Unit 4 应用英语教程综合英语1.pptx

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1、Pre-Class TasksBackground KnowledgeText AText BPre-Class TasksI.Mini-Research1.What does the word kindness mean?What are the synonyms of kindness?2.Why is kindness important to people in difficulty?Kindness means a)the state or quality of being kind;b)a kind act,favor;c)kind behavior;d)friendly feel

2、ing;e)liking.Its synonyms include benignity,benevolence,humanity,generosity,charity,sympathy,compassion,and tenderness.Mark Twain once said,“Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”Life can be difficult and painful.Kindness is a virtue that gives satisfaction and streng

3、th to the people in difficulty and help them get through difficulties.Pre-Class TasksII.Co-LearningWatch a video clip and discuss the following questions in a group.1.What are the ten incredible acts of kindness caught on camera?2.Which act of kindness impresses you the most?Why?(10)One last shot(9)

4、Making a youngen s day(8)Shirt off your back(7)The cost of kindness(6)The ultimate act of sportsmanship(5)The other side of the law(4)Christmas surprises(3)The two-way street(2)The power of many(1)Friendly supportOpen-ended question.Pre-Class TasksIII.PresentationInterview your friends or family mem

5、bers with the following question and make a presentation in class.How can we practice kindness in our daily life?Background Knowledge This article is taken from Readers Digest,an American general-interest family magazine.It tells us that kindness can change peoples lives.After damaging the relations

6、hip between her uncles family and hers,the author suffered helplessness and despair.Then in London Underground,she received help and warmth from strangers who gripped her suitcase handle and lifted it.Such kind behavior moved the author a lot and those strangers helped pull her through the hard time

7、.Influenced by them,the author learned to be ready to help others in need.About the TextBackground Knowledge Readers Digest is an American general-interest family magazine,published ten times a year.Formerly based in Pleasantville,New York,it is now headquartered in Midtown Manhattan.The magazine wa

8、s founded in 1922,by DeWitt Wallace and Lila Bell Wallace.For many years,Readers Digest was the best-selling consumer magazine in the United States.According to Mediamark Research(2006),Readers Digest reaches more readers with household incomes of more than$100,000 than Fortune,The Wall Street Journ

9、al,Business Week,and Ibined.About Readers DigestText StructureText AOpening(para.1)You can change someones life just by _.Body(paras 2-8)1(para 2)A scene in _ highlights the authors helplessness and despair.2(paras _)A flashback to what had happened a day ago explains why.The author had made a(n)_ r

10、emark.And her uncle said she had ruined the relationship between her uncles family and her own family.3(paras _)How she was helped by _ in the London Underground.Ending(para 9)What happened to the author later:She had an amazing year _ in England.Those _ have influenced the author a lot and made her

11、 ready to help others in need.lifting her suitcaseLondon Underground3-5silly,joking 6-8strangersstudyingstrangersDetailed AnalysisText APart I(para 1)You can change someones life just by lifting her suitcase.Comprehension check 1.Whats your first impression of the sentence“You can change someones li

12、fe just by lifting her suitcase.”(para 1)?Why does it appear at the beginning of the story?Open-ended.(Im a little bit puzzled about it.And I wonder how lifting ones suitcase can change a persons life.)To arouse readers curiosity and make them anxious to go on reading.Detailed AnalysisText APart II(

13、paras 2-8)1(para 2)A scene in London Underground highlights the authors helplessness and despair.2(paras 3-5)A flashback to what had happened a day ago explains why.The author had made a silly,joking remark.And her uncle said she had ruined the relationship between her uncles family and her own fami

14、ly.3(paras 6-8)How the author was helped by strangers in the London Underground.Detailed AnalysisText APart II(paras 2-8)Comprehension check2 What does the author mean by saying her life“had fallen apart”(para 2)?3 How does the author feel about her aunt and uncles reaction now?She made a silly,joki

15、ng remark and was informed by her uncle that she was never to speak to him,his wife,or her two cousins again.It was as if she had razed everything her family had built.The reaction of her uncles family was all out of proportion.It was ridiculous.She couldnt have ruined the relationship between the t

16、wo families.Detailed AnalysisText A4 Why was the Tube“a tube of endless white tiles”(para 6)at the time?5 What happened each time the author tried to lift her suitcase up the stairs?6 Why did the author say nothing to those who helped her with the suitcase?At that time,she was dragging her bags and

17、she was exhausted,so the tube seems endless.Each time she tried to lift her suitcase up the stairs,a hand would grip the suitcase handle and lift it.Because she could not stop crying.Detailed AnalysisText APart II(paras 2-8)Words and phrasesflight n.:a series of steps between two floors or levelsHis

