whats causing global (全球的)warmin

7、g? Is it man-made? Or are temperatures simply changing naturally? Whatever the case, we can at least try to slow things down. But how?The Wilderness Project has an idea. 21. . If the earth has more trees, greenhouse gases will be reduced, and this will help stop global warming.22. and improve air qu

8、ality (质量).23. . In Belgium, the Organization for Forests worked with farmers to help them plant more trees. In Spain, the Canopy Project plants one tree for every Spaniard (西班牙人)in order to improve the environment. In Germany, a teenager named Felix Finkbeiner has been leading a global movement to

9、plant more trees.24.Now, lots of people all over the world have already been planting more trees. In fact, if everyone plants one tree, just one, it will do great good to our environment.So what can you do to help?25.,although you need to get advice on how to look after it. Or you can join a tree pl

10、anting project such as the ones mentioned above to help save the earth.So, go on, plant a tree.and save the earth!A. Maybe you can buy a young tree to growB They suggest that we should plant more treesC. Another question is how quickly the sea level will riseMany countries are calling on people to p

11、lant more treesE.Whats more, they improve human health by producing oxygen (氧气)F.He was nine when he came up with the idea of planting trees around the world【答案】B21. ED22. FA【解析】【分析】众所周知I,全球变暖已经成为了一个我们面临的严重的问题,不管是什么导致了全球变 暖,我们都应该做一些事情来改变这一现状,或至少减慢变暖的速度。文章中告诉我们, 其实很简单,种树就可以。如果地球上有更多的树木,温室气体就会减少,这就将有助

12、于阻止全球变暖。21. 上句话uThe Wilderness Project has an idea.,z提到“荒野方案”这个组织有了一个主意; 下句话“If the earth has more trees, greenhouse gases will be reduced, and this will help stop global warming/就提到了多种树的好处,该空应在中间起到串联的作用,先告诉我们 这个主意是什么,B选项“他们建议我们应该多种树符合语境,应选B。22. 上句话 “If the earth has more trees, greenhouse gases wil

13、l be reduced, and this will help stop global warming/和空后uand improve air quality7都是关于多种树的好处的,E选项“而且,它们通过产生氧气来改善人类健康也是在说植树的好处,符合语境,应选Eo 23.根据下文的内容可知,这里列举了比利时、西班牙和德国三个国家的组织和个人采取了 不同的措施多种树。D选项“许多国家号召人们种植更多的树木概括了这一段的文意, 符合语境,应选D。24. 上句话 “In Germany, a teenager named Felix Finkbeiner has been leading a g

14、lobal movement to plant more trees/7提到了德国的一个青少年一直在领导一项种植更多树木的全球运动。 F选项“他九岁的时候就有了在世界各地植树的想法补充了这个青少年更多的信息, 符合语境,应选F。25. 上句话“So what can you do to help?”提出了问题,“你能做些什么来帮助呢? ,这 个空应给出答案。并且结合空后 “although you need to get advice on how to look after it.“你需要得到一些建议如何照顾它,因此这个建议是让我们买一棵小树来种植。A选 项符合语境,应选A。第H卷(非选择题

15、)请点击修改第n卷的文字说明评卷人得分quiet, they, strong, interest, two, like, unless, choice, but, if, howThe secrets of self-controlA new book, the bestseller, Willpower, says that having strong willpower (意志力)isnecessary to a successful life.The book starts by describing a famous experiment: The Marshmallow (软糖)Te

16、st. In 1972, a psychology (心理学)professor Mischel tested the willpower of 600 kids. In the experiment, each child was left alone in a room for fifteen minutes with a marshmallow on a table in front of 26. . They were given two 27. : they could either eat the marshmallow or, if they waited fifteen min

17、utes, theyM be given a 28, marshmallow (and then they could eat both).50, what did the kids do? 70% ate the first marshmallow within the fifteen minutes,29. the other 30% showed willpower they didnt eat the first one and waited for the second marshmallow 30.Twenty years later, Mischel discovered som

18、ething 31. . He got in touch with the children and found that those with strong willpower were getting better marks at university, were better behaved and were more popular. So,32, important it is to have strong willpower!But dont worry 33, you arent good at controlling yourself. The authors say tha

