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《《2023年小学生必备英语作文题目及范文》20篇.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《2023年小学生必备英语作文题目及范文》20篇.pdf(22页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2023年小学生必备英语作文题目及范文 2 0篇 2023年小学生必备英语作文题目及范文1O题目:My Ideal Life范文:Hello,everybody.I come from a middle-class family and Iwant to talk about my ideal life in 2023.In my ideal life,I would like to live in a well-developedcity.This city is so full of vitality and vitality that Ican find the modern facil

2、ities very easily.What a wonderfulthing to live in such a city!In my ideal life,I would also like to have a fulfilling job.I will have a great sense of accomplishment and pride afterbeing self-realized in my work.No matter what kind of job Ichoose,I will strive to do it well and show my brilliantper

3、formance.I will never give up exploring and looking fornew paths of progress.In my ideal life,I will try to understand and help those inneed,because giving is about love and kindness.In my freetime,I will take the lead in participating in volunteeractivities and help the disadvantaged children with

4、somepractical actions.Finally,in my ideal life,I will follow my interests anddevelop my hobbies.Music,singing,drawing and writing areall filled with joy,and more importantly,I can discover myinner world and inspire my own potentials.In a word,I always want to live a meaningful and joyful lifein 2023

5、.With my dreams,I believe I can make my dreams cometrue!2023年小学生必备英语作文题目及范文2My DreamMy dream is to become an astronaut.When I grow up,I want toexplore the vast universe.As an astronaut,I will take thespaceship to a faraway planet,observing the unknown planetsand looking for clues about the origin of

6、 the universe.I 11also have the chance to meet aliens from other planets,andmake friends with them.My dream doesn,t stop here.I am determined to crack themysteries of the universe and find out what exactly happenedwhen the Big Bang happened.This is a challenge for me,but Ibelieve I can do it.I 11 do

7、 my best to study hard to make my dream come true.Iwill strive to be top in my class and work even harderoutside the classroom.When I am older and more qualified,Iwill apply to become an astronaut and dedicate myself to thismission.My dream is to explore the universe,and in the future,itsnot just a

8、dream,but my reality.2023年小学生必备英语作文题目及范文3My Plans for the FutureHello everyone,I,m Li Ming and Im a student in a primaryschool now.I will share my plans for the future today.In the next 10 years,I plan to finish my high school andcollege education.During this process,I will work hard toget excellent

9、 academic results and acquire skills that arevaluable in career development.Besides,I will enhance mycritical thinking and decision-making abilities.After Igraduate from college,my career goal is to work in a bigcompany.During the working years,I will try my best to getpromotion opportunities.After

10、several years of working,Iwould like to start my own business.I have some ideas on the business but I am still figuring outdetails about it.I know that it is not easy to start and runa business,but I am willing to take risks and work hard forit.At the same time,I would like to develop some hobbies a

11、ndinterest.Playing badminton and chess will be ideal.I alsowant to learn swimming and other sports.Besides,I willspend some time to travel around.I want to explore differentcultures and places,which I think is meaningful.I am very excited about my future.With careful planning andhard work,I believe

12、I can make my dreams come true.Thankyou.2023年小学生必备英语作文题目及范文4题目:My Experience of Learning English范文:English is an important language worldwide,and it is also myfavorite language.I began to learn it when I was in thefifth grade of primary school.At first,I thought it was not easy to learn English,beca

13、usethere were so many grammar rules and many new words I had toremember.I was afraid that I would forget them.So when Ihad English class,I always paid attention and tried my bestto remember them.After that,I began to practice speakingevery day.I practiced saying the words,sentences anddialogues I st

14、udied in class.However,I found that the most effective way of learningEnglish was by listening and reading.I would listen toEnglish songs and stories,and then I tried to imitate thepronunciation and intonation.I also read the English booksmy teacher recommended.In addition,I often surfed theInternet

15、 to find some fun videos and films in English,whichimproved my listening,speaking and writing skills.Learning English is a demanding process,and it takes a lotof devotion and patience.I realized that no matter howchallenging it was,if I practiced regularly and learned frommistakes,I could become pro

16、ficient in English in a shortertime.My six years of learning English has been a fascinatingjourney.I am very proud that I have achieved somesignificant progress in my English level and become moreconfident in communication.Thanks to English,I could meetmany interesting people and make new friends.I

