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1、2023年小学生获奖英语作文题目及范文20篇 2 0 2 3 年小学生获奖英语作文题目及范文1My Experience Winning the AwardsIt was a sunny day in August 20 23 when my school held agraduation ceremony for all the graduates.When the hostpublicly announced my name as the winner of the highestundergraduate award,I felt excited and proud,not justbe

2、cause of the honor,but also because of the hard work I hadput in over the past four years.As the freshmen,I used my vacation time to participate in awide range of activities that could help me develop.I wasonce an ordinary student,but four years of hard work helpedme become an excellent student who

3、always scored well inevery class.And I always maintain a good relationship withmy peers,always helping them when they are in need.Theseprecious memories were what motivated me to persist and to bea better person.At the same time,I also actively participated in variousextra-curricular activities,such

4、 as debate,writing andperforming in plays,conducting English Corner and otheractivities.Each time I competed,I always kept my besteffort and was performance was recognized by the teachers.Ialso went to various competitions and won awards for myschool and myself.Winning the graduating awards was the

5、result of my four-yearendeavor.That was an experience that will stay with me forlife.It was an experience that taught me the importance ofhard work and perseverance.Most importantly,it taught methat anything can be achieved with determination and hardwork,no matter how difficult it may seem.2023年小学生

6、获奖英语作文题目及范文220 23年小学生获奖英语作文题目:Love,Pass it OnWhen I was young,I heard an inspiring story about a youngman who held a sign that said,“Love,Pass it On.Hebelieved in the power of love,and he knew that it was thekey to our happiness.This story really resonated with me,as I often thought ofhow love can o

7、vercome adversity,bring joy,and bring peoplecloser together.I wholeheartedly believe in the beauty oflove,and that it can truly conquer all.Now in elementary school,I,ve seen the power of lovefirsthand.From the moment I entered school,I have beensurrounded by loving teachers,classmates,and a schoole

8、nvironment filled with kindness.Each day,in our studiesand in our interactions,I am encouraged to spread the love.It,s been an amazing learning experience.I witnessed thefulfillment and strength of loving relationships,as well asthe far reaching benefits of even small acts of kindness.Ithas been ins

9、piring to watch this love spread to others and tobecome a part of something larger.From time to time,I am reminded of how I can return thefavor and give back to those around me.Whether it be throughgiving someone a warm smile,taking the time to listen tosomeone,s concerns,or offering a helping hand

10、in any waythat I can.I truly believe in the importance of love and its ability tobring about positive change in our lives.Its this beliefthat has been so inspiring to me,and its why I want to passit on.May we all strive to love one another,and make love aguiding force in our lives.Let our actions re

11、flect the powerof love,and may love pass on endlessly!2023年小学生获奖英语作文题目及范文3My First AwardToday I went to a big award ceremony.On this day,manyprimary school students were invited there to receive awards,certificates and checks.I felt very excited and could notbelieve that I would win an award.When my

12、 name was called up,I walked across the stage toaccept my award.I was very happy and all my friendscongratulated me.I tried to hold back my tears of happiness,but I could not resist:tears of joy rolled down my cheeks.Everyone with me was excited.The award I received was an Education Award,which reco

13、gnizedmy academic excellence throughout the year.Although itdidnt have much direct impact on my studies,it still mademe realize that my efforts have been appreciated,and that myhard work has paid off.Today s success has given me renewed confidence in workinghard and not giving up.I believe that with

14、 my effort,I willbe able to achieve greater heights in the future.I believethat if I keep working hard,I will be able to receive evenmore awards and recognition.This first award has set a good foundation and experience forme,and also gave me more confidence and courage to keepgrowing and learning.I

15、believe that I will be able toreceive even more awards and recognition in the future.To conclude,although winning an award is not the mostimportant thing in life,it is still very meaningful to me;this award not only motivated me to continue studying andstrive for excellence,but also gave me the cour

16、age to facenew challenges.I look forward to the future and what itholds in store for me.2023年小学生获奖英语作文题目及范文4My Prize-Winning ExperienceI remember when I was a sixth grader,it was the summer of20 23.At that time,I was feeling relaxed and enjoying mysummer vacation.One day,I received a letter from the

17、 school that I wasselected for the Excellent Student Award at a schoolawarding ceremony and receive recognition for my excellentperformance in the past year.At first,I didnt feelanything,but after finding out that I was the only one frommy school who had won the award,I felt extremely excited.I bega

