【夺分天天练】英语总复习 模块7 Book 8AUnit 3名师课件(基础巧过关+含13年试题) 牛津版.ppt

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【夺分天天练】英语总复习 模块7 Book 8AUnit 3名师课件(基础巧过关+含13年试题) 牛津版.ppt_第1页
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【夺分天天练】英语总复习 模块7 Book 8AUnit 3名师课件(基础巧过关+含13年试题) 牛津版.ppt_第2页
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《【夺分天天练】英语总复习 模块7 Book 8AUnit 3名师课件(基础巧过关+含13年试题) 牛津版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【夺分天天练】英语总复习 模块7 Book 8AUnit 3名师课件(基础巧过关+含13年试题) 牛津版.ppt(24页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、模块模块 7 Unit 3,Book 8A 模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book 8AUnit 3,Book 8A 基础精梳理 类别中考考点助记词汇拓展1.foreign adj.外国的 foreigner(名词)2beginning n开始 begin(动词)3inside adv.在里面 outside(反义词)4interest n.兴趣 interesting/interested(形容词)5beauty n美丽 beautiful(形容词)模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book 8A Unit 3,Book 8A 类别中考考点助记词汇拓展6.possible adj.可能的 imp

2、ossible(反义词)7wonder vt.想知道 wonderful(形容词)8luckily adv.幸好 lucky(形容词)luck(名词)9winner n获胜者 win(动词)模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book 8A Unit 3,Book 8A 类别中考考点助记短语精选1.keep fit/healthy 保持健康2invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事3take a boat trip 乘船旅行4take place 发生5places of interest 名胜古迹6feel the beauty of 感受的美7at the beginning 在开

3、始的时候8teach oneself 自学模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book 8A Unit 3,Book 8A 类别中考考点助记短语精选9.decide to do sth 决定做某事10as soon as possible 尽快地11cheer for sb 为某人欢呼12at the end of 在的末尾13get on 上车14be made of 由制成15from one place to another 从一处到另一处模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book 8A Unit 3,Book 8A 考点巧突破 考点考点 1 interest n兴趣,令人感兴趣的事兴趣,令人感兴

4、趣的事(或人或人)拓展 interest 还可作动词,意为“使感兴趣”。interesting adj.有趣的;interested adj.感兴趣的。搭配 be interested in 对感兴趣;have an interest in 对有兴趣;hold sbs interest 吸引某人的注意力;show/take(an)interest in对感兴趣;have/feel/take no interest in 对不感兴趣典型例题典型例题 现在,越来越多人对网上购物感兴趣。Now,more and more people _shopping online.are interested

5、in/take interest in 模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book 8A Unit 3,Book 8A 考点考点 2 beauty n美,美丽,美人,美丽的事物美,美丽,美人,美丽的事物 拓展 beauty的形容词形式为beautiful。搭配 enjoy the beauty of 欣赏的美;the beauty of 的美典型例题典型例题 Niushou Hill is an area of natural _(beautiful).It attracts lots of tourists every spring.beauty 模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book 8A U

6、nit 3,Book 8A 考点考点 3 wonder vt.对对感到惊讶,惊奇;想知道感到惊讶,惊奇;想知道 点拨 wonder 后常跟疑问代词,疑问副词以及if或 whether引导的宾语从句,意思相当于want to know。拓展 wonder还可作名词,意为“奇迹,奇观”。wonder的形容词形式为wonderful,副词形式为wonderfully。模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book Unit 3,Book 8A8A 典型例题典型例题 Peter,is there anything else you want to know about China?Yes,I am still

7、 wondering _Ahow is Chinese paper cut made Bhow was the Great Wall built in ancient timesCwhy the Chinese people like to play the dragon danceDwhy do the Chinese people eat rice dumplings at Dragon Boat Festival C模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book 8A Unit 3,Book 8A 考点考点 4 instead/instead of(1)instead adv.意为“相反,而是,

