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1、18+12+25=5512+12+30题目命题特点骨肉相连+通用素材法主题;结构性:句内的连接,句间的连接,层间的连接,段落的句子数量;丰富的词汇:高级词汇代替低级词汇语法句型:倒装句、强调举例:内容充实一、题目的命制分值:20分,160-200,240;10,80-100,120试题特点:(1)3个没有图片没有给主题,需要自己判断。论点没有给出,需要我们提取出具有社会引申含义的论点。分析的素材没有给,需要自己准备。必须要符合主流价值观或者社会期望。(3)3个有给有图片或图表,把基本的方向进行了界定,图片中有细节性的暗示深度社会意义的信号。有写作手法的要求:describe brieflyIn

2、tended mean i ngSuggest ion (s), comment, examp Ie (s)有中文的说明,要充分理解和使用(二)考题走向1 .十年一变:00年之前考过的主题2 .四大主题(1)个人品质类:努力、奋斗、信心、选择、抗挫折、公正(2)个人与他人关系:照顾老人、教育儿童、帮助他人、沟通(3)生活:健康、新通讯工具、节约和浪费、安全社会:文化、环境、效率、保护(动物、文物)第二部分大作文一、审题1 .读懂图片,理解中文注释,抓住关键词2 .转换图片意思,成为具有社会含义的观点。(1)放大隐藏的矛盾聚焦点。(2)识别出表示条件的信息3 .检查主题,符合价值观(1)如果为正

3、面话题,可以直接写正面观点。(2)如果为反面话题,先要简单肯定一下积极意义,然后转向分析其负面意义。二、图片题首段第1层:骨架(承接图片)+小肉(整体描述图片意思),1句第2层:大肉,详细描述图片的细节,1-2句第3层:骨架:用套话或提出观点,1句。1,单图片(1)第1层:As we can see in this picture, a fire is burning brightly in the darkness.11-12把人作主语今物作主语低级词换作高级词增加描写细节的形容词,形成句内小对比,初步暴露矛盾现象As can be depicted in this drawing, a l

4、ittle lamp is burning brightly in the vast/complete/deep darkness/用非谓语或独立主格结构来表示主体的细节状态。,主语相同,非谓语4=1 iking singing, I decide to sing with.主语不同时,用独立主格She I i kes A, so I dec ide to do A.She I iking A, I decide.主语+谓语With逻辑主语+分词结构see-show-depict-iI lustrate-clarify-portraypicture-cartoon-drawi ngAs can

5、 be depicted in this drawing, a little lamp is burning vigorously, shining through the vast darkness./+with its light shining through.11:As.,two tourists are seated on a boat, eating and throwing off dirty rubbish into the clean lake./+with dirty foodremains being thrown off intothe clean lake by th

6、em.小结:首句写作公式如图所示的句型(物、高)+优化后的句子描写整体情况,初步暴露矛盾+非谓语或独立主格描写对比性的状态。(2)第2层:详细描述细节、动作、过程。要求:使用中文注释,或用自己的话来说。Love is just I ike this lamp; the darker thesurrounding is, the brighter this lamp is.和第二句之间可以加词: Obviously;其次,两个短句之间建立从句关系.建立结构性。先,第一句话Obviously, love is just I ike this lamp which is even brighter

7、in the darker place.字数不够,或者感觉没有清楚,可以用自其说的感叹句。请注意:形容词的色彩一定要和本文的主旨一致。How amazing/impressive this cartoon is in describing/explaining the deep meaning第3层:骨架:使用套话:好事一让我们有启示;坏吧给我们警告。The drawers i ntent i on is h i gh I y se I f-ev i dent and sets us to be though-provoking.and warns us of this social prob

8、lem/issue.直接提出自己的观点2.双图题(对比型、一致型)第1层:注意:不要开始分别描述图片内容。Two interesting pictures above attract my attent i on/catch my eyeba11s that portray a popular/common+a phenomenon of +n (抽象的名词: worship)a scene/s i ght of +n (具体名词: fate)How +adj+the two pictures are in describing/portraying one of the most wides

9、pread/highly debated social problems concerning .第2层:分开描述两幅图片的内容(第一幅画的中文翻译),meanwhi le/simi lar ly,+(第二副图)A young man wr i tes the name of B. on his face, meanwhi Ie, another man spends 300 yuan having his hair cut/made in Bs style.若为对比关系,meanwhi Ie可换为:,however/nevertheless,. AlthoughWhilegreenhouse

