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《四川省达州市2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题含答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四川省达州市2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题含答案.pdf(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高二英语试卷第 1 页(共 10 页)达州市 2023 年普通高中二年级春季期末监测英语试题本试卷分四部分,共 10 页,满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号用 0.5 毫米黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题卡上,将条形码贴在答题卡规定的位置上。2.选择题必须使用 2B 铅笔将答案标号填涂在答题卡上对应题目标号的位置上,非选择题用 0.5 毫米黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔书写在答题卡的对应框内,超出答题区书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上的答案无效。3.考试结束后,将答题卡收回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节第一节(共 5 小题;每

2、小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)1.What will the speakers do next?A.Visit their friends.B.Do some shopping.C.Leave for Chicago.2.Where does the conversation take place?A.In a library.B.In a bookstore.C.In a classroom.3.What is Tom going to do this afternoon?A.Do the housework.B.Go to a concert.C.Attend a party.4.H

3、ow does the woman find the mans experience?A.Boring.B.Scary.C.Exciting.5.What are the speakers talking about?A.Chinese tea culture.B.Atea party.C.Atea house.第二节第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒

4、钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Husband and wife.B.Colleagues.C.Teacher and student.7.How did the thieves enter the office?A.In professional ways.B.With a lost key.C.Through a broken window.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。8.Who did the man buy a

5、birthday gift for?A.His cousin.B.His brother.C.His classmate.高二英语试卷第 2 页(共 10 页)9.What happened to the gift?A.It was broken.B.It was lost.C.It wasnt delivered.10.How does the man sound at the end of the conversation?A.Annoyed.B.Satisfied.C.Doubtful.听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。11.Why is Henry learning Fre

6、nch?A.To prepare for work.B.To take a trip to France.C.To further study abroad.12.What is Henry surprised at?A.Alot of people speak French.B.French is spoken in other countries.C.Many languages are spoken in France.13.What does Henry think of learning French?A.Just Okay.B.Quite easy.C.Very hard.听第 9

7、 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。14.Why is the man getting rid of some books?A.They are useless.B.He doesnt like them.C.His new apartment is small.15.Which book has the woman read before?A.The Lord of the Rings.B.The SunAlso Rises.C.Harry Potter.16.How many books will the woman take?A.Three.B.Two.C.One.听第 10 段材料,

8、回答第 17 至 20 题。17.What does the first contest accept?A.Long historical fiction.B.Sci-fi and fantasy stories.C.Any kind of short works.18.How often does the first contest take place?A.Once a year.B.Three times a year.C.Four times a year.19.What is a requirement for entering the second contest?A.Compet

9、itors must be at least 18 years old.B.Only stories in English are fully accepted.C.Stories should be more than 5,000 words.20.What is the deadline of the second contest?A.October 15.B.October 17.C.November 1.高二英语试卷第 3 页(共 10 页)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C

10、和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ABike Share Toronto is the citys official bike share program,designed to givethe locals and visitors a fun,affordable and convenient alternative to walking,taxis,buses and the subway.There are 200 Bike Share Toronto stations and 2,000 bikesacross the city,making Bike Share the most

11、accessible way to get around andexplore.How it works Become an Annual Member or buy a Day Pass to access the system.Find an available bike nearby,and get a ride code or use your member key tounlock it.Take as many short rides as you want while your pass or membership isactive.Return your bike to any

12、 station,and wait for the green light to make sure itslocked.Choose a plan For visitorsDay Pass:$7.Unlimited 30-minute rides in a 24-hour period.3-Day Pass:$15.Unlimited 30-minute rides in a 72-hour period.For the localsMonthly Pass:$25.Unlimited 30-minute rides for a month.Annual Membership:$90.Unl

13、imited 30-minute rides for a whole year.TheAnnual Membership is the most suitable deal for the locals of Toronto and otherfrequent riders.The first 30 minutes of each ride is included with the membership or pass price.Avoid extra fees by dropping off your bike every 30 minutes at any other station.I

14、fyou keep a bike out for longer than 30 minutes at a time,you will be charged anextra$1.50 for the first 30 minutes over,$4 for the next 30 minutes,and$7 foreach additional 30 minutes after that.Contact us Customer Service:(855)898-2388 Repair Service:(855)898-2378 Corporation Partners:(855)898-2398

15、 Employment Opportunities:(855)898-249821.What can we learn from the bike share in Toronto?A.The green light shows the bike is unlocked.B.Bike Share Toronto is a non-profit program.C.A member can get a QR code or a key to the bike.D.Shared bikes have taken the place of other vehicles.22.Which is the

