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1、冀教版六年级英语下册全册教案Lesson 1 P ing-pong and Basketball一、教学目标1.学会这些词汇:basketball,ping-pong,sport,runners,shorts,T-shirt2.背会这些词组:play basketball,play soccer,like.best.teach sb.to do sth.need to do sth.would like.to do.3.运用所学句型进行简单交流。Badminton.ping-pong.soccer and basketball are sports.I like ping-pong best.

2、Do you have any runners?I dont have a T-shirt either.二.教学重难点1.重点:新单词、重点词组。2.难点:用所学简单句型进行口语交流。三.教学用具录音机、课本配套磁带。四.教学课时一课时五.教学过程Step 1.Review.Step2.New Lesson.1.学习新单词 badminton、ping-pong soccer basketball,runnersT-shirt、score(并 让学生 知 道:,and aresports.)2.翻译下面词组:打篮球 打乒乓球 打网球_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 踢足球_ _

3、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3.我会翻译下面句子:李明,你玩什么运动?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _我最喜欢的运动是乒乓球。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _我最喜欢篮球。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _你能教我打篮球吗?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _你有一些乒乓球吗?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _我不这样认为。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _我们去商店吧。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4.我会总结either和to o的用法。例如:I have an English book.He has an English book,too.I can speak English.Danny can speak English,too.I dont have a T-shirt.He doesnt have a T-shirt.either.I dont have a pen.Li Ming doesnt have a pen.either.5.我知道some和any的用法:例如:I have some friends,bu

6、t Danny doesnt have any friends.Do you have any friends?6.读课文。a.师领读一遍。b.听录音跟读。7.我能听课文填空。(听录音)What do you play,Li Ming?I play badminton andping-pong.P ing-pong is my sport.I like p in g-p o n g.D oyou have a T-shirt?You need one to play basketball.No,I dont have a T-shirt.We can buy runners and a T-s

7、hirt.Do you haveping-pong balls?l dont think so.Lets go to the store.Step3.P ractise.1.我会填。sp_ts(运动)f_v_rite(最喜欢的)P _y(玩)b_st(最好的)b_sk_tb_ll(篮球)s_cc_(足球)b_dm ton(羽毛球)I e(喜欢)p_ng-p_ng(乒乓球)wh_(什么)_th_(也)2.我会连。What sports do you play?I like ping-pong best.I play basketball and soccer.P ing-pong is my f

8、avourite sport.Do you like playing soccer.ru_ er _(运动鞋)乒乓球是我最喜欢的运动你喜欢踢足球吗?你进行什么体育运动?我打篮球也踢足球。我最喜欢乒乓球。Step4.知识拓展。(单词记忆法)1 .basket+ball=basketball(篮球)volley+ball=volleyball(排球)2.bed+room=bedroom(卧室)Class+room=classroom(教室)foot+ball=football(足球)base+ball=baseball(棒球)bath+room=bathroom(浴室)六、Homework.1.背

9、诵本课单词、词组。2.熟读课文,会用简单句型进行口语交际。七、板书设计Lesson 1:P ing-P ong and Basketballbadmintonping-pongplay sportsoccer(football)basketball八、课后反思:本节课是本学期的第一课,学生上课积极性很高,可经过一个假期,好多学生遗忘的单词很多,课堂气氛不是怎么活跃一Lesson 2:At the sports Store教学目标:1、能听说读写need,any,or三个生词。2、理解some,any,二词用法上的不同。3、让学生掌握并熟练运用I need.Do you have any.?Do

10、 you want this/these or that/those?”How much are they?4、通过购物的情境练习,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学过程:一、Class opening and review.1、如果你去商声或超市看到过哪些商品,你能用英语把你看到的说出来吗?2、如果你现在就在商场,你都想买些什么?二、New Concepts.1、播放课件,学生看手回答问题。(1)这是什么地方?(2)有儿个人物?分别是谁?他们在做什么?(3)认真听,购物时最常用的几句话是什么?根据学生的回答,学习生词need,any,or.举例说明 some 和 any 的区别。I have so

11、me ping-pong balls.Do you have any ping-pong balls?板书学生提出的 购 物 常 用 句 子。I need some ping-pong balls.Do you have any runners?Do you want these balIs or those balls?How much are they?2、把课堂变成一个百货商店。(1)由教师和事先通知准备好的学生演示购物的场景,其他学生认真看,认真听,认真学。(2)你想买什么东西吗?到我们的百货商店里来吧!(把学生分成两组,一组扮演售货员,一组扮演购物者.之后,转换角色.老师走到学生当中

12、,对有表达困难的学生加以帮助.)学生汇报自己的购物情况.I need a.I bought.三.达标测评:I.根据汉语提示完成下列单词或者短语。1.r(运动鞋)2.T(T 恤)3.t(这些)4.s(一些)5.s(运动用品店)6.h(帮助)7.d(美元)8.b(买)9.h 侈少钱)10.n(需要)II.选择正确答案。1.I need s ome.A.book B.balls C.runner2.I want.A.a runner B.a pair of runner C.a pair of runners3.She has a brother a sister.A.and B.or C.of4.