10、 wind and rain thunderstorm grow healthilybloommove outinto exposed to. die at oncewitherA flower is blooming in the greenhouse/in the protection of the greenhouse, however, it quickly withers when it io moved out into the thunderstorm第3层:可以参考单图题。注意:始终在谈到图片的时候,要用复数(二)分析段第1句:Topic Sentence,10-15w 第2-

11、4句:论证1,40w 第5-7句:论证2,40w第1句:使用揭示主题的句子+主题内谷。清注意:一定要把握好情感一致性;一定要招具体人或物抽象为群体,事非事,人一定要非人。The picture(s) reveals(s) that in current China, many young peopIe hold their blind worship/reverencetoidols/stars.excessive, too muchThe mean i ng/implication conveyed in the picture(s) is that+主题chi Idren in China

12、 is so fragi Ie that they cant overcome difficulties/setbacks/obstacI es in the society due to over protection/excessive I ove from parents.四大通用素材1.个人品质: Endeavor/fighting for future/OvercomingobstacIes/Persistency/Confide nee/Justice/Exper i ence/Creati vity/SenseofresponsibiIities/Self-discipl i n

13、e/Honesty/1ndependence/BeIi ef.is a key trait to our success.论证1:Judged from the personal aspect, this trait plays an important role as an i nd i spensab I e driving force tO keep up our spirit and to assist us to fulfi 11 the study and work. Moreover, this trait, if Iooked on from the social level,

14、 isalsoanimportant (significant) qua Ii ty for a nation.2.个人与他人(1)教育儿童、照顾他人、帮助他人 It is our important duty/obIigation/responsibiI it y to educate XX the right way (properly)to take care of XXto help others. For one reason, from the individual angle, according to the Theory of Need put forward by Mas

15、I owy every man has the need of beingeducated properly of being Iooked after of being offered a hand, espec i a 11y when he is in need.For another reason, from the social perspective, a society that advocates and emphasizes caring for the o/t/must be a one in which chiIdren/old men/we are able to ma

16、ke happy Iiving(lead a happy Iife.)合作、互助、沟通 Cooperation/MutuaI he I p/Commun i cat ion which is an important personality plays a great role in our everyday I ife.=(.is of great importance to.) Above all, from the individual aspect, in a society with speed, nobody is able to accompI ish a task al I b

17、y himself. Therefore, we need constructive advice, ideas or support from others, and similarlyy others are also in need of our help. Furthermore,. is also significant to our society in that (, for) it is able to improve social efficiency Improve mutuaI understanding, solve our problems.A soc iety wh

18、 i ch encourages and advocates.must be a one ful I of vigor and harmony.OpposeThe two pictures reveal that we need mutuaI help in order to make progress especially when in difficulties. Above all, from the individual aspect, when someone is in troubles, he is unab I e to accomp I ish a task a 11 by

19、himself. Therefore, he needs constructive advice, ideas or support from others, and similarly, others are also inneed of our help while in obstacIes3.生活瘾:addict Internet, TV, computer, cel I phone, superstar最好用让步的手法来写,表明其分析的立场比较客观。 Ce11 phone addiction is a common mental problem/iIIness that has a n

20、egat i ve effect on our norma I Iife. First of all, although. provides us with entertainment, relaxation and so on, excessive relying on . weakens interpersona I re I ationships by reducing the norma I opportunities for talking, dialogue, etc. Thus, it wi 11 make peopIe menta11y farther and farther

21、away from each other.Next, undeniably,. suppl ies us richinformat ion/greatconven i ence/i nstant communication, A, B and CA and B as we 11 as Chowever, the more we depend on .the less able we are to study and work i ndependentIy.健康、运动 As a Ch i nese proverb/adage goes, wea I th is nothing without h

22、eaI th/1i fe Iies in motion.From the personal aspectf we cant agree more that good heaIth/exercises/sports a I ways provides us with ful I energy and strength, and keeps us clear of diseases. Besides, from the social perspective, a society with al I its peopIe in good heaI th wi11 have a better nat

23、i onaI qua Iity and enjoy higher living standard. Sports also work as a bridge/connection/tie between countries to set up a way for cultural/emotional communication.节约和浪费save resourcessolar, generate, energy, cherish timewaste, squander be a waste of.J i anghuaxuex ifa. blog.163. com4.社会类文化、环境(1)文化