18、n to think about how I should look that day.I wantedto dress up and look proper.I put on my best outfit and wentto the school ceremony.I was very nervous,surrounded byhundreds of people,but I kept my composure.When the host announced my name and said I was the onlystudent from my school who won the

19、award,I felt so proud.Everyone around me cheered for me.My parents looked at mewith beaming faces and tears in their eyes.I was so proud ofmyself.When I received my award on the stage,I made a brief thankyou speech to thank all who helped me along the way.Afterthe ceremony,I was surrounded by my par

20、ents,teachers andfriends.We took many pictures together to record thismeaningful moment.I still recall this unforgettable experience now.This prizewinning experience taught me to be brave,diligent andperseverant when facing challenges.It also taught me theimportance of cooperation and the power of r

21、ecognizing others.Now,I even see this past experience as a journey of growththat taught me values of modesty and courage.Even after Igraduated from school,I still remember this award-winningexperience and all the lessons it taught me.2023年小学生获奖英语作文题目及范文5My Dream PrizeNowadays,there are many competit

22、ions for primary schoolstudents.Only if you work hard can you stand out from thecrowd and get prizes.I have a dream prize,which is talentedstudent award.Talented student award includes many categories,such asmathematics,science,English,music and so on.I think somestudents are not very good in study,

23、but they could have somespecial talents,such as painting and singing.For thesestudents,they could show their talents and get prizes.For the applicants,they can send their works to theorganizing committee before a certain deadline.After that,the teachers in each category will evaluate the works.Final

24、ly,the most excellent works will win prizes.The prizes are not only money but also gifts.In this way,students can not only realize the joy of winning prizes butalso find a situation to explore their talents.What s more,it will promote the education reform and create a betterlearning environment.By o

25、ffering talented student award,it will encouragestudents to discover their unrealized talents,so that morestudents can benefit from it.I hope this award will becomereality in 20 23.2023年小学生获奖英语作文题目及范文6My Dream-Participating in the 20 23 International MathContestI am an ordinary student who likes to

26、read books,play games,and study lessons that I am interested in.My dream is to beable to participate in the 20 23 International Math Contestand strive to get an award.Math is one of my favorites subjects in school and Iespecially like the feeling of solving complex problems.Ibelieve with enough prac

27、tice I can excel in math.So everyday after school,I always search the internet for materialsrelated to math and practice solving problems.Although Ican t give up doing other enjoyable things in my free time,I always try to make room for learning math.Whenever Iencounter difficulties in problem-solvi

28、ng,I take time tostudy the methods or ask for help from teachers or theInternet.Besides doing things on my own,I also make learning math funby playing with friends.By talking with them,I get to knowdifferent methods and sometimes challenge each other insolving problems.We also encourage and share wi

29、th each otherthe difficulties we meet when studying.Moreover,we alsodiscuss some advanced topics and have a better understandingof the knowledge.Being an ordinary student,there must be many students moregifted in math than me,but I will never give up.With thehard work,passion and enthusiasm,I firmly

30、 believe I canmake it to the 20 23 International Math Contest.Hopefully,I will create miracles in the Math world with myefforts and perseverance.Everything is possible!(436 words)2023年小学生获奖英语作文题目及范文7My Award-My PrideOn a sunny morning in 20 23,I received an award as anoutstanding student in the scho

31、ol.I will never forget thatmoment when I walked onto the stage and what I felt deep inmy heart when my name was read.As a fifth-grader,I am able to make some choices but alsodeal with some responsibilities.Being a student is not easybut I never give up.I know the importance of learning,so Ialways st

32、ick to the principle Studying with passion and trymy best to make every effort to excel.As an ordinary student,I don,t stop dreaming after beingawarded.To reach higher goals and make greater progress,Imust learn more and cultivate every aspect of my life.I 11never be content with the status quo and

33、will strive forexcellence.More than anything,Im grateful for the award for it is therecognition of not only my efforts,but also my mothersdedication.Besides attending school,I am trained in musicand piano.My mother always supports my learning and guidesme to discover the beauty of music.Her help and

34、 guidance arethe answer to my success.My award is the pride of my life.It is a new boost in mypursuit of excellence.With what I have achieved,I caninspire others to strive for their dreams and to pursuesuccess.Now I am looking forward to creating new gloriesthroughout my learning journey!这是一篇以我的奖项为题

