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《2019年天津市中考英语总复习题型专项训练(任务型阅读).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年天津市中考英语总复习题型专项训练(任务型阅读).pdf(30页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Passage 1John Steinbeck,a famous writer,was bom in California of the USA on February 27th,1902.Hestudied in a high school between 1915 and 1919.At the age of 18,he studied biology in StanfordUniversity,but he left school in 1925 without finishing his degree.At the age of 27,Steinbeck5 s first novel

2、Cup of Gold was published.During his lifetime hewrote a lot of books,including sixteen novels,six non fiction books,and five collections of shortstories.Of Mice and Men became Steinbeck5 s first big success in 1937.His best novel The Grapesof Wrath was published in 1939,and it brought him even great

3、er success.A year later he won thePulitzer Prize because of this novel.It was also for this novel that he was best remembered.Steinbeck was first married to Carol Henning in 1930.The marriage lasted 12 years.In 1943,Steinbeck moved to New York where he lived for the rest of his life.He married the s

4、ingerGwyndolyn Conger in 1943 and had two sons,Thom and John.They divorced in 1948 and two yearslater he married his third wife,Elaine Scott.In 1962,Steinbeck was awarded(被 授 予)the Nobel Prize in Literature.In 1964,presidentJohnson presented him with the United States Medal of Freedom.Steinbeck died

5、 in New York on December 20th,1968.1.John Steinbeck,a famous writer,California of the USA on February 27th,1902.2.At the age of 27,Steinbeck,s Cup of Gold was published.3.John Steinbeck won The Pulitzer Prize in 1940 .4.In 1943,Steinbeck moved to where he lived for the rest of his life.5.In 1962,Ste

6、inbeck the Nobel Prize in Literature.1【主旨大意】本文是一篇名人传记。介绍了 2 0世纪美国最有影响力的作家之-约翰斯坦贝克。他的小说艺术造诣很高,将写实与幻想风格巧妙地结合起来,对后来美国文学,尤其是西部文学的发展有着重大的影响。愤怒的葡萄被认为是他的代表作,发行量巨大。因其对美国文学的突出贡献,1962年约翰获得了诺贝尔文学奖。1.was bom in2.first novel3.because of The Grapes of Wrath4.New York5.was awardedPassage 2A group of people got tog

7、ether in a famous restaurant in Basel,Switzerland,waiting to eatdinner.Soon,a waiter arrived.He asked everyone in the group to put their mobile phones in a box.Then,these guests stood in a line.Finally,the waiter led the group into a completely dark diningroom.This restaurant is called Blindekuh.The

8、 waiters and many other workers there are blind.Jorge Spielmann,who is blind,opened Blindekuh in the late 1990s.But Spielmann didnt startthe restaurant to get awards or to make money.Instead,he wanted to create jobs for blind people.Today,there are many restaurants like Blindekuh.In some of the rest

9、aurants,guests can choosea“mystery meal”.Instead of“seeing“what they are eating,they have to use their other senses torecognize their food!In these restaurants,guests do not eat alone.Many people find it difficult to eat and talk withstrangers.But sitting in the dark,they feel they can speak without

10、 being judged(评半U).Sometimes people do things they wont normally do.Blind people are often treated like they 2 are less able than sighted(有视力的)people.But the darkness of the restaurants changes this.There,blind people are experts,and they know more about living without sight than others!Theserestaur

11、ants not only give blind people jobs,more importantly,they also give them something they donot get-enough respect.1.When eating in a dining room in Blindekuh,people are not allowed to take their.2.But Spielmann didnt start the restaurant to get awards or to make money.Instead,he wanted tofor blind p

12、eople.3.In these restaurants,guests do not eat alone.Many people find it and talk withstrangers.4.Blind people are often treated like they are sighted people.5.According to the writer,blind peopl e.【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了 Jorge Spielmann经 营 的Blindekuh餐厅,这个餐厅主要的目的不是为了赚钱,而是为盲人创造就业机会,也给人们机会去体验失明的感觉。旨在引导人们

13、尊重盲人。1.mobile phones2.create jobs3.difficult to eat4.less able than5.are experts in some waysPassage 3On the first day of school,our professor introduced a little old lady called Rose to us.3“Why are you in college at such a young age?”I asked jokingly.She replied,Im here to meeta rich husband,get m

14、arried,have a couple of children,and then retire and travel.,“No,seriously.I asked.I was curious what may have motivated(激 励)her taking on thischallenge at her age.I always dreamed of having a college education and now Im getting one!shetold me.We became friends.Every day for the next three months w

15、e would leave class together and talknon stop.I was always listening to this“time machine as she shared her wisdom and experiencewith me.At the end of the term,we invited Rose to make a speech to our classmates.I will never forgetwhat she taught us.“We do not stop playing because we are old;we grow

16、old because we stop playing.There areonly two secrets to stay young,being happy and achieving success.When you lose your dreams,youdie!She said.At last,Rose finished the college degree.One week after graduation(毕 业),Rose diedpeacefully in her sleep.Over two thousand college students attended her fun

17、eral(葬礼)to honor thewonderful woman who taught by example that ifs never too late to be all you can possibly be.1.“I always dreamed of and now Im getting one!,she told me.2.I was curious what may have encouraged her to at her age.3.There are only two secrets to staying young,and achieving success.4.

