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《2019年河南省中考英语题型专项复习训练:任务型阅读.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年河南省中考英语题型专项复习训练:任务型阅读.pdf(35页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、题库:任务型阅读话题1做法建议Passage 1Having a good relationship plays an important role in your life.How could you keep a healthyand strong relationship with your classmates?1.The advice can help you have a healthy andpossibly long-term relationship.Be an honest person with them.Do not hide things from them.Besi

2、des,dont tell lies.Dont beafraid to tell the truth,which may make your classmates angry.2.If there is no trust,theresnothing else.So please be honest and they will learn to open up to you.3.It is very important to show respect to your classmates.Now respect isnt just simplytreating her or him nicely

3、.It means that you should respect your classmates5 preference.Dontcontrol your classmates thoughts according to yours.Peoples thoughts are different.Make sure you are encouraging to your partner.4.Make them feel you are someone theycan really count on and build a future with.Your partner has to be a

4、ble to count on you whenneeded.Make sure you have a good sense of humor(幽默感)with your classmates.5.Laugh a lotwith them and joke with them.Laughter keeps the relationship strong and lasting.Make sure the communication is good.This usually goes along with trust,but alwayscommunicate how you feel,even

5、 if its something that upsets you.If they did something that madeyou unhappy,tell them about it in a respectful way.1 A.Make sure you give them respect.B.Laughter is the key to happiness.C.Trust is the most important thing.D.Let me give you several pieces of advice.E.Always be willing to help them a

6、nd give them honesty at the same time.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章就如何与同学之间保持的健康且牢固的关系给出了三条建议。【备选分析】A.Make sure you give them respect.确定你尊重他们。B.Laughter is the key to happiness.笑是幸福的关键。C.Trust is the most important thing.信任是最重要的。D.Let me give you several pieces of advice.让我给你几条建议。E.Always be willing to help the

7、m and give them honesty at the same time.总是愿意帮助他们,同时诚实对待他们。1.D【解析】根据下句The advice can help you have a healthy and possibly long-term relationship.这些建议可以帮助你建立一个健康且有可能长期的关系。”可知此处表达给读者提供建议的信息。故选D。2.C【解析】根据下句If there is no trust,there?s nothing else.没有了信任就什么也没有了。”可知此处表达信任的重要性。故选C。3.A【解析】根据下句It is very im

8、portant to show respect to your classmates.向你的同学表示尊重是很重要的。”可知该主题句表达尊重的信息。故 选A。4.E【解析】根据下句Make them feel you are someone they can really count on and build a futurew ith.让他们觉得你是可以依靠和一起建设未来的人。”可知,此处会表达同时给他们帮助和信任。故选E。5.B 解析】根据上句Make sure you have a good sense of humor(幽默感)with your classmates.确保你和同学有良好

9、的幽默感。”可知,此处可能表达要有幽默感的原因笑是幸福的关键。故选B。Passage 2Moving abroad can be a challenging experience.You leave your family,friends and everythingyou know behind.You enter a new culture where the customs and sometimes the languages are 2 different.When you move abroad,language is the main challenge for you.1.So

10、 what are thebest ways to involve yourself in the new culture while living abroad?There are many advantages of living with a native speaker.Firstly,you can get a friend andhang out with him.2.Thirdly,you should have someone who can tell you about the customsand interesting places in the area.Volunte

11、ering is a great way to meet people of different ages.I volunteer to help outcast(无家可归的)people in the local church.3.Talking with those homeless people about their life storiescan also help to improve my French.Making friends and mixing with local people are a little bit difficult at first.4.You can

12、meet other people in the area by joining a club or attending an evening class.The food in France is amazing.5 And my knowledge about different bread and cheesehas grown greatly.A.But they are useful.B.You must pay attention to this challenge.C.Discovering new food is a fun experience.D.Volunteering

13、is also an important experience.E.Secondly,you can speak the local language every day.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要针对出国在外的人如何融入新的文化、适应新的地方,给出了四条建议。备选分析1 _A.But they are useful.但它们很有用。B.You must pay attention to this challenge.你必须注意这个挑战。C.Discovering new food is a fun experience.发现新食物是一种有趣的体验。D.Volunteering is a