16、 best choice for the locals to use the system in Toronto?A.Annual Membership.B.Day Pass.C.3-Day Pass.D.Monthly Pass.23.How much will the extra fee be if you travel for three hours by bike?A.$15.5.B.$22.5.C.$26.5.D.$28.5.高二英语试卷第 4 页(共 10 页)BDr.Sara McLin thought she made the right choice by going to

17、an in-networkemergency room near her Florida home after her 4-year-old burned his hand on astove last Memorial Day weekend.Her family is insured through her husbands employer,HCA Healthcare,aNashville-based health system that operates more hospitals than any other system inthe nation.So McLin knew t

18、hat a nearby stand-alone emergency room,HCAFlorida Lutz Emergency,would be in their plans provider network.But McLin said a doctor there told her she couldnt treat her son,Keeling,because he had second-and third-degree burns that needed a higher level of care.The doctor referred them to the burn cen

19、ter at HCA Florida Blake Hospital,about a90-minute drive away.McLin,who is a dentist,said the doctor told her the stand-alone ER would notcharge for the visit because they did not provide treatment.I dont remember exactly how she phrased it,but something along the linesof-we wont even call this a vi

20、sit,because we cant do anything.McLin said.At Blake Hospital,a doctor diagnosed Keeling with a second-degree burn,bandaged his hand,and sent them home with instructions on how to care for thewound.I didnt think anything more of it.McLin said.Then the bills came.Total Bill:For the emergency room visi

21、t,Envision Physician Services billed$829 to insurance and about$72 to the family.HCA Florida Trinity Hospital billedKeeling about$129,noting it had applied an uninsured discount.A list showedthe original charge had been nearly$1,509 before adjustments and discounts.She said she called her insurer,Un

22、itedHealthcare,and a representative told hernot to pay the bill.After being contacted by KHN,Aliese Polk,an Envision spokesperson,said inan email that Envision would give up the debt,apologizing to Keelings family forthe misunderstanding.24.What does Paragraph 3 focus on?A.A doctors suggestion.B.Mcl

23、ins anxiety.C.Treatment to Mclins son.D.ThelocationofBcahehospital.25.What do the total bills paid by Keelings family consist of?A.Fee from insurance service.B.Original charge from hospital bill.C.Family fee from insurance service.D.A share from insurance and discounts from hospital bill.26.What can

24、 be inferrd about the bill of Keelings family from the passage?A.The doctor at the emergency room healed Keelings burn.B.Alises Polks dealing with the bill can be satisfying to Mclins family.C.The doctor at Blake Hospital was impatient,treating Mclins lovely son.D.Mclins little son was burned on a s

25、tove but the hospital simply refused him.27.What is the text mainly about?A.A treatment accident.B.A scientific report.C.A medical bill.D.An interview report.高二英语试卷第 5 页(共 10 页)CYour student ID card identifies you as a student at the University of Bolton.Itwill provide you with access to University

26、facilities such as University Libraries,Sports Centre,and Computing Services.Please carry your card with you at all times.Do not lose your card or lend it to others.Your card is valid during the whole timeof your studies.It remains the property(财产)of the University of Bolton at alltimes.New students

27、photographsYou will be requested to upload a passport sized photograph as part of theonline registration process.This should be a jpg file with a size of no more than 1MB.Your photograph should be a portrait image in proportion(比例)to a 64portrait photograph.It should be taken in colour and must not

28、have been beautifiedwith image filters(滤光镜).Your student ID card will be provided to you by your department duringWelcome Week.Please be aware that you will not receive this smart card duringWelcome Week if you do not upload your image online by 4 September 2020.Replacement cardsIf your student ID c

29、ard no longer works or has been damaged,or if you havechanged your personal or programme details,you should call into the StudentAdministration Centre(SAC)to request a new one.Please ensure that you bringyour existing card with you.Your replacement card will be produced free of charge.If your card h

30、as been reported to the Police as stolen,please also call into theSAC to request a replacement,bringing with you a copy of your Police CrimeReport paperwork.Your card will be produced free of charge.If your card has been lost,a fee of5 is charged for the production of areplacement card.You are reque

31、sted to use our online payment service.Note:Replacement cards will be available for you to collect seven workingdays after making the request.As a security measure,you are requested to collectyour card in person at the SAC.28.Which of the following is the student ID card made for?A.To remind student

32、s to access public resources.B.To let students to use resources in the facilities.C.To provide information about campus facilities.D.To help students demonstrate their computer skills.29.What should a new student upload to meet the photo on the student ID card?A.an image saved as a PDF file.B.a colo

33、ured picture of their passport.C.a photo not beautified by a photographer.D.a portrait photograph according to proportion.30.In whichcasedoesa studenthavetopayforthereplacementofthestudentIDcard?A.The card cannot function properly.B.The card dropped off into a bus by accident.C.The card holder has c

