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1、2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文 2 0篇 2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文1My Favourite CartoonE very child loves cartoons,so do I.My favorite cartoon isMr Bean.It is a very famous British cartoon.It stars asmall,middle-aged Mr Bean,who always seems to find himselfin all sorts of misadventures.My favorite moment is when hecalmly

2、 creates chaos-always bigger than what he startedwith-but he never really gets hurt.One of the best parts of Mr Bean is the physical comedy;heoften uses his body and his facial expressions to expresshimself.His humour is based on chaotic everyday life.Thesituations he finds himself in can be funny,b

3、ut they canalso be tragicomic.He is always the victim,but he nevergives up and always finds a way out.Moreover,I admire Mr Beans courage to do what he likes-nomatter what other people say.E ven when things get tough andhe faces failure,he always tries his best to make it through.He can be clumsy and

4、 naive,but these traits make him evenmore endearing and make me laugh every time.In conclusion,Mr Bean is simply an amazing show-myfavourite cartoon.I love its ability to bring joy,laughterand optimism to the viewers.Mr Bean has been an extremelyimportant part of my life,and I hope it will be around

5、 for along time.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文2My hopes for 2023It is just four years from now,2023!Oh,how I hope that bythat time,there will be more smiles,more warmth and morecare in the world.By 2023,I would love to see more people making a differencein others lives.I hope that people would be kinder to eac

6、hother,that we would help each other without hesitation,andthat one day,nobody will be discriminated against because oftheir skin color or race.I also wish that more people will build a better sense ofenvironmental awareness,so that they will understand theimportance of living an eco-friendly life.M

7、oreover,I hopethat every family wi11 have enough clean water and food touse and that no one will starve or struggle.In addition,Iwish that every single person in this world would be grantedaccess to receive proper education,so that everybody canrelatively have the same opportunity in life.Last but n

8、ot least,I wish that in 2023,people would be ableto appreciate the small moments that they have in their livesand make wise decisions by holding on to their most genuinevalues and beliefs.I have faith that in four year,s time,our world would be a more beautiful,peaceful and betterplace to live in.20

9、23年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文3题目:The Power of Kindness范文:Kindness is an essential quality of human beings,and an actof kindness can reach far beyond what most people would think.It is always said that even a smile or a listening ear canhelp to lighten a person s burden.In the future developmentof all humanity,i

10、t is essential to possess the power ofkindness and spread it out effectively.To understand the power of kindness better,one need onlylook indirectly to the past.There is a story from thousandsof years ago about a man who asked his neighbor for help.Ashis neighbor denied his request,he smiled and sai

11、d,T 11remember.Years later,his neighbor was in trouble andasked for help.As kindhearted man smiled and said,Iremember.”This is what the power of kindness is about.It is aboutunderstanding,compassion,love and gratefulness.All ofthese things have the power to make a difference in aperson,s life throug

12、h simple acts of kindness.It can beseen when teachers show graciousness,when students supporteach other,when parents dedicate their time and resources totheir children and when people show care to total strangers.As such,to spread the power of kindness effectively,everyone needs to do their part in

13、their own life.They needto start seeing things from others eyes and try to helpwhenever they can.It may be a simple“Thank you”or“You re Welcomew,more attention on people*s feelings andthoughts or a quick gesture of charity.All of these createan atmosphere of support and love in which people feelenco

14、uraged and safe.In conclusion,kindness is a powerful quality that can changelives and thus,it should be spread into others,lives daily.It has the power to make someoneJ s day and create a brighterfuture for everyone.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文4My short story2023年小学生精选英语作文题目:My Short Story范文:Once upon a time

15、,there was a little boy and he was full ofenergy and curiosity about the world.He always had so manyquestions about why things were the way they were and howthings could be different.Despite his curiosity,the boy wasdull in school and couldn,t seem to focus on his books or payattention during lectur

16、es.One day,during a break in school,the little boy went out ofthe building and ended up in a big field full of lush greengrass.He found the beauty of the nature so calming andmesmerizing that he decided to stay there and enjoyed thebreathtaking scenery.And as if time had stopped right thenand there,

17、the little boy felt a surge of creativity rushingthrough his being.The little boy sat down in the grass and started to write astory out of his own imagination.He wrote and wrote,and hisquill never ran out of ink.The words seemed to pour out fromthe tip of his quill like a waterfall,and he felt truly

