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1、词语释义,选出与句中划线部分意义最相近的解释,并将其标号填入括号内。()1.Michel does well in playing football.A.do good at B.is well in C.is good at D.does good at()2.Mom asked to take care of my little dog.A.look out B.look for C.look after D.look up()3.-Whats wrong?-1 have a cold.A.Whats the matter?B.Hows the wrong?C.What did he sa

2、y?D.Whats the date?()4.Tina is a hard-working girl.A.study hardB.nervous C.lucky D.happy()5.Jack is able to speak English very well.A.should B.can C.could单项填空(共20题,每 题 1 分,满分20分)()1.Math is a difficult subject,A.or B.but C.andD.willits really interesting and useful.D.so()2.1 want a new apartment.Tha

3、tsA.comfortable B.more comfortablethan this one.C.less comfortable D.most comfortable()3.While Jimmy the CD,his father came home.A.was watching B.was hearing C.was listening to D.bought()4.1 think there less cars in the future.A.dont,will have B.dont,will be C./,wont have D.do,is()5.Mary couldnt her

4、 ID card,she look worried.A.look for B.find C.find out D.look up()6.Did you go to the concert yesterday?Yes.The music wonderful.A.found B.heard C.sounded D.listened()7.Please get up early every day and keep this a goodA.way B.habit C.thing D.work()8.She was lucky enough to the dangerous buildings fi

5、nally.A.get out of B.get up C.get off D.get over()9.Dont worry.I can your dog when you go out.A.get along with B.say sorry to C.turn down D.take care of()10.Mary,s history teacher said she could do them before.A.good B.well C.more D.better()11.一 What she at 8:00 pm yesterday?-S h e a paper frog.A.di

6、d do,made B.is doing,is makingC.was doing,made D.was doing,was making()12.They about their weekend plans.A.are talking happily B.look happily C.are exciting D.were interested()1 3.Drink the soup before itcold.Its more delicious when its hot.A.hasB.becomes C.takes D.makes()14.Lily is over there,she i

7、s talking to a friendA.on B.in C.by()15.If it sunny tomorrow,weA.is,play B.is,will play C.will be,will play()16.The radio is too boring,Please tell himthe phone.D.forfootball in the park.D.will be,can haveA.to turn it down B.to turn it onC.turn down it D.to turn on it()1 7.Do you think it is difficu

8、lt?A.study English well B.studies English wellC.studying English well D.to study English well()1 8.You dont like your CDs anymore.-I still love them.A.I think it B.I think so C.I dont think so D.I dont think it()19.the students were talking loudly the teacher came in.A.when B.while C.after D.that()2

9、0.-Lucy,This semester you are hard-working.A.Dont say so B.Its very kind C.Thank you D.You are good第三节 完 形 填 空(共 10小题,每小题1分,满 分 10分)Everyone in our school loves sports.Every morning 1 we get up,we domorning exercises.After the second class we do exercises again.We only have two 2classes a week,but w

10、e do physical training(锻炼)at five oclock every afternoon.Themost popular sport is basketball.The_3_ enjoying playing it and many of the girlslike it,too._4_ popular sport is football and in every class there _5_ a lot offootball fans.Volleyball is often played when the weather is _ 6.We have schoolt

11、eams for basketball,football and volleyball.Our teams often _ 7_ friendship matcheswith teams from other schools.When there is a match,8_ of us go to watch it andcheer our side on.Besides ball games,some of us like truck and field events(田径项目),9_ weoften practice running,jumping and throwing,Every t

12、erm we have tests in these eventsand once a year we hold a sports meeting.Sports help us to keep_10_.()1.A.while()2.A.English()3.A.teachersB.afterB.ChineseB.boysC.beforeC.P.EC.studentsD.whenD.musicD.people()4.A.Some otherB.OtherC.AnotherD.The other()5.A.areB.isC.wereD.was()6.A.snowyB.rainyC.fineD.we