8、代替”。常置于句前或句 末,置于句前时常用逗号隔开,所跟内容是已做或要做的。(2)instead of 为介词短语,意为“代替,而不是”,后跟的内容是未做或不做的。instead of n./pron./v.ing。典型例题典型例题(1)We should give him a hand instead of _ at him.A.laugh B.laughed C.laughing D.to laugh(2)I hate watching TV.Shall we go out for a walk _?A.instead of B.instead C.because of D.because

9、CB模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book 8A Unit 3,Book 8A 考点考点 5 be made of/be made from/be made in/be made by/be made into(1)be made of 由制成,强调从成品上能看得出原材料。(2)be made from由制成,强调从成品上看不出原材料。(3)be made in意为“在制造”,in后接表示地点的名词。(4)be made by表示由某人制造,后接生产者。(5)be made into表示改编,改制成典型例题典型例题 The desk is made _ wood and the wine is

10、 made _ rice.A.of;ofB.from;from C.of;from D.from;of C模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book Unit 3,Book 8A8A 智能双提升 基础过关基础过关.根据汉语提示完成句子1It was a great day but we didnt enjoy it at the _ (开始)2You can see some photos of the trip on the _ (因特网)3There are many places of _(兴趣)in Jiangsu.4Which _(外国的)country do you want to v

11、isit?5There are many _(长途汽车)on the highway.beginning Internet interest foreign coaches 模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book 8A Unit 3,Book 8A 6.My sister is tall and slim.She wants to be a fashion _(模特)when she grows up.7Our school tennis team needs your _(支持)8When I got to the factory,I saw many _(金属)boxes near the

12、 gate.9There was a lot of _(车辆)on the city road.Wed better take the underground.10I was playing computer games the _(整个的)afternoon yesterday.model support metal traffic whole 模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book 8A Unit 3,Book 8A.用所给词的适当形式填空1.When we reached the park,we got off the bus _(quick)2.Jim invited me _(joi

13、n)their school trip to Xiangshan.3.Would you please _(show)me around your school?4.A number of _(foreign)come to visit the old town every year.5.We enjoyed _(we)at the party last Saturday evening.quickly to join show foreigners ourselves 模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book 8A Unit 3,Book 8A 6I arrived late but _(lu

14、cky),I didnt miss the train at last.7The _(win)of the basketball final are going to receive the medals.8 Do you know which animal has two _(stomach)?9I would like to enjoy the _(beautiful)of the sunset.10We didnt enjoy ourselves at the _(begin)of the trip because of the heavy traffic.luckily winners

15、 stomachs beauty beginning 模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book 8A Unit 3,Book 8A .用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空1.My grandparents live_2There are many interesting places _3There are many _in the World Park.4The students in our school is_2,000.5.Daniel couldnt _when he saw his favourite star.by themselves all over the world places

16、 of interest more than all over the world,places of interest,believe ones eyes,more than,by oneselfbelieve his eyes 模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book 8A Unit 3,Book 8A .根据汉语意思完成句子1硬座使我在旅途中的大部分时间感觉恶心。The hard seat made me _ for most of the trip.2这辆模型汽车是由金属制成的。This model car _.3当我看到这些照片的时候,我不敢相信自己的眼睛。I _ when I saw

17、 the photos.4你是什么时候收到你网友的来信的?_ your online friends letter?5篮球比赛将在星期三下午举行。The basketball match will _ on Wednesday afternoon.feel sick is made of metalcouldnt believe my own eyes When did you receive/get take place 模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book Unit 3,Book 8A8A 中考透视中考透视.单项选择()1.2013盐城盐城 I thought the actor was

18、 famous,_ none of my friends has ever heard of him.A.and B.or C.so D.but()2.2013淮淮安安 Lets go on a picnic this weekend,OK?Thats _.A.great B.well C.hardly D.terriblyD A 模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book 8A Unit 3,Book 8A()3.2013淮安淮安 At times,parents find it difficult _ with their teenage children.A.talk B.talked C.

