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《八年级英语下册期中测试卷(含答案).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册期中测试卷(含答案).pdf(32页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、八年级英语下册期中测试卷(含答案)一、单选题1.一Cindy,I have a toothache.What should I do?一Youd better see a dentist and get X-ray.A.an B.a C./D.the2.The teacher often tells us not to time in doingmeaningless things.A.raise B.throw C.waste D.break3.My brother practices running every morning he can runa marathon(马拉松)next y

2、ear.A.in order to B.as soon as C.because of D.so that4.I remember putting the English book in my schoolbag,but its notthere.That s!A.common B.strange C.unfair D.fair5.一 you please help me do the dishes?一Sorry,Mom.Im doing my homework.A.Could B.Should C.Must D.Need6.一I lost my brothers favorite book.

3、What should I do?-say sorry to him and buy him a new one?A.How about B.Why dont youC.Would you like D.Why did you7.I on the computer when Frank called me last night.A.workB.will work C.was working D.am working8.一Why do many farmers put their products(产品)online thesedays?-them more easily.A.To sell B

4、.Sell C.Selling D.To selling9.We mustnt the bus until it stops.A.get off B.put off10.?Its July 27th.A.Whats the timeC.Whats the date today二、完形填空C.go off D.put upB.Whats it likeD.What day is it todayAn English teacher of a high school helps her students in a specialway.Du Mengsi teaches English at a

5、high school in Xuchang.She istalented in drawing.She said some of her students had little(1)in learning English.She knew,(2)a teacher,she needed to do something to help them.Du started to givedifferent information on her students(3).She drewcartoon characters for her students on their exercise books

6、 whenthey gave(4)answers to her questions.A video showsher drawings are not(5).It takes her a long time to dothose drawings.One of her students got good grades and he asked for a drawing of试卷第2 页,总 32页Nezha,a popular character from a cartoon movie.Du(6)him and also wrote some warm words for the stud

7、ent.She once drew a big cartoon character Spider-Man for one of herstudents,I promise that(7)you can get good grades,Iwill draw Spider-Man for you.Please try hard!she wrote.Many students have changed(8).Du will keep this habit(9)it works.The parents of one of Dus students wroteon WeChat,Our child(10

8、)learning English now.Wethank the teacher for what she has done.A.spiritB.stressC.interestD.trouble(2)A.asB.throughC.sinceD.duringA.dealB.pressureC.homeworkD.discussion(4)A.wrongB.fairC.unfairD.properA.simpleB.strangeC.difficultD.cleverA.imaginedB.controlledC.promisedD.volunteeredA.thoughB.becauseC.

9、ifD.soA.their(9)A.as soon as(10)A.loves三、阅读理解B.themselvesB.as long asB.hatesC.herC.not untilC.understandsD.herselfD.so thatD.practicesAdvice for TeenagersStep 1:Be active(积极的)in classAnswering questions actively in class might be difficult,but it helpsmake you feel more confident(自信的).It doesnt matt

10、er if yougive the wrong answer.Your teacher and classmates wont reallycare.Instead,they will help you get the right one.Step 2:_Nobody can work well when he or she is tired.Make sure you getenough sleep and have a rest after study.Step 3:Develop healthy habitsStarting your life with good habits sets

11、 you up for a healthy future.Get regular(定期的)exercise,have healthy food and drink,andkeep the environment around you tidy.Step 4:Reduce(减轻)your stressYoud better spend some time having fun and enjoying life.Join asports team,read a book,make some art or watch a good movie.Whatever you do,that should

12、 help reduce your stress.(1)What can help you become confident according to the text?试卷第4页,总32页A.Getting good grades.B.Answering questions actively in class.C.Talking with your friends.D.Having good sleeping habits.(2)What is Step 2 about?A.Doing some exercise.B.Making friends.C.Studying hard.D.Gett

13、ing enough rest.(3)To develop good habits,you can.(Dhave fun exercise regularly have healthy food keep theenvironment tidyA.B.C.D.(4)How can you reduce your stress?A.By enjoying yourself and loving life.B.By working hard.C.By eating much ice-cream.D.By sleeping for a long time.(5)The advice in the t