13、t()7.A.seeB.haveC.look atD.watch()8.A.severalB.fewC.anyD.many()9.A.becauseB.butC.orD.and()10.A.health and strongC.warm and excitingB.healthy and happyD.thin and weak阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据各题要求选择最佳答案。(A)People like to play in water in the hot summer because water makes people feel cool.So swimming is a ver

14、y popular game in summer.If you like swimming but choose toswim in the wrong place,swimming may not be safe.These years,more than ten peopledied while they were enjoying themselves in the water.And most of them often think theyswim so well that nothing can happen to them in water.Summer is here agai

15、n.If youwant to have fun swimming in summer,dont forget that better swimmers than you havedied in water.They died because they were not careful,not because they could not swim.So,dont get into water when you are by yourself.If there is a“No Swimming sign,dont get into water,either.If you remember th

16、ese,swimming will be safer.根据短文内容,判断以下句子的正误,对的在括号中填(T),错 的 填(F).()Lit is very cool to swim in water on a hot summer day.()2.Ten students died in water because they were not good swimmers.()3.Swimming may be dangerous if one is not careful.()4.Choosing right places is important for all swimmers.()5.I

17、f you are good at swimming,nothing can stop you from swimming in thewater.(B)Many students like stamp-collecting(集邮).Stamp-collecting didnt start until1854.As time passes,there are more and more stampcollectors.Not only children butalso men and women collect stamps.In 1921,American began selling sta

18、mp to the collectors.In some countries,there areeven lessons on stamp-collecting in school.People are becoming more and moreinterested in stamps.Every picture on a stamp has a meaning in it.It may be the head of afamous person or an important place.Each stamp tells us a story.根 据短文内容,选择正确答案,并将其代号填入左

19、边的括号内。()1.Stampcollecting startedA.earlier than 1854 B.later than 1854 C.in 1854 D.hundreds of years ago()2.Stamp-collectors areA.men and women B.boys and girls C.neither young nor old D.both A and()3.is the first country to sell stamps to the collectors.A.France B.America C.England D.Australia()4.L

20、esson on stamp-collecting are even given inA.a few countries B.all countries C.China D.America only()5.You may find a picture of on a stamp.A.an important place B.nothing C.the head of a famous person D.bothA and C(C)Here is a story told about an American general(将军)who was a very importantfigure in

21、 the American army(军队)during the First World War(战争).Everybody in theUnited States knew him and many people wished to have a picture or something of his intheir homes.Soon after the war the general returned to Washington.One day he went to a dentistand asking him to pull his six teeth.A week later h

22、is teeth were being sold in curiosity(古玩)shops at$5 each.On each of the teeth there was a label(标签)with the name of thegeneral and words:Buy these teeth and show them to your friends at home”.Thegeneral got angry.He rushed to his office and ordered(命令)six offices to go around thecity and buy all his

23、 teeth.The officers went out and visited every curiosity shop in the capital.They wereaway from the office all day.In the evening they return and put on the table in front of thegeneral the teeth they had bought.They had collected 175 teeth.根据短文内容,选择正确答案,并将其代号填入左边的括号内。()1.What does the word ttfigure

24、 mean?A.人物 B.数字 C.雕塑 D.图画()2.What did many people wish to do?They wished to be the generafs friend.They wished to send a picture to the general.C.They wished to have a picture or something of the generafs in their homes.They wished to invite the general to their homes.()3.Whose teeth were pulled out

25、?A.The dentists B.The officers C.Maybe peoples D.The generafs()4.Why was the general angry?Because the dentists pulled his teeth outBecause the dentists lost his teeth.C.Because his teeth were being sold in a curiosity shop.D.Because the officers bought his teeth.()5.Which of the following is right?

