You can play the air guitar, too!.doc

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《You can play the air guitar, too!.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《You can play the air guitar, too!.doc(1页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、You can play the air guitar, too!手中没有吉他,却能演奏出美妙的吉他乐曲,这可能吗?在柏林举行的空气吉他比赛上,这一切却成了现实。这是怎么回事呢?Many people like to play the guitar. Guitarists can make a lot of nice music with the musical instrument. But do you know the air guitar? Recently there was an interesting musical contest in Berlin the Fifth Ger

2、man Air Guitar Contest. Playing the air guitar is not like playing the guitar. In fact it is a kind of dance performance. The players pretended to play the guitar with exaggerated movements according to different guitar music. To be a winner, the player must move everyone on the spot. To play the ai

3、r guitar, you dont need a real guitar. You dont need to know how to play the guitar. What you need is imagination and passion. Do you want to have a try?很多人喜欢弹吉他。吉他演奏者们可以用这种乐器弹奏出许多美妙的音乐。不过你听说过空气吉他吗?最近在柏林就举行了一场有趣的音乐比赛第五届德国空气吉他大赛。与弹吉他不同,弹奏空气吉他实际上就是一种舞蹈表演。演奏者跟随不同的吉他乐曲,用夸张的动作假装弹奏吉他。要想成为优胜者,演奏者必须感染现场的每一位观众。演奏空气吉他,不需要实物吉他,也不必懂吉他的弹奏方法。你所需要的只是想象力和激情。想试一试吗?Enrich your collection1. according to 按照;依据 如:Ill do it according to your thoughts.2. on the spot 在现场;当场 如:The policemen were on the spot quickly.


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