13、Do you like red blue?A.and B.or C.of5.One of dollar an apple.A.of B.for C.on6.a re they?Thirty dollars.A.How much B.How many C.HowIII.根据汉语补全句子。1.She needs(一双)shoes.2.They are(三十)dollars.3.Do you like En g l i s h(还是)Chinese?4.Im going to a(运动)store.5.I need some(乒乓球).四.Class closing.Lets have a chan

14、tWearing,wearing,What are you wearing?Shirt,T-shirt.Im wearing a shose.Buying,buying,What are you buying?Runners,balls Jm buying basketballs.五、板 书设计Lesson 2:At the Sports Storel need some ping-pong balls.Do you have any runners?Do you want these balls or those balls?How much are they?六、课 后 反 思:本 节 课

15、,比 起 上 节 课,课 堂 气 氛 活 跃 了 很 多,看 到 孩 子 们 一 双双 渴 求 知 识 的 双 眼,我 信 心 十 足,一 定 要 带 好 孩 子 们 走 英 语 之 路。Lesson 3 At the Gym教 学 目标:让 学 生 掌 握 国 会 单 词:light.heavy,catch,hit,throw教 学 重 难 点:让 学 生 四 会 掌 握 单 词:light.heavy,catch,hit,throw教 学 时 间:一 课 时。教 具 准 备:录 首 机、卡 片 等。教 学 过 程:一、复习用 游 戏 来 复 习learn和teach这 两 个 单 词。找

16、两 名 自 告 奋 勇 的 学 生。老 师 悄 悄 地 告 诉 这 两 名 学 生 一 名 将 扮 作“教师”,一名将扮作“学生”。“教师”在教“学生”写 数 字。然后让全班学生猜他们在表演什么。教 师 可 用 如 下 问 句:Who is the teacher?Who is the student?What is the teacher doing?What is the student doing?一、物 投1、用 重 和 轻 的 实 物,如一块石头和 一 片 羽 毛,演 示light和heavy,用 教 师 带 进 课 堂 的 一 个ping pong b a ll,或 一 个 又 大

17、 又 软 的 球 来 向 学 生 演 示throw catch hit,用 球 来 表 示 这 些 动 作,同 时 说 出 这 些 单 词。2、听 录 音 带,跟 读 课 文。3、学习新单词4、复 习 上 节 课 刚 刚 学 过 的 故 事,Liming和Jenny去 商 店 买一些衣 物。观察书 上 的 图 片,并 思 考 下 面 的 问 题:a.Where are they?b.What are they doing?c.Whats happening?5、小 组 自 学 课 文,并 回 答 以 上 问 题。6、全 班 交 流 反 馈。三、检查理解情况四、完成配套与检测Lesson3五、家

18、庭作业熟读课文,记忆单词。六、板书设计Lesson 3:At the Gymlight(反义词)heavy throw(反义词)catcheasy(反义词)hard easy(副词)easilyhit(现在分词)hitting throw(现在分词)throwin七.课后反思:这节课的内容本身很有趣,同学们都很有兴趣,我的兴趣更大,是一堂很成功的一课。lesson 4:Where Did You Go?教学目标:1、能听说读写 bought,taught,thought.2、复习巩固以前所学的四种时态,能能够正确地进行听说读写。3、学会唱“What did you do?教学重点、难点:1.1

19、 am throwing the basketball.2.hitting and throwing教具、学具:录相机,磁带教学过程:、Class opening and review.1、投影出示一些单词,让学生说出它们的过去时,和将来时。其中包括buy,teach,和think.(由于这三个词的过去时以前没有接触过,所以暂时放到一边)2、对话练习。老师提问一些问题让学生回答。(1)What did you do yesterday?(2)What are you going to do tomorrow?(3)Do you usually?每个问题找儿个同学回答。二、New Concept

