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《高考英语二轮复习组合练一阅读理解完形填空语法填空含解析.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语二轮复习组合练一阅读理解完形填空语法填空含解析.docx(5页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、题型组合练【.阅读理解限时规范训练组合练(-)阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空AHello and Welcome to BookBrowse!BookBrowse is your guide to outstanding books, providing you with all you need to know about the books that matter. Because there are too many books published for you to read, BookBrowse seeks out and recommends only the best of t

2、he best. Then, we give you all the information you need to decide which are just right for you. Many Reviews in One PlaceBeing able to read a few pages of a book is a must, but its also interesting to see what others are saying, so we gather together every review we can find about a book. Of course,

3、 the media aren,t the only ones with opinions worth hearing, so visitors can write their own reviews as well.“What Should My Book Club Read?Over half of BookBrowse,s visitors are in a book club, and almost one in fiveof you are in two or more! BookBrowse provides rich resources for book clubs, inclu

4、ding reading lists, so you can find just the right books for your club.In addition, we host our own book club discussions that are open to all visitors, giving away free books to about 50 BookBrowse members ahead of each discussion. We also offer advice on starting and running a book club.Become a M

5、ember Today!Instead of spending time and money on books that dont live up to your expectations, discover the books that truly give you what you want from reading with a BookBrowse membership! If you,re not completely satisfied, we offer a money-back guarantee at any time.You might also want to consi

6、der giving a gift membership to a book-loving friend一 BookBrowse truly is the gift that lasts all year!语篇解读本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了 BookBrowse网站的相关信息。1. What does the text mainly introduce?A. A famous bookstore.B. An online gift shop.C. A useful website.D. A fun book club.解析:推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了一个名为BookBrow

7、se的网站的相关信息。 答案:C2. What does BookBrowse mainly do for its members?A. Provide them with information about good books.B. Tell them how to choose books right for them.C. Help them to have their own books published.D. Allow them to read books online for free.解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“BookBrowse is your guide t

8、o outstanding books, providing you with all you need to know about the books that matter. ” 和 “Then, we give you all the information you need to decide which are just right for you.” 可知,BookBrowse网站为其用户推荐好书并提供全面的信息。答案:A3. What can visitors to BookBrowse do?A. Obtain a gift membership.B. Get free boo

9、ks in book club discussions.C. Exchange books with its members online.D. Express their ideas about books on the website.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的 “so visitors can write their own reviews as well 可知,游客也可在网站上发表自己对于书籍的评价。答案:DBWhen I was a boy, our extended, immigrant family would sometimes gather at my aunt,s ti

10、ny house over the summer. Relatives from all over the country would come to visit.The adults would crowd together in the living room to talk and catch up on each other,s lives. And the kids would be sent out into the front yard to play when dinner was slowly cooked for all of us.Those were the days

11、before video games, smartphones, and motorized toys, so we often ended up playing an old game. I remember one of those moments especially. As I was the youngest and smallest of all the kids there, I got caught first and couldnt catch anyone else. My brothers and cousins were all too fast for me, and

12、 I grew more and more frustrated. Finally my face fell first into the dirt. I got up with tears forming in my eyes. Then I saw one of my female cousins Susan standing there. She started to run but was going much slower than before. I easily caught up and seized her. Then she turned to me, smiled, an

13、d said, Im it! You,d better run! ” I ran off laughing with glee while she turned and started to chase others.Now I see how her act of kindness that day saved me from sadness and made my joy return. It didn,t matter that we hardly ever saw each other. I know we are family and she loves me.In her wond

14、erful book Box of Butterflies, Roma Downey writes, “We are all one, we all belong to each other, and we are one big, beautiful family. ” Perhaps it is time that we all started to treat each other that way. Perhaps it is time that we shared our love, our kindness, our laughter, and our joy with every

15、one without fear. Perhaps it is time to finally and forever bring this world together in one big family reunion. 语篇解读本文主要讲述了在一个移民大家庭中,爱与善的分享使全家团结一致的温馨故 事。4. When the adults were chatting, the kids would .A. play video gamesB. sit in the front yardC. learn to cook dinnerD. play traditional games解析:细节