14、lso an important experience.志愿服务也是一种重要的经历。3 E.Secondly,you can speak the local language every day.第二,你可以每天说当地语言。1.B【解析】根据上句When you move abroad,language is the main challenge fbr you.”可知空处填与“语言的挑战”有关的句子。结合备选项可知选Bo2.E【解析】根据上一句中的“Firstly”以及下一句中的“Thirdly”可知空处填同样含有表示顺序的副词“Secondly”有关的句子。结合备选项可知选E。3.D 解析

15、根据第三段第一句Volunteering is a great way to meet people of different ages.可知空处填与Volunteering”有关的句子。结合备选项可知D 项符合语境。故选D。4.A 解析根据下句“You can meet other people in the area by joining a club or attending anevening class.”可知空处是对于与当地人交朋友这条建议的肯定意见。结合备选项可知选A。5.C【解析】根据上句The food in France is amazing.”可知空处填与“食物”有关的句

16、子。根据语境并结合备选项可知选C。Passage 3A dream plays an important part in your daily life.1.I hope the following things canhelp you.Have a strong desire(愿望)for a goal.You should remember:the starting point of all kinds ofsuccess is a strong desire.2.So,the first step is to have a strong desire for your goal.Beli

17、eve in yourself.You can change your life by changing your mind.You should never stopthinking that your dream can come true.For example,you can draw a picture of something that youwant and put it up on the wall.3.It can make you get through the problems.Make a p l a n.4.Y o u should make sure that yo

18、u think through everything in the planfirst.Each day you should follow the plan so that you can reach your goal.5.You need to check how much progress you have made and how many things youhave lost.Write these things down and find out how to do them better later.A.Check your progress.B.Then you can s

19、ee it every day.4 C.Strong desires make good results.D.Do you want to make your dream come true?E.Making a plan is the most important step.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章就如何实现自己的愿望给出了几条建议。备选分析1 _A.Check your progress.检查你的进度。B.Then you can see it every day.然后你每天都能看到它。C.Strong desires make good results.强烈的欲望产生好的结果。

20、D.Do you want to make your dream come true?你想让你的梦想成真吗?E.Making a plan is the most important step.制定计划是最重要的一步。1.D【解析】根据前面句子和下文作者给出的建议可知此处所填应是问句,结合备选项。可知D项符合语境。故选D。2.C【解析】根据第一句Have a strong desire(愿望)fbr a goal.”可知此处与愿望有关,再根据后面句子“So,the first step is to have a strong desire fbr your goal.”可知此处与愿望和结果的联

21、系有关,结合备选项可知答案。故选C。3.B 解析根据前面句子“For example,you can draw a picture of something that you want andput it up on the wall.”可知此处应该填与墙上内容有关,结合备选项可知答案。故选B。4.E【解析】根据第一句Make a plan”可知此处与制定计划有关,结合选备项可知答案。故选Eo5.A【解析】根据空后句子“You need to check how much progress you have made and howmany things you have lost.”可知此处

22、与进步有关,结合备选项可知答案。故选A。Passage 4Do you want to know how to stay focused in class?The following suggestions will help you.1.No matter how much you want to sit with your friends in class,try your best to avoidit.Talking with friends is not going to help you stay focused in class and will cause trouble,to

23、o.Look at the teacher.Your teacher is not just standing up there talking-theyre trying to give-5-you an acceptable education.2.The teacher should have your full attention in class.Take notes.By taking notes,youll be able to“get into the lesson.3.Listen for keyphrases such as/This is important,tcThis

24、 is the main idea,etc.This can help you listen moreintently(专心地);you51 1 have something to do and focus on.Get involved in class discussions.It is a wonderful way to become a more focused student.When a teacher asks a question,you should offer to answer it.4.This shows that yourelistening intently i

25、n class.Ask a question.5.This really shows that you want to be better,and you can learn thethings youre having difficulty with.A.Avoid sitting with friends.B.Look at the teacher in the eyes.C.If he or she asks for an opinion,share yours.D.Write down key points as your teacher speaks.E.If you dont un

26、derstand something,never be afraid to ask.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章就如何在课堂上集中注意提出了几条建议。备选分析A.Avoid sitting with friends.避免与朋友坐在一起。B.Look at the teacher in the e y e s.看着老师的眼睛。C.If he or she asks for an opinion,share yours.如果他或她征求意见,分享你的意见。D.Write down key points as your teacher speaks,写下你老师说话的要点。E.If you don

