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《2019年浙江省中考英语题型专项复习训练:任务型阅读.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年浙江省中考英语题型专项复习训练:任务型阅读.pdf(27页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、信息归纳型Passage 1The earth is much worse than before because of serious pollution:air pollution,soil pollutionand water pollution.What should humans do to save the earth?First,we should not produce too much rubbish.Rubbish takes up much space,so there will notbe enough space for people to live in.Whats

2、 worse,it will pollute soil and fewer plants can grow.Next,we should keep the sea and rivers clean.Fish cant live in polluted water,so it may beimpossible for us to enjoy so much seafood in the future.Third,everyone should help to keep the air clean.Polluted air is harmful to our health.To make the

3、earth a better place,everyone should learn to love our planet from now on.Andeveryone should play a part in saving the earth.How to save the 1.Three kinds of pollution:air pollution,soil pollution and water pollutionFirstDont produce too much 2._.It takes up much space.3._K _eep the sea and rivers c

4、lean.Fish cant live in polluted water.ThirdKeep the air clean.Polluted air is 4._ for our health.Everyone should try their best to 5.the earth.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了地球环境污染日益严重,我们应该采取措施来拯救地球。1.earth【解析】根据文章第一段可知文章主要介绍了怎样拯救地球。故填earth.2.rubbish【解析】根据第二段第一句First,we should not produce too much rubbish.“可

5、知答案。故填 rubbish 03.Next/Second【解析】根据文章“First.Next.Third.”可知答案。故填 Next/Second。4.b ad【解析】根据第四段最后一句Polluted air is harmful to our health.”可知,被污染的空气对我们的健康有害,be bad for对有害。故填back5.save【解析】根据文章最后一句中“in saving the earth.“可知答案。故填save。Passage 2Homework is a big problem for many students.Luckily,here are sever

6、al tips for you to makehomework easy.Make a homework planMost middle school students spend two or three hours doing homework at night.If it is a heavyhomework day,you may need to spend even more time.It is a good idea to come up with some kindsof homework schedules(进度表),especially if you are going t

7、o do sports or other activities afterschool.Watch where you workA bedroom,study or any room where you can get away from noise is good for you to do yourhomework.But dont study on your comfortable bed,or you might fall asleep there.Take a breakMost peoples attention doesnt last very long,so take some

8、 breaks while doing your homework.Sitting for too long without relaxing will make you less productive(富有成效的)than if you stopto take a break regularly.Taking a 15-minute break every hour is a good way for most people.Get help when you need itSometimes even though you are listening carefully in class,

9、some subjects seem too hard.Thefirst person who you can ask for help is your teacher.He or she may be able to work with you beforeor after school and explain things more clearly.Your classmates may also be able to give you a hand.However,lots of people understand something well but are not able to e

10、xplain it.Homework HelpTopicWatch where you workYou should do your homework in a quiet place,【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要就如何更轻松有效做家庭作业给出了四点建议,包括:制定计划、注意学习的地点、休息和寻求必要的帮助。1.easy【解析】根据第一段第二句Luckily,here are several tips for you to make homework easy.”可知答案。故填 easy。2.spending 解析根据第二段第二句If it is a heavy homework day

11、,you may need to spend even more time.”可知答案。故填spending3.b ed【解析】根据第三段第二句But dont study on your comfortable bed.”可知答案。故填bed。4.minutes【解析】根据第四段最后一句Takinga 15-minute break every hour is a good way fbr most people.”可知答案。故填minutes5.give you a hand【解析】根据最后一段倒数第二句Your classmates may also be able to give yo

12、u a hand.“可知答案。故填 giveyou a handoHomework can be hard,but there are somebut never study on your 3._.ways to make homework 1._.Take a breakMake a homework planTo keep productive,it is a good idea for mostHeavy homework means 2._more timepeople to have a rest for 15 4._ everyon your study.hour.Have a

13、homework plan so that you can take partGet help when you need it.in all kinds of after-school activities.Ask your teacher for help.Your classmates may also be able to 5._.Passage 3Charles Dickens(狄更斯)was born in London in 1812.His family was rather poor.Two daysafter his 13th birthday,Dickens starte

