【夺分天天练】英语总复习 模块18 Book 9AUnit 2名师课件(基础巧过关+含13年试题) 牛津版.ppt

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【夺分天天练】英语总复习 模块18 Book 9AUnit 2名师课件(基础巧过关+含13年试题) 牛津版.ppt_第1页
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【夺分天天练】英语总复习 模块18 Book 9AUnit 2名师课件(基础巧过关+含13年试题) 牛津版.ppt_第2页
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《【夺分天天练】英语总复习 模块18 Book 9AUnit 2名师课件(基础巧过关+含13年试题) 牛津版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【夺分天天练】英语总复习 模块18 Book 9AUnit 2名师课件(基础巧过关+含13年试题) 牛津版.ppt(25页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、模块模块 18 Unit 2,Book 9A 模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book 9A Unit 2,Book 9A 基础精梳理 类别中考考点助记词汇拓展1.satisfied adj.满意的 satisfy(动词)2influence n影响 effect(同义词)3require vt.需要,要求 need(同义词)4diary n日记 diaries(复数)5discover vt.发现 discovery(名词)6thought n想法 thoughtful(形容词)模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book Unit 2,Book 9A 9A 类别中考考点助记词汇拓展7.warm

2、 adj.暖和的 warmth(名词)8grow vt.生长 growth(名词)9strong adj.强壮的 strength(名词)10hot adj.热的 heat(名词)11wise adj.智慧的 wisdom(名词)12.sad adj.伤心的 sadness(名词)模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book Unit 2,Book 9A9A 类别中考考点助记短语精选1.would ratherthan/preferto 宁可也不2look good on sb 穿在某人身上好看3affect ones mood(s)影响某人的心情4on ones wedding day 在某人婚

3、礼的那一天5make sb feel relaxed 使某人感觉放松6remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事7cheer sb up 使某人振作起来模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book Unit 2,Book 9A 9A 类别中考考点助记短语精选8.bring sb success 给某人带来成功9have difficulty(in)doing sth 做某事有困难10be in a bad mood 心情不好11make a decision 做出决定12keep making phone calls 一直打电话13act normally 行为正常14in need of

4、需要15promise to do sth 允诺做某事模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book Unit 2,Book 9A9A 考点巧突破 考点考点 1 would rather/prefer 两者都有“宁可也不,宁愿”的含义,区别如下:(1)would rather的缩略形式为d rather,没有人称、数和时态的变化,后接动词原形;其否定形式为would rather not do sth,常和than连用,意为“宁愿而不愿”。如:I would rather go shopping than watch TV at home.我宁愿去购物,而不愿待在家里看电视。(2)prefer后接动

5、词不定式,相当于would rather do sth;prefer有人称、数和时态的变化。如:Mary preferred to sing when she was a child.当玛丽还是一个小孩子的时候,她就比较喜欢唱歌。模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book Unit 2,Book 9A 9A(3)preferto 意为“比起更喜欢;宁愿而不愿”,其同义短语为“would ratherthan/prefer to do sth rather than do sth/likebetter than”,其中to为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。如:I prefer swimming to

6、 running.我宁愿游泳也不跑步。典型例题典型例题 I prefer _ some shopping to _ camping since the weather isnt lovely.A.do;goingB.doing;go C.do;go D.doing;goingD解解析析 prefer doing sth to doing sth意为“比起做更喜欢做”,故选D。模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book 9A Unit 2,Book 9A 考点考点 2 affect/influence affect和influence都可作及物动词,在表示对人或事物的影响时,意思接近。其区别如下:

7、(1)affect常指有形力量造成的物质或心理上的影响,侧重“影响”的动作,指一时的“影响”。当其宾语是health或表示身体某部分的词语时,常指“对产生不良影响”;当其宾语是人时,指对人的心智和情感产生作用,使之产生感情波动。(2)influence常指无形力量所造成的潜移默化的、持久的影响,尤指感情或态度上的影响。这种影响往往是间接的,是通过说服或实际行动树立榜样而对他人产生影响。模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book Unit 2,Book 9A9A 典型例题典型例题 It has a good _ on the children.Aaffect BinfluenceCeffects