27、t understand something,never be afraid to ask.如果你不理解一些事情,就不要害怕去问。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.A 解析 根据后一句No matter how much you want to sit with your friends in class,try yourbest to avoid it.“可知,此处是在讲避免和朋友坐在一起。故选A。2.B 解析根据前面内容“Look at the teacher.Your teacher is not

28、 just standing up there-6-talking一theyre trying to give you an acceptable education.”可知,此处是在讲与老师相关的建议。故选B。3.D【解析】根据前一句By taking notes,youll be able to get into5 the lesson.及后句中Listenfor key phrases”可知,此处是在讲如何做笔记。故选D。4.C【解析】根据前一句When a teacher asks a question,you should offer to answer it.”和后一句“This

29、shows that you5re listening intently in class.“可知,此处建议积极地回答问题,分享意见。故选C。5.E【解析】根据前一句Ask a question.”可知,此处是建议主动问问题。故选E。Passage 5Do you dream of growing up quickly so that you can make your own money?1._Earning gives you more than money.Ifs also a learning process.By working to earn your ownmoney,you w

30、ill learn how to succeed in the world.This includes dealing with money,understandingand getting along with other people and using your time wisely.Its easy to make money if you try the following methods:Collect soft drink cans(金属罐)2._Making greeting cards3._Your friends may want them for special day

31、s.You can sell them your cards at low prices if bothof you agree.Sell used books4._Want to be a teacher in the future?Start practicing now.5._ 7 What are you good at?What do you like to do?Make sure it is safe and legal(合法的).Discussyour ideas with your parents.You need them to say yes.A.You can sell

32、 the cans to buy a new basketball.At the same time,you help keepthe environment clean!B.Earning money isn?t just for grown-ups.Kids can do it,too.C.Are you good at math or reading,or playing musical instruments?You can teach childrenhow to get better grades.You can also give them winter or summer le

33、ssons.D.If you are good at drawing,try making special cards for birthdays,either by hand or with acomputer.E.You may have some books that you have read and dont want to keep any more.Then youcan sell them to make money.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要讲述了我们都会梦想着长大后去挣钱,然后介绍了一些从现在开始就可以挣钱的方法。【备选分析】A.You can sell the c

34、ans to buy a new basketball.At the same time,you help keep theenvironment clean!你可以卖了罐头盒去买个篮球。同时,你帮助保持环境清洁。B.Earning money isnt just for grown-ups.Kids can do it,too.挣钱不仅仅是成年人的事,孩子们也可以做。C.Are you good at math or reading,or playing musical instruments?You can teachchildren how to get better grades.Yo

35、u can also give them winter or summer lessons.你擅长数学或阅读,或者演奏乐器吗?你可以教孩子们如何得高分。你也可以在暑假或寒假的时候给他们上课。D.If you are good at drawing,try making special cards for birthdays,either by hand orwith a computer.如果你擅长画画的话,你可以手工或用电脑来试着做一些特别的生日贺卡。E.You may have some books that you have read and dont want to keep any

36、more.Thenyou can sell them to make money.你可能有一些你已经读过的或不想保存的书,那样你就可以卖了它们挣钱。1.B【解析】根据下句Earning gives you more than money.挣钱不仅仅是给你钱。”可知此 8 处表达挣钱不仅仅是成年人的事,孩子们也可以做。故选B。2.A【解析】根据小标题“Collect soft drink cans(金属罐)收集金属饮料罐。”可知此处表达你可以卖了罐头盒去买个篮球。同时、你帮助保持环境清洁。故选A。3.D【解析】根据小标题“Making greeting cards”制作贺卡。可知此处表达如果你擅

37、长画画的话,你可以手工或用电脑来试着做一些特别的生日贺卡。故选D。4.E【解析】根据小标题“Sell used books卖旧书。”可知此处表达你可能有一些你已经读过的或不想保存的书,那样你就可以卖了它们挣钱。故选E。5.C【解析】根据小标题“Want to be a teacher in the future?Start practicing now.”想要在将来当老师吗?从现在开始吧。可知此处表达擅长数学或阅读,或者演奏乐器吗?你可以教孩子们如何得高分。你也可以在暑假或寒假的时候给他们上课。故选C。Passage 6If you want to make some new friends,

38、here are some easy steps to do.Step 1 Say hi to others bravely.1._J ust knowing youre not the only one can help you feel more confident.And if you take courageto say hi,you will both feel better.Step 2 Hold your head up,smile and make eye contact.2._Opening up your body to the other person tells him

39、 youre listening.It also makes eye contacteasier.Step 3 All you need is to ask one question.3._Strong opening questions usually begin with What or How-words that get people talking.Step 4 Listen carefully.4._ 9 Its okay if you arent into the things he likes.Whats important is that you listen closely

40、 tohis answers,so hell see you5re interested in what he says.Step 5 Practice,practice,and practice.5._The more you practice,the more relaxed and natural youll feel and the easier it will get.A.Making new friends is a skill.Like art,music or sports,it takes practice to feel trulyconfident about it.B.