35、的英语作文。文章以自己获奖的事述及自豪感为主,描述了本人不懈的学习努力,亦讲述了家长对自己的关爱支持,最后表达了获奖的自豪感及今后不断努力奋斗的决心。2023年小学生获奖英语作文题目及范文8My Dream Comes TrueIt was a beautiful night in 20 23.I am so excited,becausetoday I won the“Excellent Student Award in my school.How I got my dream comes true?From the beginning of the school year I had a

36、dream,I wantto be an excellent student.I worked really hard to make itcome true.I did my homework every day.I studied hard forevery test.I showed respect to my teachers.I helped myclassmates.All of these made me popular with my classmatesand teachers.I was so dedicated that I even won severalcompeti

37、tions.My teachers were pleased with my effort and gave me extracredit for my academic performance.I was so thankful.As Iexpected,I finally achieved my dream.What,s more,I got more chances to help my school.Ivoluntarily became the monitor in the library and helped myclassmates look for the books they

38、 need.In addition,Ioffered the English corners in my school.I sharedinteresting stories in English with my classmates.Myclassmates enjoyed it very much.This award was a great incentive for me.I knew that if Iwork hard and help others,I can make my dreams come true.To sum up2023年小学生获奖英语作文题目及范文9Gainin

39、g Awards-My DreamThere s an old saying that“No pains no gains.It meansthat people has to work hard if they want to makeachievements.As a primary school student,I also have beentrying my best to pursue awards.As I recall,I began to learn English since I was in GradeTwo.At the beginning,I found it har

40、d to pronounce the wordsproperly,and made mistakes continuously when I was writingmy compositions.Nevertheless,I didn t give up,but workedharder with encouragement from my parents and teachers.Onlyby putting a lot of labor into it,I realized that my Englishhad been improving gradually.Fortunately,I

41、won an award for my English in Grade Four.That s so amazing!Taking this award was the result of myhard work and effort.Years passed by,I kept learningEnglish and kept making progress.I m looking forward togaining more awards in the future.Winning awards will giveme a sense of accomplishment and happ

42、iness.I hope I can makemy parents and teachers proud of me.So I will never give up.As long as I keep trying,I dobelieve that I 11 make my dream come true.I will work hardand improve myself continuously.Gaining awards is my dreamand I m determined to make it come true in the future.2 0 2 3 年小学生获奖英语作文

43、题目及范文1 0My Dream of the PrizeI still remember the pride I felt when I first got the prize.Feeling proud and contented,I decided that I must keepstriving until I win another prize.I am always dreaming of having more prizes in the future.In20 23,I hope to win the top prize in a national-level Chinesee

44、ssay competition.You can imagine how many countlesssleepless nights I will spend hard at work,writing andediting the essay.I long to be the winner and I will make itcome true.At the same time I set my goals very high,I understand thatit is not easy to achieve any goals that I set for myself.Thus,I r

45、emind myself of the importance of hard work,dedication and never giving up.I will make sure that I notonly have time for my studies but also for my extracurricular activities such as sports,music and art.Allthese activities can enhance my creativity and help mediscover my hidden potentials.I believe

46、 that by hard work and determination,I can make mydream come true.Although it is hard,I will keep on tryinguntil I reach my goal in 20 23.On that special day when Ihold the grand prize certificate in my hands,I will makesure that I thank everyone who has been by my side andsupported me on my journey

47、 to success.This will be the mosttouching moment in my life.I sincerely wish that I could be one of the lucky few to haveachieved my dream of bringing home a prize.I am determinedto do my best and never give up until that day comes.2023年小学生获奖英语作文题目及范文11My Winning ExperienceI am a student graduating

48、from the third grade at PrimarySchool in 20 23.I always have a dream to get prizes,so Inever give up.Every day,I am so diligent that I always put a lot of timestudying in order to do well on a lot of exams.I work hardand always think of creative ways to solve problems.Most ofmy teachers praised my e

49、fforts and often asked me to be anexample for the rest of the classmates.At the end of the 20 23 school year,I was extremely excitedwhen I got the best student award from the school.This awardis a recognition of my efforts,and it makes me feel sohonored.Although it was hard work,I got the award.Not

50、only did I get this prize,but also I received many otherawards.Every day after school,I won prizes in Mathematics,English,and other exams.I had a great sense ofaccomplishment when I was presented with certificates.Obviously,I am proud to tell everyone that I won many awardsin 20 23 school year.I wil


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