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《八年级下册英语期中测试卷2.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级下册英语期中测试卷2.pdf(30页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2 0 1 1 -2 0 1 2 学年下学期期中考试初二年级英语试题考试时间:120分钟 满 分:150分 得分_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _一、选择题.x 3 0 =3 0,)()1.There will b e pollutionin the future in the world.A.more B.manyC.fewer D.few()2.Kids wont go to school.Theywill study home computers.A.in,in B.at,on C.at,by D.at;from()3.People will live 200

2、years old in the future.A./B.be C.to be D.in()4.What do you think Mike will befive years?A.afterB.inC.for D.before()5.Will there be fewer trees?A.Yes,there will.B.Yes,theywill.C.No,there arent.D.No,theywont.()6.Yang Liwei is a famousCh i n e s e.A.scientist B.computerprogrammerC.astronaut D.engineer

3、()7.1 think you shouldsome money your friends.A.borrow;for B上orrow;from C.lend;from D上orrow;to()8.My friend has the same haircut_I do.A.as B.likeC.seem D.looks like()9.You dont like the picture.Idont like it,.A.too B.also C.either D.still()10.Tm going to time withmy grandparents this vacation.A.spen

4、d B.takeC.cost D.pay()11.1 think it would start ahabit if you copy my homework.A.good B.badC.well D.wonderful()12.1 finished myexams last week.A.end of yearB.end-of-year C.year-of-endD.year-end()13.She said she a partyfor Marcia.A.is having B.was havingC.has D.will have()14.They TV at tenoclock last

5、 night.A.was watching B.werewatching C.watchedD.watches()15.I was watching TV,the telephone rang.A.While B.WhenC.What D.Why()16.You should a new penfor your sister.A.buy B.to buyC.buying D.bought()17.If i t tomorrow,wellgo to the park.A.dont rain B.wont rainC.rained D.doesn t rain()18.My bag is styl

6、e.Maybe you should buy a new one.A.out of B.out forC.out from D.out()19.1 w as to see thepolice at my home yesterday.A.surprised B.surprisingC.interesting D.Inerested()20.You cant jeans to theparty.If you do so,the teacher wont lety o u.A.put on;in B.dress;outC.have on D.wear;in()21.In our English s

7、tudyreading is more important than speaking,I think.-I dont agree.Speaking isreading.A.as important as B.soimportant asC.the most important D.thesame as()22.The teacher said I could dobetter English.A.in B.at C.on D.for()23.There a basket ballmatch this afternoon.A.will be B.will haveC.are going to

8、be D.is going tohave()24.Thank you fo r mewith my homework.A.help B.helpedC.helping D.helps()25.I was never toreceive a result from myscience teacher.A.surprised;disappointedB.surprised;disappointingC.surprising;disappointedD.surprising;disappointing()26.I dont knowhappened outside.A.how B.whatC.whe

9、n D.w h e r e()27.Paul told us he wasnt madMarcia anymore.A.in B.atC.on D.w i t h()2 8.What did your son say inthe letter?-He told me that hethe Great Wall the next day.A.will visit B.hasvisitedC.is going to visit D.wouldvisit()29.There a basketball match this afternoon.A.will be B.willhaveC.are goi

10、ng to be D.isgoing to have()30.I went to Shanghai last yearand fell in love it.A.with B.in C.toD.for二.完形填空(L 5 x 20=30)AMr Smith had a nice,brown coat.He31 it very much,_32_ his wifedidnt like it,because it was 33.Sheoften said,“Give it to a 3 4 man.But Mr Smith always said,No,I like it.One day a ci

11、garette(香烟)fell on it andmade a hole in it,35 Mrs Smith said,Please dont 36 it again/5 Mr Smithtook it to a small tailor9 s and said to thetailor,Please make another coat 37this one.The tailor(裁缝)made the coatvery 38.Then he hit a cigarette andmade a 39 in the 40 place.()31.A.wore B.hadC.put D.loved

12、()32.A.but B.soC.and D.for()33.A.new B.bigC.small D.old()34.A.rich B.kindC.poor D.friend()35.A.so B.andC.but D.or()36.A.hadC.wore D.take()37.A.aboutC.like D.of()38.A.happilyC.sad D.carefully()39.A.pictureC.map D.flower()40.A.samedifferent C.greatimportantB.wearB.withB.hardB.holeB.D.BEveryone likes g

