冀教版八年级英语下册第一单元导学案 .pdf

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1、课题:UnitOne Lessonl Whats the weather like?学习目标:1.掌握的词汇:rather storm rise(rose risen)set2.识别的词汇及短语:thunder sunrise sunset能力目标:能灵活运用所学词汇和句型描述各种天气情感 目标:learn to make a weath er report教学重点:重点短语和句型 Whats t he weather like?lt will be./It is.Wha ts the temperature?教学难点:to m ake a weat her report学习过程一、自主学习1

2、.判 断 正 误 题:下 面 的 陈 述 正 确 的 在 后 面 的 括 号 内 填 入,错 误 的 填 入“F”。1.Dan ny is a go od weather reporter.()2.Set m eans the s ame as com e u p.()(3 )Rise m eans the s ame as com e u p.()2 用英语回答下列问题(1)What,s the wea ther like?.(2)ls it goin g to rain today?_Whats the weather I ike this a fternoon?1.二轮阅读找难点1 再读

3、课文,勾画出文中的重难点和疑难点,准备与同学共同探讨(1.)a weather report(2.)degree s(3.)clouds(4.)rathe r(5.)s howe r (6)a thun der storm2 Read the t ext again and find o ut some us eful expre ssions:1.on the radio(2)go down(3)come up(4)相 当凉爽(5)我 不 希 望如此(6)听我说.(7)a go od weather reporter(8)a weather re port3.R ead the te xt

4、again a nd find ou t the mean ing of the sentences:(小组展示)1.Is it going to rain to day,Danny?2.There wi II be some showers t his aftern oon.3.Tell us what time it will r ise and se t!(4)It is tendeg rees_(5)I h ope not(6)1 am sc ared of th under.三、合作探究探 究 案:质疑探究:1.单词和词语探究1.snow1.课 文 原 句:Its no t snow

5、ing.(2)There is some s now on the grass.(3)It will b e snowy.思 考:snow有 几 种 词 性?2.scared1.课 文 原 句:Km scare d of thund er!思 考:你 能 写 出 同 义 句 吗?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _be sc ared/afrai d to do st h 意 为 害 怕 做 某 事 be sea red/afraid that

6、后接句子2.rather课 文 原 句:Its rath er cool to day,isnt it?这是个反义疑问句,由两部分组成,中间用逗号隔开。前肯定后否定,前否定后肯定。疑问部分的主语用代词,谓语动词在人称、数和时态上也要与陈述部分保持一致。1.一 一Tom work s hard,d oesnt he?2.a rather tall tree/rather a t all tree思 考:你 能 回 忆 出 多 少 关 于“反 义 疑 问 句”的 用 法?Rather(a dv.)相当,作程度副词 常修饰形容词或副词,也可修饰形容词或副词的比较级,置于不定冠词前后均可。S hes

7、rathe r a pretty girl.通 过 例 句 你 能 总 结rathe r的 用 法 吗?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3.weather1.课 文 原 句:Whats the weat her like?(2)How nic e the weat her is!(3)What nice weather it is!通 过 例 句 你 能 告 诉 我 们weathe r的 词 性 吗?Whats the weathe r like?(同义句)_ _

8、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _感 叹 句 句 型 还 记 得 吗?一即 时 练 习:1.我 害 怕 蛇。I a m snakes.2,今 天 相 当 冷。Its_ to day.2.重点句子及语法探究1.There w ill be som e showers this after noon.“will/be going to如何放入 zzt here be”当 中:There will be.是 T here be 的一般将来时,表 示“将有。”与

9、Ther e is/are going to be同义。Ther e will be a class me eting this afternoon=There i s going to be a clas s meeting this afternoon.2.Tell us what t ime it wil I rise and set!“what time it w ill rise a nd set属于什么句?此 句 句 型 是 什 么?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

10、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3.Whats the weathe r like?=How is the weather?回答用 It is.4.Whats the tem perature?回答用 Its+数字+degree(s),拓 展;high temperatur e 高温 takeo nes tempe rature.给某人量体温四、展示反馈(小组合作)分角色朗读课文并表演课文。五、自我检测(一)填词练习l .Whats the(温度)?2.The r adio says there will be a thun der(暴风

11、雨)3.My siste r is(害 怕 的)of snakes.4 ts(相当)cold toda y.5.H e didnt g o there ye sterday,he?6.There an NBA bas ketball ga me inten minutes.7 .?-i t s r e a lly h o tA H o w d o y o u l i k e t h e w e a t h e r B H o w m u c h d o y o u l i k e i tC H o w i s t h e w e a t h e r D D o y o u e n j o y

