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《四川省乐山市2021-2022学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题(含答案).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四川省乐山市2021-2022学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题(含答案).docx(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、乐山市高中2023届教学质量检测英语第一局部 听力(共两节,总分值30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每题1.5分,总分值7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后面有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最正确选项。听完每段 对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A.19.15.B.9.15.C. 9.18.答案是B。1. Why is the mans phone broken?A. The battery died. B

2、. It has water damage. C. He dropped it on the ground.2. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Mother and son.B. Husband and wife.C. Teacher and student.3. What is the weather like now?A. Its raining.B. Its cloudy.C. Its sunny.4. Who did the car washing?A. The garage.B. Tom and P

3、eter.C. The man.5. How docs the man feel about Marys test result?A. Worried.B. Confused.C. Sorry.听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Why does the woman make the phone call?A. To book a table. B. To make an order. C. To apply for a part-time job.7. What will the woman do at 2:30 in the afternoon?A. Attend a class. B.

4、Meet the manager. C. Work in a restaurant. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Where was the boy that morning?A. In the classroom. B. In the art museum. C. At Ms. Greens house.9. What did Ms. Green think about the boys painting?A. It was boring. B. It was strange.10. What is the topic of the conversation?A. An oil p

5、ainting. B. A famous artist. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. How did Jane get interested in boxing?A. She once saw it on TV.C. Her teacher said it could help keep fit.C. It was pleasing.C. An art lesson.B. Her parents encouraged her to do it.12. What is the most important as a top boxer according to Jane?B. Gr

6、eat physical condition.C. In late February.B. Arrange an important meeting.A. Pretty good skills.C. A very quick brain.13. When will Jane have her next fight?A. At the end of May. B. In early April.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. What does the woman do over the phone?A. Complain about the hotel service.C. Orde

7、r a full English breakfast.15. How does the man feel?A. Apologetic.B. Angry.C. Uninterested.16. What will the man probably do next?A. Eat his breakfast.B. Go to the kitchen. C. Wait by the phone.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. When docs the speaker usually go to a movie with friends?A. On weekends. B. On week

8、days. C. During holidays.18. How docs the speaker learn about a movie?A. By seeing it herself.B. By cheeking the film reviews.C. By talking to her friends.19. What might the speaker do if the tickets are sold out?A. Steal in without a ticket.B. Go back home and watch TV.C. Buy a ticket for the next

9、show.20. What does the speaker like to do while watching a movie?A. Eat popcorn. B. Talk to others. C. Put her feet up.第二局部 阅读理解(共两节,总分值40分)第一节(共15小题;每题2分,总分值30分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最正确选项。AHit the Sauna(桑拿)Instead of the GymA Coventry University study reports that sitting in a sauna for at

10、 least 30 minutes three times a week is as beneficial as hiking or riding a bike. It raises your body temperature, increases your heart rate, and helps keep your blood sugar at normal levels. Over time, ibis may lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, dementia, and heart disease.Lower Stress with the He

11、lp of a FriendAccording to a University of Illinois study, women are likely to turn to a caring female friend to talk about a problem, which successfully lowers their stress. And this strategy can help man as well. So the next time you feel stressed, call a friend. It might help you feel better, sho

12、rt-term and long.Tai Chi reduces belly fatA Hong Kong study found that Tai Ch(太极)reduces belly fat as effectively as conventional exercise. Sinceexcess belly fat is linked to heart disease and type 2 diabetes, doing Tai chi can have some important health benefits.Exercise builds bones and protects a

13、gainst cancerA British study has found that people who suffer from osteoporosis一a condition that causes bones to become delicate and break easily could benefit from exercising more. Exercising accelerates(力口,决)the formation of new bone cell tissue and removal of old. Many hospitals recommend exercis

14、e for up to 150 minutes a week, as it increases energy and strength while reducing pain and anxiety.21. Whats the benefit of turning to a friend?A. Lowering the risk of diabetes.C. Keeping blood pressure.22. How does exercise help build bones?A. By growing new bone cell tissue.C. By breaking down th

15、e old and fragile bones. 23. What are the four mini paragraphs about? A. New treatment options for certain diseases.C. New findings in how to keep healthy.B. Reducing heart attack.D. Relieving anxious emotions.B. By increasing energy and reducing anxiety.D. By Speeding up the turnover of old and new

