2021届高考英语第一轮总复习精讲 Unit 3 Celebration 北师大版必修1.doc

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1、课时作业(三) 模块1Unit 3 Celebration (限时:35分钟).单项填空1In front of the house _ two wheat fields,one of which is twice the size of the other.Ais BareChas Dhave2What do you usually do in your spare time,Lucy?Nothing _Ive no other hobbies except for reading and watching TV.Aas well Bin generalCas usual Din parti

2、cular3I have some big news for you,Mrs Brown.Your son has passed the job interview._ Thats great!AHas he? BPardon?CCongratulations! DGood idea!4Will you carry out the project this year?Hard to say.It depends on _ we can collect enough money or not.Ahow Bwhen Cwhether Dwhy5Afternoon tea _ during the

3、late afternoon in Britain,when friends or family members get together and relax.Aserves Bis servedCis serving Dwill serve6You should _ the position immediately,in person or by letter.Many people are interested in it,you know.Aapply for Bturn toCtake up Dswitch on7The Spring Festival is the time _ al

4、l family members get together,just like Christmas in the West.Athat BwhichCwhen Dwhere8Dont stay up too late watching TV,baby.You have to _ school early tomorrow morning,right?Aserve BattendCcommit Dgraduate9Information on the Internet is usually more detailed and uptodate,but _ be accurate and reli

5、able.Amustnt BcouldntCneednt Dmay not10_ the police thought he was the most likely one,since they had no exact proof about it,they could not arrest him.AAlthough BAs long asCIf only DAs soon as.完形填空I had the perfect life before I discovered my father had cancer.No matter how much I told myself he co

6、uld _11_,that he might not leave us behind,_12_ I still felt as if it was a death sentence.He was so young,only 63.He fought so hard.Whenever I feel my own life taking a turn for the worse,_13_ things will never get better,I remember how many years he lived_14_ such a scary and difficult disease.Whe

7、n he died,he died with a huge_15_ going on around him,with all his friends and adult family.They ate and drank and_16_ Fathers life.He died with dignity and honour,_17_ by loved ones.I honestly dont know how I managed.I never cried alone.I had the_18_ of my friends and the support of my family and t

8、eachers.I just remembered my fathers_19_ that we should celebrate his life.Thats how we_20_ the idea for Hives for Livesa business my sister and I started where all the_21_ go to the American Cancer Society (ACS)We_22_ honey,honeycomb,beeswax candles,and lip cream,which all come from our beehives in

9、 Virginia.It started out _23_,2 years ago,with just an idea._24_ our first year we donated $2,000 to the ACS.This year we donated $10,000 and were hoping to do more next year._25_ our business will help find a cure or just improve the life of someone with_26_I feel like Hives for Lives is a way to_2

10、7_ my father.With Hives for Lives_28_ me of my father every day,I feel as if I can move on in life,that he will always be_29_ in my heart and memories.It made me able to cope with his _30_,because I felt like I had truly honoured his wish of celebrating his life.I hope he is smiling from heaven.11A.

11、live BsucceedCcompete Dstruggle12A.otherwise BthereforeCsomehow Danyway13A.in case Bas ifCso that Deven though14A.treating BcuringCspreading Dfighting15A.party BweddingCoperation Dappointment16A.celebrated BcancelledCprotected Ddelivered17A.abandoned BignoredCsurrounded Dburied18A.experience Bcompan

12、yCpower Dadvantage19A.request BbusinessCschedule Dwish20A.got along with Bkept up withCgot away from Dcame up with21A.sources BprofitsCsalaries Dawards22A.collect BsellCreturn Dpurchase23A.equal BdifferentCempty Dsmall24A.During BByCFor DOf25A.Finally BGraduallyCHopefully DFortunately26A.trouble Bdi

13、sabilityCcancer Ddepression27A.honour BrewardCdefend Dcongratulate28A.informing BaccusingCreminding Dwarning29A.energetic BaliveCeasygoing Dactive30A.illness BhardshipCattitude Ddeath.阅读理解AEverybody is familiar with Christmas music;its played everywhere.Whether its the music from a grocery store or

14、random(随机的)songs on the radio,holiday music remains to flood in the air from the day after Thanksgiving Day to the beginning of December.Christmas music gets extremely overplayed through the holiday season.“I think the common seasonal Christmas music is annoying because it keeps being played over an

15、d over,” said junior Devin McFarland.The Christmas music still played today is what she heard in her childhood.Some famous Christmas songs have never been changed.The original music is played so much that in some cases people dream about or even sing Christmas music in their sleep.She wishes that th

