专题 03 阅读理解(记叙文)---2022年中考英语真题分项汇编(江苏专用)(原卷版).docx

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1、2022年中考英语真题分项汇编(江苏专用)专题03 阅读理解(记叙文)一、(2022江苏常州中考真题)The Beijing 2022 Olympics was the most gender-balanced (性另U平衡的)Winter Olympic Gamesin history, with more than 1,300 female athletes a record number competing at the events, making up more than 45 percent of all athletes. Here are some female athlete

2、s whose achievements in Beijingamazed the world.Team Chinas teenage hero Gu Ailing, 18, is the youngest athlete to win three medals at aWinter Olympics. The freeski player won two gold medals and a silver in three events.Russias skating silver medalist Alexandra Trusova, 17, amazed the world with fi

3、ve quadruple jumps (四周跳)during free skate at the Beijing Winter Olympics. No other woman has everfinished five quadruple jumps in an Olympic competition.British womens curling (冰壶)team won the countrys only gold medal by having a10-3 win against Japan on the last day of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

4、This was also the countrys firstcurling gold after 2002.Almida de Vai, a 24-year-old Swedish IT engineer, together with her teammate, took theSimon: So what have we discovered?Sandy: We have discovered the air pressure(压力)helps the cardboard hold the water in the jar.Simon: Right. What do you conclu

5、de, Daniel?Daniel: I conclude that air is stronger than I thought.21. How does Daniel feel during the experiment?A. Excited.B. Nervous.C. Tired.D. Unhappy.22. What keeps the water in the jar according to the result of the experiment?A. Simons hand.B. The water pressure.C - The force of the air.D. Th

6、e force of the jar.23. Which of the following is the right order of the experiment according to the script? Put a piece of cardboard over the jar. Fill the glass jar with water,Take the hand off the cardboard. Turn the glass jar over quickly and hold the hand on the cardboard.A.B.C.D.The underlined

7、word that refers to(指的是).A. Sandy9s guessingB. DaniePs opinionC. doing an experimentD. discussing with others25 . What does the script mainly tell us?A. Teamwork can help solve problems.B. Safety is important when doing experiments.C , The air pressure is always strong enough to hold the water.D. Co

8、rrect conclusions can be got through doing experiments.八、(2022江苏宿迁中考真题)One day, Helen shouts, Roger, come and look at the egg! Its cracking (裂开)Slowly a long beak (喙)appears. They are unsure what it is.Dad checks on the computer, “Hey, look! Ifs a pterodactyl (翼手龙)A pterodactyl? shout the children.

9、Yes, its a type of dinosaur. Pterodactyls can fly,“ says Dad.Then Helen names it Dacty.A month later, he grows up. But there is something wrong with his wings. My room is too small and Dacty keeps banging (碰撞)his wings on the walls. I feel sorry fbr him, says Helen. Finally, they take Dacty to a vet

10、 (兽医).Two weeks later, Dactys wings are better. However, he isnt willing to fly. They phone Aunt Elizabeth. Soon she arrives. My office is very big. Its perfect fbr Dacty during the day. And at night, when the museum is empty, Dacty can fly around happily.” Then she takes them to the museum. On arri

11、ving, they take Dacty out of the basket. He stretches (伸展)his wings, flies high up and lands on a stone statue.“Look, he likes here J shouts Helen. Can he see in the dark?” asks Roger. Yes, they see clearly in the dark, just like owls (猫头鹰)J says Aunt Elizabeth.Six months passes and Dacty is very bi

12、g now. One night, Dacty sees lights moving inside the museum. Two menBert and Eric come in with torches (手电筒).They are wearing masks and trying to open a case (箱子) Inside it is a mummy (木)力伊).Suddenly Eric looks up and sees Dacty. He is very scared. Look, Bert, there is a huge bird up there.Bert loo

13、ks up. Dacty doesnt move, “Eric, dont be silly. Ifs only a statue,“ says Bert. Come on. I will open the case. You look fbr the gold medallions (大奖章)At the moment, Dacty flies down and catches Eric. The thief is very scared and he cant say anything. Dacty flies up and lifts him on top of a statue. He

14、s stuck. At once, Dacty flies down again and catches Bert, too. Both of them are stuck there.The next morning, when Aunt Elizabeth comes in, she sees the broken mummy case and the two men. They are shouting loudly.Dacty flies down to her. Here you are, Dacty,“ she says and pets(爱抚)his head. Thank yo

15、u, you did a great job. Then she phones the police.The mayor (市长)shakes Dactys wing and puts a big shiny medal over his head. Congratulations, you did a great job.Then he turns to Aunt Elizabeth, “Its great to have a big bird as a guard!”“Dacty is a pterodactyl! Roger says.“Dacty is a hero now,“ say