14、d working in a factory.In his life,he changed several jobs andmet all kinds of people.Many of his novels were based on his past experiences.Dickens started writing novels in hisearly thirties and became successful almost immediately.Oliver Twist,his second novel,came out in1838 and was very successf

15、ul.It told a story of a young orphan(孤儿)in the dangerous streets ofLondon.The story has a happy ending-the young boy finds his real parents and a loving home.Because of this novel,great attention was paid to poor children.Over the next 25 years,Dickenswrote many other popular novels which are still

16、read today.His books are liked by both theAmericans and the British.Charles DickensTwo days 1._working in a factory_ startingCelebrating his 13th birthday.His past experiencesChanging 2._jobs and meeting all kinds of people.Oliver Twisthis second novelTelling a story of a young orphan in the 3.stree

17、ts ofLondon.From 1838 to 1863Many other novels were 4._ by Dickens.The people who like his booksThe people from America and 5._.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了狄更斯的生平及创作经历。1.before【解析】根据第一段第三句Two days after his 13th birthday,Dickens started working in a factory.“可知答案。故填 before02.several【解析】根据第一段最后一句In his life,

18、he changed several jobs and met all kinds of people.“可知答案。故填 several(,3.dangerous【解析】根据第二段第四句It told a story of a young orphan(孤儿)in the dangerous streets of London.“可知答案。故填 dangerous o4.written【解析】根据文章第二段倒数第二句Over the next 25 years,Dickens wrote many other popular novels which are stillread today.“

19、可知答案。故填 writteno5.Britain【解析】根据文章第二段最后一句“His books are liked by both the Americans and the British.“可知答案。故填 Britain。Passage 4Title:Come to know the house on wheelsWhat is RVs Ifs a moving house with everything you need:a small kitchen,bathroom andbedroom.They are often seen on American roads.The who

20、le family will get into the lovely house and travel across the country.It makes your journey free because you can drive as long as you like.Theres no need to worry about finding hotels and restaurants.Advantages You can stay at a nice place for a few weeks if you like.of VRs It will bring you a lot

21、of fun when you come across other families and sharesnacks.People prefer this kind of trip because they can decide where and when to go.Disadvantage It will take you some time to get the car back to work when it breaksdown,s of VRsThere is a moving house with everything you need.In the US,you can re

22、ally see these movinghouses on the road.They are called recreational vehicles(RVs,房车).People call them house on1.When its holiday time,the whole family often gets into this lovely house and travelaround the country.This house makes your journey 2.You can drive as long as you like without worryingabo

23、ut finding 3.Or you can just stop at a nice place and stay for a few weeks.You mayalso come across other families.Together,you take out your tents and snacks.Its camping time with4.fun!Of course,RVs are not always easy.They can sometimes 5.and you have to spendtime mending(修理)them.But this type of r

24、oad trip still wins peoples hearts because they can gowherever they want whenever they want.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一种新型的旅游交通工具房车。房车有许多优点,为人们省去很多麻烦,为旅途增添不一样的乐趣,但同时它也有缺点。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.wheels【解析】根据标题“Come to know the house on wheels”可知答案。故填 wheels。2.free【解析】根 据 表 格 第 三 行 中 的 第 一 makes you

25、r journey free because you can drive as long as you like.“可知答案。故填freeo3.hotels and restaurants【解析】根据表格第三行中的第二点“Theres no need to worry about finding hotels and restaurants.”可知答案。故填 hotels:and restaurants。4.a lot o f【解析】根据表格第二行中的第四点“It will bring you a lot of fun when you come across other families a

26、nd share snacks.”可知答案。故填的。曲 曷5.break down【解析】根据表格最后一行“It will take you some time to get the car back to work when it breaks down.”可知答案。故填 break down。Passage 5The system of grading parents Parents are marked how much they support their children from A to D based on taking part intheir childrens educa