17、believe thatEnglish will open more doors for me in the future.2023年小学生必备英语作文题目及范文5英语作文题目:My Dream范文:I have a dream,a dream of a perfect future.To me,theperfect future is one in which everyone lives happily andpeacefully,free from diseases and pollution.In this world,nobody would have to struggle to

18、buy food andclothes to get by,because everyone will be provided withbasic needs.No poverty,no wars and no violence could exist.Instead,people would spend time in learning and working onprojects to benefit themselves and their community.In my perfect future world,people will live in harmony withnatur

19、e and animals.Scientific progress will lead to reducingpollution and global warming.All natural resources,from airto water,will be renewable and recyclable.People will cometogether to create technologies to reduce reliance on fossilfuels.Renewable sources of energy such as solar,wind,andgeothermal w

20、ill be investigated and adopted as the mainstreamform of energy consumption.I believe that this dream of a perfect future can be achieved.It may never become a reality,but I will continue to worktowards it and hope for the best.2023年小学生必备英语作文题目及范文6My Dream Life in 2023As an average student living in

21、 2023,I aspire to lead anideal life in the future.First of all,I hope to have a good health in 2023 and havean active lifestyle.I will really appreciate it if I can lookyoung and energetic.Exercising more often and eating morehealthily will be my routine.I will try my best to avoid badhabits such as

22、 smoking and drinking,as it does not bring meany good.Secondly,I hope to have an interesting job that I ampassionate about.In the future,it will be very important tohave a good career.I will be willing to work hard,especiallyin my chosen field.I am hoping to be able to make adifference to others wit

23、h my job,which will bring me a greatsatisfaction in life.Thirdly,I hope to have enough free time to travel around theworld with my friends and family in 2023.Qualities like open-mindedness and cultural awareness can only be achievedthrough frequent travelling.I will definitely seize everyopportunity

24、 to visit my favourite places,learn innovativecultures and meet new people.Lastly,I hope to be able to pursue and materialize my dreamsin 2023.Besides attending to my career dedication,I willmake sure to balance my life and pursue my goals withconfidence.I want to be an inspiration to the next gener

25、ation,living my dream life to the fullest.This is my dream life in 2023 and I will do my best to makeit come true.2023年小学生必备英语作文题目及范文7My DreamOne of my dreams is to become a successful person when I growup.When I was a little kid,my parents always encouraged meto strive for excellence and pursue my

26、dream.They also gaveme a lot of advice on how to stick to a goal and strive tomake my dream come true.Now I am in elementary school.I have a strong desire toachieve my aims and blazing ahead persistently.I am certainthat I can make my dream come true with the help of myteachers,parents and classmate

27、s.To pursue my dreams and make them reality,I will study hard.Meanwhile,I will also foster a variety of hobbies and skillsthat can help me to improve my comprehensive abilities.Iwill broaden my vision and try my best to learn everythingnew.Besides that,I will continue to do something I am good at to

28、consolidate my advantages.When I meet a difficulty,I willwork hard to overcome it and never give up.In this way,Ican do my best and make sure that I can realize my dream inthe future.I believe that dream is hard to come true,but it is a visualrepresentation of our ambition and goal.As long as I keep

29、trying and never give up,I am sure that my dreams will cometrue in the future.2023年小学生必备英语作文题目及范文8My Dream SchoolEvery student has his or her own dream school in his or herheart.To me,the ideal school should make me want to go toclass.My dream school is located in a pleasant environmentwith many gar

30、dens and green plants,making it a nice andquiet place for learning.In a school like this,each teacher will be friendly,patientand passionate about teaching,so that we can interact witheach other in class more smoothly.Besides,my dream schoolencourages us to explore more and learn by doing.We areallo

31、wed to ask questions and encouraged to share our thoughtswith each other,which can help us better understand thelessons.Most importantly,my dream school will provide us a platformto open our minds and be creative,so we can think morefreely,develop an independent thinking and make innovativeideas.Mor

32、eover,students of different cultures and classeswill get the same chance to cultivate their talents andexplore the world.Last but not least,at my dream school,we will also haveenough time to have fun.We can have enough time to attendactivities,exercise outdoors,and make more friends oncampus.I belie

33、ve this kind of school allows me to havedeeper understanding of life and the world.If I could have the chance to go to such a school,I wouldtake the opportunity to try my best to pursue my dream andmake it come true.2023年小学生必备英语作文题目及范文92023年小学生必备英语作文题目:My Dream School范文:My dream school is just aroun