16、 cells.B. Major breakthroughs in medicine.D. Advice on the frequency of exercise.BTwo “stolen” notebooks written by Charles Darwin were returned to Cambridge University, nearly 22 years after they went missing. The notebooks included the scientists famous Tree of Life sketch(草图)and were believed to

17、have been taken in November 2000. Both notebooks were returned to the library in their original file boxes, and included a printed message which read, LibrarianHappy Easter. X.Speaking to the BBC, Cambridge Universitys librarian Dr Jessica Gardner said she felt “joyous at their return. Initially, li

18、brarians had thought the notebooks had been misplaced by staff. After various checks through the years, head librarian Dr Gardner eventually reported the notebooks as stolen to the police in 2020.Dr Gardner was also worried that the notebooks might have taken a lifetime or longer to come back. I tho

19、ught it might take years. My sense of relief at the notebooks9 safe return is profound and almost impossible to adequately express. I was heartbroken to learn of their loss and my joy at their return is immense.“There have been tears/9 she added. And I think there still will be, because we are not o

20、ver the emotional roller coaster. It means so much to us to have these home.”According to Dr Gardner, Cambridge University Libraries will be pulling the notebooks on display this summer, as part of the upcoming exhibition Darwin In Conversation, which opens oil July 9.24. Who stole” the notebooks?A.

21、 A library staff member.B. A scientist researching Darwin.C. Dr Jessica Gardner.D. Someone we dont know.25. We can learn from the first paragraph that.A. the police found the “thief from the message B. the notebooks were damaged to some degreeC. the notebooks are very valuable documents D. the noteb

22、ooks were stolen“ during the Easter 26. What does Dr Gardner think of the return of the notebooks?A. Its thrilling and risky.B. Its hard but worthwhile.C. Its unexpected while joyful.D. Its sceptical and unbelievable.27. What is the best title for this passage?A. Notebooks that Reflects Charles Darw

23、ins GeniusDarwins Notebooks Found in Cambridge University C. Charles Darwin Notebooks Returned after 22 Years D. Darwin In Conversation, an Exhibition You Cant MissCThe first time I realized that I had a love for sports competitions was during the Field Day(室夕卜运动会)in elementary school.Small for my a

24、ge. and more of a bookworm than a sports enthusiast, I had suffered that special shame of being picked last for various gym teams. The Field Day, which focused on individual skills, was different.In the Softball Throw(女子棒球)event, I got my first taste of sporting victory. I put it down to my first co

25、ach, my father. He bought us all baseball gloves and hats, and in the warm months, we spent hours playing catch. Come fall, our backyard football games began with passing practice.Once I got to sixth grade, the entire students were assigned to either the Red or the While team. Throughout the year, w

26、e competed against each other in various games and exercises for points. I eventually became president of The Committee of Games, increasing my competitive fever. However, in girls sports games at my school. I was no star. During the weekends at home, playing tennis, skating, skiing and biking were

27、simply normal things we did.Magazines were also quite popular for us teens. These regularly featured articles on physical exercise. Somehow, my college roommate and I took up the habit of completing the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) exercise every day, a sweaty body building practice that continue

28、d into my marriage, when we had no spare funds to use to join a gym. So, though it shocked some of our friends, the early foundation evolved in adulthood into a sports and fitness focus, which was considered essential even on vacation.I still love reading and the arts, too. As far as Im considered,

29、life is the richest with my feet in both worlds. 28. What does the author mean by saying “being picked last for various gym teams in paragraph 2?A. She seemed to have little talent in gym games. B. She had to interest in sports.B. She joined various groups.D. She was tired of competition.29. Which i

30、s closest in meaning to put it down to” in paragraph 3?A. Owe it to.B. Pass it on to. C. Hand it over to. D. Show it off to.30. What can we infer from paragraph 4&5?A. She developed an interest in reading magazine.B. Sports gradually became part of her life.C. Sports game had influenced her marriage

31、 a lot.D. She didn*t like competitive sports.31. Which of the following statements would the author agree?A. Reading comes second to Sports.B. Lifes foundation all lies in sports.C. Girls9 sports arc not competitive.D. Sports enriches life as well as books.DScientists have discovered a common househ

32、old item is the perfect host for bacteria: the kitchen sponge(海绵块). According to the new research, a sponge is a better habitat for diverse bacterial communities than a laboratory petri dish.Some bacteria prefer living with a collection of microbial species, while others prefer solitude, Bacteria ar

