【夺分天天练】英语总复习 模块21 Book 9AUnit 5名师课件(基础巧过关+含13年试题) 牛津版.ppt

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【夺分天天练】英语总复习 模块21 Book 9AUnit 5名师课件(基础巧过关+含13年试题) 牛津版.ppt_第1页
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【夺分天天练】英语总复习 模块21 Book 9AUnit 5名师课件(基础巧过关+含13年试题) 牛津版.ppt_第2页
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《【夺分天天练】英语总复习 模块21 Book 9AUnit 5名师课件(基础巧过关+含13年试题) 牛津版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【夺分天天练】英语总复习 模块21 Book 9AUnit 5名师课件(基础巧过关+含13年试题) 牛津版.ppt(25页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、模块模块 21 Unit 5,Book 9A 模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book 9A Unit 5,Book 9A 基础精梳理 类别中考考点助记词汇拓展1.well-known adj.著名的 famous(同义词)2breath n呼吸 breathe(动词)3effect n影响 affect(动词)4silence n寂静 silent(形容词)5.enter v进入 entrance(名词)6attract v吸引 attractive(形容词)7achieve v获得 achievement(名词)8talent n天赋 talented(形容词)模块模块2121 Unit

2、5,Book Unit 5,Book 9A9A 类别中考考点助记短语精选1.stop daydreaming 停止做白日梦2at a very young age 在非常小的时候3put ones effort into 把某人的精力投入到4shortly after 不久以后5play the lead role of 扮演的主角6mark the beginning of 标志着的开始7pass away 去世模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book Unit 5,Book 9A9A 类别中考考点助记短语精选8throughout ones acting years 贯穿某人的演艺生涯9.

3、out of breath 上气不接下气10be suitable for 适合11fall in love with sb 爱上某人12have a bad effect on 对产生坏的影响13devoteto 致力于14work closely with 与紧密合作15be considered as 被认为模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book Unit 5,Book 9A 9A 考点巧突破 考点考点 1 insist vt.&v.坚持,坚持认为坚持,坚持认为 点拨 insist 后常接that 引导的从句,也可接介词on,构成“insist on sth/doing sth 坚持(

4、做)某事”短语。典型例题典型例题 He insists on_ (go)home on foot every day.going 模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book 9A Unit 5,Book 9A 考点考点 2 beyond prep.超过超过 点拨 beyond表示范围、限度超出,常用搭配:go beyond意为“超出,超过”。beyond还可用于否定句和疑问句中,表示“除以外”。典型例题典型例题 He didnt say anything _ that.A.beyond B.be C.beside D.onA 模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book 9A Unit 5,Book

5、 9A 考点考点 3 devote vt.献身,致力于,把献身,致力于,把用于用于 点拨 devote常与介词to连用,表示“致力于,献身于”,to后接名词或动名词。典型例题典型例题 Zhong Nanshan,the famous medical scientist,has devoted most of his life _ a useful way in treating cough diseases.A.to finding B.find C.to find D.findingA 模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book 9A Unit 5,Book 9A 考点考点 4 aloud/l

6、oud/loudly(1)aloud通常表示“出声”,常与read,say等连用。aloud只有修饰cry,shout等动词时,才有“大声地”意思,aloud表示从不出声到出声,不存在声音大小的问题,因而没有比较级。(2)loud表示“大声地,响亮地”,既可作形容词,又可作副词,常与sing,speak,talk,laugh,cry等动词连用。(3)loudly表示“高声地”,有时可与loud通用,但更多含有喧闹的意味。典型例题典型例题 He called _(大声)enough to wake the woman.aloud 模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book 9A Unit 5,Bo

7、ok 9A 考点考点 5 bothand/not onlybut also/neithernor/eitheror (1)bothand意为“和都”,连接两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词用复数。如:Both she and John are satisfied with Helens progress.她和约翰都对海伦的进步感到满意。(2)not onlybut also意为“不但而且”;neithernor意为“既不也不”;eitheror意为“或者或者”。它们连接两个并列成分作主语时,其谓语动词通常与靠近的主语保持一致,即遵循“就近原则”。如:模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book 9A