27、tion.The system encourages parents to attend events,such as parents evening and helps theirchildren learn at home.For many children at this school,children whose parents are in groups A and B make betterprogress than those in groups C and D.Disagree Agree It will make parents wear poor students5 hat

28、s.Its helpful to both parents and children.Its one thing when children get a bad score,butnow they openly embarrass their parents,too.Those parents who work from nine to five wonthave much time to attend more school events.It also can help children learn better atschool and become happy and outgoing

29、in life.Ifs useful to improve the relationshipbetween children and parents.A system is used to mark parents on how much they support their children.Parents are gradedfrom A to D according to taking part in their childrens 1.The system encourages parents toattend events like parents evening and helps

30、 children 2.Sometimes,children whoseparents are in groups A and B make better 3.than those in groups C and D.Some people think that the system will make parents wear poor students9 hats when children geta bad score.And parents who work from 4.wont have much time to attend school events.Other people

31、believe its 5.to both children and parents.It will make children learn better atschool and become happy and outgoing in life.【主旨大意】本文是一篇议论文。主要针对“给父母的评分制度 方面表达了两种看法并详细说明了持有该态度的原因。1.education 解析根据第一个表格第一点“Parents are marked how much they support their children from A to D based on takingpart in their

32、childrens education.“可知答案。故填 educationo2.learn at hom e【解析】I艮 据第个表格第二点“The system encourages parents to attend events,such as parents9 evening andhelps their children learn at home.”可知答案。故填 learn at home。3.progress【解析】根据第一个表格第三点“For many children at this school,children whose parents are in groups A

33、 and B makebetter progress than those in groups C and D.”可知答案。故填 progresso4.nine to five/9 to 5 解析根据第二个表格第二点“Those parents who work from nine to five wont have much time to attendmore school events.”可知答案。故填 nine to five/9 to 5。5.helpful【解析】根据第三个表格第一点“Irs helpful to both parents and children.”可知答案。故填

34、helpfulo还原句子型Passage 1American and British people both speak English.But sometimes there are some importantdifferences between British English and American English.1.Often,Americans dont say each word separately.They say words together.Americans may say“I dunno,instead of I dont know”.However,the Br

35、itish are more careful.They usually say all the words and keep them separate.Sound is not the only difference.Words sometimes have different meanings,too.2.Americans drive trucks,but in England people drive lorries.Many expressions are also different in the two countries.In England,if you are going

36、to callyour friends,you“phone them up”.In America,you“give them a call”.There are also some differences in grammar.For example,Americans usually use the helpingverb do when they ask a question.They say“Do you have a pen?”But the British often leave outthe helping verb.3.Most languages are like this.

37、Languages change over time.When people live in separate places,the languages change in different ways.This is what has happened to English.4.Manypeople in Canada speak French but their French is very different from the French of France.A.It canalso happen to other languages like French.B.For example

38、,the vocabulary for cars and driving is very different.C.They say Have you a pen?”D.First of all,they sound very different.5.How many differences between British English and American English are mentioned in thispassage?(回答不多于5个单词)【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了英式英语和美式英语之间的区别:发音不同、单词不同、表达不因、语法不同。1.D【解析】根据本段中“A

39、mericans may sayI dunnoinstead ofI dont know.”美国人通常说“I dunno”而不说I dont know”,可知英式英语和美式英语听起来很不一样。故选D。2.B【解析】根据上一句“Words sometimes have different meanings,too.”可知单词有时也有不同的含义,故接下来是对这叙述进行举例说明。故选B。3.C 解析根据空前两句“They say Do you have a pen?But the British often leave out the helping verb.”可知接下来应该讲英国人怎样说“你 有

40、 笔 吗 这 句 话。故选C。4.A 解析根据空后一句Many people in Canada speak French but their French is very different from the French of France.力 口 拿大的许多人讲法语,但他们的法语和法国的法语很不一样。”可知类似英语发生改变的情况也发生在法语上。故选A。5.Four/4.【解析】通读全文内容可知,本文介绍了英式英语和美式英语之间的四个不同点。Passage 2Sam was a fifteen-year-old boy living with his little sister,Julie

