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1、Unit 1 Sping Is ComingLesson 1:How s the weather?总课时:第 1 课时:主备人:审核:课型:新授教学目标:1.Learn new words:shower thunderstorm,thunder,sunrise,sunset,rise,set,exact2.Let Ss discuss:How is the weather in your hometown in spring?3.Talk about:the weather in their home town.教学重点:1.New words and phrases:words:shower

2、 thunderstorm,thunder,sunrise,sunset,rise,set,exact.a weather report.what,s the temperature?bescared of,light rain,heavy rain,moderate rain.2 Talk about:the weather in their home town.Difficult points:How is the weather in your hometown?There will be sunny.课堂教学设计:Step 1 RevisionPut these English int

3、o Chinese.1 .the sun rise 2.What the weather like?3.a weather report4.what s the temperature?5.be scared of 6.1ight rain7.thunder shower 8.the exact timeStep 2 Show the teaching aims:1.Holding the new words and phrases.2.Word buildingStep 3 Think aboutAsk Ss to answer them.Step 4 let Ss learn the di

4、alogue(text)by themselves in groups to And out thefollowing phrases and sentences which they havent understand,ifthey have any questions,please underline them1)读课文试着翻译课文或干话,理解课文或对话大意,找出下列短语。l.the sun rise 2.What the weather like?3.a weather report4.whatJ s the temperature?5.be scared of 6.1ight rain

5、7.thunder shower 8.the exact time.9.1 hope not2)对你自学课文的参考资料(要求你熟记这些重要句型,你能做到吗?)l.What,s the weather like?今天的天气怎么样?还可以表示为:How is the weather?2.It will be snowy and hot.今天将会雪天,可是很热。Snow+y-*snowy表示“有雪的,多雪的“类似的派生词还有;cloud+yf cloudy,rain+y-*rainy,sun+nyf sunny ice+yficy3.What,s the temperature?今天气温是多少?4.

6、I m scared of thunder.我害怕打雷。Be scared of sb./sht 意思 是“害怕某人、某物”eg:She is scared of everything.她什么都害怕。The girl is scared of wild animals这个女病害疝野生动物。5.What strange weather!W hat引导的感叹句结构:What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语动词:意 思 是“多么啊”Eg:What an exciting game it is!多么兴奋的比赛啊!What clear water it is!多么清的水啊How引导的感叹句:

7、How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语Eg:How fast he runs!他跑的多快啊!How beautiful the flowers are!Step 5 Let Ss point out their questions first,then we have Ss answer Ssquestion,if they cant,the teacher explain them.Step 6 Lefs do it!Read the lesson and answer the questions.1.How is the weather in your hometown in Spring?2.

8、Have you ever heard a weather report?3.What is the temperature out side4.Are you scared of thunder?St ep 7当堂训练一一相信自己!一.选择正确答案:()1.There is going to an English test tomorrow.A.have B.be C.has D.had()2.u Will it be rainy tomorrow?vA.I hope not B.Good idea C.No,I hope so D.I likesunny day()3.Thank you

9、your letter.A.in B.with C.to D.for()4.The sun late and eary in winterA.rise;set B.rises;sets C;sets;rises D.set;rise二.用所给词的适当形式填空:1.It will b e(s n o w)and (wind)the day after tomorrow.2.Thank you f or(t el l)me the news.3.She is sceard of(go)out alone at night.4.Look!The w h ite(c lo u d)look sheep

10、课后反思:Lesson 2:It s Getting Warmer总课时:第2课时:主备人:审核:课型:新授教学目标:1.Learn new words:neither,nor,boot,jasmine,blossom,sunshine,swing,2.Make sure the Ss can learn about spring?3.Talk about:Which season is your favourite?教学重点:1.New words and phrases.neither,nor,boot,jasmine,blossom,sunshine,swing,arrived in,n

11、either.nor,on one way to,the coming of spring,the welcoming_springflower,play on the wing,a field trip,plant trees,can t wait to do sth.2.Introduce their favourite season.Difficult points:What do you know about spring?课堂教学设计:Step 1 RevisionPut these English into Chinese.1 .the sun rise 2.What the we

12、ather like?3.a weather report4.what s the temperature?5.be scared of 6.light rain7.thunder shower 8.the exact timeStep 2 Show the teaching aims:1.Holding the new words and phrases.2.Word BuildingStep 3 Think aboutAsk Ss to answer them.Step 4 let Ss learn the dialogue(text)by themselves in groups to

13、find out thefollowing phrases and sentences which they haven,t understand,ifthey have any questions,please underline them1)读课文试着翻译课文或对话,理解课文或对话大意,找出下列短语。1).arrive at/in3).on one way to5).Play on the wing7).Plant trees9).Can t wait to do sth.2).Neither.nor4).the welcoming-spring flower6).A school bas

14、ketball game8).a field trip10).See sb.do sth2)对你自学课文的参考资料1.1 need neithermy heavy winter coat nor my boots now!我 既 不 需 要 厚 重 的 冬 天 的 外 套 也 不 需 要 穿 靴 子 了。Neither.nor.意 思 是“既不.也不Eg:She likes neither English nor maths.她既不喜欢英语也不喜欢数学。Neither he nor I am at home today.今天他和我都不在家.Neither.nor连接两个主语时要用就近原则。2.