8、DinfluencedB 模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book Unit 2,Book 9A 9A 考点考点 3 discover/find out(1)两词意思接近,有时可以互换;但在表示新发现,特别是科学上的发现时,只能用discover。(2)discover指发现客观存在的事物,而find out指通过观察、探索而发现事实的真相,因此多指发现无形、隐秘的事情,意为“查明,弄清楚”。典型例题典型例题 Columbus _ America in 1492.A.discovered B.found C.found out D.discovered outA 模块模块1818 Unit 2

9、,Book 9A Unit 2,Book 9A 考点考点 4 promise vt.&n.允诺,答应允诺,答应 点拨 promise作名词时,是可数名词。常用搭配为make a promise,意为“作出承诺”。promise作动词时,后可接动词不定式或that从句,还可接双宾语。典型例题典型例题 Mother promised _ a computer for me.A.buying B.to buy C.bought D.buys B 模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book Unit 2,Book 9A9A 智能双提升 基础过关基础过关.根据汉语提示完成句子1They must be _

10、(大学)students.2.The doctor _(建议)you to get up early just now.3She _(许诺)not to tell anybody.4We_(发现)this beach while we were sailing around the island.5The girl went out in a _(粉红色的)coat.6Its a good habit to keep a _(日记)7The sun gives us not only light but also _(热)8Her _(悲伤)made her mother very worri

11、ed.college advised promised discovered pink diary heat sadness/unhappiness 模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book Unit 2,Book 9A9A .用所给词的适当形式填空1.After resting for a long time,he began to feel _ (relax)2The lady learned driving without any _ (difficult)3She often gets good marks in tests.And her parents are _(satisfy)

12、with her study.4.We should help him when he has difficulty _ (make)a decision.5Green represents new life and _(grow)relaxed difficulty satisfied making growth 模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book Unit 2,Book 9A 9A 6He hasnt got enough _(strong)to get out of bed.7.Its _(normal)much warmer in August than that in May.

13、8Our classroom requires _(clean)9I feel so _ (sleep)that I cant hear anything in class.10Yellow is the colour of _(wise).We all like wearing yellow clothes.strength normally cleaning sleepy wisdom 模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book Unit 2,Book 9A 9A.用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空 1.Lisa always studies in the library and she o

14、ften _ in tests.2My mother often _ and gets stressed.3Daniel can help people _ when they are angry.4No one from our school _ him.gets good marks worries a lot calm down looks down on a good match,worry a lot,look down on,calm down,full of,get good marks,happy,require 模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book Unit 2,Book

15、 9A 9A 5Red and white are _6We live in a world _ colours.7The floor is too dirty.It _ sweeping.8The busier he is,the _ he feels.a good match full of requires happier 模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book Unit 2,Book 9A9A .根据汉语意思完成句子1我宁愿唱歌也不愿跳舞。I _ than dance.2颜色能改变我们的心情。Colours can _3橘色会给你带来成功,并且当你感到不快乐时会使你高兴 起来。Ora

16、nge can _ and _ when you are feeling sad.4.那首歌总让我想起我的英语老师。That song always _my English teacher.5穿红色(衣服)会使你更容易采取行动。_ makes it easier for you _would rather sing change our moods bring you success cheer you up reminds me of Wearing red(clothes)to take action 模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book Unit 2,Book 9A 9A 6丹尼尔心

17、情不好,整个下午没跟任何人说话。Daniel was _ and didnt talk to _ all the afternoon.7绿色代表新生命和成长,但它也是表示嫉妒的颜色。Green represents _,but its also _8.她想让自己看上去更有力量。She wants to _.9你能建议我穿什么颜色的(衣服)吗?Can you _?10听轻音乐能够帮助我们放松。_ light music can _in a bad mood anybody new life and growth the colour of envy make herself look more

18、powerful advise me what colours to wear Listening to help us relax 模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book Unit 2,Book 9A 9A 中考透视中考透视.单项选择()1.2013连云港连云港 Id like a cup of black coffee.What about you,Maggie?I prefer coffee _ sugar.A.than B.for C.with D.to()2.2013盐城盐城 Does your English teacher chat with you on QQ?Yes,som

19、etimes.Its _ we enjoy doing at weekends.A.anything B.something C.everything D.nothingC B 模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book Unit 2,Book 9A 9A()3.2013常州常州 I will buy you a new bike if you learn how to swim this summer.Is that a_?Im sure Ill get the bike.A.chance B.promise C.trick D.treat()4.2012河北河北 More money _ w