16、理解题。根据第一段最后一句中的“the kids would be sent out into the front yard to play” 以及第二段第一句 Those were the days. . . playing an old game. v可知, 当大人们聊天时,孩子们在前院里玩传统的游戏,故正确答案为D。答案:D5.A.B.C.D.the others ran too fastThe author was able to catch Susan becausethe authorSusan gavewas good at running him a chanceSusan w

17、anted to chase others解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的内容,尤其是“She started to run but was going much slower than before. I easily caught up and seized her. 可推知,Susan 看到作者哭了, 给了作者一个机会,让作者能够抓住她,故正确答案为C。答案:C6. What can be inferred from the passage?A. The author is grateful for what Susan did to him.B. The author can,t mee

18、t Susan any more.C. The author urges others to love their family.D. The author believes the world will become a big family.解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的内容,尤其是第一句可推知,作者很感激Susan为他做的 事,故选A。答案:A7. What could be the best title of the passage?A. A Memory of My ChildhoodB. Sharing of Goodness Unites UsC. Kindness Bright

19、ens Our LifeD. A Good Deed is Invaluable解析:标题归纳题。根据最后一段并结合文章内容可知,本文主要讲述了作者通过童年时和 兄弟姐妹做游戏的一次经历得出分享善意使我们团结的结论。故B项最适合作本文的标题。 答案:BII.完形填空Luther Younger is a 99-year-old loving husband. His wife came down with cancer nine years ago, and doctors 12 , the couple have remained strong.Over the last nine year

20、s, Luther has always taken a six-mile 3 every day to visit his wife in the hospital. He always stays by her side, encouraging her, showering her with _4_, and their daily kiss. Luther could get a ride or even take the bus, but he _5_ to walk the whole journey to help clear his mind and to _6 everyth

21、ing about his wife. Passers-by often recognize Luther and stop to offer him a ride, but he 7 their kindness. His daily walk is 8 of how much he loves his wife.Luthers daughter hoped he could 9accept rides, especially on extremely hot and snowy days, but Luther 10 walking himself so she just lets him

22、 have it his way.11 walking six miles each day in the heat and snow would be too much, when youve walked through 12 with someone, whats another six miles? Luther is always 13 to leave his love before returning home, but he knows that each tomorrow, 14 the weather, he will be on his way again.He can,

23、t bear to live a single day without 15 his wife.语而函 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个温暖有爱的故事。无论天气怎样,一 位99岁的老爷爷每天步行六英里去看因癌症住院的妻子。1. A.reportedB. imaginedC. advisedD. thought解析:根据空前的His wife came down with cancer. . . v可知,医生已经诊断Luther的 妻子罹患癌症,故医生认为(thought)他的妻子只能活五年。答案:D2. A. HoweverB. ThereforeC. InsteadD. Besides解析:

24、根据空前后的shed have just five years to live” 和 remained strong 可知, 虽然医生认为她只能活五年了,但是这对夫妇一直很坚强。上下文的内容形成对比,故选A 项。however 然而,不过,但是”。答案:A3. A. driveB. walkC. rideD. flight解析:根据下文的walk the whole journey可知,他是每天步行(walk)去看他的妻子的。 答案:B4. A. reliefB. trustC. loveD. sympathy解析:根据文章内容以及设空前后的stays by her side, encoura

25、ging her和and their daily kiss可知,Luther给予他的妻子大量的爱(love) o 答案:C5. A. agreesB. hesitatesC. failsD. prefers解析:根据设空前的转折词but以及下文中的“to help clear his mind. everything about his wife”可知,相比坐车,Luther更喜欢(prefer)步行。故选D。答案:D6. A.recallB. suspectC. ignoreD. discover解析:Luther更喜欢步行到医院,在路上,他可以清醒头脑,回忆关于他妻子的每一件事。recal

26、l 回忆起;suspect “怀疑”;ignore “忽视;discover “发现”。答案:A7. A. dislikesB. correctsC. declinesD. considers解析:根据设空前的offer him a ride以及转折词but可知,路人想让Luther搭车,可是 他都委婉拒绝了。decline在此处表示“谢绝,婉言拒绝”。答案:C8. A. motivationB. proofC. trialD. origin解析:根据上文内容可知,Luther非常爱他的妻子,通过每天行走来回顾往事,他的步行是 对妻子爱的证明。motivation “动力”;proof “证明