20、s.继续看复习题1 中留下的未知项,即buy,teach,和 think三个词的过去时如何改写。老师将这三个词的过去时添加上去,教学生如何读,并反复拼写,加以识记。并共同找到bought,taught,thought三个词语在书写和发音方面的共同点和不同点,便于学生比较和掌握。2、阅读练习。要求学生自学课文第一部分,然后回答以下儿个问题:Where did Jenny and Li Ming go?What did Jenny do?What did Li Ming do?What did Jenny do?学生读完后,共同交流学习成果,老师加以总结.3、根据课文第二部分的内容,设计一些时态填

21、空,让学生试着自己填写。(1)They u s u a lly(te a c h)each other a sport.(2)J e n n y(g o)to the park tomorrow.(3)Danny a lw y s(t h in k)he can catch the ball.(4)This morning,Jenny and Li M in g(b u y)s o m e things at the store.(5)T h e y(t e a c h)each other a sport yesterday.(6)D a n n y(th in k)he could hit

22、 the ball.4、学唱“What did you do?”学会后,将学生分成两组对唱,一问一答。三、Class Closing.师生齐唱:What did you do?”结束课堂。四、板 书 设 计:Lesson 4:Where Did You Go?What did you do?teach-taught buy-bought think-thoughtlesson 5:A Basketball Game教学目标1、能听说读写 player,game,team,win 和 lose.学会 jump up 等短语。2、能听明白在比赛中一些简单的指示,用 win和 lose.表示比赛的结

23、果,以及比赛中分数的表示等。教具学具 录相机一、Class opening and review.做游戏“Charades以复习学生在前面已掌握的表示职业的词汇。这些词有:teacher,clerk,cashier,waitress,waiter,bus driver 等。二、New Concepts.1、为学生播放段篮球比赛的实况录相。先为学生介绍比赛的双方,引入新词:player,team和game.在讲解这三个新词时,可引学生利用对比的方法,总结字母发音的规律。2、边放录相,边为学生做现场解说,把课文内容通过示范的形式展示给学生。看完录相后,总结如何介绍一场比赛,介绍一场比赛需要了解哪些


25、。并说明他们分别好在什么地方。三、Class closing.老师向同学们提出希望,希望同学们在课下多做这样的比赛活动,用于练习巩固本节所学内容。四、板 书 设 计:Lesson 5:A Basketball GameThis is a basketball game.This is blue team.This is orange team.Its 78 to 78!The blue team win!The orange lose.五、课后反思:本节课,由于我的声情并茂,学生对英语的兴趣,我们配合的很好,继续发扬。lesson 6:Who Won?教学目标:1、知识技能:能说听读写won和

26、 lost。会运用What did you do?2、过程与方法:通过学单词,培养学生口语表达能力。能用语言表达过去已发生的事情,并能用一段话试着写出来。通过创设情景,综合运用所学语言进行交流,培养学生在实际生活中综合运用语言的交际能力和对语言的应变能力。3、情感态度:让每一个学生都能积极主动参与教学活动,发挥学生主观能动性,从而使他们更加热爱英语学习,增强学习英语的信心。培养学生敢于表达自己的勇气和勇于改错的精神教学重点:能听、说、读、用句型:What did you do?和单词won lost.教学难点:学生能根据具体的情况进行问答。教具学具:录 音 机 磁 带教学过程:、Class o

27、pening and review.用“Whafs wrong?”游戏的形式来复习学过动词的过去时,进行时和将来时结构。1 s I am wash the dishes.2.I see him yesterday.3.I go to the park tomorrow.二、New Concepts.1.学生自学课文。要求画出不理解的词语或句子。学生提出来不懂的地方,老师加以解答,学习win和 lost的过去式。2.听课文录音,了解大意。3.学生分组分角色读课文。4.对话练习。老师提问:What did you do yesterday?给学生一定的时间思考后,把学生分成儿组,每个学生在本组内说

28、一说昨天都做了什么,其他同学负责评定,指出句子出现的错误,老师巡回指导,最后,本组选派一名代表,向全班同学说一说。5.写话练习。根据刚才回答的What did you do yesterday?,汲取其他同学的长处,改正自己的不足,把这些内容写成一段话。6.选取几名同学的短文,朗读给全班同学听。师生共同发现短文的优点,并指出不足之处或提出自己的见解,有错误的,尽量让学生们为之改正,老师适当加以指导。三、Class Closing.要求学生把自己写的短文交上来,老师课下批改。四、板 书 设 计:Lesson 6:Who Won?win-won lose-lostWhat did you do y

29、esterday?Lesson?Are you ready for a quiz?一、教学目标1、知识目标带领学生复习本单元的重点内容:重点词汇:any,heavy,lightorbought,taught,thoughtsport,basketball,ping-pong,runners,shorts,T-shirt,game,player,teamcatch,throw,hit,need,win,lose重点句型:What did you do?I/We.过去时的应用。2、能力目标要求学生能够灵活运用所学知识谈论与运动相关的话题。3、情感目标使学生明白体育运动的好处和重要性,鼓励学生积极参