20、hen we use both sides of paper.A.will save B.was saved C.has saved D.will be savedB D 模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book Unit 2,Book 9A 9A()5.2013南京南京 You won the first prize in the Physics competition._.I made several terrible mistakes.A.I think so B.You must be joking C.You are welcome D.It doesnt matter()6.201

21、2无锡无锡 My father doesnt like shopping much.He would rather_ TV at home than _ around for hours in shops.Awatch;walk Bwatch;to walk Cto watch;to walk Dto watch;walkB A 模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book 9A Unit 2,Book 9A()7.2012无锡无锡 She got up to get some sleeping pills but found there was _ left at home.Anothing B

22、none Csomething Dnobody()8.2012连云港连云港 Have you bought _ for Lindas birthday?Not exactly.Just some flowers.Asomething unusual Banything unusual Cunusual something Dunusual anythingB B 模块模块1818 Unit 2,Book 9A Unit 2,Book 9A()9.2012荆州荆州 I like the program Man and Nature.But I _ Sports News.Aprefer Bwan

23、t Cchoose DMiss()10.2012兰州兰州 I like these photos and they can _ me _ the life living in the countryside.Athink;of Bremind;of Clet;down Dwake;upA B 1、了解面对逆境,远比如何接受顺境重要得多2023/3/52023/3/510:53:35 PM。2023/3/52023/3/5Sunday,March 5,20232、一般的伟人总是让身边的人感到渺小Sunday,March 5,202310:53:35 PM3/5/2023 10:53:35 PM2

24、2:53Mar-23。2023/3/52023/3/52023/3/53/5/2023 10:53:35 PM3、2023/3/5Mar-2305-Mar-234、昨天是张退票的支票05-Mar-2310:53:35 PM22:532023/3/52023/3/52023/3/5Sunday,March 5,20235、积极人格的完善是本,财富的确立是末05-3月-23。2023/3/52023/3/52023/3/52023/3/53/5/20236、昨晚多几分钟的准备3/5/2023 10:53:35 PM05 三月 20232023/3/52023/3/52023/3/57、每一发奋努力

25、的背,必有加倍的赏赐2023/3/5三月 232023/3/52023/3/52023/3/53/5/20238、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2023/3/52023/3/505 March 20239、要及时把握梦想,因为梦想一死3/5/2023 10:53:35 PM。2023/3/52023/3/52023/3/52023/3/510、一个人的梦想也许不值钱,但一个人的努力很值钱。3/5/2023 10:53:35 PM2023/3/505-3月-2311、在真实的生命里,每桩伟业都由信心开始,并由信心跨出第一步。3/5/2023 10:53 PM3/5/2023 10:53 PM202

26、3/3/52023/3/5谢谢大家谢谢大家1、每一个成功者都有一个开始。勇于开始,才能找到成功的路2023/3/522:532、成功源于不懈的努力,人生最大的敌人是自己怯懦。2023/3/52023/3/52023/3/53/5/2023 10:53:36 PM3、每天只看目标,别老想障碍Sunday,March 5,2023。2023/3/52023/3/52023/3/5Monday,July 19,202105-Mar-234、宁愿辛苦一阵子,不要辛苦一辈子2023/3/5。2023/3/52023/3/52023/3/5Sunday,March 5,20235、积极向上的心态,是成功者

27、的最基本要素2023/3/5。2023/3/52023/3/52023/3/52023/3/53/5/20236、生活总会给你另一个机会,2023/3/510:53:36 PM2023/3/52023/3/52023/3/57、人生就像骑单车,想保持平衡就得往前走21:19:482023/3/52023/3/53/5/20238、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2023/3/52023/3/505 March 20239、我们必须在失败中寻找胜利Sunday,March 5,20232023/3/510、一个人的梦想也许不值钱,但一个人的努力很值钱。3/5/2023 10:53:36 PM2023/3/505-3月-2311、在真实的生命里,每桩伟业都由信心开始,并由信心跨出第一步。3/5/2023 10:53 PM3/5/2023 10:53 PM2023/3/52023/3/5谢谢大家谢谢大家


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