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1、Lesson 1 Ping-pong and Basketball教学目标:1.知识与技能目标(1)学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写本课单词sport,football,any,some,wear。(2)学生能够在情境中模仿和运用谈论运动的交际用语:What sports do you play?Whats your favourite sport?What do you wear to play.?(3)学生能够运用本课所学知识介绍自己喜欢的运动,并写出来,形成小文章。2.学习策略目标(1)学生在多种教学资源中感知学习内容,接受语言信息,体验感受运动的快乐,激发生活情趣;(2)学生能够在看、听

2、、想、说、写中发展多元智能,并在小组讨论和采访提问、汇报的过程中体验合作的重要性和合作的收获与愉悦。重点难点:1.重点(1)学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写本课单词:sport,football,any,some,wear,同时能够听懂、说出、认读:basketball,ping-pong.(2)学生能够在情境中模仿和运用谈论运动的交际用语:What sports do you play?Whats your favourite sport?What do you wear to play.?2.难点:学生能够运用本课所学的知识介绍自己喜欢的运动,并写出来,形成小文章。教学用具:PPT,book

3、,单词卡片,球类实物(篮球、乒乓球)教学过程:StepI Greeting(日常用语对话,在授课开始用英语和同学们问好,拉近师生的距离,营造英语氛围。)T:What season is it now?S:It is spring.T:In spring,we usually have a meeting.(观看运动会视频)Its a sports meeting.This lesson we will learn about sports.Step II New concepts1.单词新授(1)sport出示单词卡T:Whats the meaning?S:运 动(教读发音)(2)footb

4、all出示足球图片,讲解单词T:This is a football.Can you play football?We play football with our feet.Football is a sport.(3)basketballT:What ball do we play with our hands?Ss:Basketball.(教师领读两遍,同时板书。)T:Do you have any basketballs?SI:No.T:Oh,you dont have any basketballs.Do you have any basketballs?S2:No.T:You do

5、nt have any basketballs.Do you have any basketballs?S3:Yes.I have a basketball.T:Great.Can I borrow it?S3:Sure.T:Thank you.Now,lefs throw the basketball.When you catch it,say basketball.(教师与学生传接球。)Basketball is a sport.(4)ping-pongT:Look!The basketball and the football are very big.I have a small ba

6、ll.Do you know what it is?Ss:Ping-pong.T:Yes,ping-pong.(教师领读两遍并同时板书。)Where can we play ping-pong?Ss:A table.T:Yes,you are right.We play ping-pong on a special table.So we alsocall it table tennis.Do you know any famous ping-pong players?Ss:Zhang Jike,Liu Shiwen,Wang Hao,Ma Long.T:Yes,they play ping-

7、pong very well.Can you play ping-pong?通过学生到前面演示打乒乓球及教打乒乓球的过程练习句型:Can you teach me to play ping-pong?I can learn to play ping-pong.通过收集乒乓球让学生练习句型:Do you have any ping-pong balls?最后总结 football,basketball,ping-pong are sports.2.课文处理(1)T:You are so good.We know many kinds of sports.(各种运动图片呈现在幻灯片中。)之后教师提

8、问学生:Whatsports do you play?Whats your favorite sport?(学生回答)然后俩人一组对话练习。(2)听课本开头部分录音,回答问题。T:What about Jenny and Li Ming?What sports do they play?What aretheir favourite sports?Lets listen to the text.(听完后找学生回答问题。)T:What sports does Jenny play?What sports does Li Ming play?WhatsJennys favourite sport?

9、Whafs Li Mings favourite sport?(3)跟读课本后面对话部分,处理课本中的知识点。T:Jenny can teach Li Ming to play basketball and Li Ming can teach Jenny to play ping-pong.What will happen next?Lefs listen and imitatePart 2(学生模仿跟读)T:Now lefs work in pairs.Read Part 2,ask and answer some questions.If you can ask some question

10、s,you can get two stars.If you can answersome questions,you can get one star.帮助学生解决下列问题:(1)Do they have any ping-pong balls?No,they dont have any ping-pong balls.But they can buy some.T:Whafs the meaning of any?Ss:一些。T:Whats the meaning of some?S:一些。T:Any and some,they have the same meaning.But some

11、times weuse some,and sometimes we use any.Why?SI:some用于肯定句和陈述句;any用于否定句和疑问句中。(幻灯片出示这两句话)T:Now lefs do some exercises with some and any.(课本第三部分部分题,强调would like some)(2)讲解wear.to句型Step III practice1.Interview activityT:The children in our school like sports too.Now lefs go to theplayground to have a l

