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《2020届浙江省中考英语阅读理解专项训练二(含解析).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020届浙江省中考英语阅读理解专项训练二(含解析).pdf(19页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2020届浙江省中考英语阅读理解专项训练二(含解析)ABenjamin West,the father of American painting,showed his talent for art when hewas only six years of age.But he did not know about brushes before a visitor toldhim he needed one.In those days,a brush was made from camel s hair.Therewere no camels nearby.Benjamin decided th

2、at cat hair would work instead.He cutsome fur from the family cat to make a brush.the father of之 父(比如袁隆平爷爷被誉为 杂交水稻之父 就可以说成the fatherof hybrid ric e)show:v.显 示;表 明;展示/n.景 象,奇 观;显示talentn.天赋(复数 talents)gift是名词,有 礼 物”之 意,但也有 天赋 的意思。gift与talent在写作中可以作为同义词替换。have the talent for.有 的天赋(for表示具体的方面)brush:n.刷

3、 子,画 笔;灌木丛/v.刷,擦 in those days那 时,当 时;在那些日子里(those+可数名词复数)be made from由 制成(从成品上看不出原材料是什么)如:Paper is made from wood.纸张是用木头做的,be made o f由 制成(从成品上能看出原材料是什么)如:The chair is made of wood.这椅子是用木头做的。cameln骆驼(复数:camels)nearby:adv.附近/adj.附近的furn毛,软毛fur,hair,feather,skin 的区别:fur指的是动物的皮毛,比如猫,狐 狸,熊身上的毛hair指人的头发

4、,但有人形容一个人身上毛很多的话,可以说这个人is very hairy.feather指的是鸟类身上的羽毛skin 一般指人的皮肤The brush did not last long.Soon Benjamin needed more fur.Before long,the catbegan to look ragged.His father said that the cat must be sick.Benjamin wasforced to admit what he had been doing.Iast:adj.最后的,上一次的,最近的/adv.上一次/v.持 续,继 续,持久(

5、这里是做动词,指猫的毛做的画笔不耐用,持续不了多久。)more是many和much的比较级,所 以more可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词。before long不久以后,很快。相当于soon,作时间状语。ragged:adj.蓬乱的;破|日的;精疲力竭的 be sick生 病;恶 心;呕吐 be force to do被强迫做某事;不得不做某事 admit:v.承 认;允许 进 入;容许admit doing sth承认做过某事admit sb./sth.Into/in 允许人/物进入admit to sth./doing sth.承 认,供认The cat s lot was about to

6、 improve.That year,one of Benjamin,s cousins,Mr.Pennington,came to visit.He was impressed with Benjamin,s drawings.Whenhe went home,he sent Benjamin a box of paint and some brushes.He also sentsix engravings by an artist There were the first pictures and first real paint andbrushes Benjamin had ever

7、 seen.In 1747,when Benjamin was nine years old,Mr.Pennington returned for another visit.He was amazed at what Benjamin had donewith his gift.He asked Benjamin s parents if he might take the boy to Philadelphiafor a visit.Iot:n.命 运,多指偶然的运气或终身遭受的不幸命运。(还记得有部韩剧叫 来自星星的你,里面有首音乐叫destiny很好听。Destiny也有命运之意,多指

8、注定的命运,是对未来命运的美好憧憬。)be about to do sth.正准备去做某事,即将做某事,表达的是一种眼下的,最近的将来。(be about to do sth.不能与表时间的状语连用)improve,.改 善,改 进;发 展;提高 cousinn堂 兄 弟,堂姐妹(不管是男的还是女的表的还是堂的兄弟姐妹,一概用这个词cousin)(那亲哥亲弟亲姐亲妹用哪个词呢?用sibling)be impressed with对 印象深刻,留下深刻印象impress、.给人好的印象,在 上盖印 go home 回家 engravingn版 画;雕版印刷品(复数:engravings)be a

9、mazed at对 感到惊讶;惊讶In the city,Mr.Pennington gave Benjamin materials for creating oil paintings.Theboy began a landscape painting.Williams,a well-known painter,came to see himwork.Williams was impressed with Benjamin and gave him two classic books onpainting to take home.The books were long and dull.B

10、enjamin could read only alittle,having been a poor student.But he later said,“Those two books weremy companions by dayz and under my pillow at night.While it is likely that heunderstood very little of the books,they were his introduction to classical paintings.The nine-year old boy decided then that