26、The general had 175 teeth.The story happened after the First World War.C.The officers visited the general after he returned to Washington.Each of the 175 teeth was sold at$5.根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,注意时态和语态。1.Marcia said that she(have)a party for her son.2.Have you ever to meet a(foreign)3.He was(luck)en

27、ough to find the good job.4.1ris made her brother(wash)the dishes5.Could you please(pass)me the pen,please.将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当形式.1.Jordan is a f a mo u s (职业篮球运动员)。2.Linda(争吵)her friend the day before yesterday.3.Reading can help you(打开)your eyes to the outside world.4.1 hope my father and mother

28、are(身体健康)5.S he(大概)thinks shes right when she says thing like that.第三节 书面表达(满 分 1 5 分)你将来可能会很富有,请你就以下这个题目用英语表达你一旦富有后,你将如何帮助他人。Ifl Have A lot Of Money,I Will.要求:1 .根据所给题目写一篇短文或一篇对话,分值相等。2.写对话,词汇不少于60个。3.写对话,与一位知心朋友交谈,以对话表达自己拥有财富后如何帮助他人,双方对话各不少于5 项。4.意思表达真实,词语连贯正确,语言流畅,书写规范,卷面整洁。文中不得使用真实人名,校名,否则以零分计。一

29、、选择题.(1 X 3 0 =3 0,)()1.There will be pollution in the future in the world.A.more B.many C.fewer D.few()2.Kids wont go to school.They will study homecomputers.A.in,in B.at,on C.at,by D.at;from()3.People will live 200 years old in the future.A./B.be C.to be D.in()4.What do you think Mike will be five

30、 years?A.after B.in C.for D.before()5.-Will there be fewer trees?.A.Yes,there will.B.Yes,they will.C.No,there arent.D.No,they wont.()6.Yang Liwei is a famous Ch i n e s e.A.scientist B.computer programmerC.astronaut D.engineer()7.1 think you should some money your friends.A.borrow;for B.borrow;from

31、C.Iend;from D.borrow;to()8.My friend has the same haircut I do.A.as B.like C.seem D.looks like)9.You dont like the picture.I dont like it,.A.too B.also C.either D.still)10.Fm going to time with my grandparents this vacation.A.spend B.take C.cost D.pay)11.1 think it would start a habit if you copy my

32、 homework.A.good B.bad C.well D.wonderful)12.1 finished my exams last week.A.end of year B.end-of-year C.year-of-end D.year-end)13.She said she a party fbr Marcia.A.is having B.was having C.has D.will have)14.They TV at ten clock last night.A.was watching B.were watching C.watched D.watches)15.I was

33、 watching TV,the telephone rang.A.While B.When C.What D.Why)16.You should a new pen fbr your sister.A.buy B.to buy C.buying D.bought()17.If it tomorrow,weH go to the park.A.don9t rain B.won9t rain C.rained D.doesnt rain()18.-My bag is style.-Maybe you should buy a new one.A.out of B.out for C.out fr

34、om D.out()19.1 was to see the police at my home yesterday.A.surprised B.surprising C.interesting D.Inerested()20.You cant jeans to the party.If you do so,the teacher wontlet you_.A.put on;in B.dress;out C.have on D.wear;in()21.In our English study reading is more important than speaking,Ithink.-I do

35、nt agree.Speaking is reading.A.as important as B.so important asC.the most important D.the same as()22.The teacher said I could do better English.A.in B.at C.on D.for()23.There a basket ball match this afternoon.A.will be B.will haveC.are going to be D.is going to have()24.Thank you for me with my h

36、omework.A.help B.helped C.helping D.helps()25.I was never to receive a result from my science teacher.A.surprised;disappointed B.surprised;disappointingC.surprising;disappointed D.surprising;disappointing()26.I dont know happened outside.A.how B.what C.when D.where()27.Paul told us he wasnt mad Marc

37、ia anymore.A.in B.at C.on D.with()28.What did your son say in the letter?-He told me that he the Great Wall the next day.A.will visit B.has visitedC.is going to visit D.would visit()29.There a basket ball match this afternoon.A.will be B.will haveC.are going to be D.is going to have()30.I went to Sh