41、It shows you are confident and friendly.It may make you feel really strange at first,butthe feeling you get when they smile back will make you want to do it over and over again.C.Look for things you have in common.What kinds of movies or music does he like?Whats his favorite subject?D.Learn to ask a

42、 question.A good question gets you more than a yes or no answer.E.When you5re in a new place,its normal to feel nervous.Look around.There are some peoplewho are just as uncomfortable as you.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了交新朋友的五个步骤。【备 般 近1 _A.Making new friends is a skill.Like art,music or sports,it takes pract

43、ice to feel truly confidentabout it交新朋友是一种技能。就像艺术,音乐和运动一样,这需要练习,才能对此感到自信。B.It shows you are confident and friendly.It may make you feel really strange at first,but thefeeling you get when they smile back will make you want to do it over and over again.这展现出你的自信和友好。这可能会让你一开始的时候感到很奇怪,但是当他们对你微笑的时候的那种感觉会

44、让你想一次又一次地去做。C.Look for things you have in common.What kinds of movies or music does he like?Whatshis favorite subject?寻找你们的共同点。他喜欢哪个类型的电影或哪个类型的音乐?他最喜欢的科目是什么?D.Learn to ask a question.A good question gets you more than a yes or no answer.学会问 问 10 题。一个好的问题会让你获得更多的赞同而不是没有应答。E.When youre in a new place,

45、its normal to feel nervous.Look around.There are some peoplewho are just as uncomfortable as you.当你在一个新地方的时候,感觉紧张是正常的。有一些人会和你一样有同样不舒服的感觉。1.B【解析】根据下句J ust knowing youre not the only one can help you feel more confident.“只是知道你不是唯一的那个能帮助你感觉到更自信的人。可知此处表达这展现出你的自信和友好。这可能会让你一开始的时候感到很奇怪,但是当他们对你微笑的时候的那种感觉会让你

46、想一次又一次地去做。故选B。2.E【解析】根据上句Hold your head up,smile and make eye contact.抬起你的头来,微笑,用眼神交流。”可知此处表达当你在一个新地方的时候,感觉紧张是正常的。有一些人会和你一样有同样不舒服的感觉。故选E。3.D【解析】根据上句AH you need is to ask one question.你所需要的是问一个问题。”可知此处表达学会问问题。一个好的问题会让你获得更多的赞同而不是没有应答。故 选D。4.C【解析】根据下句“so hell see youre interested in what he says.所以他将看到

47、你对他说的话感兴趣。可知此处表达寻找你们的共同点。他喜欢哪个类型的电影或哪个类型的音乐?他最喜欢的科目是什么?故选C。5.A【解析】根据下句The more you practice,the more relaxed and natural youll feel and the easier itwill get.你练习得越多,你就会觉得越放松,越自然,就会变得更容易。”可知此处表达交新朋友是一种技能。就像艺术,音乐和运动一样,这需要练习,才能对此感到自信。故 选Ao话 题2乐学善学Passage 1Speed reading is one of many skills that can im

48、prove your reading comprehension and shortenyour study time.1.Skimming(略读)is a helpful method in pre-reading and reviewingtexts,as well as in quickly gathering targeted information.2.If you read one word at a time,then this will slow down your reading speed.However,if you can get into the habit of r

49、eading groups or chunks of words(语块)at one time,you will readmuch faster.Start trying to look at a group of three or four words at once.3.11 Focus on words that give the sentence meaning,such as the nouns,adjectives,adverbs,verbsetc.Scan texts for keywords.4.If you know exactly what you are looking

50、fora name,adate,or a specific word,you can find it quickly by skipping over large chunks of words of the text.You can also use your finger to lead yourself.5.As you read,move your finger left toright under the text as if underlining it.Move your finger at the speed which you would like to read.You m


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