8、Unit 5,Book 9A Neither my sister nor I am a teacher.我姐姐和我都不是老师。Not only my father but also I am not good at swimming.不但我爸爸不擅长游泳,而且我也不擅长游泳。Either you or he is going to do some cleaning this afternoon.今天下午或者你或者他去打扫卫生。模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book 9A Unit 5,Book 9A 智能双提升 基础过关基础过关.根据汉语提示完成句子1Canadians mostly spe

9、ak _ (法语)and English.2Wuxis _ (工业)has developed greatly in the last few years.3She had put all her _ (努力)into ballet training before she entered the film industry.4What was Audrey Hepburns _ (最后的)Hollywood film?French industry effort final 模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book Unit 5,Book 9A 9A 5My grandpa passed aw

10、ay _ (安详地)6The _(牛仔)in the film are really clever and brave.7During his _(一生),he put all his effort into teaching.8My uncle Bob is busy _(贯穿)the year.9Dr Ma,this kind of medicine has no _(效果)on my stomachache.10Reading _(大声地)is helpful to remember.peacefully cowboys lifetime throughout effect aloud

11、模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book Unit 5,Book 9A9A .用所给词的适当形式填空1Audrey Hepburn is one of Hollywoods all-time greatest _(act)2.The girl is crying sadly for the _(lose)of her favourite toy.3That event marked the _(begin)of Hepburns successful career.4_(short)after,Hepburn was chosen to play the lead role of a youn

12、g princess.actresses loss beginning Shortly 模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book Unit 5,Book 9A9A 5More and more famous actors in China work _ (close)with the charities.6Last summer,the actor made his final _ (appear)in films.7Dalian is a city of great _(beautiful)8 Last night Jims grandma passed away _(peace)in he

13、r sleep.9I think yellow isnt _(suit)for your daughter.10He is a famous writer.He is good at writing in _ (France)closely appearance beauty peacefully suitable French 模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book 9A Unit 5,Book 9A .用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空1._ her son made her very sad.2All the players and runners _ training for the

14、 Olympic Games.3Liu Ruoying played _ in the film The World Without Thieves.4During her_,she earned a lot of awards.The loss of put all their effort into the lead role to student,the loss of,the lead role,make into,put all their effort into,at the age of,lifetime,close lifetime 模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book U

15、nit 5,Book 9A9A 5They shook hands with each other_6_,the school is their second home.7We entered this school _13.8This famous story was later _ a play.closely To students at the age of made into 模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book 9A Unit 5,Book 9A .根据汉语意思完成句子1停止做白日梦!你应该更加现实。_!You should _.2我的爸爸在成为一名演员之前是一名司机。My f

16、ather _ a driver before he became an actor.3孩子们到达长城顶峰时上气不接下气。The children arrived at the top of the Great Wall _.4如果你想保持苗条的身材,最好不要在看电视的时候吃 零食。If you want to keep thin,youd _ snacks while watching TV.5巩俐被认为是一位经验丰富的演员。Gong Li _ an experienced actress.Stop daydreaming be more realistic had been out of

17、breath better not eat is considered as 模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book Unit 5,Book 9A9A 中考透视中考透视.单项选择()1.2013连云港连云港 _after the explosion happened in a factory in Dehui,Jilin on June 3rd,a lot of firemen rushed to put out the fire.ASadly B.Softly C.Shortly D.Suddenly ()2.2013扬州扬州 Mr Li,I cant understand everyth

18、ing in class.Dont worry!Ill _ the main points at the end.A.record B.review C.require D.rememberCB 解解析析 shortly after意为“不久以后”。句意:6月3日吉林德惠一家工厂爆炸后不久,许多消防员赶到扑灭了大火。模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book 9A Unit 5,Book 9A ()3.2012福州福州 _my father _ my mother take good care of me.I love them so much.AEither;or BBoth;and CNei

19、ther;nor DNot only;but alsoB 解解析析 bothand意为“和都”,其连接两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book Unit 5,Book 9A 9A()4.2012宜宾宜宾 _ my father _ my mother is able to drive a car.However,they are going to buy one.ANeither;nor BBoth;and CEither;or DNot only;but alsoA 解解析析 neithernor意为“既不也不”,其连接两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词通