12、ook!What sports do they play?(幻灯片出示校园学生运动的各种照片。)T:Now Lefs do a group work.Four students are in a group.One is sportsstar.The other three are reporters.Interview him or her.Ask him or hersome questions.And then introduce him or her in English.(学生小组活动练习,请一至两组展示。)2.Write down your favorite sportsT:Oh,

13、you are very well.I like sports.I want to be a sports star,too!Do you want to know something about me?(学生提问,教师回答并出示答案;若预设中没有学生提出的问题,教师随机回答,最后呈现文章T:This is my favourite sport.What about yours?Now take out your paper and write down your favourite sport.(2-3 个学生分享自 己的文章。)板书设计Lesson 1 Ping-pong and Bask

14、etballWhat do you play?My favourite sport is.(I like.best.)I wear.to.I.any someLesson 2 At the Sports Shop教学目标:1.学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:or2.学生能够认读、理解并运用鞋类词句:D。you like this.or that.?Do you want these.or those.?3.通过购物的情境练习,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重点:掌握重点单词及句型。教学难点:运用本课所学句型进行购物的情景练习。教法学法:任务教学法、情景教学法、小组合作法、听说练习法教学过

15、程:Step 1 Warm up1.Greetings.2.Say a chant(This is near,that is far.)Step 2 Presentation1.Review this,that,these,those”(1)Show pictures and say.(2)Play“This That to review demonstrative pronouns.2.New sentence patterns.(1)Sports shopDo you like sports?What do you play?I like sports too.I like ping-po

16、ng best.When I play ping-pong,I alwayswear a T-shirt.I need a T-shirt.Where shall I go?Introduce“sportsshop”.(2)Do you like this.or that.?A.Introduce Ar.Look!There are some T-shirts.Which one should I buy?This T-shirt orthat T-shirt?Do you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt?Introduce thepronunciation

17、 of or”.Try to read:door morning shorts sport northhorseB.Do you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt?I like this one.(One means T-shirt.)Talk and write in pairs.(3)Do you want these or those?A:Introduce dollar”I want to play ping-pong.Do you want to go with me?Can you play?Ican teach you.Do you have a

18、ny ping-pong balls?Now we need someping-pong balls.Let/s buy some.Look,there are so many.These are five dollars.Show one dollar andone yuan.How much are those dollars?B:Do you want these or those?.3.Listen to the text.(1)The first time:Listen and answer.Where are Jenny and Li Ming?Does Li Ming like

19、this T-shirt or that T-shirt?Does Jenny want these ping-pong balls or those ping-pong balls?(2)The second time:Read after the tape.Step 3 Practice(1)Role play:Ask each group to make up a dialogue about shopping.(2)Lets do it.Step 4 HomeworkMake a short dialogue or passage about the shopping in a spo

20、rts shop.Step 5 Class closing.Blackboard:Lesson 2 All the Sports ShopDo you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt?I like this one.want these thoseI want those.Lesson3 Lefs Play!教学目标:1.知识目标:能听说读写:basketball,try,heave,difficult,easy,hand,game;能灵活使用句子 The basketball is heavy.The ping-pong ball is light.Tmt

21、hrowing/catching the basketball.Tm hitting the ping-pong ball.2.能力目标:能利用所学的词汇和句子表演本课对话并运用于打篮球和乒乓球的活动中。3.情感目标:培养学生对两种球类运动的喜爱之情。教学重、难点:要求四会的单词和要求掌握的句式。教具、学具准备:1.单词卡片,石头,羽毛等轻重对比的物体,篮球,篮 筐,乒乓球,乒乓球拍,球网,有条件可带学生去操场上这节课,课后习题卡(每人一张)。2.录音机或课件。教学过程:Class Opening and Review1.T:Hello,class!Whats your favourite s

22、ports?S:My favourite sport is.2.T:I want to learn basketball/ping-pong ball.Can you teach me?S:Yeso(设计意图:开头直接提出老师想学打篮球和乒乓球,让学生做小老师教,激发了学生的学习兴趣,增强了学生的自信心。)New Concepts1.教师右手拿篮球并说The basketball is heavy.左手拿乒乓球并说Theping-pong ball is light.让学生模仿练习。2.利用准备的实物练习heavy和 light.3.教师告诉学生篮筐是net,拿着篮球投篮,边投边说I m th