41、.Their parents had passed awaylong ago.Sam took care of Julie by himself.One day,Sam woke up at three in the morning as usual.When Julie was sleeping alone,Samleft their house to send newspapers.He found an old man sitting in front of their house.1.Itwas an icy morning and he looked very cold.The po

42、or old man didnt have anything to cover himself with.Sam went into his house to getthe old man a blanket(毯子)2 So Sam thought hard and took his fathers coat.It was theonly thing of his fathers that he had left.Sam wrote a short note.Sir,I found you sleeping in frontof my house.This is my fathers coat

43、.I hope it fits you well.3.Then he went to work.When he came back three hours later,both the man and the coat were gone.4.That afternoon,Sam hurried home after school because Julie was at home alone.However,Julieand the old man were standing in front of the house,and Julie shouted to Sam,Brother!Our

44、 familywill have a grandfather from now on.A.However,there were no extra blankets.B.Sam was so surprised that he stopped to look at him closely.C.He put the note in a pocket of the coat,and covered the old man withthe coat.D.Sam thought that it was the best thing he could have done with hisfathers c

45、oat.5.What do you think of Sam?(回答不多于 5 个单词)【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。萨姆和朱莉父母早逝,两人相依为命。有一天萨姆发现门口有个老人冻得瑟瑟发抖,他将父亲唯一的遗物大衣给了老人,后来老人就跟两个孩子一起生活了。文章告诉我们要保持爱心、乐于助人。1.B【解析】根据前后语境可知,天气很冷,门口有一位老人,所以萨姆很惊讶地看着他。故选B。2.A【解析】前一句讲萨姆进屋去拿大衣,后一句讲他仔细地想了想并把父亲的大衣给老人盖,所以此处指没有多余的毯子。故选Ao3.C【解析】根据后一句他去上班了可知,此处是说他把纸条放进大衣口袋里,然后把大衣给老人盖上。故选C

46、。4.D【解析】根据前一句语境可知,萨姆回来发现老人和大衣都不见了,所以此处是他的心理活动,他认为这是他能用他父亲的大衣所做的最有价值的事。故选D。5.He is kind/friendly/warm-hearted.【解析】本题属于开放性试题,答 案 不 唯 合 理 即 可,注意词数限制。Passage 3Some of you might often feel unhappy or forget how great you are.But do you want to makeyou feel good about yourself?1.Look at the mirror and say

47、 to yourself,“I am a special person and theres no one in the worldlike me.I can do anything!,9 It may not sound good,but it really works!Smile.2.Look for the good things in your friends and family.Do something nice for someone.Helping others always makes you feel good.3.Have you ever wanted to decor

48、ate(装饰)your own room or learn how toswim?Go for it!New challenges are fun and give you a sense of achievement when you havefinished.4.Turn off the TV,be friends with the books and let your dream fly!Write down yourthoughts,dreams or anything you want!Writing always helps to open up your thoughts.Sta

49、y with your family.We all need our family time.Talk with your mum or dad or maybe evenyour cousin.A.Learning something new.B.Read and start a diary.C.Be friendly to people you meet.D.Here are some suggestions for you.5.How do you usually do to make yourself feel good?(回答不少于 5 个词)【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章就如何

50、让自己感觉良好提出了几点建议。1.D【解析】上句提到“但是你想使你自己自我感觉良好吗?”可知下面几段提到的是方法和建议,所以这个空是个过渡句,指可以给你一些建议。故选2.C【解析】上一句提到微笑,下一句是发掘你家人和朋友中好的方面,因此这个空是与家人和朋友有关的。故选C。3.A【解析】根据下文“你曾经想过装饰你自己的房间或者想学习游泳吗?去做吧!新的挑战是有意思的,当你完成的时候你会有很大的成就感。”可知这一段是要告诉我们要尝试新事物。故选A。4.B【解析】根据下文“关上电视,和书交朋友,让梦想飞翔!写下你的想法、梦想或者任何你想写的东西!写东西会帮助5.I can pick up some


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