11、 he would be an artist.oil painting 油画 landscape painting 风景画,山水画landscapes.风 景,风 光;景色well-known:adj.著名的,着名的(这 个 形 容 词 中 间 一 定 有 一 个 符 号)see sb.do sth.看到某人做某事了,强调看见谁做过什么事,如:I saw her clean theclassroom.我看到她打扫教室了。(强调做过这件事)see sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事,强调正在做的这个过程,如:I saw her cleaningthe classroom.我看到她正在打

12、扫教室.(强调正在做某事)像see这样的感官动词还有hear,feel,watch,notice(注意到)都可以与do或doing分别表不同之意。.classicadj.经典的,典型的/n.经典著作,名著(复数:classics)take home带回家 dultadj.乏味的,单调的;愚钝的(这里是指那两本经典著作又长篇又枯燥乏味。)a little,little,a few,few 的区别:a little 一点儿;小 的 ,修饰不可数名词,表肯定意义,表示量虽然不多,但还是有一点儿的,如a little money一点儿钱,a little boy一个小男孩;little 很 少 ,修饰

13、不可数名词,表否定意义,表示数量很少,几乎没有;a few 一 点 儿 ,修饰可数名词,能接可数名词复数行式,表肯定意义;few 很少,几 乎 没 有 ,修饰可数名词,能接可数名词复数形式,表否定意义。poor:adj.穷 的;糟糕的poor有 贫 穷 的 之 意,也 有 差 的 之 氤 在 本 句 话 中 并 不 是 指Benjamin是个 穷学生 ,而是指 差生。所以当要对人说 我英语很差 可以这么说,My English is poor.My English is terrible,My English sucks/companion:n.同 伴;伴侣/v.陪伴(复数:companion

14、s)by day白天;日间 pillowm.枕 头;枕块 at night晚 上;夜 间;夜里 Iikely:adj很可能的;看上去适合的虽然一般以ly结尾的是副词,但有些确实是形容词。除了 likely之 外,还有daily(日常的),weekly(每周一次的),monthly(每月一次的),yearly(每年一次的)。be I汰ely to do sth.有可能做某事 introductions.正式介绍,引见;入门introduce、.介 绍;推 行;采用 classica 上 adj.古典的classic 和 classical 的区别:classic更强调优秀之概念,表示历久不衰的,

15、持续的,有永久之意;classical古典的,更多从时间上定义.如:classic music经典的音乐/classical music古典音乐classic W 典型的 之意,classical没有典型的之意如:classic example of bureaucratism 典型的官僚主义1.What is the text mainly about?A.Benjamin s visit to Philadelphia.B.William s influence on Benjamin.C.The beginning of Benjamin/s life as an artist.D.Th

16、e friendship between Benjamin and Pennington.2.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 3 suggest?A.The cat would be closely watched.B.The cat would get some medical care.C.Benjamin would leave his home shortly.D.Benjamin would have real brushes soon.3.William s two books helped Benjamin to.A.

17、master the use of paints.B.appreciate landscape paintings.C.get to know other painters.D.make up his mind to be a painter.underlined:adj.下戈 U 线的 master、.精 通,掌握/n.主 人;专家/adj.精通的,技术熟练的 appreciate,.为 表示感谢;欣 赏;赏识 get to do sth.表示逐渐做成某事 make up one s mind to do sth,下定决心去做某事答 案:CDDBWhat would it be like t

18、o liveon the planet Mars?Volunteers are spendingeight months in an area that looks much like the surface of Mars in Hawaiion Mauna Loa,volcanic mountain on the Big Island of Hawaii.Mauna Loa issimilar to Olympus Mons on Mars.It is 2,500 meters above sea level.The landis not warm or rich with plants,

19、like the rest of Hawaii.This dullenvironment is as close to Mars as you can find here on Earth,says KimBinsted who is in charge of the project.like:prep.像/v.喜欢(此处是作为介词的用法,像)关 于live的 两 个 词 组:live in住在(某地)live on 靠生 活 ,可 用 于 人,后接生活来源;以为 食 ,可 用 于 动 物,后接食物或生活来源。如:He lives on teaching.他靠教书为生。在 行 星 上 的 介

20、词 用on。plaretm.行星八大行星的英文名称:Mercury 水 星,Venus 金星,Earth 地 球,Mars 火 星,Jupiter 木 星,Saturn 土 星,Uranus天王星,Neptune海王星,Pluto被踢出行星行列的冥王星volunteerm.志愿者/v.自愿;主动提供 surface:n.表面前缀sur-表 示 超 过,外 面 之 意,如sur+face(脸面)=surface-外面的脸n.表面5打+1 1 1$(加)=$1 1中1 1 1 5 5.多余的加.剩余 Mauna Loa莫纳罗火山,是世界上最活跃、最大的活火山,在夏威夷被称为“长期火 山 ,是世界最