19、talking D.to talkD 解解析析finditadj.to do sth意为“发现做某事是的”,所以选择D。模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book Unit 3,Book 8A 8A()4.2013常州常州 How did you find the trip to the West Lake?_ A.The guide took us there B.First by train and then by bus C.Very fantastic indeed D.It was not far from our hotelC解解析析由句意“你觉得去西湖的旅游怎么样?”可知答语应选C。

20、模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book 8A Unit 3,Book 8A ()5.2013无锡无锡 Fishing with Dad was so_ for little Sam that he almost fell asleep.A.excited B.exciting C.bored D.boring.worse D 模块模块7 7 Unit 3,Book Unit 3,Book 8A8A .根据所给提示完成句子12013盐城盐城 We often ask _(us)how we can do more for our country.22013淮安淮安 Its too dangero

21、us for the young children to play near the river by _(they).32013扬州扬州 _(luck),I could get the last ticket to the concert.42013盐城盐城 To keep fit,we should have more vegetables and fruit_(代替)of too much meat.52013常州常州 When the boy rushed across the finishing line,his mother cheered with an_ (兴奋的)look o

22、n her face.ourselves themselves Luckilyinstead excited 1、了解面对逆境,远比如何接受顺境重要得多2023/3/272023/3/271:18:29 PM。2023/3/272023/3/27Monday,March 27,20232、一般的伟人总是让身边的人感到渺小Monday,March 27,20231:18:29 PM3/27/2023 1:18:29 PM13:18Mar-23。2023/3/272023/3/272023/3/273/27/2023 1:18:29 PM3、2023/3/27Mar-2327-Mar-234、昨天

23、是张退票的支票27-Mar-231:18:29 PM13:182023/3/272023/3/272023/3/27Monday,March 27,20235、积极人格的完善是本,财富的确立是末27-3月-23。2023/3/272023/3/272023/3/272023/3/273/27/20236、昨晚多几分钟的准备3/27/2023 1:18:29 PM27 三月 20232023/3/272023/3/272023/3/277、每一发奋努力的背,必有加倍的赏赐2023/3/27三月 232023/3/272023/3/272023/3/273/27/20238、业余生活要有意义,不要

24、越轨。2023/3/272023/3/2727 March 20239、要及时把握梦想,因为梦想一死3/27/2023 1:18:30 PM。2023/3/272023/3/272023/3/272023/3/2710、一个人的梦想也许不值钱,但一个人的努力很值钱。3/27/2023 1:18:30 PM2023/3/2727-3月-2311、在真实的生命里,每桩伟业都由信心开始,并由信心跨出第一步。3/27/2023 1:18 PM3/27/2023 1:18 PM2023/3/272023/3/27谢谢大家谢谢大家1、每一个成功者都有一个开始。勇于开始,才能找到成功的路2023/3/271

25、3:182、成功源于不懈的努力,人生最大的敌人是自己怯懦。2023/3/272023/3/272023/3/273/27/2023 1:18:31 PM3、每天只看目标,别老想障碍Monday,March 27,2023。2023/3/272023/3/272023/3/27Monday,July 19,202127-Mar-234、宁愿辛苦一阵子,不要辛苦一辈子2023/3/27。2023/3/272023/3/272023/3/27Monday,March 27,20235、积极向上的心态,是成功者的最基本要素2023/3/27。2023/3/272023/3/272023/3/27202

26、3/3/273/27/20236、生活总会给你另一个机会,2023/3/271:18:31 PM2023/3/272023/3/272023/3/277、人生就像骑单车,想保持平衡就得往前走21:19:482023/3/272023/3/273/27/20238、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2023/3/272023/3/2727 March 20239、我们必须在失败中寻找胜利Monday,March 27,20232023/3/2710、一个人的梦想也许不值钱,但一个人的努力很值钱。3/27/2023 1:18:31 PM2023/3/2727-3月-2311、在真实的生命里,每桩伟业都由信心开始,并由信心跨出第一步。3/27/2023 1:18 PM3/27/2023 1:18 PM2023/3/272023/3/27谢谢大家谢谢大家


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