14、ext can help t e e n a g e r s.A.find jobs in the future B.get good grades in testsC.live healthy lives D.make more friendsAdam Lee is a very popular man.He is not famous in sports,writingor arts,but people in the streets know about him,especially the poor.For poor people,he is Gloves Lee.How did he

15、 get the name?Helooks like any other businessman(商人),wearing a suit(西 月 艮)and carrying a briefcase,but hes different.There are always somegloves(手套)besides his documents(文件)in his briefcase.In winter,Mr Lee walks in the streets,looking around at people.Hestops when he sees someone without gloves.He

16、gives him or her apair and then he moves on,looking for more people with cold hands.During the rest of the year,he buys gloves.People who have heardabout him send him gloves,so he has many gloves in his house.Mr Lee began doing this several years ago.Now many poor people inthe city know him and unde

17、rstand what he does,but people whodont know him are sometimes surprised by him.They dont knowthat he just wants to make others warm.A pair of gloves may be asmall thing,but it can make a big difference in winter.(1)What is Adam Lee?A.A writer.B.A player.C.A businessman.D.A sportsman.(2)The underline

18、d word briefcase may be a kind of.A.bag B.book C.table D.computer(3)Mr Lee began doing thi s.A.a few weeks ago B.two months agoC.three months ago D.several years ago(4)Why is Adam Lee popular?A.Because hes rich.B.Because hes famous.试卷第6页,总32页C.Because hes successful.D.Because hes helpful.(5)What can

19、 we lean from the text?A.A small thing can make a big difference.B.Not everyone needs gloves in winter.C.Adam Lee is a successful businessman.D.We should do something useful for everyone.四、七选五阅读请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。一空一句。Some parents think that three-year-old chil

20、dren can begin to helpwith chores.(1)But some parents think childhood(童年)is just for playing.They wont ask their children to do chores.Other parents have different reasons,but they still dont give theirchildren any chores.(2)Most parents believe that doing chores is a way of teaching childrenrespons

21、ibility(责任).(3)Things like looking after a pet or a baby and helping make meals aresome examples of helping others.There are some good reasons for children to do chores.To feel good:Doing chores helps children know that they arepart of the family.(4)To learn skills:Children will learn how to cook,cl

22、ean and doother things in the house.These living skills will serve them well intheir lives.(5)So start to help your parents with chores.Act rightnow!A.All in all,it is good for children to do chores.B.They think it is quicker to do it by themselves.C.They feel happier when they do something for the

23、family.D.In the survey,most of the students in our school dont mind doingchores.E.Doctors say too much stress is not good for a childs growth.F.Children learn to help,share and care about others by doing chores.G.They say when they tell their children to look at the paper on thefloor,their children

24、will pick it up.五、任务型阅读理解阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,回答问题。When I was small,I was very shy.I seldom(彳艮少)went out to playwith other children.One day,my cousin wanted to play football with me,but I was afraidthat the ball might hit my head.So I said no to him.When I got backhome,I talked about it with my father.He t

25、old me that playingfootball was not a terrible thing and he said that I should have a try.But I was still a little afraid.I was very short and thin.And I ran slowly.My father told me I should believe in myself.He said I could play itwell if I believed in myself.The next day,my father bought a footba

26、ll and asked me to play itwith him in the park.At first I was slow,but little by little I learned试卷第8页,总32页how to play it.After half an hour,some boys came to join us.Ibelieved I could do well,so I ran after the ball and played hard.At last,I made my first goal(进球得分).I was very excited.After that,Ia

27、lways believed in myself and now I think nothing is difficult if webelieve in ourselves.(1)Why did the writer seldom go out to play with other childrenwhen he was small?(2)Who told the writer that playing football wasnt a terrible thing?(3)Where did the writer play football for the first time?(4)How

28、 did the writer feel when he made his first goal?(5)What can we lean from the text?六、语法填空用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯,每个单词限用一次。down,complete,come,cloud,first,asleep,usual,she,seem,beginIt was Sunday yesterday.In the afternoon,there was a little wind andblack(1)were gathering(聚集)in the sky.It(2)there