23、rowing thebasketball.Say throw,throwing”,please.学生模仿练习。4.教师没投中就说 This is too hard.The basketball is too heavy.学生模仿练习。5.教师拿着乒乓球投篮,一下就投中了就说This is too easy.The ping-pong ball is light.学生模仿练习。6.然后把篮球传给别的学生并说Im throwing the basketball.Hescatching the basketball.Say catch,catching”,please.学生模仿练习。7.教师又拿起乒

24、乓球拍并告诉学生This is a paddle.Tm hitting the ping-pong ball.Say paddle,hit,hitting”,please.学生模仿练习。8.听录音两至三遍,Read and answer the questions.Is Darning ready to learn to play basketball?Does Danny catch the ball?Why?Why can Danny throw the ping-pong ball?9.学生分组编对话。10.完成 Lets do it!11.汇报演出。(设计意图:这节课的教学可在教室布置

25、环境也可到操场上去,让学生真正体会篮球和乒乓球运动,激发学习兴趣。在句子中学习单词,做到句不离句,最后过度到对话练习,形成篇章,对学生的综合语言运用能力有了很大提升。)Class ClosingActivity bookHomework课下打篮球和乒乓球并把所学语言运用进去。板书设计:Lesson 3 Lets play!The basketball is heavy.The ping-pong ball is light.Fm throwing/catching the basketball.Im hitting the ping-pong ball.课后习题:一.根据要求写单词:写出现在分

26、词形式写出反义词hit-heavy-throw-hard catch-this-learn-these-teach-二.填空:1.I want to basketball.Can you me?2.The basketball is.The ping-pong ball is.3.Im ing the basketball.Hes ing the basketball.4.Tm ting the ping-pong ball.Lesson4 Did You Have Fun?教学目标1 )、能听说读写 bought,taught,thought.2)、复习巩固以前所学的四种时态,能能够正确地进

27、行听说读写。3)、学会唱“What did you do?教学难点分析复习巩固以前所学的四种时态,能能够正确地进行听说读写。教学过程一、Class opening and review.1.投影出示一些单词,让学生说出它们的过去,和将来时。其中包括buy,teach和thinko(由于这三个词的过去时以前没有接触过,所以暂时放到一边)2.对话练习。老师提问一些问题让学生回答。(l)What did you do yesterday?(2)What are you going to do tomorrow?(3)Do you usually.?每个问题找几个同学回答。二、New Concepts

28、.1.继续看复习题1中留下的未知项,即buy,teach,和think三个词的过去时如何改写。老师将这三个词的过去时添加上去,教学生如何读,并反复拼写,加以识记。并共同找到bought,taught,thought三个词语在书写和发音方面的共同点和不同点,便于学生比较和掌握。2.阅读练习。要求学生自学课文第一部分,然后回答以下几个问题:Where did Jenny and Li Ming go?What did Jenny do?What did Li Mingdo?What did Jenny do?学生读完后,共同交流学习成果,老师加以总结.3、根据课文第二部分的内容,设计一些时态填空,

29、让学生试着自己填写。(l)They u su al l y(teac h)each other a sport.(2)J e n n y(g o)to the park tomorrow.(3)Danny a l w a y s(t h i n k)he can catch the ball.(4)This morning,Jenny and Li M i n g(b u y)some things at thestore.(5)T h e y(t e a c h)each other a sport yesterday.(6)D an n y(th i n k)he could hit th

30、e ball.4、学唱“What did you do?”学会后,将学生分成两组对唱,一问一答。5.完 成第三部分的练习,对答案后学生齐读。三、Class closing.师生齐唱:What did you do?”结束课堂。板书设计:Lesson 4 Where Did You Go?What did you do?teach-taught buy-bought think-thought课堂练习(l)They u su al l y(teac h)each other a sport.(2)J e n n y(g o)to the park tomorrow.(3)Danny a l w

31、a y s(t h i n k)he can catch the ball.(4)This morning,Jenny and Li M i n g(b u y)some things atthe store.(5)T h e y(t e a c h)each other a sport yesterday.(6)D an n y(th i n k)he could hit the ball.Lesson 5 A Basketball Game一、教学目标:1.知识与技能目标:(1)能听、说、读、写单词 game,ask,very,answer,policeman(2)能听、说、读、写并且运用

32、词汇:win,lose.(3)能听懂、理解、会说、会用日常用语:plays basketball for fun,jump up and down,whats the score?等。2.能力与情感目标:能运用所学的英语词汇和句式对所看到的信息进行描述。通过本课学习,让学生了解到集体力量的强大,体验积极向上的精神。二、教学重点及难点:能听、说、读、写单词 game,ask,very,answer,policeman 及一些常用语,并能运用这些知识对一些信息进行描述。三、教具准备:多媒体课件,教学光盘等。四、教学过程教学环节活动内,容教学内容设计意图Class Opening师生间互相打招.呼问