18、 room is three flights up.Detailed AnalysisText APart II(paras 2-8)b.Words and phrasesfall apart:to break into piecesWhen I picked up the model airplane,it fell apart.Their marriage fell apart in the end.Detailed AnalysisText APart II(paras 2-8)b.Words and phrasesremark:n.sth that you say or write w

19、hich expresses an opinion,thought,etc.about sb/sthAs the chairman said in his introductory remarks,the growth of the company has been phenomenal.Dont make rude remarks about their appearance.v.to say something as a comment;mentionShe remarked that it was getting warmer and warmer.The guests remarked

20、 on her new dress.Detailed AnalysisText APart II(paras 2-8)b.Words and phrasesbe meant to do sth:be supposed or intended to do somethingThis music hall is meant to have the best acoustics in China.It was meant to be an apology but it only made her angrier.Detailed AnalysisText APart II(paras 2-8)b.W

21、ords and phrasesweep v.(wept,wept)(formal or literary)to cry,usually because you are sadHe wept over his failure.He was weeping with frustration.Compare:cry,blubber,moan,sob,wail,weep,whimperDetailed AnalysisText Acry:表示“哭泣”之意的最为普遍的用词,亦可用于动物的鸣叫声The champion cried with(/for)joy as he was given the me

22、dal.blubber:to cry loudly,especially in a way that annoys people 哭闹He was blubbering like a child.moan:to make a long,low sound expressing physical or mental suffering(尤指因不幸、死亡而)呻吟、悲泣The patient moaned all night.sob:to cry loudly while breathing in short,sudden bursts 啜泣,呜咽,抽噎A little boy was sobbin

23、g in the corner of the room.Detailed AnalysisText Awail:to cry out with a long,high sound,especially because you are very sad or in pain(尤因悲伤或痛楚而)恸哭,痛哭The child wailed with pain.weep:to shed tears,usually for a long time(尤指长时间地)流泪哭泣She wept bitterly when her pet died.whimper:(of a person or animal)t

24、o make a series of low,feeble sounds expressive of fear,pain,or discontent 呜咽,抽噎A child in a bed nearby began to whimper.Detailed AnalysisText APart II(paras 2-8)b.Words and phrasesruin v.to damage sth so badly that it loses all its value,pleasure,etc.;to spoil sthHeavy smoking ruined his health.You

25、ll completely ruin the flowers if you touch them.n.the physical destruction or disintegration of something or the state of disintegrating or being destroyedLast month saw his dreams shattered and his business in ruins.After the war many monasteries fell into ruin.Detailed AnalysisText APart II(paras

26、 2-8)b.Words and phrasesproportion n.the correct relationship in size,degree,importance,etc.between one thing and another or between the parts of a wholeThe proportion of trucks to cars on the roads has changed dramatically.out of(all)proportion:in the wrong relation to the size,shape,or position of

27、 other thingsThe sculpture seemed out of proportion to its surroundings.in proportion to/with sthHis head is large in proportion to his small frame.Detailed AnalysisText APart II(paras 2-8)b.Words and phrasesraze v.to completely destroy a building,town,etc.so that nothing is leftraze a building to t

28、he groundThe troops attacked his village and razed it to the ground.Detailed AnalysisText APart II(paras 2-8)b.Words and phrasesendless adj.having or seeming to have no end or limitA good book will provide endless hours of fun.The possibilities were endless.Detailed AnalysisText APart II(paras 2-8)b

29、.Words and phraseslet go(of sb/sth):to stop holding sb/sthPlease let go of my hand.You need to let go of the past.Detailed AnalysisText APart II(paras 2-8)b.Words and phraseshaze n.a mental state in which your thoughts,feelings,etc.are not clearShe sat by herself in a haze of nostalgic bliss.Detaile

30、d AnalysisText APart II(paras 2-8)b.Words and phrasesgrief n.something that causes great sadnessHe was in deep grief at the death of his mother.Detailed AnalysisText APart II(paras 2-8)c.Sentence analysisI was also crying uncontrollably.Meaning:Its impossible for me to stop crying.Detailed AnalysisT

31、ext APart II(paras 2-8)c.Sentence analysis As I struggled to get the suitcase up another flight of steps,I was struggling to understand how my life had fallen apart.Meaning:When I attempted to lift the suitcase up the stairs,I was trying hard to understand how my life had turned into a mess.Detailed

32、 AnalysisText APart II(paras 2-8)c.Sentence analysis It was never meant to hurt my aunts feelings,but it did.Meaning:I didnt intend to hurt my aunts feelings,but in fact I did it.Detailed AnalysisText APart II(paras 2-8)c.Sentence analysis it was a tube of endless white tiles.Meaning:I felt so exhau