30、加体育运动。二、教学重点、难点:1、教学重点:回答本课问题。2、教学难点any,heavy,light,or,bought,taught,thought,sport,basketball,ping-pong,runners,shorts,T-shirt,game,player,team,catch,throw,hit,need,win,loseWhat did you do?I/We.过去时的应用。三、教具准备:磁带、录音机四、教学过程1、Class opening and review2、P lay a game Whats missing?(规则:把词汇卡片竖放在教室前面,告诉学生看1分钟

31、的卡片后闭上眼睛,然后教师移开一张卡片。让学生睁开眼睛,设法指出教师移走了哪张卡片。提问每个学生让其说出移走的卡片的名称,直到猜对正确答案为止。让学生重新看到那张移走的卡片,并把它放回原处。那名猜对正确答案的学生可以在移走另一张卡片,让大家接着猜。)3、讨 论lesson 7:的这几幅图片。(这几幅图片和问题都是本单元的重点知识,让学生讨论根据图片来描述不仅锻炼了孩子的口语表达能力,同时也复习了前面的知识。)4、听课文录音。因为听力对于学生来说也很重要,安排这样一个练习,不仅强化了学生的知识,同时听力也得到了锻炼。5、练习Student book:Lesson/Homework:Activit

32、y Book五、练习题()选择题:1 What sport do you like best?I like to()best.a,play the badminton b,play badmintonc,play the guitar d,play the ping-pong2 would like to learn to play ping-pong?()a,Yes J do b,No,I donotc,Yes,I would.d,Yes,I can3.Jenny and Li Ming()something at the store yesterday morning.A.bought B

33、.thought C.buy(-)写出相对应的过去式:play have go teach hithurt want think buyLesson 8 Again,please!教学目标知识目标带领学生复习本单元的重点内容:重点词汇:any,heavy,light orbought,taught,thoughtsport,basketball,ping-pong,runners,shorts,T-shirt,game,player,teamcatch,throw,hit,need,win,lose重点句型:What did you do?I/We.过去时的应用。能力目标要求学生能够灵活运用所

34、学知识谈论与运动相关的话题。情感目标使学生明白体育运动的好处和重要性,鼓励学生积极参加体育运动教学重、难点any,heavy,lightorbought,taught,thoughtsport,basketball,ping-pong,runners,shorts,T-shirt,game,player,teamcatch,throw,hit,need,win,loseWhat did you do?I/We.过去时的应用。教学过程一、Class opening and review尽量采用游戏的方式带领学生复习。二、New concept1.以讨论话题的方式引入本课 Talk about y

35、our favourite sports to the class.在话题讨论的过程中涉及到的本单元的重难点知识有条理的进行板书,如帮助学生总结归纳单词的记忆方法:heavy-lightcatch-throwlose-winsport(s):basketball ping-pong.name-gamemany-anyplay-playershort-shorts2.对话的方式复习三种时态师:What sports do you like to play?Ss:I like to play.T:Guess What sports I like to play?(师做出相应的动作)Ss:You l

36、ike to play ping-pong.T:I am playing ping-pong.Yesterday I played ping-pong.Tomorrow I am goingto play ping-pong.What about you?Ss imitate the teacher.3.针对本单元的重点知识出一个小型的测试卷对学生进行检测。写出下列的过去式buy teach think winl ose pl ay watch写反义词。win lost l i ght catch选择填空。()1.This ball is,I can throw it easily.A.lig

37、ht B.heavy C.hard()2.Jenny and Li Ming something at the store yesterday morning.A.bought B.thought C.buy()3.Do you like this T-shirt that T-shirt?A.and B.as C.or按要求完成句子。1.What did you do yesterday?(回答问题)2.What is Jenny doing now?(用打篮球回答)四.板书设计Lesson 8:Again,please!heavy-light sport(s):basketballp in

38、g-pong.catch-throw name-gamemany-anylose-win play-playershort-shortsWhat did you do?I/we.Lesson 9 Always eat breakfast!一、教学目标:(-)知识:1.巩固内容:always,sometimes,usually,never 等表示频度的词汇。2.掌握四会词汇和句型:(Dhealthy,strong,weak,week一How often do y ou?-times a.(二)能力:学生能用所学词汇句型说出有关健康的句子。(三)情感:帮助学生明白早餐的重要性,培养学生关注健康、关