29、would be a heavy rain.At around seven oclock,it(3)to rain.At(4)it rained lightly.Then it rained heavily.Nancy could hear the wind andthe rain beat against the windows.She couldnt fall(5)inher bed for about two hours.She was thinking about the rain.Perhaps I neednt go to school tomorrow,she thought t

30、o(6).Suddenly,a strong wind blew one of her windows open.She had to get up and closed it.She realized that a rainstorm was(7)Luckily,the rain and wind died(8)this morning.Finally,itstopped(9).The rain was not so heavy as Nancy hadexpected.So after breakfast,Nancy went to school as(10)七、七选五对话根据对话内容,从

31、方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(有两个选项为多余选项)A:Hello,Cathy!What were you doing at nine last night?B:(1)How about you?A:I was calling you at that time.B:Really?(2)A:What book were you reading?B:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.The book is very interesting.A:(3)_试卷第10页,总3 2页B:No,she wasnt.She was playing with her pet dog

32、.A:(4)Where were your parents at that time?B:(5)And my mother was watching TV.A.Sorry,but I didnt hear the telephone.B.Was your sister reading,too?C.I was reading a book.D.What were you doing at that time?E.That sounds fun.F.Sorry to hearthat.G.My parents were at home.八、填空题根据汉语或首字母提示完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,

33、语言通顺。(1)They made a(决定)to spend their summervacation together.(2)Can you imagine l i vi ng(独 自)in the mountains?(3)The jacket was expensive and(加 之)I disliked itscolor.So I didnt take it.(4)一What do you think of Bills way of solving the problem?一In my o,its not good.We need to discuss it again.(5)Th

34、e two old friends put their arms around each other ins.They were so excited that they couldnt say a word.九、书面表达假如你是李华,Lisa是你的好朋友。最近,Lisa的父母总是拿她与班里的其他同学比较,告诉她要努力学习。为此,她压力很大,心、情也不好。请你根据下面的提示内容,给她写一封信,提一些建议。提 示:1.与父母好好沟通,互相理解;2.可以通过做运动、听音乐等方式放松;要 求:1.句子及篇章结构准确、连贯、书写规范;2.词 数:70词左右。试卷第12页,总3 2页参考答案与试题解析2

35、020-2021年 安 徽 省 亳 州 市 某 校 初 二(下)期中测试英语试卷一、单选题1.【答 案】A【考 点】不定冠词【解 析】此题暂无解析【解 答】A考查冠词。句 意:Cindy,我牙疼。我 该 怎 么 办?你最好去看下牙医,照 个X光 片。结合语境可知,此处指的是照个X光 片,表泛指,应用不定冠词,且 空 格 后X-ray以元音音素开头,因此要用不定冠词an。故 选A项。2.【答 案】C【考 点】动词辨析【解 析】老师经常告诉我们不要在做无意义的事上浪费时间。【解 答】C考查动词辨析。句 意:老师经常告诉我们不要在做无意义的事上浪费时间。A.raise 筹集;B.throw 扔;C.

36、waste 浪费;D.break打坏。根据in doing meaningless things,可知此处说的是浪费。故选C o3.【答案】D【考点】连词辨析目的状语从句【解析】我哥哥每天早上都练习跑步以便他明年就能跑马拉松了。【解答】D考查连词辨析。句 意:我哥哥每天早上都练习跑步以便他明年就能跑马拉松了。A为了;B 就;C因为;D以便。根据句意可知,此处表示“以便,为了,排除B项和C项。inorder to后跟动词原形,so that后跟从句,结合空后是从句,因此要用so thato故选D项。4.【答案】B【考点】形容词辨析试卷第14页,总32页【解 析】我记得把英语书放在书包里了,但是不

37、见了。太奇怪了。【解 答】B考查形容词辨析。句 意:我记得把英语书放在书包里了,但是不见了。太奇怪了。A.common普 通 的;B.strange奇 怪 的;C.unfair不 公 平 的;D.fair公平的。根据“我记得把英语书放在书包里 了,但是不见了。”可 知,这是奇怪的。故 选B。5.【答 案】A【考 点】情态动词【解 析】你 能 帮 助 我洗盘子吗?对不起,妈 妈,我正在做作业。【解 答】A考查情态动词辨析。句 意:你能帮助我 洗 盘 子 吗?对不 起,妈 妈,我正在做作业。A.Could能;B.Should应 该;C.Must必 须;D.Need需要。根据答语可知,问句是征求对方