18、,Rose died peacefully in her sleep.5.Over two thousand college students attended her funeral to honor the wonderful woman who 4 taught by example that.【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了一位很棒的年迈妇人坚持追求自己的梦想,并且用事例来告诉我们要成为自己想成为的样子,永远都不会太迟。1.having a college education2.take on this challenge3.being happy4.One week afte

19、r graduation5.its never too late to be all you can possibly bePassage 4“It is never too late and you are never too old to learn something new!says Englishtown studentEllen Rema.Ellen began to learn English at the age of fifty,and in just a few years,she has madegreat progress!Ellen chose to study on

20、 Englishtown because no evening classes were offered in the Germancountryside where she lives.On Englishtown,she has conversation classes online and speaks withnative English-speaking teachers.Englishtown is a wonderful place for study,“she says.Ellen began with the first level ofEnglishtown and qui

21、ckly progressed.t4I spent hours and hours studying,she said.Maybe I wantedtoo much in a short time.I finished all my courses after 2 years,but I still had grammar difficulties.Instead of giving up,she chose to continue.After another two years on Englishtown,shes stillstudying in the online classroom

22、.Studying online is never boring,but you need practice,practice,practice!-5-Ellen says studying English isnt all about hard work.It should also be fun.I really like theonline conversation classrooms,she says.I have learned so much about other cultures andtraditions.Ellen has been able to put her Eng

23、lish into use by visiting England five times!Tm very thankfulto Englishtown because my life has improved because of it,“Ellen says.1.Ellen began to learn English when he was,and in just a few years,she hasmade great progress!2.Ellen chose to study on Englishtown because in the German countryside whe

24、reshe lives.3.On Englishtown,she has conversation classes online and speaks with.4.After on Englishtown,shes still studying in the online classroom.5.Ellen has been able to put her English into use by five times!【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了一位50岁才开始学习英语的老人埃伦,凭借顽强的毅力,取得了可喜的成绩。这个故事给我们的启示是:有志者,事竟成。1.fifty/502.n

25、o evening classes were offered3.native English-speaking teachers4.another two years5.visiting EnglandPassage 5-6-People are always afraid of making mistakes.But sometimes its not bad to make mistakes,andhere is why.At first,mistakes are a clear sign that you are trying new things.In fact,when you ar

26、e tryingnew things,you are growing.If you never try new things,how can you improve?How can you create?The simple answer is,“You can,t.,Look around you,everything you see is the result of someonetrying new things.The second good thing about mistakes is this:when you are making mistakes,you are learni

27、ng.Consider this:Edison failed 10,000 times before he invented the light bulb(灯泡).When he wasasked how he felt to fail that many times,he said that he hadnt failed 10,000 times,but rather hadlearned 10,000 things that didnt work.Finally,when you make a mistake,you are that much closer to success.Why

28、?Because youhave said what you should say,and you have done what you should do.But it doesnt mean that youcan make mistakes without thinking.Instead,its necessary for you to think them over when you trynew things.In this way,you can avoid some unnecessary mistakes.We shouldn,t spend all our time and

29、 money on the only one way,but use them correctly.Afterall,our time and money are limited.There is an old saying,“If you are not making mistakes,you arenot trying hard enough.1.At fi rst,are a clear sign that you are trying new things.2.Look around you,everything you see is the result of.3.Finally,w

30、hen you make a mistake,success is you.4.Instead,ifs necessary for you to when you try new things.5.After all,our and money are limited.7【主旨大意】本篇是一篇议论文。文章通过实例告诉我们不要怕犯错误,犯错误是每个人走向成功的必经之路,并且能够帮助我们更好地学习和成长。1.mistakes2.someone trying new things3.much closer to4.to think them over5.timePassage 6Richard Je

31、nkins used to sleep in a homeless shelter(收容所)and was named Harvard“by badmen for being a bookworm.Now,he is going to the same Ivy League school on a full scholarship(奖学金).The 18-year-old teenager found out the good news while in Paris on a school trip.He said onWednesday that he was so excited he t

32、hrew his cellphone in the middle of a call.Jenkins said he decided to work on study after lying to a friend about sleeping in a homelessshelter in the sixth grade.“I was so embarrassed(尴尬的)to say I lived in a shelter,he told WHYY.But that5s whenI realized Ive tried my best because I cant make my kid

33、s go through what Im going through now.”Jenkins said he applied to Harvard after receiving a promotional(激励的)email in his junioryear.He said he was especially attracted to its program that pays education for students fromhouseholds that earn less than$65,000 a year.8 While Jenkins wasnt so sure,he s