33、sted that I thought there were countless white tiles.Detailed AnalysisText APart II(paras 2-8)c.Sentence analysis At the top of the steps,the hand would let goMeaning:At the top of the steps,the hand would stop holding my suitcase.Detailed AnalysisText APart III(para 9)a.Comprehension check b.Words

34、and phrasesDetailed AnalysisText APart III(para 9)a.Comprehension check7 What was her life like in England in the following year?She had an amazing year studying in England,and she made some friendships that continue to sustain her.Detailed AnalysisText APart III(para 9)a.Comprehension check8 What d

35、oes the author mean by saying“even now,they pull me through the sadness of that memory”(para 9)?The author had undergone a terrible experience with her uncles family before she started her graduate study in England.Those strangers in the Tube helped her with their kindness and sustained her.When ref

36、lecting on the experience,those strangers make her feel warm and grateful.Detailed AnalysisText APart III(para 9)a.Comprehension check9 Where does the author most probably come from?How do you know?The US.Through the text,she often uses American English words like elevator,or words like graduate wit

37、h the American English meaning.She mentions“Coming to England seemed like a bad decision”so she is not from England.And at the end of the text,she indicates that she now lives in Washington DC,USA.Detailed AnalysisText APart III(para 9)b.words and phrasespull sb through sth:to help sb survive a dang

38、erous or difficult situationHis patience pulled him through.The girl had about a fifty-fifty chance of pulling through.Detailed AnalysisText APart III(para 9)b.words and phrasescommuter n.a person who travels into a city to work each day,usually from quite far awaya train packed with commuters Compr

39、ehensionText AFind out information about the following and share your findings in a group.1 elevator2 metroAn elevator(US and Canada)or lift(UK and Ireland)is a type of vertical transportation device that moves people or goods betweenfloors(levels,decks)of a building,vessel,or other structure.An und

40、erground train system originating from French word metro,a colloquial expression of railway system that runs under the ground below a city.Its full form is metropolitan railroad/railway.It is said that the first subway system was built in London called Metropolitan Railway.Then the French continued

41、to use this name when they constructed their own subway system.The word metro,short for metropolitan,gradually becomes a general name for underground railway system.Detailed AnalysisText APart IIIb.words and phrasessurge v.to move quickly and in force in a particular directionThe floods surged along

42、 the valley.Text AWord Application1 Consult a dictionary and complete the following table.n.v.adj.informationcontrolreactiveridiculedifferamazed/amazingrespectinforminformativecontrolcontrollable/controlledreactionreactridiculeridiculousdifferencedifferentamazementamazerespectrespectable/respectful/

43、respectedDetailed AnalysisText APart IIIb.words and phrasessurge v.to move quickly and in force in a particular directionThe floods surged along the valley.Text AWord Application1 Consult a dictionary and complete the following table.n.v.adj.apologizeexhaustiondecisiveapologyexhausting/exhaustedapol

44、ogeticexhaustdecisiondecideDetailed AnalysisText APart IIIb.words and phrasessurge v.to move quickly and in force in a particular directionThe floods surged along the valley.Text AWord Application2 Replace the underlined parts of the sentences with the words or expressions given below.Change the for

45、m when necessary.bring upbreak into piecesdraw sb.out ofintendtoo strongstop holding sth.help appear miraculously1)I was struggling to understand how my life had fallen apart.2)It was never meant to hurt my aunts feelings.3)As a 22-year-old who had been raised to respect and trust adults,I believed

46、my aunt and uncle.broken into piecesintendedbrought upDetailed AnalysisText APart IIIb.words and phrasessurge v.to move quickly and in force in a particular directionThe floods surged along the valley.Text AWord Application4)Their reaction was all out of proportion.5)At the top of the steps,the hand

47、 would let go,and Id pull the suitcase to thenext set.6)And just as I was about to struggle again,another hand would materialize.7)They were there when I needed them,and even now,they pull me through the sadness of that memory.8)I think of them as I ride the Metro in DC today,and I watch the commute

48、rsand tourists surge by,just in case someone needs a hand.too strongstop holding itappear miraculouslydraw me out ofhelpDetailed AnalysisText APart IIIb.words and phrasessurge v.to move quickly and in force in a particular directionThe floods surged along the valley.Text AWord Application3 Complete

49、the sentences with the proper form of the words or expressions given below.gripsurgesustainbe about to exhausteddragruinrazeridiculousbe familiar with1)I managed to _ the chair over to the window.2)The scandal nearly _ his career.3)I would look _ wearing that tiny dress.4)During the war,the village

50、was _ to the ground and many people lost their lives.5)The train _ leave when he got to the railway station.How lucky he was!dragruinedridiculousrazedwas about toDetailed AnalysisText APart IIIb.words and phrasessurge v.to move quickly and in force in a particular directionThe floods surged along th


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