16、ere was a wider variety of songs.She likes the newer Christmas songs that bands either remake or write themselves.“They have a fresher sound to Christmas songs,and they add their own characteristics to them so that they are more like their own songs,” McFarland explained.Christmas is known as a happ

17、y and homecoming festival,so the holiday season is meant to be spent happily with your family.It is recognized that the music media wants to get the point across and add to the festival atmosphere.But isnt the music being pushed to the public too much?Most grocery stores play the music nonstop,Chris

18、tmas song after Christmas song,disgusting the customers who dont like that kind of music.You can walk through stores and attempt turning off the music,but sometimes its impossible to do so.On the other hand,almost everyone has witnessed random persons walking along happily and either singing or whis

19、tling the tune of the song thats played throughout the store.31Why does Devin think common seasonal Christmas music is annoying?ABecause the music is played at random.BBecause it has become more commercial.CBecause the music is played too much.DBecause everyone is familiar with Christmas.32According

20、 to the writer,Christmas music or songs need_Areforming BrepeatingCreplaying Dreserving33The music media hopes to inform the public of the idea that _AChristmas should be celebrated with family happilyBChristmas songs should be more traditionalCChristmas music should be pushed to the publicDChristma

21、s music and songs attract more customers34What is the passage mainly about?APeople love to listen to original Christmas music.BEverybody has been tired of Christmas songs and music.CChristmas music can bring more happiness to the public.DChristmas music is calling for changing and updating.BWhen you

22、re lying on the white sands of the Mexican Riviera,the stresses (压力) of the world seem a million miles away.Hey,stop! This is no vacationyou have to finish something! Here lies the problem for travel writer and food critic (评论家) Edie Jarolim.“I always loved travelling and always liked to eat,but it

23、never occurred to me that I could make money doing both of those things,” Jarolim said.Now you can read her travel advice everywherein Arts and Antiques,in Brides,or in one of her three books,The Complete Idiot Travel Guide to Mexicos Beach Resorts.Her job in travel writing began some eight years ag

24、o.After getting a PhD in English in Canada,she took a test for Frommers travel guides,passed it,and got the job.After working at Frommers,Jarolim worked for a while at Rough Guides in London,then Fodors,where she fell so in love with a description of the Southwest of the US that she moved there.Now

25、as a travel writer,she spends onethird of her year on the road.The rest of the time is spent completing her tasks and writing reviews of restaurants at home in Tucson,Arizona.As adventurous as the job sounds,the hard part is factchecking all the information.Sure,its great to write about a tourist at

26、traction,but youd better get the local (当地的) museum hours correct or you could really ruin someones vacation.35Which country does Jarolim live in now?AMexico. BThe US.CThe UK. DCanada.36What is most difficult for Jarolim?AWorking in different places to collect information.BChecking all the facts to

27、be written in the guides.CFinishing her work as soon as possible.DPassing a test to write travel guides.37What do we know about Jarolim from the text?AShe is successful in her job.BShe finds her life full of stresses.CShe spends half of her time travelling.DShe is especially interested in museums.38

28、Which would be the best title for the text?AAdventures in travel writing BWorking as a food criticCTravel guides on the market DVacationing for a living课时作业(三).1.B考查倒装句。表示地点或方位的介词短语位于句首时,句子常使用完全倒装。该题中,主句是倒装句,正常语序是“Two wheat fields are in front of the house”。特别提示:倒装句中,主语后置,这时要特别注意句子的主谓一致。2D考查短语辨析。由答语

29、“我除了看书和看电视之外没有其他爱好”推断,说话者闲暇时间没有什么特别的事可做,故选D。in particular尤其,特别;as well也;in general总的来说;as usual像往常一样。3A考查交际用语。答案A表示惊喜,难以置信,可译成“真的吗?”符合语境。4C考查名词性从句。答语意思是“今年这个项目能否实施还很难说,取决于我们能否筹集到足够的钱”,故用whether引导宾语从句。5B考查动词的时态和语态。主语afternoon tea是谓语动词动作serve的承受者,故用被动语态;由于这里说的是经常性、习惯性的情况,用一般现在时,故选B。6A考查动词短语。由语境“你知道,许多

30、人对这个职位感兴趣”推断,说话者建议对方应该立即申请这一职位,亲自去也好,写信也行,故选A。apply for申请;turn to求助于;take up着手做;switch on打开。7C考查定语从句。when此处用作关系副词,引导定语从句,修饰先行词time,并在从句中作时间状语。8B考查动词辨析。语境意思是“不要熬夜看电视,明天一早你还要上学呢”,其中attend school是习惯搭配,意思是“上学”。serve服务;commit承诺;graduate毕业。9D考查情态动词。语境意思是“网上信息通常更详细、更及时,但有可能不准确、不可靠”。may not表示不确定的推测,意思是“可能不”