33、好并自由对话。Hello,boys and girls.Howare you today?Are youready for class?营造英语氛围,让学生进入 学 习英语的状态。Review出示课件玩游戏:Abasketball game复习职业类词:teacher,clerk,cashier,waitress,通过玩游戏,让学生waiter,bus driver,doctor,复习学过的police officer.同时通过分词汇,及引组 比 赛 形 式 引 出 team,出一些新词win,lose.汇。New Concepts1.出示图片向学生1.Yao Ming is a player

34、,Bob1.通 过 用 具介 绍 词 汇 player,is a player too.He is a体的实例和team and game.police officer.He plays on a图片介绍让team.Bobs team plays学 生 能 够 理basketball games.解新词汇的含义并为下面 的 阅读做2.Show pictures and2.把第一部分的短文缩编好铺垫。tell the story:成一个小故事,并播放幻2.通过图片A basketball,game.灯片加以帮助学生理解。和故事的讲解,让学生理3.出 示 问 题 听 录3.Questions:解课

35、文内容。d日。What do Jenny and Li Ming3.让 学 生带do?着问题去听.Did Bobs team play a录音,可以锻game?炼 学 生 的思Do Jenny and Li Ming have维,提升他们fun?的学习能力。4.Read Part 1 andanswer thequestions.4.Questions:Who win?Does Bob play basketballevery day?4.学生读然后从文章中找到问题的答案,从而达到巩固的作用。Practice1.Lets do it!Talk When/what/about a gamewhe

36、re/which.you played.Write an email.通过游戏提2.男女分一组进行比 Player,team,game,高学生学习赛:运用所给出的Have fun,arrive,police的兴趣的同短语或词汇说出句officer,for fun,play on a时,让学生真子。team,the other,snacks,正的.把所学loud,win,lose知识能够加以运用。HomeworkRetell the passage.年度第二学期六年级英语导学案主题Lesson 6A famousFootball Player任课教师备课时间课型问题解决课问题训练课课时一课时授课

37、日期学习目标知识目标:1、我能听、说、读和写这些单词:player,parent,from then on,coach,dig,dug,around2、能灵活应用过去时。3.能用自己的语言简单的描述故事。重点难点要求会的单词和故事.的内容以及过去时的应用。教学准备.录音机。教学程序时间教师行为期望学生行为一、复习引入2分钟Class Opening and ReviewQuestion:1.Look at the picture.Do you know who he is?2.Do you like to play football?Now lets look atthis story,the

38、n answer the questions.(设计意图:利用图片引出新课,营造学习的氛围。通过问题,能将学生的注意力更好地吸学生能够很快进入到本课 的 学习状0引到学习中去。10New Concepts.第一次听听分1.Listen to the tape together.力时,先划出二、自学引导,探究新课钟2.学习新单词:player,parent,from then on,coach,dig-dug,around3.listen to the tape carefully,and read after itoThen answer these questions.1.Why did t

39、he boy use boxes and bottle.s as hisfootballs?2.Why did the coach give the boy a football as agift?3.What can you learn from,Pele?4.Read and retell the passage.Class ClosingActivity bookHomework说一说,你喜欢的体育明星,在小组内和同伴分享你的小故事。然后以对话的形式展示出来。自己不认识的单词。学习认识新单词后,跟录音读课文,熟悉课文,并回答问题。简单的对话讲故事环节,训练学生的口语表达能力。三、问题20

40、课后习题:完成练习,训练,巩分1.Pele used_as his footballs.并小组讨固提升钟2.When did the boy win the world cup?3.Why.did the coach say“this is the bestChristmas gift?论。教学板书Lesson 6.A Famous Football PlayerWhy did the boy use boxes and bottles as his footballs?Why did the coach give the boy a football as a gift?What can y

41、ou learn from Pele?教学反思:Again,Please!一、教学目标i .知识与技能目标(-)复习并能正确运用本单元所学词汇(二)能够正确使用过去时对喜欢的运动进行描述。2.学习策略目标帮助学生形成以下基本的学习策略:对所学的内容能够主动复习和归纳;积极运用所学的英语进行表达和交流;能运用规律认读单词。3.情感态度目标(-)能体会到英语学习的乐趣;(二)乐于模仿,敢于开口;(三)对各种英语学习活动有兴趣,能积极参与;(四)在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合。二、教学重、难点(一)教学重点借助文本内容,复习并正确运用本单元所学.词汇正确使用过去时对喜欢的运动进行描述。(-)教学难