12、t h e w e a t h e r h e r e8 .-t h e t e m p e r a t u r e?I t s 1 5 d e g r e e s .A H o w m a n y B H o w m u c h C W h a t s D W h a t六.课后反思.课题:Unit 0 ne Lesson 2 Its ge tting warm eC学习目标:L 掌握的词汇:daylight lightning facinating2.识别的词汇及短语:dayligh t lightnin gfacinati ng能力目标:能灵活运用所学词汇和句型描述春天天气特点情感目标:

13、培养学生学会观察天气的变化教学重点:重点短语和句型 Wha ts the da te today?H ow many ho urs are th ere in a d ay?教学难点:日期表示法学习过程一、自主学习1.判断正误题:下面 的 陈 述 正确 的在 后 面 的 括 号 内 填 入,错误的填入“F 二(1)Light ning makes a loud no ise.(2)Th ere are te n hours of daylight on March 2 1st.()(3)In sprin g,the wea ther becom es warmer.()(4)L ightnin

14、g i snt hot.()2.再读课文,勾画出文中的重难点和疑难点,准备与同学共同探讨l.d ayl i ght 2.lightning3.f acinating 4.early sp ring5.betw een.and.6 在阳光下7 发出很大的噪音(二)阅读课文找出含有下列短语的句子并试着翻译句子(小组展示)(1)Do yo u see two words you already kn ow in“day light.(2)What fs the dat e today?.(3)How many h ours are t here in a day?.(4)There are twel

15、v e hours of daylight.(5)Thats hotter tha n the sun.(6)Thun der makes a loud noi se.(7)Som etimes the re are sto rms with t hunder and lightning.二、合作探究引导点拨,尝试运用短语造句1.What勺th edate tod ay?今天是几月几号?回答用It is+日期月份后的日期可以用基数词也可用序数词。Its A pril 5/Apr il5th/Apri I fifth四月五号。拓展:询问星期用what day i s ittoday?询问具体时间

16、用whats th e time now?/what ti me is it n ow?2.How many h ours are t here in a day?一天有多少个小时?how man y+可数名词复数H ow much+不可数名词。用来提问数量。How muc h 也可以问价格:Ho w much is it?多少钱?3.日期表示法月份+序数词+年份月份+序数词的缩写形式+年份月份+基数词+年份2008 年 12 月 25 日如;De cember twe nty-fifth,2008/Dec ember25th,2008/December25,20 08如果月份放在日子的后面,

17、可以在月份前加of;如t wenty-fift h of Decern ber,2008.4.on表示时间时,常放在用于指某日(星期几或日期)或具体某一天的早晨、下午、或晚上这些时间前On Sunday on June 2 on the morning of July 12.atabout six ocloc k in the m orningi_nspring inApril(一)单词和词语探究1.become3.课文原句:The weath er becomes warmer.4.I want to be come a tea cher.思考:be come的含义?The weather

18、be comes warm er.(同义句)试着理国军:Its growing d ark.We mu st go home soon.Her faceturne d red.2.no ise1.课文原句:Th under make s a loud n oise.2.Can y ou hear th e sound of the water?3.She has a beautiful voice.思考:noise/soun d/voice 的含义?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

19、 _ _ _ _四、展示反馈(小组合作)组内对学课文,根据课文提问问题和回答问题五、自我检测l.Wh en the sun is up,its(白天)2.She look s young,bu t in(事实),she is over fi fty.3.Stop maki ng so much.The chi Idren are sleepingA v o i c e B n o i s e C s o u n d4.Bi n Laden wa s killed Ma y 2,2011.5.一年内有多少天?6.在三月二十一日有多少个小时的白天?7.?-I t s AprilA Whats th

20、e time B What da y is it to day C Wha ts the da te today?DWhich da y is it today8.The TeachersT D ay is Septemb er 1 0 1 A on B in C at D t o9.200 8 Olympic Games Open ing Ceremo ny was hel d Augu st 8th.A.in B.at C.on D.until10.c old it is today!A.What B.What a C.How D.How a11 Dont r e a d.I t s ba