15、The days are getting longer and the sun rises earlier in the morning.白天变的长了,早上太阳升起的早了。G et在句子中做系动词,意思是“变得”Step 5 Let Ss point out their questions first,then we have Ss answer Ss question,if they cant,the teacher explain them.Step 6 Lefs do it!Read the lesson then answer the questions.1.What do you k

16、now about spring?2.Which season is your favourite?why?Step 7当堂训练一一相信自己!一.选择正确答案:()1.Maybe I can pay a visit to you next week?A.sometimes B.sometime C.some time D.some times()2.The girl is too young to school.A.go B.to go C.goes D.going()3.There will be a heavy rain thunderA.with B.in C.within D.on()

17、4.Tom is taller than Peter.A.many B.much C.very D.to二.用所给词的适当形式填空:1.The days are g e t t i n g(l o n g )2.Every morning,1 See many pe opl e(exercise)in the park.3.People always e n j o y(l o o k)at old pictures.4.Every one knows summer i s(h o t)than fall.5.She asks her f a t he r(buy)a new bike for

18、 her.三.连词成句1.spring,like,what,do,to do,in,you?2.1ike,neither,1,red,nor,green.教学反思:Lesson 3:The Sun Is Rising总课时:第 3 课时:主备人:审核:课型:新授教学目标:1.Learn new words:melt,hillside,wind,gently,budding,2.Make sure the Ss can sing the songlhe sun is rising.教学重点:1.New words and phrases.melt,hillside,wind,gently,bud

19、ding,climb the hil,one by one,the flowersblossom.at down,translate.into.play outside,come with me2.Make sure the Ss can make a dialogue about spring.Difficult points:Make a dialogue about spring activities.课堂教学设计:Step 1 RevisionPut these English into Chinese.1).arrive at/in3).on one,way to5).Play on

20、 the wing7).Plant trees9).Can t wait to do sth.Step 2 Show the teaching aims:2).Neither.nor4).the welcoming-spring flower6).A school basketball game8).a field trip10).See sb.do sth1.Holding the new words and phrases.2.Make a dialogue about spring activitiesStep 3 Think aboutAsk Ss to answer them.Ste

21、p 4 let Ss learn the dialogue(text)by themselves in groups to find out thefollowing phrases and sentences which they havent understand,ifthey have any questions,please underline them1)读课文试着翻译课文或对话,理解课文或对话大意,找出下列短语。1.Climb the hillside4.the sound of6.the flowers blossom.8.go ahead2.one by one 3.at e

22、out9.play outside2)对你自学课文的参考资料(要求你熟记这些重要句型 你能做到吗?l.The weather is warming,天气变暖和了.warm在这里是动词“变暖”勺 勺 意 思,也可以用作形容词。_Eg:It s warm in spring 春天天气暖和了。It s getting warmer day by day.天气一天天暖和起来 了。One by one 一个接一个。例如;They came one by one.他们 接 b的进来了。You can plant the seeds one by one.你可以一粒一粒的播种子。类似的用法还有:year b

23、y year 一年又一年。Day by day 一天又一天。Step bystep 一步一步得。3).See it bring the season1 s change.看它带来了春天的变化。Change“变化”。可以做动词也可以做名词。在本句中做名词。He changed his clothes.他换了 衣服。4).This is a Chinese poem translate into English.这首中国诗歌被翻译成了英语。,Translateinto把.翻译成。Eg:Please translate the sentences into Chinese.请把这些句子翻译成汉语。S

24、tep 5 Let Ss point out their questions first,then we have Ss answer Ssquestion,if they cant,the teacher explain them.Step 6 Lefs do it!,Read the text and answer the following quastions1.What do you like to do in spring?2.Do many people like to play outside and have fun?3.How do you feel about the ai

25、r,flowers in spring?4.Step 7 当堂训练一一相信自己!一.选择正确答案:()1.A car is going the tunnel.A.through B.cross C.across D.past()2.Heat water steam.A.changes;into B.change;into C.changes;forD.change;for()3.They got off the busA.one and on B.one by oneC.one after one D.one or one()4.The wind blows through the trees