42、点学生谈论完成各种运动,拓展知识,提升综合语言运用能力三、教学过程Step I Class opening1.GreetingsPlay ball game.One throws the ball,the other catches it,and say one sport thestudent has known.在用球做游戏之嫌,通过比较篮球、足球的大小、轻重,复习运用了 This is a _.Thatis a _.This is.That is.Do you like this_ or that?通过以上交流,学生选择他们喜欢的球进行抛球游戏,复习他们学过的运动,展示学生课外预习的运动

43、,在轻松愉快的氛围中进入复习。Step II ReviewReview three sports.Look and guess using the picture on ppt.Talk about the pictures and review thefavourite sports words learned in the unit.用阅读给出的信息关键词说句子猜人物,在真实情境中使用英语交流,在猜人物的过程中复习重点句型。让学生在听老师给出的信息后,说出.答案。l .Students ask and answer to practice favourite sports.(学生一个可 一

44、个)由课本知识过渡到生活中的自己,有了前面的铺垫,学生已经能够自由表达自己喜欢的运动,这时教师退后,让学生自己交流。2.Review and practice the sentence pattern“What do you need to play sports?3.Listen and answer.Do the activity about Li Ming.Look at this picture.What did they buy?How much is it?How many did they buy?Reviewthe shopping conversation as well.由

45、阅读Jenny所需,到看图片猜李明,给出学生思维、交流的材料和范围,先由学生阅读问题并全班学生完全理解后,完成听力材料并回答。l.The students practice and talk what they need to play their favourite sports.完成了以上的阅读、听力过程,引导学生思考,要玩自己喜欢的运动需要什么。2.Students act and review shopping conversation.Practice the words some and any.教师板书并给出示范,学生在p p t上的structure,和板书上的图片提示下完成思

46、考、邀请、购物的过程。整个活动先在小组内进行练习,再在全班进行展示。A:Whats your favourite sport?B:My favourite sport is.A:what do you need to pl ay?B:I need s o m e.b u t I havent(any/some).Lets buy(any/som e).C:may I help you?B:yes,do you have(a n y/s o m e)?C:yes,here they are.Do you like this/these_or t h a t/t h o s e?B:I like.

47、7.Review the action words of playing sports.利用课件,学生一起讨论throw,catch,h it,但是学生没有学how to playfootballo让学生喜欢的M essy教给大家kick.8.Guessing game.学生抽取一张图片,自己不知内容,由另外两位同学对图片上的运动进行描述,学生根据信息猜测、判断自己抽取的内容。在这个游戏中,学生围绕三种运动进行了大量的听、说、思考的练习。9.Read and answer.Do reading task.Foot ball is our special program.What do you

48、want to say about them.Lets look.欣赏 ppt阅读、欣赏我们学校的校园足球,回答问题,过去式回答哪一年做了什么事情。用说读完后的感受,引导学生:work hard,you%win,做相关阅读理解练习。Step III Class closingl.Sum up2.Homework:1.Talk about the pictures in the book on Pagel8.2.Say more about your favourite sport.3.Finish the activities in this lesson.四、教学总结通过本课的复习,学生们进

49、一步巩固了本单元的四会单词和重点句型,同时学生对学过的知识进行积极的复习,提升综合语言运用能力。Lesson 7 Always Have Breakfast!教学目标【知识目标】1、学会本课中的四会单词:healthy,strong;三会词汇:first,health,last,once2、学习并掌握重点句型:How often did Danny have breakfast last week?Danny hadbreakfast once last week.3、理解并会朗读短文。【能力目标】发展学生综合运用语言的能力,培养学生自主探究的能力及与同学的分工合作的能力。能谈论健康和如何保持

50、身体健康。【情感目标】激发学生学习热情与参与欲望,能够大胆开口,主动模仿,调动学习积极性。培养健康意识,鼓励学生每天坚持吃早餐。教学重难点【教学重点】重点单词和句型的理解和掌握。【教学难点】创设语言情境,运用重点单词和句型。谈论健康和如何保持身体健康。教学准备Tape recorder,Multimedia教学过程Step 1.Warm-upDuty report./zls everyone here today?”Are you often ill?Are you healthy?Step 2.Presentation1.Talk about some pictures,judge whic


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