21、d for y our eyes.A.und er the sun B.in t he sun C.below th e sun D.in sun1 2.Don/t m ake any n.Mothe r is sleep ing.A.noise B.noisy C.voice D.sound13.Do you know t he boy_ long hair?A.h ave B.w ith C.in D.on14.She is going to be a repor ter when s he up.A.g rows B.will grow C.is go ing to gro w D.gr

22、e w15 Our teacher t old us the sun_ in the east.A.ri se B.ros e C.ris ing D.r ises六、课后反思2.课题:Unit Onu Lesson3 P octcards!学习目标:1.掌握的词汇:u ntil outdo ors2.识别的词汇及短语:arri ve in get longer s ee somebod y doing能力目标:能灵活运用所学词汇和句型书写贺卡情感目标:培养学生学会用贺卡交流沟通教学重点:重点短语和句型The days a re getting longer.the sun wi II set

23、 in about fift eenminute s教学难点:n。t.until.see somebo dy doing.学习过程一、自主学习1.判断正误题:下面的陈述正确的在后面的括号内填入“T ,错误的填入“F”。(1)There are two e-mai Is in the lesson.()(2)Every morning L i Ming see s many peo pie in the park exer cising.()Edmonton(3)In,it ofte n snows in March.()二、二轮阅读找难点1.Read th e text aga in and

24、fin d useful w ords:1.until_exercise3.outdo ors_4.f all_5.Rea d the text again and find out some usefu I expressi ons:6.get Io nger7.in about f ifteen min utes8.on the grass_9.not.unti I_10.15 度_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _11.在户外玩_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _12.雪球_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

25、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _13.Read the text again and find out t he meaning of the se ntences:(小组展示)(1)Sp ring has a rrived in Shijiazhua ng.(2)The day s are gett ing longer.(3)Every m orning I s ee many pe ople in th e park exe rcising.(4)I s ee many pe ople in th e park exe rcising.(5)The sun wi

26、ll set i n about fi fteen minu tes.(6)We w ont see a ny flowers until May.(7)Afte r school d ay we play ed outdoor s.三、合作探究引导点拨,尝试运用短语造句1.the sun will set in abo ut fifteen minutes.此处in用于将来时,表示在一段时间之后in+时间段,提问时用 how soon.eg.Hell come in a n hour.H e will be ready in o ne minute.How soon will they co

27、me back?In two d ays.(两天后)。After+时间段常用于一般过去时。After a fe w days she came back,but she said she w ould leave again in four days.2.We w orft see a ny flowers until May I 意为 直到。才 引 导 时 间 状 语 从句,如果主句是一般将来 时,从 句 用 一般现在时表将来。E g.We will wait unti I he comes.She wont come back until you give him a call.3.Eve

28、ry morn ing I see many peopl ein the p ark exerci sing.See s b.doing 看见某人正在做某事 I saw hi m crossing the road.See sb.d。sth看见某人做了某事,强调某人做某事的全过程。We saw t he car sto p.我们看见小汽车停下了。单词和词语探究l.exerc ise课文原句:I see many p eople in t he park ex ercising.There are lots of ex ercises in our books.We should do more

29、 e xercise an d ear less.思考:exercise有几种词性?14.unti I(1)课文原句:We wont s ee any flo wers until May.思考:你会使用not.unti I 短语吗?四、展示反馈(小组合作)熟读课文,并根据课文仿写贺卡五、自我检测Nancyl.is real ly a hardw orking stu dent.We often see her(read)boo ks in theclassroom.2.I m wa iting for my sister.1 wont g o to see m y uncle un til.

30、A she com es B she w ill come C shedoesn t come D she came3.一 Is Jac k in the I ibrary?-Maybe.I s aw him out with some book s just now.A going B go C to go D went4.句型转换:Th e sun will risein a bout thirt v minutes.(对划线部分提问)_ wi II the sun rise?5.Mom,sha II we have supper no w?-Oh,we won t h ave suppe

31、r yo ur dad com es back.A until B si nee C whi Ie D after6.Shangha i Disneyla nd has sta rted to be built and it will b e open fiveyear s.A in B for C from D be fore7.Th e students_ home u ntil schoo I is over.A.didnt go B.went C.go D.wont go8.Li Ming d idnt leav e the clas sroom the rain s topped.A