26、A.gently B.gentle C.gentlement D.soft()5.Snow in spring.A.melt B.melts C.melted D.melting二.即学即练1.The(风)is blowing2.The weather-(变化)very often in summer3.The students went into the c l a s s(一个接 1)We for a long time.课后反思:Lesson 4:The Spring City总课时:第4课时:主备人:审核:课型:新授教学目标:Learn new words:budding;nearly

27、;millimeter;plenty;anytime.教学重点:1.New words and phrases.Budding;nearly;millimeter;plenty;anytime.Think of.Long for.Around the world,feel like,all year round,neither.nor.the averagetemperature,plenty of,because of,hundreds of,2.Know about:The Spring CityDifficult points:the using of some phrases.课堂教学

28、设计:Step 1 RevisionPut these English into Chinese.1 .Climb the hillside4.the sound of6.the flowers blossom.8.go aheadStep 2 Show the teaching aims:2.one by one 3.at e out9.play outside1.Holding the new words and phrases.2.Use theses phrases:neither.nor.Plenty of because ofStep 3 Think aboutAsk Ss to

29、answer them.Step 4 let Ss learn the dialogue(text)by themselves in groups to Hnd out thefollowing phrases and sentences which they havent understand,ifthey have any questions,please underline them1)读课文试着翻译课文或对话,理解课文或对话大意,找出下列短语。l).think of 2),long for3).around the world 4).All year round5).the avera

30、ge temperature 6).neither.nor.7).plenty of sunshine 8).in my hometown.2)对你自学课文的参考资料(要求你熟记这些重要句型,你能做到吗?)1 .When we think of spring,we think of a season of fine,warm weatherand clear,fresh air.当我们想到春天,我们就会想引一个 晴朗,温暖的天气和清新的空气。Think o f意 思 是“想起;想到”Eg:He always think of other people first.他总是想到别人。拓展:What

31、 do you think of标庆为.怎么样?相当于How doyou like 2.Every one longs for spring.每个人都向往春天。Long for 意思“渴望,向往”,相当于look forwards to.后接名词;代词,动名词。如:I long for a trip to the Cape of Good Hope.我渴望去好望角旅行。They long for a mother?goodnessnight kiss.他们渴望得到一个母亲道晚安时的亲吻。3.But in my hometown,it feels like spring nearly all y

32、ear around.但是在我们家乡,近乎全年都是春天。FeeHike+名词,意思是“感觉好像.,觉得好像是.feel like+doing=want to do sth意思是“想要做”Eg:This stone feels like potato.这个石头摸起来像土豆。I don,t feel like eating today.我今天感觉 不想吃。3.There is plenty of sun shine too.SJL 有充足的阳光。Plenty of 意思是:“大量的,许多”可以跟可譬词,也可以跟不可数名词。于 many much,a lot of,lots of 是一个意思。Eg;

33、I need plenty of/a lot of/much time to finish th work.我许多时间来完成这些工作。4.Because of the bad weather,We have to put off the sports meeting.因为这个糟糕天气。我们不得不推迟运动会。Because of+名词或者代词。而 because引导原因状语从句。Eg:I did not go to school because Iwas ill.我没有去上学是因为我生病了。Step 5 Let Ss point out their questions first,then we

34、 have Ss answer Ssquestion,if they cant,the teacher explain them.Step 6 Lefs do it!l).What the average temperature in winter in Kum ming?2).How many hours of sunshine does the city get every year.3).Why are there many flowers all year rond in Kun ming?Step 7 即学即练一一相信自0!l.They-(渴望)a mother goodnessni

35、ght kiss.2.1 n Hawaii there are flowers_(一年到头)。3.1 can t_(想起)his name at the moment4.Tuere are_(大量)eggs in the market.5.We p l a n t e d(好 JI亩)trees last year.三、句型转换:1.The sun will set in about half an hour.(对划线部分提问)will the the sun2.1 often help my father water flowers(改为同义句)I often help my father

36、the flowers课后反思:Lesson 5:Babysitting on a Spring Day总课时:第5课时:主备人:审核:课型:新授教学目标:(要提炼)1.Learn new words:babysit,bar;instead;push;soccer;shall;rabbit;2.Learn how to be a babysitter._ 3.Talk about:What outdoor activities do you usually do in spring?教学重点:1.New words and phrases.bar;instead;push;soccer;sha

37、ll;rabbit;on the play ground.fall off;hold on;play on the swings.Jump up and down.Give sb.a push.Its time to do sth.Play e on2.Learn how to make birthday cards and what to write on them.Difficult points:Talk about“What outdoor activities do you usually do inspring?课堂教学设计:Step 1 RevisionPut these Eng

38、lish into Chinese.1).think of 2).long for3).around the world 4).All year round5).the average temperature 6).neither.nor.7).plenty of sunshine 8).in my hometown.Step 2 Show the teaching aims:1.Holding the new words and phrases.2.Learn how to be a babysitter3.Talk about:Some outdoor activities.Step 3