33、e just like people living through the pandemic一some find it difficult being set apart while others thrive (繁育)J says study co author Lingchong You, a professor of biomedical engineering at Duke, in a statement.In their study, researchers distributed different strains of E. coli(大肠杆菌菌株)onto plates wi

34、th different numbers of wells, which functioned as physical separation. The large wells allowed microbial species to mix freely, while the small wells let species keep to themselves. After 30 hours, the learn looked at I be number and types of bacterial on each plate, which had anywhere from six to

35、1,536 wells. The scientists found that a moderate level of physical separation, similar to the structure of a kitchen sponge, allowed both kinds of bacteria一those that live in groups and those that live alone一to thrive.After the researchers ran their initial experiments, they recreated the experimen

36、t on a sponge. They found that the bacterial community growing on a kitchen sponge was more diverse than those produced in laboratory petri dishes, which are designed to host bacteria. Sponges are not really well-suited for kitchen cleanness. says Markus Egert, a microbiologist at Furtwangen Univers

37、ity. Theres hardly any sterile surface at home, but the kitchen sponge is probably the most thickly populated item at home.”To keep bacterial growth to a minimum(最小量),Markus recommends microwaving your kitchen sponge for one to two minutes, keeping it away from raw meat, and replacing it every coupl

38、e of weeks.32. What does the underlined word solitude“ in paragraph 2 mean?A. Being alone. B. Growing in the soil. C. Being in airD. Living in groupsWhy is a sponge a better host for bacteria according to paragraph 3?A. It mixes microbial species to a different level.B. Its moderate holey structure

39、maintains both kinds of bacteria.C. It offers a high level of nutrients to bacteria.D. It allows bacteria communities to keep to themselves. 34. What can we learn from Markus Egerts words?A. Raw meat is a major source of bacteria.B. The sponge is a necessity in every kitchen.C. The sponge should be

40、removed from the kitchen.D. Bacteria can grow on almost every item at home. 35. Whats the purpose of writing the passage?A. To urgently call for kitchen cleanness.B. I o explain how we easily fall victim to bacteria.C. To call on people to abandon kitchen sponges.D. To report kitchen sponge is a bet

41、ter home for bacteria. 第二节(共5小题;每题2分,总分值10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Resilience means “doing well in the face of risk or adversity(逆境)Being resilient isnt about avoiding misfortune, but rather how we respond to it. Even if you consider yourself resilient, you may need some guidance

42、in especially hard times. 36.Develop relationships. Connecting with empathetic(用 同理心的)and understanding people can remind you that youre not alone in the midst of difficulties. 37 When adversity strikes, a supportive friend with goodlistening skills can make a big difference. And if you want your fr

43、iends and family to support your resilience, remember to support theirs too.38. Its hard to be positive when life isnt going your way. An optimistic view empowers you to expectthat good things will happen to you. Try imagining what you want, rather than worrying about what you fear. Along the way, n

44、ote any subtle ways in which you start to feel better as you deal with difficult situations.Move toward your goals. 39. Even if it seems like a small accomplishment, it enables you to movetoward the things you want to accomplish. Instead of focusing on tasks that seem unachievable, ask yourself, “Wh

45、ats one thing I know I can accomplish today that helps me move in the direction I want to go?”Dont try to ban misfortune completely. 40. But our reactions to big problems may be informed partly bythe many smaller setbacks we face in daily life. Everyday stress probably helps us learn how to handle b

46、igger challenges and gradually improve our adaptive systems.A. Find a sense of purpose.B. Maintain a hopeful outlook.C. Develop some realistic goals and do something regularly.D. How you think can play a significant part in how you feel.E. To build resilience, the experts suggest the following.F. Se

47、t up and maintain a support network before you need it.G. Resilience usually refers to how we handle serious adversity.第三局部 英语知识运用(共两节,总分值45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,总分值30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。I have seen the extraordinary impact volunteers have on patient care. They go abou

48、t their work quietly, but often we 41 how important they are, forgetting there is a 42 aspect just as important as biologicars.I remember an elderly woman who broke her hip, 43 to walk. Yet what 44 her most was her dog at home, alone, without any food. From a medical perspective, this wasnt a 45, Yet for the 46, shewouldnt have been able to 47 on getting better until she knew her dog was looked after. Then the volunteer _ 48 in the sickroom and reassured that he would 49 everything. He checked on the dog, fed him and 50 to f


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