18、alive and at peace for the first time in a long time.As hewrote about the adventures of his protagonist,he felt hisentire being come alive.The little boy wrote for so long that the sun had started toset and the sky was turning an orange hue.He felt that hisshort story was complete with a joyful end

19、and decided toname it My Short Story.Taking one last look at thebeautiful sunset,the boy held his story tightly close to hisheart and walked back to the school building.In the following days,the little boy worked again day andnight to perfect his story and eventually,his teachernoticed his passion a

20、nd dedication.Encouraged by theteacher s recognition and appreciation,the little boy wasnow a star student and was constantly encouraged and praisedfor his creativity and hard work.The little boy s story has now been published as part of abook and has also been shared in many schools.He is nowhappy

21、and content,but he will always remember that one daywhen his creativity took off in the vast field of that day.My Short Story has now become the title of my life,and Iam the little boy who wrote it.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文5My Ideal HomeIn 2023,when I become an adult,I want to move out of myparents,home a

22、nd buy my own.So,what would my ideal homelook like?My ideal home would be located in a green,quiet neighborhoodwith plenty of nature nearby but not too far away from thecity.Inside my home,Id like an open floor plan,with alarge kitchen and dining area,connected to the living roomand then to the gard

23、en.Id like a two-bedroom plus twobathrooms,with lots of windows and a cozy balcony.Thebalcony will be my spot to relax and take really nicepictures.I11 have a functional,organized office spacewhere I can do my work in peace and privacy.My home will be filled with everything I love and need,fromfurni

24、ture,to wall,floor and other pieces of decorations.I,11 make sure everything emits a sense of tranquillity,comfort and relaxation.E verything will be tidy andenvironmental-friendly;sun and nature will play a part in mydecor,from plants to trees,from curtains to cushions.In my ideal home,V 11 make su

25、re to have a personal library,and a gym area to keep fit.I 11 create a light,airy andcomfortable atmosphere.The walls and roof will be a lightcolor to bring a touch of peace and joy to my home.I wantwhole family to join me in the future,and the space wouldfit everyone*s needs and desires.My ideal ho

26、me is not just about the material aspects,butmost importantly about the person that lives inside it.I 11make sure to make my home a refuge of serenity,happiness,peace and love.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文62023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文Topic:The importance of Making New FriendsWith the development of society,making new

27、friends hasbecome more and more important.We can learn knowledge,exchange ideas and share life experience by making newfriends.Making new friends gives us a wider life circle.We can finddifferent interests,hobbies,cultures and professions fromnew friends,so that we can broaden our vision.Also,newfri

28、ends can become our instant soulmate,who can cheer us upwhen we are in sorrow,and make us warm when we are lonely.Moreover,when we meet friends of different backgrounds,theywill influence each other and share different kinds of lifeexperiences.We can get advices or encouragement from newfriends*diff

29、erent points of views.It may be useful when weare faced with some dilemmas.It even can lead us to findbetter solutions.New friends can also give us a hand when we need help.Sometimes,we need someone to help us solve the problems,sohaving more friends may bring us more choices.In a word,making new fr

30、iends is beneficial for us.It canteach us knowledge,open our eyes to different cultures andeven provide us with a hand when we need help.It plays avitally important role in our life.Therefore,we should actively make new friends and enrich ourlife,and make progress together with new friends everyday.

31、2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文72023年小学生精选英语作文题目:My DreamMy DreamWhen I was a little girl,I often dreamed of becoming asuccessful fashion designer in the future.Fashion has alwaysbeen my passion,and I love the idea of creating beautifulclothes and making people look their best.In my dream,I am surrounded by the

32、 most fashionable clothes,inspiring materials,and the brightest colors possible.Theideas just keep coming,and I find myself creating more andmore clothes everyday.I discover new techniques and combinedifferent elements to make something unique.I imagine opening up my own design studio and creatingco

33、llection after collection for runway shows around the world.My clothes are not just for fashion shows or editorials,butfor anyone who wants to express themselves through fashion.My ultimate dream is to be an inspiration to aspiring fashiondesigners who want to make a difference in the fashionindustr