24、Culture that works as a basic feature of a society or a nation is vital for our being.若考文化概念:From persona I perspective, every individual is shaped by the culture in which he Iives.That is, the pattern of a certain culture more or less determines its citizens9 way of thinking, the sty I e of I ife a

25、nd the value of the being.Culture, if assessed from social angle, is a hotpot/meIting pot for different eIements such as tradition,language,historical re Iicsy re Iigious belief and so on.若考实物:This old temp I e/bu i Iding/rel ic which is typical of history/vaIue carries our nationaI culture. It not

26、only shows to us the happenings in the past but also conveys us implications for the future.(3)环境,blog(二)通用素材的扩展方法1.因果轮回法由果求因:.in that+Thats because+the continuous efforts give us Iasting impetus for us to go forward.由因求果:果:Consequent I y, we are more capabIe to defeat/conquer any difficulties in ou

27、r way.2 .正话反说方法:用 without, if.not, on the contrary等话来引导一句与前面相反意思的话,可以换用反义词或在原词前加 hardly,barely,never, not.Without this trait, we wi 11 lose our spirit and also lose support to accompIi sh our learning and task.3 .举例说明(1)假冒非中国古代名人-适合于文科主题PIato,Socrati c,AristotIe,RousseauFor example, as Plato remarks

28、/as is remarked by the anc ient ph i I osopher Ar i stot I e,culture.Rousseau once reviewed that +真理、常理,用一般式。(2)假冒一下统计机构的数据一适用于社会自然科学类CASSCh i nese Academy of SocialSci encesCNIER:Ch inese Nat i ona I Insti tute forEducat i onaI ResearchAccording to a report released recently by ,+若列数据,最好有小数点,最好不要太接

29、近100%(3)拿自己举例My exper ience is just a case to the point.+2简单的故事,用过去时。I didnt I ike sports last year, and I fe11 i 11 for three times.论证1:个人层面+拓展论证2:社会层面+拓展(三)结论段1.第1层:总结观点注意先分后合:Comment/suggestA.Comment:Al I in al I/ To sum up/ To end up/As far as I am concerned/In my stance/In my eyes+my points of

30、view/standpoints/viewpoints are com i ng/1i sted as be Iow.Al I in all, my standpo i nt is+观点的同义改写。.is very crucial to our achievement.B.suggestAl I in all, it is suggested that+观点的同义改写。Al I in allf it is suggested that .is so crucial to us that we need to keep it well.Al I in al I, my suggestions a

31、s to the best way to cope with (负面的那个主题)are as fol lows.第二层:三个角度:个人-态度/意识;社会-行动;政府-政策或法律Above all, every c i t i zen shou I d hold keen concerns on , then, our society as a whole is supposed to take actions on., last not least, our government ought to make/formulate pol icy and laws to encourage thi

32、s qua Iity/to Iimit or punish this deed.第3层:套话倒装:Only by fol lowing the measures above can we solve this problem/crack the hard nut. can we go on doing a better job.省略:In EngI and death is pressing, in Canada i nev i tab Iey in California optionaI.If concerns are held, actions taken and pol icy and

33、laws made, this problem wi11 be solved/we can do a better job.Cons i st ofBe composed of Compr i se ofAs can be cone IudedThe number of the aged is much more than that of the young.With the number of the old increasing rapidly and that of the neonate decreasing, set out to doset about to doing set t

34、o doing get down to doing三、图表题段问题1第1层:整体描述数据趋势。(1)图表的称谓: table,chart,graph. Iine chart,bar chart, pie chart(2)要写出整体上的时间跨度。From 1800 to 2000During the last 200 years Between 1800 and 2000200 years after 1800写清楚什么事情图表上写出来的主题,要充分摘抄图表上的主题,要判断两个主题时的彼此关系。(4)时态:一般过去时(5)趋势问题:变化+程度变化:上升:increase, go up, rise

35、, climb, grow, ascendbe on a rise,下降:decrease go down, fall, drop, reduce, descend be on a dec Ii ne不变:stay stable, keep unchanged, stay steady变化:keep changing, f Iuctuate程度:slowly, graduallyf siightly, dramatically, sharply, rapidly high fly high第1层写作公式:如表所示的语言+图表的主题+整体趋势和整体时间段+两个图表的主题+二者相关趋势。 a po

36、sitive/negative relation lay between A and B +时间段According to the Iine charts, there was a positive relation between the popuI at i on growth and species extinetion in US from 1800 to 1900.2.描述图表的数据变化,以分段为单位起终值,最值,要注意单位(纵坐标)(1)单图N句,(NT)句N句:一个趋势一个句子(数值+时间段+主题+趋势,但是不同句子之间应该有联系词)The demand dec Ii ned g