21、大的孤立山体之一。volcanic:adj.火山的,火山产生的volcanon火山(复数:volcanoes)be similar to与 相似be similar with 对 熟悉 above:prep.在 上方/adv在上面above all毕竟,终究above,over,on 的区别:above指 在 上 方 ,不一定含有垂直在上的意思。反义词是below;over指 盖在上面,铺在上面,含有垂直在上的意思。反义词是under.如:She putthe coat over the sleeping girl.她把大衣盖在正在睡觉的孩子身上。on表示在一物体的表面上,两者相接触。sea

22、level海平面(现在因为全球变暖,导致海平面上升,不仅危害自然生态系统的平 衡,还威胁人类和动物的居住环境。Global warming causes the rise of sealevel.)rich:adj.有钱的;富有的(反义词:poor)be rich in在 方面很富有the rest of(+不可数名词/可数名词复数形式)其余的;剩下的其谓语动词形式根据the rest of后的名词决定,如:The rest of students are studying.The rest of the bread was bad.be close to接 近;靠近 as.as 像 一样(第

23、一个as为副词,其后接形容词或副词的原级,第二个as可用作介词+名词/代词,也可作连词+从句)(在否定句中,第一个 as 可以换成 so,如:He doesnt work as/so hard as his sister.)on earth在本句中字面意思理解为 在地球上 最合适,但其实on earth意为 究竟,到 底 ,如:What on earth have you done?你究竟做了什么?in charge of负责;掌管(主动句,谁掌管某物)in the charge o f由 负责;由 掌管(被动句,某物由某人掌管)如本句改为 in the charge of 则是 The pr

24、oject is in the charge of Kim Binsted.Six people are cut off from the outside world high on top of Mauna Loa.Theyare living on a man-made Mars Base.The project is called HI-SEAS.The sixmembers take care of themselves.Food and supplies are brought to them.But the people bringing those supplies cannot

25、 communicate with thevolunteers inside the base.cut off割断;切 断;断绝(此处是指六个人与外界断绝了联系)cut off与cut up的区别,我们可以这么理解:off作为介词有 分开,远离”之 意,就像一根萝卜,把它一刀切断,变成两半,所以cut off是 切 断,割 断 ;cut up意 为 切 碎,抨 击 ,就像是要把萝卜切碎成萝卜丁。man-made:adj.人造的,人为的通 常 两 个 词 之 间 有 的 是 形 容 词,$n:well-known,cold-hearted无情的,等等。base:n.基础,基,底;基地be bas

26、ed on以 为基础,如:The story is based on history.这故事是以历史为基础。还有一H司也意为 基础;基金会”,那就是foundation,如:The rumor has nofoundation.那谣言没有事实根据。HI-SEAS 全称为 Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation,夏威夷太空探索与模拟。该项目由NASA人类研究计划、夏威夷大学和康维尔大学联合发起,旨在发掘在火星探测过程中可能遇到的问题,完善今后的探测准备工作,并探究人类在火星长期生存的可能性。take care of照顾,照料look afte

27、r 照料,照顾。如:I like looking for children.我喜欢照顾小孩。care for照顾,照 料;喜爱,想要。如:I was cared for well.我受到很好的看护。/Shedidnt care for him.她不喜欢他。care about关心,在意。如:I dont care about you.我才不在乎你。supplyn供应量,供应物/v.供 应,提供(复数:supplies)在本句中,主语是the people,谓语是cannot communicate with,宾语是thevolunteers,bringing those supplies 修饰

28、主语 the people.因为一个句子中不能有两个谓语,所以除谓语以外的动词要以其他成分出现,比如ing形式或to do不定式。communicate with sb.和某人交流The six volunteers have been living in the base since October,and will stayuntil June.Two earlier volunteers lived there before them.They communicatewith the outside world through e-mail and blogs.They also pro

29、duce videoson the Youtube website.blog指 网络日志”,是web log的缩写,而写blog的人则是blogger(博客)。vlog指 视频博客/视频网络日志,是video weblog或video blog的缩写。还有plog,是 照片网络日志”,也 是photo blog的缩写。produce”.生产,制造products.作 品,产品productive:adj.富有生产力的;多产的;富饶的They are also using a smartphone app,or program,that createsa 20-minute delay for

30、communications.That would be the same as if youwere communicating from Mars.Some people believe the American orEuropean space agencies are the most likely to put people on Mars,maybe inthe 2030s,or later.But for now,on a mountaintop in Hawaii,volunteersare getting a taste of life on a future Mars Ba