39、心他人的品质。二、教学重点、难点:重点:四会词汇和句型难点:一How often do y ou?times a.句型的理解和运用。三、教具、学具:图片、录音机、四、教学过程:Class Opening and ReviewGreeting.P lay a game:Never,NeverKey Concepts(Dhealthy,strong,weak,week一How often do y ou?-times a.IntroduceUse puppets to role-play healthy,strong)weakand sick.P 1:(Sad,coughing.)I feel s

40、ick.Sick.Say it,please,class.C:Sick.P 2:(Happy,energetic.)I dont feel sick.I feel healthy!Healthy.Say it,please.C:Healthy.P 1:I am weak.Look!(Try to carry a chair,but cant.)This chair is too heavy.Iam weak.Weak.Say it,please.C:Weak.P 2:Not me.I am strong.(To P uppet 1.)May I help you with that chair

41、?(Carryit.)There!The chair is heavy,but I am strong.Strong.Say it,please.C:Strong.Show the pictures and introduce these words.Write healthy,strong,weakand sicknon the blackboard.Ask the studentstry to translate them.DrillAsk the students to say who is strong/healthy/weak/sick.Student book No.1Introd

42、uceT:Everyone wants to be strong and healthy.Do you?Lets learn what to do.First,always eat breakfast.Because its good for you!Do you always eatbreakfast?Lets look.Here is a chart.This is a week.There are seven days ina week.What are they?(Say Monday,Tuesday.)T:When did you eat breakfast last week?Su

43、nday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayStudent 1Student 2Introduce How often did you eat breakfast last week?Once/Twice/Threetimes/.a week.Student book and audiotapeP lay the audiotape and answer the questions:How often did Danny/Kim/Li Ming eat breakfast last week?P racticeT:We can s

44、ay other things.For example:How often do you play ping-pong?Ask the students to say some sentences.Ask the students to make up appropriate sentences about how often and makeup a chart.Ask the students to introduce their charts.Activity book.Class closing.五、板书设计Lesson 9:Always eat breakfast!图片Strong

45、and healthy图片,Weak and sickHow often do y ou?-times a.(Once a week;Twice a week.)六、练习:(一)填空:1.I always eat breakfast.I am and.2.Liu Hong never eats breakfast.She is and.(二)写句子:Write three sentences with How of t en?Lesson 10 Always Brush Your Teeth!-、教 学 目 标 一A.知识目标1.Review and use the keywords:befo

46、re and after.2.Students can read.listen,say and write the vocabulary:teeth.brush yourteeth.face,wash your face,comb(your hair).3.Important sentence:What do you do before/a f t e r?B.能力目标1、学生能够正确运用短语brush.teeth,wash.face,combhair,并知道人称的变化。2.能够掌握before,after的用法。C.情感目标通过学习,学生能对本课内容产生兴趣,主动参与教学活动,认真理解短文内

47、容,并养成讲究卫生的好习惯。二、重难点after,before,teeth.face,brush,comb三、教学准备Objects(toothbrush,comb.)word-cards,clock四、学具准备paper,clock,marker五、教学过程(一)Class Opening and Review1.Greeting:Good morning.class!How are you?Hows the weather today?2.Review:Look at some pictures and actions,ask several questionsHow often do y

48、ou_?What do you do_?设计意图:在游戏诵为已经学过的单词,连冤枯燥乏味的单纯记忆,让学生自己主动的记忆。3.Sing a song:ln the Bathroom.(Review the names about body)(二)New conceptsStep 1:Introduce:Show the cards to remember teeth,face”T:Do actions to introduce brush your teeth and comb your hair设计意图:用实际动作演练介绍单词,学生既爱学,又学的快,理解的容易。T:Look,its 6:30

49、,I often brush my teeth.Then,I wash my face.T:What do you do?What are you doing?Step 2:P lay a game:GuessReview the phrases such as eat breakfast,get up,wash.hands,wash.face,brush.teeth,comb.hairStep3:Demonstrate:Draw three clocks to show:6:45 7:00 7:157:00 I want to eat breakfast at 7:00.6:45 Befor

50、e I eat breakfast,I brush my teeth.7:15 After I eat breakfast,I go to school.设计意图:通过出示图片,创设情境,让学生在意义的、生动有趣的情景中接触所学的新内容。T:Lets repeat.before and after.Can you say some sentences with these two words?P ractice in groups.Show设计意图:通过小组中的互相练说,克服学生一个人怕说错的思想,在集思广义中说出自己能想到的句子,同时不限定于一个句型,培养学生的发散思维。在小组练习中,提高了


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