32、.after B.until C.becau se D.wh en9.Many people ri de bicycle s fun and exerci se.A.t o B.at C.for D.in六、课后反思课题:Unit One Lesson 4 Sun Is Ris ing学习目标:1.掌握词汇:c limb,hill side,gent ly,one by one,bios som,chang e2.识别的词汇及短语:climb的用法,one by on e 及相关词汇的用法能力目标:能理解并会唱这首英文歌曲情感目标:学会体验春天的感觉教学重点:重点短语和句型 Spring is

33、 coming.Weather i s warming,wind blow s gently,throughth e trees.教学难点:change的用法。学习过程一、自主学习一轮阅读l .Just sin g the song.2.Try t o sing the song afte r the tape.3.Sing the song t ogether.4.Find the mistakes from the s entences.二轮阅读找难点l .wind blows gentle2.acr oss the tr ees3.c hange_4.Sh e haschan gedth

34、e da te of the meeting.5.He can poi nt out the classrooms change.6.Heres y ourchange.Read the song again and find useful wor ds:猜猜以上三个句子中change的含义分别是“零钱”“改变,更换v.”“改变,变 化 n.”拓 展:1.change o nes mind某人改变主意2.change.int o 把 变成3.change th e world 改造世界chang e seats交换座位Read th e song aga in and fin d out so

35、me useful ex pressions:1.one by o ne_2.爬上山_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3.春天来了_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4.雪正在融合_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S.the flowers blossom6.季节的变化_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _二、合作探究Read th e text aga in and fin d out the meaning of the sente nces:l.Spr i

36、ng is com ing.2.Sno w is melti ng.15.Weather is warming.三、引导点拔1.Spring is coming.春天来了。【要点剖析】coming是com e的现在分词形式,com e的意思是:来临;来自;到来,用进行时表示将来时。【拓展延伸】类似用法的词还有g。,leave等。The tr ainis lea v in g.火车就要到 了。2.Weath er is warm ing,wind blows gent ly,throug h the tree s.天气变暖和了,风轻轻地吹着,穿过树林。【要点剖析】w arm 在这里是动词,意 为

37、“变暖”,warm也可以用作形容词。例如:Please warm the drink befo re you dri nk it.请在喝饮料之前把它暖一下。Its warm to day.今天很暖和。【辨析比较】th rough和 aero s s 比较:th rough指在物体的内部穿过;acros s 指在物体的表面穿过。例如:I w ent throug h the gate into the room.我们穿过大门进入房间。He went ac ross the s treet.他穿过大街。四、展示反馈(小组合作)跟唱歌曲,体验歌曲中的春天的气息五、达标测评:I.英汉互译e w ith

38、 me 2.c limb the h illside3.thr ough the t rees 4.one by one5.花开了 6.摘花7.春天来了 8.一块紫花地II.根据要求写出下列单词的相应形式l.sunri se(反义词)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2.b ecome(过去分词)3.wont(完全形式)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4.rise(过去式)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5.g entle(副词)_ _ _ _ _ _

39、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6.throug h(同义词)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7.ou tdoors(反义词)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _8.blossom(动词形式)III.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词l .When springcom es,the sn ow begins to m.2.Wind blows g thro ugh the tr ees.3.Dont p the flow ers when y ou are in the park.4.Here

40、 is a f of purple flowers.5.The flowe rs are b,ar ent they?六、课后反思课题:Unit 0 ne Lesson 5 Fus in the sun!学习目标:1 扎 实 掌 握 重 点 词 汇 并 提 升在语 境 中灵 活 运 用 的 能力。2 通 过 小 组 合 作 探 究 和 大 声 朗 读,学 会 通 过 细 读 和 略 读 掌 握 文 意,并 抓 住 细 节 信 息 进 行 推 断。3 热 爱 运 动,锻 炼 身 体。重点:1 牢 固 记 忆 所 学 单 词、短 语 和 句 式 并 灵 活 运 用。2 学会提出建议的表达方式。难点

41、:如何提出合理化建议。重点短语和句型lt,s rather warm,isnt it?I shall wearshorts tomorrow.The ball always hits me on the head.Shall we play soccer?教学难点:hits omebody.o n the head能力目标:能灵活运用所学词汇和句型谈论春天的活动情感目标:培养学生通过谈论春天的户外活动体验春天的乐趣学习过程预 习 案(使)1根据词汇表中的音标拼读单词并牢记,然后通读课文,完成阅读理解题,再勾画出文中的疑难点,最后再读教材进行填空。2把你预习中碰到的疑难划出来,准备与同学共同探讨

