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《2021届高考英语二轮复习组合练七阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空课时优化作业含解析.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021届高考英语二轮复习组合练七阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空课时优化作业含解析.doc(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、组合练(七)阅读理解完形填空语法填空.阅读理解AWhile Google, Bing and Yahoo dominate (居之首) adult search engine choices, they are not always the best choice for students.The sites on this list are good search engines that students can rely on.Fact MonsterHomework help is always on hand with Fact Monster ()It is mainly fit

2、for students aged from 7 to 12.There are also all kinds of games, spelling tests and more for kids to improve their study and have some fun.Ask KidsAsk Kids () is a great site for students to safely find the information they need from the web.Besides being a useful and safe search engine, Ask Kids a

3、lso has a useful picture and video search function that allows students to find pictures or videos that may be useful to their information search.SortFixSortFix () is one of the useful search engines for students because it provides relevant, organized search results.It does this by analyzing the ke

4、ywords in the search results, and giving the searcher the ability to focus on, or remove, certain keywords.It is a useful search engine if you are not sure what information you want to find, or if you are tired of finding irrelevant (不相关的) results in your searches.Wolfram AlphaCreated by Stephen Wol

5、fram, Wolfram Alpha () can calculate things that it would take a hundred or more individual websites to do.It uses a set of ways to answer questions directly that you type into the search box, which is different from other websites.You can find everything from the nutritional value of an apple to th

6、e realtime position of the International Space Station.An Apple app is offered so that you can add it to any iPod Touch devices.It is best suited for older students.语篇解读本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了四个适合学生使用的搜索引擎。1Whats the authors purpose in writing the text?ATo recommend four useful apps.BTo advertise four intere

7、sting websites.CTo list the top four popular websites in the US.DTo introduce four studentfriendly search engines.解析:写作意图题。根据文章第一段的内容以及对四个网站的介绍可知,本文的目的是介绍四个适合学生使用的搜索引擎。答案:D2If you keep getting the results you dont want, which will you probably use?AFact Monster.BAsk Kids.CSortFix. DWolfram Alpha.解析:

8、细节理解题。根据SortFix部分的内容可知,SortFix从搜索结果中提取关键词让用户进行取舍,因此其搜索结果更精准、简洁。答案:C3Whats special about Wolfram Alpha?AIt offers answers directly.BIt provides games for kids.CIt focuses on solving maths problems.DIt is intended for astronomy enthusiasts.解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的“It uses a set of ways to answer questions d

9、irectly that you type into the search box,which is different from other websites.”可知,Wolfram Alpha的不同之处在于其直接提供问题的答案。答案:ABIn 1995, I decided to help my mother find new and creative artwork for her gift gallery.As a child, I had loved the stories and images of Wonderland, Narnia and Oz.As an adult, I

10、found I had a strong desire for the same sense of wonder in my childhood, and felt there was a need for truly gifted artists.In 1997, my mothers gift gallery was filled with artwork and I began reflecting on my aim.My dreams became large, and so did my plans.The excitement of making a dream come tru

11、e was upon me, and each day was full of hope as I achieved my goals.In July of that year, I went into hospital suddenly.“Nothing serious,” I thought.“Ill be in hospital for several days and soon be free of pain.And best of all, Ill have three weeks off work to work on the plan for the new gallery.”

12、So it was with joy in my heart that I had an operation on July 14, 1997.I would never be the same.I awoke from the operation completely paralyzed.I could not move my arms, legs, fingers or toes.I sank into colorless and hopeless shape of despair (绝望), because my dreams of art slowly went far away.An

13、d then something wonderful happened.My friend sent me a healing friend, a playful puck (小精灵)More specifically, it was a doll to make me well.At that moment, I knew healing was mine, and then dreams came true.He made me smile.He made me get over the pain to feel joy again.Six months later, I could wa

14、lk.More importantly, my dreams came back again.I began communicating with artists and friends, and planning with business partners.Together with my family and friends, I have formed what I feel is the beginning of a bright and blessed institution.It took five years to create Duirwaigh Gallery.The dr

15、eam of Duirwaigh Gallery has moved from hope to despair and returned again.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。作者想创建一个艺术馆,但一场疾病使得她身体瘫痪,不得不放弃梦想。后来一位朋友送的小玩偶让她重新鼓起勇气,振作起来,并实现了自己的梦想。 4When did the author get the idea of establishing Duirwaigh Gallery?AWhen she was still a child.BWhen she helped with her mothers gift gallery.C

16、When her mothers gift gallery was completed.DWhen she worked with some truly gifted artists.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句可知,作者帮助母亲建立了礼物艺术馆后萌发了建立自己的艺术馆的想法。 答案:C5How did the author feel initially when she went into hospital?ALighthearted.BWorried.CPuzzled. DDepressed.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段可知,作者刚入院时,并没有意识到自己问题的严重性,认为正好可以