16、s Aunt Elizabeth.“A pterodactyl?,9 shouts another man. Wow! They love warm weather and jungles (丛林).I work in the Botanical Gardens (植物园).We have a wonderful palm (棕桐)house, big and warm, just like a jungle. He will love there. You can come to visit it anytime.”So now Dacty is living in the Botanica

17、l Gardens. Roger and Helen visit him every day.(Adapted from The Surprise)How does Dacty hurt his wings?A. He plays games with the children.C. He bangs on the walls in Helens room.26. Which word can best describe Dacty?A. Curious.B. Honest.27. . What is the correct order of what happens a.Dacty is t

18、aken to see a vet.b.Helen names the pterodactyl Dacty.c. Dacty lives in the Botanical Gardens.d. The thieves steal things in the museum.A. b-d-a-cB. d-a-b-cB , He falls off the tree when flying.D. He practises flying in the museum.C. Generous.D. Smart.in the story?B , He falls off the tree when flyi

19、ng.D. He practises flying in the museum.C. Generous.D. Smart.in the story?C. b-a-d-cD. c-d-a-b29. What can we infer (推断)from the story?A. All dinosaurs enjoy cold weather and jungles.B. Humans and animals should care about each other.C. Children think it necessary to raise an animal at home.D. It is

20、 better for a dinosaur to live with humans than in nature.九、(2022江苏苏州中考真题)When I was little, I was really little. But my dream was big. I dreamed of being a basketball player.I tried out for the teams at school, but I was never given a chance.As I got older, I did grow a little bigger, but not a lot

21、 bigger. On my 12th birthday, I decided to try a new sport: running. I told Grandpa. Im going to be an athlete.“Dave. Grandpa began gently, “if you cant be big, you can do something big.”I ran 12 miles on my 12th birthday. On my 13th birthday, I did it again, but I added an extra mile. On my 14th bi

22、rthday, I ran 14 miles. 15 on my 15th, 16 on my 16th, and you guessed it17 miles on my 17th birthday.All this running inspired (激发)another big dream. Someday, Td run the Boston Marathon (波士 顿马拉松赛). I told Grandpa about my decision.“But, Dave, you havent trained for the marathon. Are you sure youre r

23、eady?” Grandpa asked. But he still promised to walk over and cheer me on.I ran fast that day, But I fell at Mile 18 and was driven to the hospital. Later that night, I called Grandpa and told him I failed.“No J he said calmly, you didnt fail. You discovered something.”力 did?” I asked.“Yes, you disco

24、vered that big dreams dont just come true. They take work. If you train and work hard, I promise to wait fbr you next year and cheer you on.”I trained every day, running miles and miles. Sadly, just two months into my training, Grandpa died.He wouldnt be waiting for my second Boston Marathon. I deci

25、ded Id run for him.That day, I ran fast. Keep going! You can do it!” His words filled my head as I forced my legs to make each painful step. As I crossed the finish line, I threw my arms in the air and cried, Grandpa, we did it!”Why did Dave fail to join the school basketball team?A.He couldn5t run

26、fast.B.He didnt work hard.C.He was not tall enough.D.He wasn,t a quick learner.30. What does the underlined word “it in paragraph A refer to?A.Adding an extra mile.B.Running on his birthday.C.Training for the marathon.D.Trying out for the basketball team.31. Which of the following words best describ

27、es Grandpa?A. Creative.B. Modest.C. Generous.D. Encouraging.32. What is the best title for the text?A. Dream BigB. The Boston MarathonC. Think TwiceD. The Story of Grandpa十、(2022江苏苏州中考真题)On warm winter days, Yang Liheng, 89, enjoys sitting by the window and looking through old photos. These photos b

28、ring him joy and happiness once more.For Yang, one of the long-expected activities during the Spring Festival is to take photos with family members. On the early morning of the second day of the Chinese New Year when the whole family reunite, he would dress up and wait for the photo to be taken.Yang

29、 became a photographer in the late 1950s. With his camera, Yang recorded the great changes of his hometown over time.力 had a painful childhood, but I got a chance to be a photographer after the founding (成立)of the Peoples Republic of China. Yang told Beijing Review. I want to record, in the form of

30、photographs, the local customs, the scenes and peoples brave spirit of fighting against the hard conditions here in my hometown.“I used to take pictures fbr everyone else, but seldom turned my camera at my family members JYang said. My grandson gave me the idea to record the growth and development o

31、f my own family. Taking family photos then became a tradition fbr Yangs family. Though now some of his grandchildren are working and living in other cities, they try their best to return home during the SpringFestival and prepare for the special moment.Last year was an important year for Yang Liheng

32、. Most of his photos were displayed in Yinchuan to show the development of the area over the past sixty years.34.What does Yang expect most during the Spring Festival?A.Wearing new clothes.B , Having a big dinner.C.Taking a family photo.D. Visiting his relatives.35.A.Get separated. B. Get much wealt