38、意见的,Could you please.?你 能.吗?是征求对方意见的句型。故选Ao6.【答 案】B【考点】固定句型【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】B 考查固定句型。句意:我丢失了我哥哥最喜爱的足球,我该怎么办啊?你为什么不向他道歉,然后给他买一个新的足球?How about.表示“怎么样?”表示提建议,后面跟名词或者动名词形式;Why dont you 你为什么不?”表示提建议,后面跟动词的原形;Would you like 你愿意去.吗?后面跟to dosth;Why did you“你为什么”。根据语境可知,这里是给对方提建议,而且空后面是动词原形。故选B 项。7.【答案】C【考点】过去进

39、行时【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】C 考查过去进行时。句意:昨晚弗兰克打电话给我时,我正在用电脑工作。根据when Frank called me last night可知,此处描述发试卷第16页,总3 2页生在打电话的那个时候正在进行的动作,时态用进行时,根据从句 的 谓 语 动 词called,可知主句需用过去进行时“was/were+doing”,主 语I为第一人称单数形式,系 动 词 用w as,后加现在分词working。8.【答 案】A【考 点】动词不定式【解 析】此题暂无解析【解 答】A考查动词不定式。句 意:为什么近来很多农民把他们的产品 放 在 网 上(卖)?为了更容易销售他们

40、的产品。结合语境可 知,此处要用动词不定式表目的,表示“为了销售”。故 选A项。9.【答 案】A【考 点】其他动词短语【解 析】公共汽车停了我们才可以下车。【解 答】A考查动词短语辨析。句意:公共汽车停了我们才可以下车。A.get off 下车;B.put off 推迟;C.go off 离开;D.put up 张贴;根据the bus可知填get o f f,下车。故选Ao10.【答案】c【考点】其他情景交际题型问时间或日期和应答【解析】今天是几号?今天是7月2 7日。【解答】C考查情景交际。句意:今天是几号?今天是7月27日。A Whats the time 几点了?B Whats it

41、like 它是什么样子的?C Whats the date today 今天是几号?D What day is it today 今天是星期几?根据下句It,s July 27th.可知,本空询问的是日期,所以本空应填 Whats the date today。故选C项。二、完形填空【答案】CAC试卷第18页,总 32页DACCBBA【考点】记叙文完形学习教育类【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,文章介绍了在杜老师的帮助下,许多孩子喜欢上了英语。【解答】(1)C 考查名词辨析。句意:她说她的一些学生对学英语没什么兴趣。A 精神;B 压力;C 兴趣;D 麻烦。结合句意以及下文帮助学生学习英语可知,一些学生

42、认为英语学习是无聊的,对于学习英语没有什么兴趣。故选C。(2)A 考查介词辨析。句意:她知道,作为一名教师,她需要做点什么来帮助他们。A 作为;B 通过;C 自从;D 在期间。结合句意分析,学生对于学习英语没有什么兴趣,作为一名教师,她需要帮助那些学生。故选A。(3)C 考查名词辨析。句意:Du老师开始对学生的作业提供不同的信息。A 处理;B 压力;C 家庭作业;D 讨论。根据后面She drew cartoon characters for her students on their exercise books,她在学生的练习本上画卡通人物,可以推测出她在学生的作业上提供一些不同的信息。故

43、选C。(4)D 考查形容词辨析。句 意:当学生们正确回答她的问题时,她在练习本上为他们画卡通人物。A 错误的;B 公平的;C 不公平的;D 正确的。文章第一句 An English teacher of a high schoolhelps her students in a special way.并结合语境可知,Du Mengsi 用一种特殊的方式来帮助孩子学习英语,当孩子们给出正确答案时,她在他们的练习本上画出卡通人物形象来鼓励他们。故选D。(5)A 考查形容词辨析。句 意:一段视频显示她的画并不简单。A 简单的;B 奇怪的;C 困难的;D 聪明的。根据后面It takesher a l