34、hanged his or her information.D.The theft of the card has been proved with a police paperwork.31.What must you do to request a new replacement card?A.Go through a security check first.B.Call the police station in advance to prove.C.Wait for another seven days after requesting it.D.Get it at the SAC

35、yourself rather than through others.高二英语试卷第 6 页(共 10 页)DGerman media group RTL has set up a new unit,RTL Ventures,to invest inconsumer tech companies.The idea is to build up a project combination of innovative European firms thataspire to become category market leaders in the long term and for which

36、 the DACHmarket(Germany,Austria and Switzerland)offers relevant growth potential,according to RTL,adding that the investment team can call on“cash and mediaresources”to achieve this.Further details were not given.RTL Ventures will give the companies in its portfolio(文件夹)access tomedia brands across

37、a wide range of media:TV,Addressable TV,digital and print.Its key asset(资产)is large audience reach in different target groups,which willhelp the companies build and scale up their brands during the growth phase as partof a marketing mix,according to RTL.The investments are the responsibility of a se

38、parate team led by Beate Koch.Ute Henzgen and her team are responsible for media performance and mediaconsulting for the investments.Urs Cete,Managing Partner of the BertelsmannInvestment Fund BDMI,will be part of the RTL Ventures investment committeeand will work together with the investment team.“

39、By launching RTL Ventures,we have the chance to develop a new portfolio atan ideal time in the market.We will invest with a focus on yield,independence andpartnership,and will always be there for our entrepreneurs(企业家).Im delightedthat well have the benefit of the support.32.What is the purpose of R

40、TL?A.To provide the leaders investment.B.To deal with cash and media resources.C.To form a unit of potential European companies.D.To support growth potential of the innovative companies.33.What does the underlined word“phase”mean in Paragraph 3?A.Experience.B.Stage.C.Potential.D.End.34.What are the

41、responsibilities of Beate Koch,Ute Henzgen and Urs Cete?A.Co-working for RTL Ventures.B.Managing investment team of entrepreneurs.C.Commanding investment and media&managing field.D.Taking charging of investment committee of entrepreneurs.35.What does the last sentence of the passage mean?A.Entrepren

42、eurs plans are risky.B.RTL Ventures future is not clear.C.Customers are not satisfied with RTL Ventures.D.A new portfolio in the market has a promising future.高二英语试卷第 7 页(共 10 页)第二节第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Do you love the holidays,but hate the pounds that f

43、ollow?You are not alone.Holidays are times for feasting and celebrating.Many people are worried about theirweight.36.Whether you are celebrating at the office party or sitting down forthe traditional family dinner,regard eating as a time for tasting a variety of foods.The idea is to enjoy the holida

44、ys but not to eat too much.You dont have to turnaway from the foods that you enjoy.Here are some tips for preventing weight gain and maintaining physical fitness.Dont skip meals.Before you leave home,have a small,low-fat meal or snack.37.Control portions.Use a small plate(about 10 inches)and put asi

45、de the large ones that mayencourage you to load up”.38.Once you have your“tasting serving,moveaway from the dining table.Doing so will make it less attractive to be eatingconstantly as your appetite is inspired by the sight of food.Begin with soup and fruit or vegetables.Fill up beforehand with wate

46、r-based soup and raw fruit or vegetables.Or drinka large glass of water before you eat to help you feel full.Stick to physical activity.39.A20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off additional calories.Try to avoid high-fat foods.Dishes that look oily or creamy may have a largeamount of fat.Choo

47、se lean meats.40.Use lemon juice instead of dressing orbutter.A.Fill your plate with salad and green vegetablesB.Insist on exercise or dont take a break during the holidaysC.You had better turn your attention away from delicious foodsD.It is possible to keep normal weight during the holidays,thoughE

48、.You should be most comfortable eating a proper amount of foodF.Youd better remember the Dos and Donts for keeping fit and slimG.This may help to avoid getting much too excited before delicious food第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 完形填空第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出

49、可以填入空白处的最佳选项。高二英语试卷第 8 页(共 10 页)A Grade 7 student from Michigan is being considered as a hero.A video showsthat he jumped into41to stop a school bus filled with about 60 studentswhen the driver42.Not all heroes wear capes.In fact,some are just43out of elementaryschool.Dillon Reeves is praised for br

50、inging his school bus to a44stopafter the driver lost consciousness.Reeves was45home from school on the bus when he46thebus begin to change direction suddenly into oncoming traffic.“Someone call 911.Now!”he can be heard shouting in a surveillance videothat47from above the drivers head.Moments before


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