31、se.smart是形容词 聪明的 之意,phone是 手 机 的 意 思,两者合在一块就变成了 智能手机 smartphone;app是application的缩写,意 为 应 用 ,其动词为apply”申请,请 求 。20-minute是合成词,中间有,是形容词。当数字+名词构成形容词时,名词用单数形式;若名词要用复数形式,则中间不能有 ,且整体词性不是形容词了。如:I am a 6-year-old girl.和 I am 6 years old.的对比。delay:v.延迟,推 迟;拖延/n.延 时;拖延the same相 同,一样。有the就有same,有same就有the,两者不分离

32、。as if好 像,仿 佛,犹如。其后接句子,若句子反映的不是真实情况,则用虚拟语气,句子谓语要用过去式。agency:n.代 理,中介(复数:agencies)get a taste of亲身感受,体验1.Why was the Mars Base built on top of Mauna Loa?A.Because Mauna Loa is the best place in Hawaii.B.Because Mauna Loa has a large number of plants.C.Because Mauna Loa is too high to bear living thin

33、gs.D.Because Mauna Loa has a similar environment to Mars.2.According to the passage,the volunteers in the project are NOT allowed?A.to talk with the men bringing suppliesB.to make friends with each otherC.to get food from the outside worldD.to do things on their own3.If a person on Mars made a phone

34、 call at 9:00 a.m.#he would get theresponse from the earth at.A.9:50 a.m.B.9:20 a.m.C.9:15 a.m.D.9:05 a.m.4.What s the best title of this passage?A.Mars Base in HawaiiB.Mars Exploration in HawaiiC.Volunteers Get Taste of Mars in HawaiiD.People Experience Special Life in Hawaii答 案:DABCCCyclists who w

35、ear helmets are more likely to be hit by overtaking vehicles,likecars or buses,psychologists said,Research shows that drivers are closerto cyclists in helmets because they see them as more experienced/1 Driversthink,He knows what hes doing,he wont do anything surprising/But thatsreally quite a dange

36、rous thought;particularly as so many cycling learners aretold to wear helmets.Dr.Walker was hit twice during the experiment.cyclist:n.骑自行车的人bicycle:n脚踏自行车=biketricycle:n.三轮车motorcycle:n.摩托车=motorbike wear:v.穿 着;戴着wearworewornwear既可以指 穿着衣服、裤 子 等 ,也可以指 戴眼镜wear glasses 戴耳环wearearrings 戴围巾 wear a scarf等

37、。helmet:n.头 盔,防护帽 be likely to do sth彳艮可能做某事likely:adj很 可 能 的;看上去适合的h it:猛 打,猛 击;击 中,击hit-hit-hit(过去式和过去分词一样)现在分词:hitting(要双写t)overtake:v.超 过;赶上/n.超车overtake-overtookovertaken此处用现在分词overtaking是指正在超车的车辆vehicle:n.交通工具;车辆音 标:V析kl(中间的h不发音)psychologist:n.心 理 学 家 saikoladsistphysiologist:n.生 理 学 家,fiziola

38、d3ist(这两个单词不仅拼写相似,中文意思也只差一个字,要注意区分。)research:n.研 究,调查researcher:n研究员driver:n.驾驶员,司机drive:v.开车drivedrove-driven be close to+n./doing sth.接 近,亲近in:prep.在 里;穿着有时候不用动词 穿着,可以考虑用介词 穿着in。如:穿着红衣服的女孩the girlin red clothes,戴着头盔的男生 the boy in helmet.experienced:adj.有经验的,经验丰富的experience:n.经 历;经9佥当experience作可数名

39、词时,指 经 历 ;作不可数名词时,指 经 验 。surprising:adj.令人惊讶的,奇怪的surprised:adj.觉得奇怪的,惊讶的,惊奇的surprise:n.意想不到的事件;惊 喜;惊讶/v使惊奇dangerous:adj.危险的;有害的danger:n.危 险;威胁(复数:dangers)endangered:adj.濒临灭绝的,有灭种危险的thought:想法;见 解;思想(复数:thoughts)动词think的过去式和过去分词都是thought(遇到单词thought时要思考一下这个单词在句子中的词性和意思。)particularly:adv.特别;尤其是比较级:mor

40、e particularly最 高 级:most particularlyparticular:adj.特定的,特别的/n.特殊性especially:adv尤 其;特 别;格外twice:adv.两 次;两倍一次 once,两次 twice,三次 three times,.几次 several times.(从 三次 开始之后都是 基数词+times,tim e一定要加s。)experiment:n.实 验;试验/v.做实验,进行试验Buses and trucks were the worst criminals.While the average car gave cyclists52