13、ifts.Some little kidsthink they 41 get enough gifts,Someold people think they get too 42gifts.Different people like different kindsof gifts.Some presents are never toosmall.A little child may 43 hismother a leaf from a tree.It is enough tomake her very 44Gift giving is different in different4 5 .In

14、Japan,people sometimesgive special gifts.But they are notopened.Later,the 46 gift may begiven away to someone else.Manypeople have enough things and dontwant too many gifts 4 7.In Canada,a tree can help remember 48.Inthe USA,some people ask their familiesand friends 49 give money to charityrather th

15、an(而不是)buying them gifts.InSweden,doing something for someone isthe best gift.People dont need to _50 too much money.Instead,making ameal is enough.()41.A.dont B.doesntC.isnt D.arent)42.A.muchB.manyC.little D.a()43.A.givesC.give D.gave()44.A.happyC.angry D.sad()45.A.villageC.countries D.town()46.A.d

16、ifferentC.big D.same()47.A.themselvesC.myself D.herself()48.A.a menC.a child D.a girl()49.A.inC.from D.atB.givingB.unhappyB.cityB.smallB.ourselvesB.a personB.to)50.A.tookB.to spendC.paidD.spend三.阅读理解(2 x 2 0 =4 0)ALast Sunday I saw the worst storm.Itcame suddenly and went on for more thanthree hours

17、.After lunch,I went into my room tohave a rest.The air was hot,and all wasquiet.The strong wind started blowinginto my room suddenly.Pieces of paperon my desk flew high into the air andsome flew out of the open window.As Iran out to catch them,big drops of rainbegan to fall.When I came back into the

18、 house,itwas raining harder and harder.I tried veryhard to close the window.Then I heard aloud crashing(碰撞的)sound from theback of the house.I ran out of my roomto find out what it was-a big tree hadfallen down and broken the top of theback room.()51.The storm h a p p e n e d.A.in the morning B.inthe

19、 afternoonC.while I was in the back roomD.while I was in the garden()52.Before the storm came,theweather was.A.cold B.cool C.hot D.warm()53.The storm went on for.A.over three hours B.three hoursC.less than three hours D.two hours()54.The wind blew some of thep a p e r.A.all over the floor B.out of t

20、he doorC.into the back room D.out of the open window()55.The top of the back room wasbroken because of.A.the hot air B.the crashing soundC.the rain D.the falling treeBThe best way of learning a language isusing it.The best way of learning Englishis talking in English as much as possible.Sometimes yo

21、ull get your words mixedup(混合)and people will not understandyou.Sometimes people will say thingstoo quickly and you cant understandthem.But if you keep your sense ofhumor(幽默感),you can always have agood laugh at the mistakes you make(你所才日的错误).Dont be unhappy if peopleseem to be laughing at your mista

22、kes(错误).It is better for people to laugh atyour mistakes than to be angry with you.because they dont understand what youare saying.The most important thing forlearning English is:Dont be afraid ofmaking mistakes because everyone makesmistakes.()56.The writer thinks that the bestway for you to learn

23、a language isA.writing B.using it C.listening D.learning grammar()57.What should you do inlearning English?A.Be careful not to make anymistakes.B.Write as quickly as you can.C.Speak English as much as you can.D.Laugh more often.()58.When people laugh at yourmistakes,you shoul d.A.not care(不在意)B.be h

24、appyC.feel worried D.be unhappy()59.When you make a mistake,you s h o u l d.A.keep quiet B.get angry C.be kind D.keep your sense of humor()60.The story tellsusA.Only foolish(愚 蠢 的)peoplemake mistakesB.Few people make mistakesC.People never make mistakesD.There is no one who doesntmake mistakesCChann

25、el1 OI)Channel 218:00 AroundChina17:45 Computerstoday18:30Childrensprogramme(节目)18:10 Foreignarts19:00 News18:30 MordemEnglish19:30 Weatherreport19:00 Animalworld19:40 Aroundthe world19:25 In Asia20:10 TV 20:20 Sportsplay:Sisters21:00 English 21:00 Sportsfor today_ player:Yao Ming21:15 Pop 21:45 Eng