20、常遵循“就近原则”。模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book 9A Unit 5,Book 9A ()5.2012包头包头 You _ be excited that youre going back to your hometown soon.Yes,I cant wait any longer.Ashall Bcan Cneed DmustD 模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book Unit 5,Book 9A9A .根据所给提示完成句子12013扬州扬州 The novel was later _(make)into a play.22013无锡无锡 We felt strange a

21、bout his _(silent)at the party as he used to be very outgoing.32013无锡无锡 汤米气喘吁吁地赶到了,他乘错了车。Tommy_ he had taken the wrong bus.made silence arrived out of breath 模块模块2121 Unit 5,Book Unit 5,Book 9A9A 42011肇庆肇庆 校长在会上说的话对她影响极大。What the headmaster said at the meeting _ _ on her.52012重庆重庆 当他到达学校时,他意识到他把背包忘在

22、家了。(had left)_ _62011潍坊潍坊 大明的爷爷去世时100岁。(at the age of)_ had a great effect/influence When he got to/arrived at/reached his school,he realized(that)he had left his backpack at home.Damings grandfather died/passed away at the age of 100.1、了解面对逆境,远比如何接受顺境重要得多2023/3/52023/3/510:53:55 PM。2023/3/52023/3/5

23、Sunday,March 5,20232、一般的伟人总是让身边的人感到渺小Sunday,March 5,202310:53:55 PM3/5/2023 10:53:55 PM22:53Mar-23。2023/3/52023/3/52023/3/53/5/2023 10:53:55 PM3、2023/3/5Mar-2305-Mar-234、昨天是张退票的支票05-Mar-2310:53:55 PM22:532023/3/52023/3/52023/3/5Sunday,March 5,20235、积极人格的完善是本,财富的确立是末05-3月-23。2023/3/52023/3/52023/3/52

24、023/3/53/5/20236、昨晚多几分钟的准备3/5/2023 10:53:55 PM05 三月 20232023/3/52023/3/52023/3/57、每一发奋努力的背,必有加倍的赏赐2023/3/5三月 232023/3/52023/3/52023/3/53/5/20238、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2023/3/52023/3/505 March 20239、要及时把握梦想,因为梦想一死3/5/2023 10:53:55 PM。2023/3/52023/3/52023/3/52023/3/510、一个人的梦想也许不值钱,但一个人的努力很值钱。3/5/2023 10:53:55

25、 PM2023/3/505-3月-2311、在真实的生命里,每桩伟业都由信心开始,并由信心跨出第一步。3/5/2023 10:53 PM3/5/2023 10:53 PM2023/3/52023/3/5谢谢大家谢谢大家1、每一个成功者都有一个开始。勇于开始,才能找到成功的路2023/3/522:532、成功源于不懈的努力,人生最大的敌人是自己怯懦。2023/3/52023/3/52023/3/53/5/2023 10:53:55 PM3、每天只看目标,别老想障碍Sunday,March 5,2023。2023/3/52023/3/52023/3/5Monday,July 19,202105-M

26、ar-234、宁愿辛苦一阵子,不要辛苦一辈子2023/3/5。2023/3/52023/3/52023/3/5Sunday,March 5,20235、积极向上的心态,是成功者的最基本要素2023/3/5。2023/3/52023/3/52023/3/52023/3/53/5/20236、生活总会给你另一个机会,2023/3/510:53:55 PM2023/3/52023/3/52023/3/57、人生就像骑单车,想保持平衡就得往前走21:19:482023/3/52023/3/53/5/20238、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2023/3/52023/3/505 March 20239、我们必须在失败中寻找胜利Sunday,March 5,20232023/3/510、一个人的梦想也许不值钱,但一个人的努力很值钱。3/5/2023 10:53:55 PM2023/3/505-3月-2311、在真实的生命里,每桩伟业都由信心开始,并由信心跨出第一步。3/5/2023 10:53 PM3/5/2023 10:53 PM2023/3/52023/3/5谢谢大家谢谢大家


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