19、t willpower is like a muscle (肌肉).The more you exercise it, the 34. it gets. However, just 35 . any muscle, your willpower muscle“ can get tired. So, if you have to do lots of things that need willpower, take a break. That way, youll build up your willpower again.Lastly, the authors mention that peo

20、ple who learn foreign languages usually have a lot of willpower. So, congratulations!【答案】them26. choicessecond27. butquietly28. interestinghow29. ifstronger30. like【解析】【分析】本文介绍了一本书?意志力?,书中通过一那么实验说明了坚强的意志力是成功人生 的必要条件。26. 句意:在实验中,每个孩子被单独留在一个房间里15分钟,在他们面前的桌子上放着 一颗软糖。根据下文中they可知,此处是“在他们面前的桌子上放着一颗软糖;they

21、代替参加实 验的孩子们,they是人称代词主格,放在介词之后应使用宾格形式them, them他们。 故填themo句意:他们有两个选择:要么吃这颗软糖,要么等15分钟将会给他们第二个软糖(然后 他们可以吃掉两颗软糖)。根据句中“eitheror可知,他们可以吃这颗糖,也可以等待下一颗糖,所以此处使 用名词choice的复数形式choices,choice选择,表示“他们有两个选择。故填choices。27. 句意:他们有两个选择:要么吃这颗软糖,要么等15分钟将会给他们第二颗软糖(然 后他们可以吃掉两颗软糖)。根据下文中“they didnt eat the first one and wa

22、ited fbr the second marshmallow,可矢口, 此 处使用two的序数词形式second,意为“第二,表示“要么等15分钟将会给他们第 二颗软糖。故填second。28. 句意:70%的孩子们在15分钟内吃完了第一颗软糖,但是另外30%的孩子们表现出了 意志力他们没有吃第一颗软糖,而是静静地等待着第二颗软糖。根据句中 u70% ate the first marshmallow,/ 和 uthe other 30% showed willpower可知, 前后两个分句意思转折,即:70%的孩子们在15分钟内吃完了第一颗软糖,但是另外 30%的孩子们表现出了意志力;bu

23、t是表示转折的连词,意为“但是。故填but。29. 句意:70%的孩子们在15分钟内吃完了第一颗软糖,但是另外30%的孩子们表现出了 意志力他们没有吃第一颗软糖,而是静静地等待着第二颗软糖。根据上文第二段中 each child was left alone in a room,z 和句中 uwaited for the second marshmallow”可知,每个人都单独在一个房间里,所以他们是在静静地等待第二颗软 糖;quiet是形容词,其副词形式为quietly,意为“静静地,waited for the second marshmallow quietly静静地等待着第二颗软糖。故

24、填quietly。30. 句意:二十年后,米契尔发现了有趣的事情。something是不定代词,其后可接形容词对其进行修饰;根据下文中uHe got in touch with the children and found that those with strong willpower were getting better marks at university, were better behaved and were more popular.可知,他发现那些意志力强的孩子在大学成 绩更好,表现更好,更受欢送,所以此处使用interest的形容词形式interesting,意为“有 趣

25、的,something interesting有趣的事情,用来表示“他发现的这件事情很有趣。故 填 interesting o句意:所以,有强大的意志力是多么重要啊!根据句末标点符号是感慨号,以及句中形容词important可知,此处使用how引导感慨 句,how+形容词+主语+谓语。故填how。31. 句意:但如果你不擅长控制自己,也不用担忧。根据句中 you aren9t good at controlling yourselfz 和 “But dont worry都是两个独立完 整的句子,此处使用连词if,表示“但如果你不擅长控制自己,也不用担忧,if意为“如果。故填if。32. 句意:

26、你练习得越多,它就越强大。根据句中“the more和the可知,此处是the+比较级结构;get是系动词,所以此处使 用形容词strong的比较级stronger,意为“更强大的。故填stronger。33. 句意:然而,就像任何肌肉一样,你的“意志力肌肉也会疲劳。根据上文中uThe authors say that willpower is like a muscle/可知,作者说意志力就像肌 肉,所以此处使用like,意为“像,表示“就像任何肌肉一样,你的意志力肌肉 也会疲劳。故填like。promise, look, change, play, allow, hurt, give, t

27、ake, love, ask, feedIt was a fine day. The sun was shining and the wind was gentle.The kids 36. in their backyard when a little cat tried to cross into their yard. Unluckily, it got stuck (卡住的)under the fence (篱笆).The kids tried to free the cat, but they couldnt, so they asked their mother for help.