17、借这个时间段来规划自己的梦想,心情很轻松。答案:A6What does the author mean by saying “I would never be the same”?AShe suffered great pain when she was in hospital.BShe was greatly affected by the operation.CShe had to live alone in her own apartment.DShe lost interest in collecting artwork.解析:细节理解题。根据上下文可知,手术后作者身体瘫痪,处于绝望的

18、状态,由此可知,手术给作者造成了巨大的影响。答案:B7Whats the authors purpose in writing the text?ATo inform. BTo advertise.CTo persuade. DTo inspire.解析:写作意图题。从作者讲述的创建艺术馆的经历可知,她从最初的满怀希望,到后来因生病接受手术而放弃,到最后又重新振作,实现了自己的梦想可知,作者是想通过这个故事来激励读者不要放弃梦想。 答案:D.完形填空My most rewarding experience in the past two years was volunteering at th

19、e swimming competition of Special Olympics where a disabled friend of my community took part.This had special _1_ for me because experiencing it helped improve my leadership skills, develop my character, and support my community.Firstly, my _2_ skills developed when I independently told each swimmer

20、 where to _3_ at the platform. And I _4_ each competitor when they needed to swim.I had to make sure that the swimmers were _5_ and ready to compete.This kept me on my feet at all times and _6_ of each events time and location.I learned each swimmers name, _7_ many of them swam in more than one even

21、t.Secondly, my _8_ was greatly influenced.When I saw the swimmers get their awards for winning each swimming event, I was deeply moved.I was _9_ that most swimmers could swim better than ITheir _10_ attitudes astonished me, whether they won or lost.This also enlarged my view, offering me the opportu

22、nity to _11_ people I would normally not run into.I went out of my _12_ zone and did whatever was needed to be done, even if it was sometimes difficult for me.It was especially _13_ when I saw the smiling faces of the competitors.Lastly, I was of _14_ to my community by lending a hand to this organi

23、zation.To be a part of it gave me a chance to improve my community and become _15_ with the people living in this area.As Winston Churchill once said,“We make a living by what we get, but we make a(n) _16_ by what we give.” The importance of _17_ should be stressed throughout your life. _18_,through

24、 the many opportunities my community has offered I was privileged to be _19_ in this exciting and important event in these competitors lives.I hope to be a(n) _20_ again at this event in years to come.语篇解读作者两年来最有益的经历就是在特奥会游泳项目中做志愿者,这次经历提升了作者的领导能力、培养了作者的品格,并让作者为自己的社区作出了贡献。1A.purpose Battention Cregul

25、ation Dmeaning解析:根据空后的“because experiencing it helped improve my leadership.support my community”可知,在特奥会游泳项目中做志愿者的经历对作者来说有特殊的意义。答案:D2A.speaking Bswimming Cleadership Dexercise解析:根据上文中的“because experiencing it helped improve my leadership skills,develop my character,and support my community”以及该空前的fir

26、stly和本段表述的作者独立帮忙做一些事可知,此处表示作者的领导能力得到了提升。故选C。答案:C 3.A.line up Bpile up Cput up Dset up 解析:根据语境可知,在参赛者开始比赛之前,作者需要指导每一位选手先排好队。line up意为“排队”,故选A。B项意为“堆积,积压”;C项意为“提出”;D项意为“建立”。答案:A4A.informed Bawarded Ctaught Dcompared解析:根据语境可知,作者作为志愿者要通知每一个选手什么时候游泳。A项意为“通知”,故选A。答案:A 5.A.preserved Bpositioned Cpresented

27、Dpredicted解析:根据空后的“ready to compete”可知,作者必须确保选手就位并准备比赛。故选B。答案:B6A.full Bignorant Cconvinced Daware解析:根据第4小题的解析及该空前的“This kept me on my feet at all time”可知,引导运动员参加比赛这件事使作者一直站着,而且作者要知道每场赛事的时间和地点。故选D。答案:D7A.if Bbecause Cso Dthough解析:根据空后的“many of them swam in more than one event”可知,因为许多运动员要参加不止一项比赛,所以作

28、者要熟悉每个人的名字。故选B。答案:B8A.technique BimaginationCcharacter Dfigure解析:根据第一段尾句,下文中的“I was deeply moved”以及第11空前的“This also enlarged my view”可知,这次经历让作者的品格受到了很大的影响。故选C。答案:C9.A.impressed Breminded Cblamed Dconcerned解析:根据第8小题的解析及该空后的“most swimmers could swim better than I”可知,让作者印象深刻的是,大多数运动员游得比作者还好。故选A。答案:A10.