42、。3自主独立15分钟完成。教材助读(学习建议:迅速浏览课文,猜测生词词义,捕捉关键信息,把握文章主旨,完成下列题目,加深对课文的理解。)自主学习1.一轮阅读做题目1.True or False:1)The wea ther today is fine.2)Dannys bike is br oken.3)Th ey will go to play b aseball.2.Answer th e followin g question s:1)Why doesnt Da nny go eye ling?2)W hy doesnt Danny pla y baseball?3)How d o we

43、 play soccer?(一)再读课文,勾画出文中的重难点和疑难点,准备与同学共同探讨1.go cycling_2.play soccer_3.hit someb ody.on th e head4.h ave fun _5.play outs ide(二)阅读课文找出含有下列短语的句子并试着翻译句子(小组展示)(1)Whe n the weat her is war m,what do you like to do?.?(2)Why or why no t?(3)It/s rather war m,isnt i t?.(4)How a bout./Wha t about.?(5)The b

44、al I always h its me on the head.(6)Shall we.?二、二轮阅读找难点(学习建议:在文章中勾出单词、短语、重点句型和交际用语,并结合语境猜测其含义和默写下面中文的英语表达。)1.Re ad the tex t and find the usefu I words:1.w arm(反义词)2)r at her(近义词_)1.cyclin g4)ri de(过去式,过去分词)5)hit (过去式,过去分词)6)hurt (过去式,过去分词)2.Transla te the phr ases:1.做 户 外 运 动 2)骑 自 行 车1.弄伤某人4)打了某人的

45、头三、合作探究学习建议:分析所给例句,根据提示,观察、分析、归纳、总结重点单词、短语和句型的用法。1 1 shall wear shorts to morrow!Shall w ill都要将要的意思其区别是:(1)shall表示将要发生的事,常与第一人称连用:w ill表将来可以与各种人称连用。(2)在反义疑问句中,shall w e多用于lets句式之后的疑问部分;其它祈使句的反义疑问句中的疑问部分往往使用will you oL ets have a rest,sh all we?Le t us have a rest,wi II you?D ont play in the str eet.

46、will you?2 Wha t/How abo ut soccer?足球怎么样?3 Shall we p lay soccer?我们踢足球好吗?1.hit v.击打1.The bal I always h its me on the head.2.He hit me in the sto mach.3.Ihit my knee o n/against the chair.4.The bulle t hit him in the che st.思考:1.观察例句,归纳hit的过去式、过去分词、现在分词及用法2.总结hit搭配介词1.Its r ather warm,isnt it?We don

47、t go to sch ool on wee kends,do we?思考:这是什么句式,如何构成?2.L ets go cy cling.What about soc cer?How a bout baseb all?思 考:提 建 议 的 表 达 方 式 有 几 种?分 别 是 什 么?四、展示反馈(小组合作)熟读课文,并仿照课文进行对话练习。五、自我检测I.翻译1.今天天气很暖和。2.怎么样?3.骑车4.打中某人的头部II完成句子l .Jenn y(骑 自行车)to sch ool yester day.2.The weather of England(与中国天气不同3.Danny f

48、ell off hi s bike and(弄伤 了 自己)。4.We are free on Su nday.(去放风筝怎么样)in the park?5.The ball always(打在我头上III.连词成句:1.to,we,the,shall,park,go2.the,a,was,kicking,boy,football3.I,with,to,go,you,want4.on,cycling,often,Sunday,we,go5.head,hit,the,she,me,onIV.选择1.They have a talk next week.A.will B.shall C.do D.

49、are2.The boys didnt go bike yesterday.A.ride B.rides C.riding D.rode3.He hasn/t seen_ movie.A.so a funny B.so funny a C.so funny D.such funnyV.补全句子Don/t hit me the back.I saw his father him w hen I went by.(hit)I have n ever seen this film,?He is readin g a novel,?Dont op en the doo r,?六、课后反思课题:Uni

50、t One Les son6 Dann v the babv sitter!学习目标:1扎实掌握重点词汇并提升在语境中灵活运用的能力。2通过小组合作探究和大声朗读,学会通过细读和略读掌握文意,并抓住细节信息进行推断。3学会照顾他人。重点:1牢固记忆所学单词、短语和句式并灵活运用。2学会照顾的表达方式。难点:如何叙述事情。教学重点:重点短语和句型turns arou nd Danny gives her a pushits time to stop swin g.Have yo u ever bee n a babysi tter?Debb ie gets of f the swin g教学难点


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