44、ong time to do those drawings.她画那些画花了很长时间。可知她的画是不容易的,花费了很多时间,不是简单的。故选A。(6)C 考查动词辨析。句意:Du答应了他,还为学生写了几句温暖的话。A 设想;B 操控;C 允诺、许诺;D 志愿。根据前面One of her students got good grades and he asked for a drawing ofNezha,a popular character from a cartoon movie.她的个学生成绩很好,他要求画一幅卡通电影里很受欢迎的角色哪吒。结合下文also wrote some warm

45、 words还写了一些温暖的话语,可知Du答应了这个孩子的请求。故选C。试卷第2 0页,总3 2页(7)C考查连词辨析。句 意:如果你能取得好成绩,我就给你画蜘蛛侠。A 尽 管;B 因 为;C 如 果;D 所 以。结合句意分析,她和学生谈条件,如果学生可以取得好成绩,她就给他画蜘蛛侠。故 选C o(8)B考查代词辨析。句 意:许多学生已经改变了他们自己。A 他 们 的;8 他 们 自 己;C她 的;口她自己。主语是学生,宾语是学生他们,用反身代词,学生已经改变了他们自己。故 选 B。(9)B 考查连词辨析。句 意:只要这个方法行得通,D u 就会保持 下 去。A 一 旦;B 只 要;C 直 到

46、;D 以至于。根据上文可知,D u 用画画的方法改变了很多人,结合选项,只要这个方法行得通,D u 就会保持下去。故 选 B。(1 0)A 考查动词辨析。句 意:我们的孩子现在喜欢英语。A 喜欢;B 讨 厌;C 理 解;D 练 习。在 D u 老师的帮助下,许多学生现在对英语建立了兴趣,家长们因为孩子们喜欢上了英语表示感谢。故 选 Ao三、阅读理解【答 案】BDDAC【考 点】细节理解题学习教育类阅读应用文阅读推理判断题【解析】本文是一篇应用文,文章给出了让青少年过健康生活的建议。【解答】(1)B 细节理解题。根据表格第一行中Answering questionsactively in cla

47、ss might be difficult,but it helps you feel moreconfident.在课堂上积极地回答问题可能很难,但这会让你更加自信。可知在课堂上积极回答问题可以让你变得更加自信。故 选 B。(2)D 推理判断题。根据表格第二行中Nobody can work wellwhen he or she is tired.Make sure you get enough sleep and have arest after study.当他或她累的时候,没有人能很好地工作。保证充足的睡眠并在学习后休息。可以推测出第二步是好好休息,得到充足的睡眠。故选D。(3)D 细

48、节理解题。根据表格第三行中Get regular(定期的)exercise,have healthy food and drink,and keep the environment around you tidy.经常锻炼身体,健康饮食,保持周围环境整洁。可知要发展一个新的习惯,需要定期锻炼身体,健康饮食,保持周围环境整齐。故选D。(4)A 细节理解题。根据表格第四行中Youd better spend some time having fun and enjoying life.你 最 女 子 花试卷第22页,总3 2页点时间享受生活。可知减少压力的有效方法是花点时间,享受生活。故 选Ao(

49、5)C推理判断题。结合文章内容给出的建议,包括在课堂上积极回答问题建立自信,得到充足睡眠,发展健康的习惯以及减轻 压 力,可以推测出这几个建议可以帮助青少年过健康的生活。故 选C。【答 案】CADDA【考 点】细节理解题记叙文阅读人物故事类阅读词义猜测题推理判断题【解 析】本文是一篇记叙文,文章介绍了李先生在冬天给别人送手套,受到了大家的欢迎。【解 答】(1)C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段He looks like any otherbusinessman(商人),wearing a suit(西月艮)and carrying abriefcase,but hes different.他看起来

50、和其他商人一样,穿着西装,提着公文包,但他与众不同。可知Adam Lee是一个与众不同的商人。故选C。(2)A 词义猜测题。根据文章第二段wearing a suit(西服)andcarrying a briefcase穿着西服,拿着briefcase,结合生活实际,推测商人都会拿一个包,briefcase是一种包。故选A。(3)D 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段Mr Lee began doing thisseveral years ago.李先生几年前就开始这样做了。可知李先生在几年前就开始做这个了。故选D。(4)D 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段They dont know that hej


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