26、lishmusic21:55 Talkshownews22:05 On TV nextweek)6 1.If you want to knowsomething about Yao Ming,the bestprogramme for you is.A.Talk Show B.Sports C.Sports player D.TV play()62.You,ll know something aboutat 19:00 on Channel 2.A.animalsB.newsC.foreign D.Asia()63.If you want to watch NBA,the best progr

27、amme for you would beA.Sports B.Around the worldC.foreign arts D.English news()64.If you like music very much,the best programme is.A.at 21:45 on Channel 2 B.at 21:55 on Channel 1C.at 21:00 on Channel 2 D.at 21:15 on Channel 1()65.“Modern English is aprogramme t hat.A.teaches you English B.tellsyou

28、something about English classroomC.let you know English news D.makes foreign friendsDEducation in the USA MostAmericans start to school at the age offive when they enter kindergarten.Children do not really study at this time.They only attend for half the day andlearn what school school is like.Child

29、renattend elementary school for the next sixyears.They learn to read and write andwork with numbers.They also study theworld and its people.After they leaveelementary school,children go to juniorhigh school for three years and seniorhigh school for another three years.Thisis called secondary educati

30、on.In someplaces,the children go to elementaryschool for eight years and high school forfour.In all,elementary and secondaryeducation together take twelve years tocomplete excluding kindergarten.()66.The elementary andsecondary education together take thechildren to complete in theUSA.A.thirteen yea

31、rs B.fourteen yearsC.twelve years D.eleven years()67.Most American childrenenter k i n d e r g a r t o n.A.at the age of five years oldB.to study two yearsC.to learn scienceD.about two years old()68.In elementary school theyshould stay t her e.A.for six years B.for three years C.for another three ye

32、ars D.to study hard()69.Children should study how toA.act B.become an astronautC.read and write D.read,write andwork with numbers()70.Some American childrenhave their elementary school educationfor.A.five years B.four yearsC.eight years D.seven years四、根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择词语填空(每 空1分,共10分)thought was wasnt

33、going toldwas wasnt toldwould wasntIt was an exciting week for the peopleon the soap opera“Young Lives”,first ofall,Marcia told Ben s h e(71)having asurprise party for Lana,and that Lana(72)she was going to her house tostudy.Then La na(73)Ben she(74)mad at Marcia,and that she(75)going to her house o

34、n Friday.So Ben told Lana that Marcia was(76)to have a party for her.Lana told Benthat s he(77)mad at Marcia anymore,and that she(78)go toMarcia9house on Friday night.However,Marcia called everyone and(79)them that she(80)going to havethe party.五、按要求变换句型(10分)81.I was watching TV when Mothercame in.(

35、用 while 替换)I w as TV,Mothercame in.82.Mr Wang told us,6 6 We will have along holiday(改写为间接引语)Mr Wang told us have along holiday.83.They will go to Beijing on vacationnext week.They will have enoughtime.(合并为含if的复合句)They will go to Beijing on vacation nextweek they enough time.84.You should come here

36、by bike.(改为否定句)You here by bike.85.Ted saw an alien yesterday.(改写为一般疑问句)Ted an alien yesterday?86.The boy was riding a bike when theUFO landed?(对划线部分提问)was the boy when theUFO landed?87.John did his homework last night.(用at nine oclock last night 替换 last night)John his homework atnine oclock last ni

37、ght.88.Brazil will win the World Cup nexttime.(改写为一般疑问句)Brazil the World Cupnext time?89.I got to school late because the trafficwas very busy.(对划线部分提问)you get to schoollate?90.“I am popular at school“he thought.(将直接引语改为间接引语)He t hought popularat school at school.六、根据汉语,完成句子,每空一词。(每空0.5 分,共 10分)91.玛

38、丽和同学们相处得很好。Mary_her classmates.92.我认为100年后将会有更多的人和更少的污染.I think there will be people and _ pollution 100 years.93.老师说他们的梦想会实现的。The teacher said their dreams94.如果他和你一起去,他会玩得很高兴。he to the party with you,he have a great time.95.吉姆今天拿到他的成绩单.Jim got histoday.96.你必须为你的书付款.You must your book.97.我希望爷爷身体健康.I hope my grandpa is in_ 七.书面表达(共计20分)请根据表格中的提示内容写一封信给你的祖母,向她报告你的年终考试成绩。要求:1.词数60词以上。2.注意书信的格式。Chinese teachercould do bettermath teacherhard-workingEnglish teacherspeaking is goodphysics teacherlazy


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