29、A.various Bcontroversial Cchangeable Dpositive解析:根据该空后的“whether they won or lost”可知,他们积极的态度让作者非常惊讶。故选D。答案:D11.A.educate Bcommand Cmeet Drecommend解析:根据空后的“I would normally not run into”可知,这次志愿者服务让作者有机会遇到许多人,而这些人在通常情况下作者是见不到的。故选C。答案:C12.A.comfort Bsafety Ctime Ddevelopment解析:根据该句中的“did whatever was ne

30、eded to be done,even if it was sometimes difficult for me”可知,作者走出了自己的舒适区,开始做任何需要做的事情,即使有时对于作者来说很困难。故选A。答案:A13A.outstanding Brewarding Cinteresting Ddemanding解析:根据空后的“when I saw the smiling faces of the competitors”可知,当看到参赛者的笑脸,作者觉得自己的付出是特别值得的。故选B。A项意为“杰出的”;B项意为“值得做的”;D项意为“要求高的”。答案:B14A.wisdom Bcoura

31、geCencouragement Dservice解析:根据第一段中的support my community以及下文中的“To be a part of it”可知,作者通过帮助这个机构来帮助自己的社区。故选D。be of service意为“有用,有帮助”。答案:D15A.crowded Bcombined Cacquainted Dsupplied解析:根据上文中的“offering me the opportunity to _11_ people I would normally not run into”可知,做志愿者让作者能够熟悉社区里的人。故选C。be acquainted w

32、ith意为“熟悉”。答案:C16.A.exception Bway Canalysis Dlife解析:根据语境并结合该句中的make a living可知,这里表示的是“我们通过得到的东西谋生,但我们通过给予创造生活”。故选D。答案:D17.A.volunteering Bevaluating Ctraveling Dcompeting解析:根据第一段第一句中的volunteering并结合上文讲述的内容可知,此处表示志愿者工作的重要性。故选A。答案:A18A.Strangely BGenerally CFortunately DSpecially解析:根据下文中的“I was privil

33、eged to be.in these competitors lives”可知,幸运的是,通过社区提供的许多志愿者服务机会,作者很荣幸能够参与到这些参赛者生活中的这个激动人心的、重要的比赛中来。故选C。答案:C19A.committed Binvolved Cdevoted Dcaught解析:参见上题解析。B项意为“参与”,故选B。答案:B20A.director Bassistant Ccompetitor Dtrainer解析:根据第一段第一句中的volunteering at the swimming competition和上文讲述的内容可知,作者当时的志愿者服务工作是协助运动员参

34、加比赛。由此可知,这里表示作者希望未来几年后能够再次成为助手。故选B。答案:B.语法填空Today, Mount Qomolangmas peak is not a lonely place any more.Over 3,500 people have 1._ (successful) climbed the mountain over the past years.Meanwhile, climbers have complained about 2._ (wait) for hours in the bottlenecks.In fact, the dangerous 3._ (crow

35、d)arent the only problem.All those climbers need 4._ (bring) a lot of gear (设备), much of which ends up being left on the mountain.It is becoming the worlds 5._ (tall) rubbish dump.But the good news is 6._ some mountaineers have started to clean up Qomolangma.Mountaineers Paul and Eberhard are part o

36、f Eco Everest Expedition, which has been cleaning up rubbish since 2008.So far they 7._ (collect) over 13 tons of garbage.Some of that rubbish is even being used for 8._ higher purpose.As part of the Mount Everest 8844 Art Project, a group of 15 artists from Nepal collected 1.5 tons of garbage.Theyv

37、e changed the cans and oxygen tanks into 74 pieces of art that have already been exhibited 9._ Nepals capital.Part of the profit from sales 10._ (be) available for the Everest Peakeers Association which has helped collect rubbish off the mountain.语篇解读文章主要介绍了珠穆朗玛峰的污染情况以及现在采取的应对污染的措施和取得的进步。1解析:考查词性转换。

38、分析句子结构可知,空前的have和空后的climbed构成谓语,此处应用副词来修饰,故填successfully。答案:successfully2解析:考查非谓语动词。此处介词about之后应用动名词形式,故填waiting。答案:waiting3解析:考查名词的单复数。根据空前的形容词dangerous可知,空处应用名词形式,crowd“人群”为可数名词,且句子的谓语arent为复数形式,所以应用复数形式crowds。答案:crowds4解析:考查非谓语动词。此处表示所有这些登山者都需要带着大量设备,故此处用need to do sth.“需要做某事”。答案:to bring5解析:考查形容

39、词的最高级。根据句中的the worlds表示“全世界范围内的”可知,此处表示最高级的含义,故用形容词最高级tallest。答案:tallest6解析:考查名词性从句。分析句子结构并结合句意可知,此处引导表语从句,引导词在从句中不充当成分,仅起连接作用,故用that引导该从句。答案:that7解析:考查动词的时态和主谓一致。根据句中的时间状语so far可知,此处表示截止到现在已收集的垃圾数量,所以应用现在完成时;且主语they为复数,故填have collected。答案:have collected8解析:考查冠词。此处表示“一个更高的目标”,表泛指,在文中第一次提到,且higher的发音以辅音音素开头,故用a。答案:a9解析:考查介词。根据句意可知,此处表示“在尼泊尔的首都”,故填in“在(某范围或空间内的)某一点”。答案:in10解析:考查动词的时态和主谓一致。根据语境可知,此处为一般性描述,应用一般现在时;该句主语为part of the profit from sales,此处表示单数概念,故填is。答案:is


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