27、;trial “审讯”;origin “起源”。 答案:B9. A. actuallyB. graduallyC. finallyD. occasionally解析:根据设空后的 especially on extremely hot and snowy days 可知,Luther 的女儿希 望父亲能够偶尔接受别人的帮助,特别是在天气恶劣的情况下。occasionally ”偶尔,有时 候”。答案:D10. A. insists onB. turns toC. sets aboutD. takes up解析:根据设空前后的 but 以及 “walking himself so she jus

28、t lets him have it his way” 可知前后句之间在语义上是转折关系,表示“但是Luther坚持自己步行。insist on doing ”执意继续做。turn to “向求助(寻求指教等) ;set about “着手做”;take up “开始从事”。答案:A11. A. BecauseB. IfC. WhileD. Until解析:根据设空后的. . walked throughwith someone, whats another sixmiles? ”可知,尽管冒着严寒酷暑每天走六英星未茨了,但是比起与一个人一起度过一生, 这不算什么,前后句之间为语义上的转折对比

29、关系。while ”虽然,尽管”。答案:C12. A. lifeB. growthC. marriageD. adulthood解析:根据上题解析可知,与一生的相伴相比,六英里不算什么。life “一生”。答案:A13. A. gratefulB. sadC. eagerD. guilty解析:Luther在回家前要离开妻子时感到难过,但是他知道自己第二天会再来。grateful 感 激的,表示感谢的;sad “悲哀的,难过的;eager “热切的,渴望的,渴求的;guilty “感 到内疚的,感到惭愧的”。答案:B14. A. thanks toB. rather thanC. apart

30、fromD. regardless of解析: 根据上文的 especially on extremely hot and snowy days 和 in the heat and snow 可知,无论天气怎么样,Luther都会每天走路去看妻子。thanks to幸亏,由于;rather than ”而非,而不是;apart from “除了; regardless of 不管,不顾”。答案:D15. A. supportingB. mentioningC. seeingD. calling解析:根据上文中有关Luther每天去看他妻子的内容可知,他忍受不了见不到妻子的日子。 故选Co 答案

31、:c m.语法填空Soon computers and other machines will be able to remember you by looking at your eyes.The program is 1.(rely)because peoples eyes vary from person to person. So in the future you won,t have to remember a number when you want 2.(use) a machine or get money out of the bank. You 11 just have

32、to look at the machine and itll be able to tell 3.you are.Right now, the eye-recognition program 4.(test) in shops and banksin the USA, Britain and France. Meanwhile, scientists are working on other systems, 5.will soon be able to recognize you from your 6.(appear)or the shape of your hands. We alre

33、ady have machines that can recognize you from your voice or the marks 7.(make) by your fingers.(depend) on how good the technology is. In Britain, it was found that 91% of the people interviewed said that they liked 10. idea of eye-recognition.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介苗亍与中新的身份识别系统一一眼睛识别系统。 1.解析:空格中所填单词在句中作

34、表语,需用rely的形容词形式。答案:reliable2 .解析:want to do sth.为固定搭配,表示“想要做某事”。 答案:to use3 .解析:该句意为:“你只要看着机器,机器就能辨别你的身份”,故用who引导宾语从句。 答案:who4 .解析:主语the eye-recognition program是谓语动词动作的承受者,用被动语态;时间 状语right now一般与现在进行时连用。答案: is being tested5 .解析:本句是非限制性定语从句,which引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语。 答案:which6 .解析:空格中所填单词在句中作宾语,需用appear的名词形式。 答案:appearance7 .解析:made by your fingers是过去分词短语作定语,修饰marks,分词动作与逻辑主语 之间是动宾关系。答案:made8 .解析:根据years later可知,这里是拿将来的你与现在的你作比较,故用。Id的比较级 形式。答案:older9 .解析:depending on.是现在分词短语作状语,意思是“取决于”。答案:depending10 .解析:此处特指眼睛识别系统这种想法。答案:the


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