39、Think aboutAsk Ss to answer them.Step 4 let Ss learn the dialogue(text)by themselves in groups to And out thefollowing phrases and sentences which they havent understand,ifthey have any questions,please underline them1)读课文试着翻译课文或对话,理解课文或对话大意,找出下列短语。1).Hold on4).play on the swings6).Play catch8).turn

40、 around10).lie on the grass2).Give sb.a push 3)come on5).Jump up and down7).It s time to do sth.9).run to2)对你自学课文的参考资料(要求你熟记这些重要句型,你能做到吗?)1.Let s play on the swings instead,让我们换作荡秋千吧!instead of.意思是“代替,更换”相当于in place of.Eg:He had coffee in stead of tea.他没宥喝茶,而是喝了咖啡。2.詹妮和丹尼把礼物和卡片放进一个盒子里。put.into意为 把放进

41、里面”。如:We put these apples into the box.我们把这些苹果放进箱子里。2.Now we can post it!现在我们可以去邮寄它了!post在此作动词,意为“邮寄”,是英式英语的用法,美式英语中则用mailo post作及物动词时,后面可以跟双宾语。post sb.sth.=post sth.to sb.,表示“给某人邮寄某物”。如:He posted Li Ming a present.=He posted a present to Li Ming.他给李明邮寄了一件礼物。3.He writes Li Mings address on the top o

42、f the box.他把李明的地址写在了箱子的顶部。top作名词,意为“顶部”,on the top of.表示“在顶部”。如:There are some big trees on the top of the hill.在山的顶部有一些大树。Step 5 Let Ss point out their questions first,then we have Ss answer Ssquestion,if they cant,the teacher explain them.Step 6 Lefs do it!Read the lesson and answer the questions.

43、1.What does Jenny write in Li Mings card?2.How old is Li Ming?3.What does the sentence“but she has no luck mean?4.Where do they go to get some stamps?Step 7 当堂训练一相信自己!一.选择正确答案:()1.We have sent the presents Jack already.A.to B.about C.with D.on()2.On the top the building there is a bright light.A.in

44、B.at C.of D.with()3.1 wish you to my home tonight.A.coming B.to come C.comes D.to coming()4.You are the best!A.Come on B.Come out C.Come in D.Come down()5.Good to you!A.luck B.lucky C.lucking D.a luck二.根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词:1.He has been collecting s since he was eight.2.1 havent received a letter from him

45、 y_.3.Is that your home(地址)?4.May I(邮寄)you these books next week?5.The title is at the(顶部).三、句型转换:1.She is a very good student.(改为感叹句)a good student!2.Why dont you play football?(改为同义句)play football?3.We like to this movie because its very exciting.(对划线部分提问)you like to this movie?4.Danny posted the

46、letter.(改为同义句)Danny the letter.5.He has eaten ten apples.(改为一般疑问句)he ten apples?课后反思:Lesson 6:Stories about Spring总课时:第6课时:主备人:审核:课型:新授教学目标:1.Learn new words:low;below;zero;until;groundhog;bush;2.What interesting things do you see in spring?3.What do you like to do in spring?教学重点:1.New words and phr

47、ases.low;below;zero;until;groundhog;bush;below zero;not.untilAfter school;play outside;fell into;drive to the countryside;onweekends;make syrup.Because of;2.Talk about:Difficult points:What interesting things do you see in spring?课堂教学设计:Step 1 RevisionPut these English into Chinese.1).Hold on 2).Giv

48、e sb.a push 3)come on4).play on the swings 5).Jump up and down6).Play catch 7).It s time to do sth.8).turn around 9).run to10).lie on the grassStep 2 Show the teaching aims:1.Holding the new words and phrases.2.Grammar.Word Building.Step 3 Think aboutAsk Ss to answer them.Step 4 let Ss learn the dia

49、logue(text)by themselves in groups to 行 nd out thefollowing phrases and sentences which they havent understand,ifthey have any questions,please underline themD读课文试着翻译课文或对话,理解课文或对话大意,找出下列短语。1).On the grass 2).below zero3)not.until 4).Play outside.5)Fell into 6).drive to the countryside7).on weekends

50、8).make syrup9).because of 10).come out of2)对你自学课文的参考资料(要求你熟记这些重要句型,你能做到吗?)l.Its a little wild.天气有点异常。W ild在句子中是形容词“异常的,奇异 二 W ild还 有“荒野;未开发的地方”。Eg:You can see many wild animals in the zoo.在动物园你可以看到许多野生动物。Eg:Can pandas live in the wild?熊猫可以在野生环境中生存吗?2;The temperature can be as low as-15,but it can a


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