33、hier. C.Get improved. D. Get together again.What does the underlined word “reunite“ in paragraph 2 mean?36.A.When Yang was interviewed.B.Where Yang learnt to take photos.C.Why Yang had a painful childhood.D.What Yang recorded with his camera.What is the main idea of paragraph 3?37.A.It is full of lo

34、ve.B.It is full of mysteries.C.It is a rich family.D.It is having a hard time.What do we know about Yangs family?(2022江苏扬州中考真题)My five-year-old son befriends the woman. It starts with voices in the yard. When I come out to check on Daniel, his face is pressed on the fence (篱笆).The woman says, “You w

35、ait right here; fll be right back. ”She returns with a saw (锯子).Theres a whirring. A circle in the wooden fence drops out of sight.“Dad! Sandy just drilled out a hole in the fence so Sandy and I can talk! ” Daniel spins around.I hadnt known her name was Sandy. Weve lived here a month before Daniel w

36、as born.DaniePs and Sandys murmuring voices continue. Whenever Daniel is outside, he circles near thefence that isnt a fence any more. Some days my son just goes to stand at the hole, yelling, “Sandy! Saaaaandyyyyy! Sometimes I hear bits of their talk.“We painted a ghost at school.Or: Wheeler and Ja

37、ckson were playing football, and they told me I couldnt play.”“That wasnt very nice, M says Sandy. Did that hurt your feelings? Did you let them know that?I cant hear how he replies. A moment of envy runs through me. He never talks about his school things with me.Daniel and Sandy not only keep chatt

38、ing through the hole, they also exchange gifts. A coloring book, then a Hot Wheels car. Its unclear what Daniel gives Sandy in return.One afternoon, I hear Sandys voice floating over the top of the fence with the hole. I thought maybe Daniel could come fbr a play date.”We ring the bell on Sandys por

39、ch. Shes a middle-aged woman with smiling eyes. Sandys yard is sweet with the smell of flowers. We have a pleasant afternoon with Sandy, my sons adult friend, the first friend Daniel has made on his own.A month later, Sandy leaves to care for her mother in Kansas. She left behind a box of presents:

40、a coloring book, sidewalk chalk, the missing orange part in the Hot Wheels track. When I look at Daniel, hes looking down at his shoes.He sometimes wanders down to the fence. Instead of calling “Sandy! Saaaaandyyvyy!” he cries. “Hello! Helloooooo!”One day, Daniel receives Sandys postcard. They write

41、 frequently, warmly.38. Which of the following is the correct order of the story?a. Sandy leaves for Kansas to care for her mother.b. Daniel and Sandy exchange gifts through the hole.c. Daniel and Sandy are good pen friends.d. Sandy drills out a hole in the fence.e. Sandy invites Daniel to come to h

42、er yard for a play date.A dbeacB, badecC, dceabD. ecadbWhich sentence should go in the empty box in Paragraph 4 from the bottom?A. The neighbourhood I grew up in has a fence like this.B Weve passed through the hole in the fence.C. Beyond that fence stands Sandys blue house.D. Im a person who looks o

43、n the bad side of the fence.39. What can we know about Daniel from the underlined sentences in the story?A.He doesnt care about Sandys leaving.B.He is impressed with the shoes from Sandy.C.He is heartbroken when hearing the news.D.He does not want to be Sandy9s friend any more.40. Which sentence bes

44、t expresses the theme of the story?A.Parents are childrens best friends.B.Trust and friendship can go beyond ages.C.A good fence makes a good neighbour.D.Grass is greener on the other side of the fence.十二、(2022江苏扬州中考真题)Every month, Julia and her cousins would go fbr the big family meal at their gran

45、dparents9 house. On each visit, their grandpa would give them a few coins. Then all the children would run off to buy sweets. One day, he gathered the children together. He said, Lets have a competition to see who can manage money wisely. At the end of this year, tell me how youve used your money.Ru

46、ben and Nico, the two smallest kids, continued spending their money all on sweets. Every time, they would show off their sweets in front of the other children. This made Clara and Joe so angry that these two could no longer keep saving their money. They soon joined Ruben and Nico.Monty was a clever

47、boy. He decided to manage his money by buying and selling things. Soon he made a lot of money with little effort. The way he was going, he would end up almost a rich man. However, he began to spend his money on more and more expensive things for himself. A few months later, he hadnt a single penny (

48、便士)left.Alex saved and saved all the coins he was given, and at the end of the year he had collected more money than anyone. He was the clear winner.There was also Julia. Poor Julia hadnt a penny on the day of the competition. She had spent all her coins on her secret plan. Julia knew a poor violinist who played in the park, and she offered him all the coins for his violin lessons. Alth


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