31、,符合语境。10A考查状语从句。句意:尽管警察认为他最有可能(犯罪),但是既然他们没有确切的证据,他们也不能逮捕他。从上下文意思看,只能选A。.父亲患癌症去世后,“我”和妹妹擦干泪水,忘却悲伤,为帮助其他癌症患者贡献自己的一份力量。11A由下文“that he might not leave us behind”可知,“我”希望爸爸能活下来(live)。12C尽管“我”知道爸爸不想抛下“我们”,但他被确诊癌症,无疑是宣判死刑。somehow“不知怎么地;不管怎样”,符合语境。13B爸爸被确诊癌症,“我”感到天塌下来一般,好像(as if)情况再也不会好转似的。14D“我”想起了爸爸被确诊癌症后

32、,和癌症顽强抗争(fight)好多年。15A由下文“They ate and drankFathers life.”可知,“我们”是在开派对(party)。16A由下文“I just remembered my fathers that we should celebrate his life.”可知,父亲希望“我们”在他死的时候不要悲伤,而要庆祝(celebrate)他的一生。17C由前文“he died with a huge going on around him,with all his friends and adult family.”可知,父亲死的时候,家人朋友围(surroun

33、d)在他的身旁,为他送行。18B由前文“I never cried alone.”可知,“我”有朋友的陪伴(company)、家人和老师的帮扶。19D由后文“I felt like I had truly honoured his wish of celebrating his life.”可知,庆祝他的一生(celebrating his life)是他的愿望(wish)。20D“我们”想出了(come up with)这样的主意。21B“我”和妹妹把获得的收益(profit)捐给the American Cancer Society。22B“我”和妹妹是靠卖(sell)与蜜蜂有关的产品赚钱

34、的。23D“我们”的生意开始时很小(small)。24A在第一年期间,我们捐了2000美金。during“在期间”,符合语境。25C“我们”希望(hopefully)能够为攻克癌症、减轻癌症患者的痛苦贡献自己的力量。26C“我们”希望改善癌症患者(someone with cancer)的生活。27A“我”和妹妹这样做是希望表示对逝去的父亲的敬意(honour)。28C在经营Hives for Lives生意期间,“我”常常会想起逝去的父亲。remind“使想起”,符合语境。29B父亲永远活在(alive)“我们”的心中和记忆里。30D经营Hives for Lives生意使“我”学会了应对没

35、有父亲在身边时的困难,因为“我们”所做的让他得到永生。依据语境,这里应该填death。.A本文是一篇关于西方社会文化的说明文。同样的圣诞节音乐被过分地重复播放,毫无新意,甚至让人心生厌倦。希望能有新的圣诞节音乐出现。31C 细节理解题。根据第一段“I think the common seasonal Christmas music is annoying because it keeps being played over and over, said junior Devin McFarland.”一句可以得出答案。32A 推理判断题。根据第二段,作者详细论述了一次次播放相同歌曲缺乏新意,

36、急需乐队改编或重写(bands either remake or write themselves.)”对诞歌曲。33A 推理判断题。根据第三段中的Christmas is known as a hpppy and homecoming festival, so the holiady season is meant to be spent happily with your family.“It is recognized that the music media wants to get the point across ”可以推断出答案。34D 主旨大意题。纵观全文,文章主要论述圣诞节音

37、乐太过陈旧,没有新意,需要改变和更新。B伊迪亚罗利姆是旅行作家,也是美食评论家。谋生在她身上既是度假休闲,又是写作和评论的源泉。35B细节理解题。文章第二段提示 “then Fodors,where she fell so in love with a description of the Southwest of the US that she moved there.”可知,她现在到了美国。36B细节理解题。文章最后一段第一句 “As adventurous as the job sounds,the hard part is factchecking all the informatio

38、n.”明确告知该题答案。37A推理判断题。从文章字里行间,特别是第一段最后两句“it never occurred to me that I could make money doing both of those thingsNow you can read her travel advice everywhere”以及最后一段“its great to write about a tourist attraction”可以看出,她很成功。38D主旨大意题。答案A、C文章没有提及,答案B以偏概全,均可排除。文章第一段“Hey,stop! This is no vacationyou have to finish something!” “but it never occurred to me that I could make money doing both of those things”均提到罗利姆“度假也是谋生”。故选D。


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