37、radually from unit 5 to unit 2 between 1965 and 1975.Then, in the next ten years, it stayed stab Ie at unit 2.Next, it cI imbed rapidly to unit 10 ten years after 1985. Next, it increased rapidly by five times in 2005 compared with 1985.倍数法:描述以起点为基础上增加的倍数。句法:第一个趋势用单独的句子,后面两个趋势用before来连接。It stayed st

38、ab I e at unit 2 ti 111985 before it cIi mbed rapidly .in the next 20 years双图写第一幅图的趋势, meanwhi Ie, simi larly, at the same time,第二副图的趋势。若趋势相反,即换however等词即可。In the first chart, the population grew sharply to 250million 200 years after 1800, meanwhi Ie, thespeciesextinction rose rapidly by seven times

39、 between 1600 and 1900.两个误区:(1)单纯的描述趋势而没有给出具体的数据;(2)不要去描述每一个数据第3层:跟图片作文一样,揩图片换为图表Two reasons may account for/explain the phenomenon. can be set up/establ ished第三部分小作文第一类书信类一、书信的要素三个点,两类语言,一种风格(-)三个点1 .称呼(1)和对方关系熟:Dear XX(2)和对方不熟,但知道名字和身份Dear Prof./ Dr./President+XX/Mr XX(3)不认识,没有名字:Dear sir or madam

40、To whom it may concern推荐信、证明信2 .正文一定要和写作要求100%吻合,而且详略程度要和要求对应。3 .落款一般关系:Yours. Your truly/Your sincerely.较好关系:Faithful ly yours. Love from yours.一般为Liming,但要注意特殊要求。(二)两类语言1 .正式语言和非正式语言的选择I am very glad to invite you to-非正式语言,用于生活场景I feel very honored to give my i nv i tat i on to you.2 .文首和文末出现对应该信件

41、类型的标志性用语。I am writing to tel I you someth i ng about.PromotionWish you to succeedanger/outrage(三)一种风格条理分明,语言简洁,尽量避免用难句二、撰写介绍个人品质求职信、人社会相处能力推荐信、类希望满足某某的需求招聘启物满足个人需求的特点示、介绍信具有社会意义的特点个人的期望是常见期望列举询问信、什么求职信、需求现实情况如何描述好的情况或不好的情况离职信、类表达想获得投诉信、诉求表达想放弃建议信表达需要改变(-)介绍类1,开启层第1句话参见讲义+扩展一句I believe that I am the

42、right person for this job./The one I recommend is the /Applicants shouId be the right one .2.主体层(1)通用素材1:个人品质I feel I ( the one recommended/anyone applying for this job ) have the necessaryqua I ification/personal knowledge/practicalexperience/a strong sense of responsibiIities/creative mind/inquiri

43、ng spirit.+扩展Because these virtues make me/make him a pretty goodcand idate to you for th i s task.Make sure you have at least one or two of the virtues and are really a proper candidate for this task.A, B, and 0A,and B as we 11 as 0Not only A and B, but also 0Moreover, I am good at/can do we 11 in/

44、excel at team work that can help achieve the goal.Moreover, I am a very friendly person who can get on we 11 with.Shou I d-ought to-be supposed to+扩展Therefore, I/he can finish the work assigned to me/him with effici ency.表达符合希望Hope I can meet/am qualified for the requirements of .3.结尾段第一句参照讲义+拓展If y

45、ou give me this opportunity, I wi 11 return you with my ful I value.Anyone interested in this recruitment can reach at my phonenumber114120119/13800138000Experiment, samp Ie找人Anyone applying for this experiment shouId have practical experience, a strong sense of responsibiIity, good attitude and a s

46、pirit of good cooperation.Moreover, you shou Id have a good team work with other personswhopart i ci pates/part ic i pat i ng . Therefore, you can finish the experiment assigned to you with.(二)需求类1 .开启段先进行身份的扩展Asaregularcustomer/consumer/reader at your.(地方: store, restaurant, Iibrary )As a creative staff/empIoyee/ clerk serving to your company for years,As an ordinary citizen living at . for years,+1 am writing参照讲义开启句2 .主体层正向意义类(1)表达个人的兴趣I hold a deep interest in./I have expected .for a long time,a dish provided in


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