28、 The mother freed the cat. The cat 37. so cute that the children begged (乞求)to keep it. Their mother said, HI suppose we can. I dont mind myself, but you must ask your father too.The kids waited anxiously (焦急地)for their dad back from work. HDo you think our dad 38. us to keep it?” the girl asked. Be

29、fore the boy answered the girl, they heard their father opening the door. nHi, daddy,n they both shouted loudly at the same time.You are surely happier than usual to see me today. What is up?n their father said.“Nothing, daddy. We just love you so much/ the girl replied. Thats when their mother said

30、, nGo ahead. 39 your dad.”The girl told her dad what had happened and asked to keep the cat. The father said, nNo, you cant. We 40. five cats so far. Your mommy and I have no time 41 , care of any more. nHearing this, the kids lowered (低下)their heads disappointedly.Seeing the sad looks on the kids f

31、aces, the father 42. his mind. He said, nAll right. Since you 43 , it so much, you can keep it. Hearing this, the kids happily screamed,nHooray! Thank you, daddy!1 However, the father added (补充说)that they 44. to look after the cat by themselves.The kids were so happy to have another pet friend. Then

32、 the cat 45 , the name Lucky” by the kids.So the cat had a place to call home.【答案】were playing34. lookedwill allow35. Askhave fed36. to takechanged37. lovemust promise38. was given【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了孩子们在自家后院玩耍,看见一只猫被卡在后院的篱笆下, 他们和妈妈一起救下了这只猫。这只小猫非常可爱,孩子们苦苦哀求父亲同意他们养这 只小猫当宠物,最后父亲容许了。36.句意:孩子们在后院玩耍时,一只小

33、猫试图穿过他们的院子。此处作谓语,根据后文是when引导的过去时的时间状语从句,可知此处用过去进行时 was/were doing;根据地点状语in their backyard,可知此处选play玩耍,是动词,根据 主语kids为复数,可知用were,故答案为were playing。37. 句意:这只猫看起来如此可爱以至于孩子们都求着要养它。此处缺谓语,根据其后是形容词,可知此处可填系动词,应选look看起来,是系动词, 根据后文begged用过去时,可知此处也用过去时,故答案为looked。38. 句意:你认为爸爸会允许我们养它吗?此处缺谓语,根据固定搭配allow sb. to do意

34、为“允许某人做某事,可知选allow允许; 根据语境,可知要用一般将来时will do,故答案为will allow。39. 句意:去吧,问问你爸爸。根据语境,可知此处用祈使句表建议或命令,应该填动词原形;根据句意,可知选ask 问,是动词,故答案为Ask。40. 句意:我们到目前为止已经喂养五只猫了。根据时间状语s。far,可知要用现在完成时have/has done;根据前文说要养猫,可知此 处选feed喂养,是动词,其过去分词为fed,故答案为have fed。41. 句意:你妈妈和我没有时间去照顾更多了。此处作后置定语修饰其前名词time,可知用动词不定式to do;此处构成动词短语t

35、ake care of,意为“照顾,所以选take,故答案为to take。42. 句意:看着孩子们脸上伤心的表情,这个父亲改变了主意。此处缺谓语,根据后文said用过去时,可知此处也用过去时;根据后文父亲又容许了可 以养这只猫,可知此处选change改变,是动词,故答案为changed。43. 句意:既然你们如此喜爱它,你们可以养它。此处作谓语,根据语境,可知用一般现在时;根据主语you指的是兄妹二人,是复数, 所以填动词原形;根据句意,可知选love喜爱,是动词,故答案为love。44. 句意:但是,这个父亲补充说,他们必须承诺自己照顾小猫。此处作宾语从句的谓语,此处构成promise t

36、o do承诺做某事可知此处选promise承诺, 是动词;根据语境,此处要加情态动词must表“必须,情态动词后用动词原形,故 答案为 must promisee句意:然后,这只猫就被孩子们取名为“Lucky 了。评卷人得分was given o此处缺谓语,根据句意,可知选give,构成give the name,意为“取名;又主语cat 和give之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态bedone, give的过去分词为given,故答案为四、多任务混合问题Songs about growing upThousands of songs about growing up are available