34、aid his mom always knew he was going to get into Harvard.She proved that,telling the Philadelphia inquirer(调查员)I was not surprised.Jenkins said he plans on studying computer science in order to create a better man.1.Richard Jenkins used to sleep in and was named“Harvard“by bad menfor being a bookwor

35、m.2.But that5s when I realized Ive tried my best because I cant make go through whatIm going through now.3.Jenkins said he applied to Harvard after in his junior year.4.Jenkins said he plans on studying computer science so that he can.5.Jenkins said he decided to work on study after lying to a frien

36、d about sleeping in a homelessshelter.【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了 Richard Jenkins如何由一位无家可归的流浪汉成为一名哈佛大学生的故事。故事告诉我们:只要你肯努力,没有做不到的事情。1.a homeless shelter2.my kids3.receiving a promotional email4.create a better man5.in the sixth gradePassage 7About 10 years ago,when I was a student in college,I was working in t

37、he shop at my 9 universitys Museum of Natural History.One day,I saw an elderly couple come in with a little girl ina wheelchair(轮椅).As I looked at this girl,I saw that she was seated on her chair.I realized she had no arms or legs,just a head,neck and body.She was wearing a little white dress with r

38、ed dots(圆点).As the couplewheeled her up to me,I was looking down at the cash register(收 车 艮 处).I turned my head toward thegirl and gave her a wink(眨眼).As I took the money from her grandparents,the girl gave me thebiggest smile I have ever seen.All of a sudden,her disability disappeared.All I saw was

39、 thisbeautiful girl,whose smile gave me a new sense of life.She took me from being a poor,unhappycollege student and brought me into her world of smiles,love and warmth.That was 10 years ago,but Im a successful businessman now.Whenever I am down andthinking about the troubles of the world,I think ab

40、out that little girl and the life lesson she taught me.1.About 10 years ago,when I was a student in college,I in the shop at myuniversitys Museum of Natural History.2.As I looked at this girl,I saw that she.3.As I took the money from her grandparents,the girl gave me the biggest smile4.All I saw was

41、 this beautiful girl.Her smile gave me.5.Whenever I am down and thinking about,I think about that little girl andthe life lesson she taught me.【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。作者回忆了十年前,一个没有四肢的女孩对他微笑,让他感 10 受到了这个世界是充满微笑、爱和温暖的。后来每当作者遇到困难时,他就会想起那个女孩以及她给他带来的生活启示。1.was working2.was seated on her chair3.I have ever seen4.a

42、 new sense of life5.the troubles of the worldPassage 8One day,a student asked his teacher,4tWhat is greed(贪 婪)?The teacher didnt answer hisquestion directly.He asked the student to walk through the chocolate factory next to their school andpick out the biggest chocolate bar he could find.But there w

43、as a rule:Once he passed through thefactory,he could not turn back.The student went to the chocolate factory.While he was walking,he saw a large chocolate bar.He liked it,but he thought he might be able to find a(n)even bigger one if he kept going.He keptwalking and saw another chocolate bar.But aga

44、in,he thought he could find an even bigger one if hekept going.As he walked near the end of the factory,he saw fewer chocolate bars.Whats worse,none ofthem were as large as the earlier ones.He started to regret keeping going.Finally,he gave up.He went back to his teacher empty handed and explained w

45、hat hadhappened.The teacher told him,“You liked the first chocolate bar,but you kept looking for a biggerone.And later,you realized that you had given up the biggest chocolate bar because you thought you 11 could find a bigger one.That is called greed.”1.He asked the student the chocolate factory ne

46、xt to their school and pickout the biggest chocolate bar he could find.2.As he walked near the end of the factory,he saw.3.Finally,he gave up.He went back to his teacher and explained what hadhappened.4.Whats wor s e,wer e as large as the earlier ones.5.And later,you realized the reason you had give

47、n up the biggest chocolate bar is that【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了一位老师通过让学生找最大的巧克力棒的体验而使其明白“什么是贪婪”的故事。文章告诉我们:做人要懂得知足。1.to walk through2.fewer chocolate bars3.empty handed4.none of them5.you thought you could find a bigger onePassage 9When the well-known pianist Kong Xiangdong first made it big in the early

48、1990s,he was calledthe“piano prince(钢琴王子)His smart look and music perfonnance won the hearts of many fans.Kongs mother had a great interest in the instrument,who provided him with a keyboard painted 12 on paper.It was on this soundless“instrument“that he began his piano career at the age of five.His

49、mother put the“keyboard“in the kitchen and asked Kong to practice on it every day.A pianist hasno childhood at all,“Kong ever said.When he was seven,Kongs mother borrowed enough money to buy a second-hand piano forhim.He was fascinated(着 迷)by the beautiful sound of a real piano.So far,he has kept th

50、e oldpiano to remind him of those old days.Now Kong is the headmaster of a piano school that has accepted more than 20,000 studentsduring the past years.“I always tell parents that it is a mistake to push their children to learn the instrument as a careerunless the children feel they cant live witho


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