41、inches of room,trucks got 7.5 inches closer and buses 9 inches.truck:n.卡车worst:adv./adj.最坏地(的),最差地(的)(是bad的最高级)badworse(匕俄级)一worst(最高级)criminal:n扉 犯;杀人犯/adj.犯罪的,犯法的crime:n.罪,罪 行,犯 罪;罪恶行为9日罪 commit a crimeaverage:n.平均值,平均数on average平 均(前面的介词是on,不要记错了)inch:n.英 寸(复 数:inches)1 英寸(inch)=0.0254 米(m)=0.254

42、 分米(dm)=2.54 厘米(cm)=25.4 毫米(mm)room:房 间;空间当room作可数名词时,指 房 间 ,复数为rooms;作不可数名词时,指 空 间 ,没有复数形式。(当看到room时要思考它是复数还是单数,作可数名词还是不可数名词的用法。)Dr.Walker wore womans hair to see if there was any difference inpassing distance when vehicles thought they were goingpast a female cyclist.Vehicles gave him an average 6

43、 inches more space.He saidthis may be because women are seen as less careful road users or becausefemale cyclists are fewer and therefore treated more carefully.wore是动词wear的过去式。wearworeworndifference:n.不 同;差 异;差额make a difference有影响;起(重要)作用difficult:adj.困难的,费劲的(注意两个单词之间的拼写及意思的不同。)distance:n.距 离;间距/v

44、.使远离go past经 过;走 过;过去female:adj.女 的;雌性的/n.女 子;雌性male:adj.男 的;雄性的/n男 子;雄性(护照及其它证件上的 性别 英文一栏就用female/male表示女/男。)space:n.空间(=上文出现的不可数名词room);太空太空(outer)space,在太空中 in the space宇宙 universe,在宇宙中 in the universecareful:adj.小心的,谨慎的比较级:more careful更加小心/less careful更加不小心最 高 级:the most careful 最小心/the least ca

45、reful 最不小心carefully:adv.仔细地,小心地treat:v.对 待;款待某人Dr.Walker wants his research to raise awareness of the dangers thatcyclists face on busy roads.Although road accidents generally have fallen to arecord low,cyclist deaths rose by an alarming ten percent last year.Overtakingcars are thought to be the mos

46、t dangerous for riders.And I hopedrivers realize they are judging about cyclists based on their appearance.raise awareness of sth./doing sth.提高.的意识(可运用在写作中,如 提 高 保 护 环 境 的 意 识raise awareness of protecting theenvironment/raise awareness of environmental protect!onw)raise:v提 高;举起(过去式和过去分词:raised)aware

47、ness:n.意 识;认识aware:adj.知道的;察觉的;了解的be aware of 了解到,意识到face:n.脸/v.面 对,面向accident:n.意外事故;意外的事road accident交通事故car accident 车祸generally:adv.通常=in general通 常,大体上,一般而言general:adj.全体的,总 的,普遍的/n.上 将,军官fall:v.落 下,掉 落,跌落/n.秋天fallfellfallena record low有记录以来最低a record high记录以来最高打破历史最高纪录break a recod high in his

48、torydeath:n.死,死亡die:v.死,死亡(现在分词:dying;过去式和过去分词:died)rose是动词rise的过去式,意 为 上 升,升 起 ;rose作 名 词 指“玫 瑰 。riseroserise(注 意rise和raise的意思和过去式、过去分词)alarming:adj.令人担忧的,警醒的;使人惊恐的alarm:n.闹钟仁clock时钟);警 报;警戒/v使 感到惊恐percent:n.百分比;百分数(复 数:percent,没 有s,符号为)rider:乘客,骑车的人ride:v.骑ride一rode-ridden(过去分词有双写d)realize:v.知 道,明

49、 白;了 解;体会realization:n.实 现;认 识;理解judge:v判 断,断定/n.法 官;审判员过去式和过去分词:judged现在分词:judging(注 意:没有e)judgement:n判 断;判决 be based on以 为根据,根据.appearance:n.面 貌;外 表;外观叩pear:v.出 现;看上去;问世If as result of this study there were less injuries on the roads,that wouldbe wonderful.as a result of+n./pron.由于 的原因与as a result

50、的区别:as a result of为短语介词,后跟名词或代词等,意为 由于 的 原 因 ,相当于becauseof+短 语;as a result为副词短语,意 为“结 果 是 ,后面指事情的结果。如:The plane was delayed as a result of(=because of)the heavy snow.由于大雪的缘故,飞机延误了。He got up late today.As a result,he missed the plane.他今天起晚了,结果没赶上飞机。injury:n.受 伤,伤 害;损害(复 数:injuries)injure:v.伤 害,损 害,受伤


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