34、d the corner.It has a hugecampus,with a beautiful garden,a huge playground for sports,a modern library and classrooms equipped with the latesttechnology.The school has a friendly and approachableatmosphere and its welcoming atmosphere make everyone feel athome.Students are able to learn in an intera

35、ctive way,with thehelp of small group activities and personalized teaching.There are always activities to entertain them,such as artand music classes,field trips and educational games.Thestudents also have access to a variety of extracurricularactivities and after-school clubs.The students also have

36、access to a variety of cultural activities,such as museumvisits,theatre shows and concerts.The school also has an emphasis on environmental awarenessand encourages students to engage in environmental activitiesand gardening.There are many ways for students to learnabout the importance of conservatio

37、n,helping to minimizewaste,recycling,and appreciating nature and the planet.Finally,the school is a place where students can be welleducated.It encourages creativity and innovation,allowingstudents to express themselves and their ideas.Students alsohave the opportunity to take part in research proje

38、cts andparticipate in debates and presentations.My dream school is both exciting and educational.It is aschool where students are given the opportunity to learn andgrow in an environment that nurtures creativity,knowledgeand responsibility towards the environment.2023年小学生必备英语作文题目及范文10Name A Supersta

39、r I AdmireI admire a lot of people,and among them,there s asuperstar that I admire most,her name is Xu Jinglei.She isnot just an actress,but a director and producer as well.Xu Jinglei was born in Beijing in the year 1974.When she wasvery young,her parents sent her to an art school and by thetime she

40、 was 19,she started to appear in films,TV shows,and work as a model.In the next 10 years,she had worked ona lot of fi1ms and TV shows and gained wide recognition.What I admire most about her is her hard working andperseverance.She worked hard for her career,despite thefact that she was not born with

41、 a silver spoon in her mouth.She was a hard working woman and had unwavering confidence inherself.No matter how bad the situation got,she was stilloptimistic that she could achieve something.Xu Jinglei is a great example of how hard work anddetermination can lead to success.She never gave up,evenwhe

42、n things were difficult,and that is why she has achievedso much in her life.She has won numerous awards and herfilms have earned her a great deal of well-deserved respectand admiration.She is truly a role model for young people today who want toachieve something in life.With Xu Jinglei as an example

43、,Idon t think there is anything that is impossible.2023年小学生必备英语作文题目及范文11Topic:My DreamIts been my long cherished dream to become a successfulentrepreneur.From an early age,I have been exposed to theidea of enterprise and success in the form of books,film,and the people around me.Many successful entr

44、epreneurs have inspired me along the waysince I was an undergraduate.They have taught me that visionand grit is half the battle.To have a successful business,you have to have the courage to dream big,the determinationto stick it,and the willingness to face down adversity.Having said that,this is not

45、 an easy challenge.There areinherent risks that come along with any business endeavor.You must be prepared to take the risk that you may notsucceed.However,the rewards of success are worth it.In order to become a successful entrepreneur,a certainamount of self-awareness and knowledge are essential.F

46、irst,it is essential to understand the market and the competition.Additionally,it is important to gain knowledge and insighton how to run a business.This can be done through books,seminars,and other educational programs.Furthermore,it is important to pay attention to the feedbackyou receive from cus

47、tomers and your team.This feedback canhelp provide insight on how to improve your business.Finally,it is important to establish a strong network andsocial media presence.This will help both potentialcustomers and investors find out about your business.In short,the road to becoming a successful entre

48、preneur iscertainly not an easy one.It is filled with obstacles andrisks,but with commitment and dedication,you can make it areality.The experience and rewards that come along withsucceeding in business are what make it all worth it.2023年小学生必备英语作文题目及范文12题目:My Favourite Place范文:My favourite place is

49、the park near my house.Every morning,when the sun rises,I will go to the park with my school bagon my back.I like the fresh air of the park and the trees.The playground in the park is very beautiful.I can seecolorful swings-yellow,green,red and blue-swayingbetween trees.I am so happy to hear childre

50、n s laughter.When I see them jogging around,I cant help but move my feet.There are also slides,seesaws,and sand pits for children toplay with.In the middle of the park,there is a lake.Ducks swim in thelake and birds fly across the sky.In the evening,when thesunset is getting darker,I wander around t


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