38、anghai last year and fell in love it.A.with B.in C.to D.for二.完形填空(1.5 x 2 0 =3 0)AMr Smith had a nice,brown coat.He 3 it very much,32 his wifedidn9t like it,because it was 33.She often said,Give it to a 34man.But Mr Smith always said,4No,I like it.One day a cigarette(香烟)fell on it and made a hole in

39、 it,35 Mrs Smith said,“Please dont 36it again.Mr Smith took it to a small tailofs and said to the tailor,Pleasemake another coat_ 37_this one.The tailor(裁缝)made the coat very38 _.Then he hit a cigarette and made a 39 in the _40_ place.()31.A.woreB.hadC.putD.loved()32.A.butB.soC.andD.for()33.A.newB.b

40、igC.smallD.old()34.A.richB.kindC.poorD.friend()35.A.soB.andC.butD.or()36.A.hadB.wearC.woreD.take()37.A.aboutB.withC.likeD.of()38.A.happilyB.hardC.sadD.carefully()39.A.pictureB.holeC.mapD.flower()40.A.sameB.differentC.greatD.importantBEveryone likes gifts.Some little kids think they 41 get enough gif

41、ts,Some old people think they get too 42 gifts.Different people likedifferent kinds of gifts.Some presents are never too small.A little childmay 43 his mother a leaf from a tree.It is enough to make her very_ 44Gift giving is different in different 4 5 .In Japan,people sometimesgive special gifts.Bu

42、t they are not opened.Later,the 46 gift may begiven away to someone else.Many people have enough things and dont wanttoo many gifts 47.In Canada,a tree can help remember 48.Inthe USA,some people ask their families and friends 4 9 give money tocharity rather than(而不是)buying them gifts.In Sweden,doing

43、 somethingfor someone is the best gift.People dont need to 50 too much money.Instead,making a meal is enough.()41.A.dontB.doesntC.isntD.arent()42.A.muchB.manyC.littleD.a()43.A.givesB.givingC.giveD.gave()44.A.happyB.unhappyC.angryD.sad()45.A.villageB.cityC.countriesD.town()46.A.differentB.smallC.bigD

44、.same()47.A.themselvesB.ourselvesC.myselfD.herself()48.A.a menB.a personC.a childD.a girl()49.A.inB.toC.fromD.at()50.A.tookB.to spendC.paidD.spend三.阅读理解(2 x20=4 0)ALast Sunday I saw the worst storm.It came suddenly and went on formore than three hours.After lunch,I went into my room to have a rest.T

45、he air was hot,and allwas quiet.The strong wind started blowing into my room suddenly.Pieces ofpaper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew out of the openwindow.As I ran out to catch them,big drops of rain began to fall.When I came back into the house,it was raining harder and harder.I tri

46、edvery hard to close the window.Then I heard a loud crashing(碰撞的)soundfrom the back of the house.I ran out of my room to find out what it was-a bigtree had fallen down and broken the top of the back room.()51.The storm h a p p e n e d.A.in the morning B.in the afternoonC.while I was in the back room

47、D.while I was in the garden()52.Before the storm came,the weather was.A.cold B.cool C.hot D.warm()53.The storm went on for.A.over three hours B.three hoursC.less than three hours D.two hours()54.The wind blew some of the p a p e r.A.all over the floor B.out of the doorC.into the back room D.out of t

48、he open window()55.The top of the back room was broken because of.A.the hot airC.the rainB.the crashing soundD.the falling treeBThe best way of learning a language is using it.The best way of learningEnglish is talking in English as much as possible.Sometimes youll get yourwords mixed up(昆合)and peop

49、le will not understand you.Sometimespeople will say things too quickly and you cant understand them.But if youkeep your sense of humor(幽默感),you can always have a good laugh at themistakes you make(你所犯的错误).Dont be unhappy if people seem to belaughing at your mistakes(错误).It is better for people to la

50、ugh at yourmistakes than to be angry with you.because they dont understand what youare saying.The most important thing for learning English is:Dont be afraidof making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.9,()56.The writer thinks that the best way for you to learn a language isA.writing B.using i


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