37、(可得至U 的).They can always get a response (反响)from teenagers in some way. While listening to the songs, old or new, teenagers can always feel themselves or understand themselves.a. Songs about being a teenagerGrowing up isnt always easy. Teens always want to be independent, but parents have a hard tim

38、e letting go. There can be moments of worry, uncertainty and even anger. Some songs speak of (2) those feelings and can help them get through this period.b. Songs about(3)As teenagers grow. Theyre likely looking toward the day when theyll be able to work hard to achieve their dreams. The Westlifes s

39、ong I have a dream is well-known. The key lyrics (歌词)are “I have a dream, a song to sing. To help me cope (处理)with anything. You can take the future even if you fail. This song has encouraged so many teenagers to fight for their dreams.c. Graduation songsGraduation songs usually speak of the joy of

40、this season of their life. These songs are perfect for graduation parties and get-togethers with friends. As they graduate, they can sing u Today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten.When teenagers grow up, they find childhood is a bittersweet (苦乐参半的)time. (5) Theyve looked forward

41、 to the day for so many years and finally it is here. However, they may not be sure about whether theyYe ready for it. At this time, listening to songs about the sweet days of childhood can always make them relaxed.45. What is the response from teenagers while they are listening to the songs?46. Wha

42、t does those feeling refer to?47. Complete the subtitle (副标题)for nbH.48. What are graduation songs about according to the passage?49. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.【答案】They can always feel themselves or understand themselves.46. Worry, uncertainty and even anger.47. (teenagers* achi

43、eving/ fighting for/future) dreamsThe joy of this (graduation) season of their life.48. 他们期待这一天很多年了,这一天终于到来了/他们期待多年的这一天终于到来了。【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍了青少年成长时期喜欢听的不同类型的歌曲。46. 题干句意:青少年在听歌时的反响是什么?根据上文 While listening to the songs, old or new, teenagers can always feel themselves or understand themselves.在听歌曲的同时,无

44、论是旧的还是新的,青少年总是能感觉到自 己或理解自己。故答案为 They can always feel themselves or understand themselves.47. 题干句意:those feeling指的是什么?根据上文 There can be moments of worry, uncertainty and even anger. Some songs speak of (2) those feelings and can help them get through this period.青少年可能会有忧虑、不确定甚至 愤怒的时刻。有些歌曲提到这些感觉,可以帮助他

45、们度过这一时期。可知those feeling 指的是上句写到的情绪“worry, uncertainty and even anger,故答案为 Worry, uncertaintyand even anger o 48.题目要求:完成b局部的副标题。根据上文 As teenagers grow. Theyre likely looking toward the day when theyll be able to work hard to achieve their dreams. .fight for their dreams.可知本段主要写了随着青少年 的成长,他们可能会期待着有一天他

46、们能够努力工作来实现他们的梦想。?我有一个梦 想?这首歌鼓励了很多青少年为梦想而奋斗。可知本段的主题是有关青少年为梦想而奋 斗,的歌曲,故答案为(teenagers achieving/ fighting for/future) dreamso题干句意:根据短文,毕业歌曲是关于什么的?根据上文 Graduation songs usually speak of the joy of this season of their life.毕业歌曲通常 会讲述他们这一季的快乐。故答案为 The joy of this (graduation) season of their life.49. 英译汉

47、:Theyve looked forward to the day for so many years and finally it is here.评卷人得分了/他们期待多年的这They 他们;have looked forward to 期待;the day 这一天;for so many years 很多年了 ; finally 终于;it is here.这一天到来了,故翻译为:他们期待这一天很多年了,这一天终于到来 天终于到来了。五、材料作文51.少年智那么国智,少年强那么国强。根据以下图提示写一篇英语短文,描述作为 青少年的你们将如何成长,并说明原因或目的。除了提示中的内容,请你至

48、少再补充一develop some interests;for example,;make ourselves fully developeddevelop some interests;for example,;make ourselves fully developed条。build up our bodies by.; keep strong and healthydo housework; such as.;help parents; learn to be independent (独立的)要求:1、语言通顺,要点齐全,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写标准;2、文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称;A. Happy.B. Sad.C. Worried.D. Lucky.3. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?A. Li succeeded eas


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