34、y.E ventually,I plan on starting my own fashionschool to help nurture my future students5 creativity andhelp them obtain the skills they will need to becomesuccessful fashion designers in the future.My dreams may seem far-fetched,but I truly believe that oneday all of my hard work will pay off.I am

35、going to continuelearning about fashion and honing my skills to make my dreamsof becoming a success in the fashion industry come true.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文8“我的父亲”My father is a well-educated man who graduated from a famousuniversity.He has been working for a large State-ownedenterprise for more than t

36、wo decades,and despite his busywork life,he still makes time to spend quality time with me.When I was a child,he often helped me do my homework andtaught me how to draw.I can still remember the breath-takingfinish he painted on the picture I drew of an old Chineselady wearing a traditional coat fan.

37、It was my very firstexperience of art.My father taught me the importance of diligence and hard-workfrom a young age.He always motivated me to be a betterstudent and encouraged me to pursue my goals.He explainedthat with hard work and determination,I could achieveanything I wanted.On the weekends,my

38、dad would take me on long hikes,exploring the mountains and rivers nearby.We also enjoyedgoing fishing together.We would talk about many differenttopics,from the latest news to my dreams of the future,bothof us learning from each other.My father has always been a source of inspiration to me.Through

39、his hard-work,perseverance and kind-heartedness,Ihave learnt valuable lessons of life that have helped me inboth my studies and my life in general.He has taught me theimportance of responsibility,accountability and mutualrespect,skills that I will carry with me forever.My father is the most importan

40、t person in my life.He hasbeen my teacher,my friend and my mentor,who has alwaysbelieved in me and encouraged me no matter what.I know thathe will always be by my side,and I will never forget hislove and support.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文9【题目】My Ideal TeacherMy ideal teacher is a well-educated,kind and pat

41、ient person.He has high expectations of his students,but he is notstrict in enforcing them,lie encourages his students to thinkcritically and come up with creative solutions.My ideal teacher encourages us to ask questions and thinkoutside the box.He listens to all of our ideas,no matterhow silly the

42、y seem.He always gives us positive feedback,even when we make mistakes.He wants us to learn from ourmistakes and become better students.My ideal teacher never gives up on us,even if we make thesame mistake multiple times.He understands that learningsometimes is difficult and gives us the opportunity

43、 to tryagain.He encourages us to work hard and strive forexcellence.My ideal teacher always sets aside enough time to help eachstudent individually.He enjoys spending time with hisstudents,eating lunch together and chatting.He also takestime to answer our questions and provide helpful advice.My idea

44、l teacher is the teacher everyone strives to become.He is patient,kind,and understanding.He has a passion forteaching and wants his students to succeed.He makes theclassroom a fun,safe and welcoming place,where students canlearn and grow.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文102023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文题目:My DreamMy dream is

45、 quite simple I want to be successful inwhatever I choose to do.With that,I would have the power tomake my own decisions,think for myself and feel accomplishedin reaching my goals.I plan on achieving my dream through getting an education.I d like to go to university and study in the field of mychoic

46、e.During my time at university I want to makeconnections and learn what I can to set me up for success.Iknow it won t be easy,but with dedication and hard work Ibelieve that I can reach my dream.Success also means having enough money to provide acomfortable life.Of course,I understand that money isn

47、,teverything,but having it will give me financial freedom andallow me to pursue activities I enjoy.I want to save enoughmoney to be able to afford meaningful experiences withouthaving to worry about everyday bills.The realization of my dream will result in me leading afulfilling life.I plan on givin

48、g back to my community andhelping others in need,just like so many others have donefor me.I strongly believe that success is within reach,andwith good values,resilience and an unwavering ambition I 11be able to turn my dream into a reality.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文11【题目】What Changes Will We See in the Wor

49、ld in 20 Years?The year 2023 puts us in the near future,where humanity hasthe potential to abundant technological advances and majorsocial changes.With the advent of new technologies,we couldsee some significant changes in the world in the next 20years.To begin with,transportation and communication

50、should becomefaster and more efficient.With advances in electric vehicles,drones,and even driverless cars,we could see fewer cases oftraffic jam or transportation delays.Along with 5Gtechnology,communication will become smoother and faster,allowing us to talk to people on different sides of the worl


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