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《上海市松江区2022年中考英语一模试题(含解析).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《上海市松江区2022年中考英语一模试题(含解析).docx(15页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、英语教学质量监测试卷笔试局部Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar(第二局部语音、词汇和语法)II. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)(共15分)The magazine can t be taken out of the reading room for time being.A. aB. anC. theD. /【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:这本杂志目前不能被带出阅览室。考查冠词辨析。for the time being意为目前,眼下”,此处是含有the的固定搭配的用法。应选C。1. The Bund i

2、s always crowded with people the nights of National Day.A. atB. forC. inD. on【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:国庆节的晚上,外滩总是挤满了人。考查介词辨析。at后接具体时刻;for后接一段时间;in后接某年某月某季节;on后接具体的一天。根据 “the nights of National Day”可知,具体到某一天或者某一天的上午,下午,晚上用介词on,应选D。2. A lot of people seem to be unaware who the new comers really are.A. ofB. atC

3、. onD. for【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:很多人似乎都不知道新来的人的真实身份。考查介词。of属于;at在具体的点;on关于,在上面;for为了。句子用短语“be unaware of”表达“不知道,没有意识到。应选A。3. “What should I do during my winter holidays?” the girl asked .A. myB. herC. myselfD. herself【答案】D【解析】Orville and Wilbur Wright were famous American brothers. They owned a bicycle sho

4、p in Ohio. They loved bicycles. But they also loved the idea of flying. In 1896, they began to experiment, or try new ideas with flight.First, they started by testing kites. Then, they worked on gliders, which are planes without motors (马达).These experiments showed them how an airplane should 39 , T

5、hey learned how it should rise, turn, and come back to the ground. The brothers flew their gliders at Kitty Hawk. That is a beach in North Carolina. It was very windy there. That helped their gliders take off.In 1903, they 40 a machine that they called The Flyer. It had a motor and was their first a

6、irplane. The Flyer was large and heavy. The brothers could not 41 wind to help it fly, so they built a track(轨道)for it. They wheeled The Flyer along the track to help it rise.In December 1903, the Wright Brothers were ready to test The Flyer. The plane lifted about ten feet off the ground. It flew o

7、ver the sand for a short time. Then, it landed back on the ground. The Flyer only traveled about 120 feet (36. 5 meters). 42 , it had flown! The brothers continued to work on their plane. After a while, it could stay in the air for over one hours.Other 43 followed the work of the Wright brothers. Th

8、ey looked for ways to improve airplanes. They helped planes fly faster and longer. They also worked to make planes44 to fit more people. Today, hundreds of planes take to the sky each day. People fly to go across the country or across the seas. We have the Wright brothers to thank for the first flig

9、ht.39.A.leaveB.landC.moveD.change40.A.createdB.controlledC.discoveredD.removed41.A.wait forB.deal withC.care forD.depend on42.A.As a resultB.HoweverC.What s moreD.Afterwards43.A.methodsB.ideasC.experimentsD.inventors44.A.warmerB.biggerC.saferD.cleaner【答案】39. C40. A41. D 42. C43. D44. C【解析】10【分析】这是一篇

10、记叙文,文章讲述莱特兄弟创造第一架飞机的经历,其他创造者跟随其后对飞机的改进。【39题详解】句意:这些实验显示出一架飞机应该怎样移动。leave 离开;land 登录;move 移动;change 改变。根据 “how it should rise, turn, and come back to the ground”可知表达飞机的移动,用动词“move。应选C。【40题详解】句意:1903年,他们创造了一台机器,他们称其为飞行员。created 创造;controlled 控制;discovered 发现;removed 移除。根据前文 aexperiment, or try new ide

11、as with flight”可知他们是在创造新事物,用动词created”。应选A。【41题详解】句意:兄弟两人不能指望风来帮助它飞行,因此他们为它建了一个轨道。wait for 等待;deal with 处理;care for 在意,关心;depend on 依靠,取决于。根据 “wind to help it fly可知表达飞机依靠风来帮助飞翔,用动词短语depend on”。应选D。【42题详解】句意:另外,它飞起来了。as a result 结果;however 然而;what s more 而且,另夕卜;afterwards 随后。根据 “The Flyer only travel

12、ed about 120 feet”及“it had flown”,可知后面句子表达补充,用短语“what s more”。应选C。【43题详解】句意:其他的创造者跟随着莱特兄弟的工作。methods方法;ideas主意;experiments实验;inventors创造者。根据前文讲述莱特兄弟创造飞机者, 及后文 “They looked for ways to improve airplanesv 可知表达“其他的创造者用名词“inventors”。 应选Do【44题详解】句意:他们也致力于使飞机更平安能适合更多的人。warmer 更暖和;bigger 更大;safer 更平安;clean

13、er 更干净。根据helped planes fly faster and longerv 及“ to fit more people”可知句子表达“使飞机更平安”,用比拟级“safer”。应选C。C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.According to a recent study, dogs get jealous(妒忌的)just like humans do. In the study, two groups of dog owners were compared. One group showe

14、d affection(喜爱)to another dog. The other showed affection to objects such as a book or toy. The authors of the study concluded that dogs displayed more jealous behaviors when their owners showed affection toward another11 dog. With that in mind, here are some signs of a jealous dog.Pushing you awayH

15、ave you ever moved toward a member of your family, only to have your dog push you away? This behavior is your dog s way of telling you that it needs more a 45Mean(小气的)actionsYour dog might show jealousy by b 46 or biting.Doing a trickA jealous dog will perform tricks in order to get your praise or c

16、are. How do you deal with a jealous dog? Try the following w 47T 48 your dogPractice basic commands(指令)like sit and stay. This will help you manage your dog when you notice bad behavior.Encourage good behaviorGive your dog treats and care when it s calm. This will help your dog understand h 49 you w

17、ant it to behave.Make friendsLet your dog get along with o 50 The dog park is a good place for your dog to practice playing with other dogs.Get everyone involvedJealousy in dogs usually happens when a dog forms a strong bond with one person. Allow the people around you to spend time with you and you

18、r dog. That way, your dog will learn that all of them deserve respect.When a dog loves someone deeply it s n 51 for it to feel jealous. Helping a jealous dog learn to share its favorite person is very important.【答案】45. (a)ttention(b) arking46. (w) ays 48. (T) rain(h)ow 50. (o)thers51. (n)atural12【解析

19、】【分析】本文主要讲述了狗也有嫉妒心,给出其嫉妒的表现以及一些处理的方法。【45题详解】句意:这种行为是你的狗在告诉你它需要更多的关注。根据This behavior is your dog? s way of telling you that it needs more.结合单词首字母可知处是指狗狗这样做是为了告诉你它需要更多的关注, attention ”注意,关注”,是不可数名词,故填(a)ttention。【46题详解】句意:你的狗可能会通过吠叫或咬来表示嫉妒。根据Your dog might show jealousy by. . . or biting. ” 结合单词首字母可知狗狗

20、是通过叫或者咬来表示嫉妒。bark “叫”,是动词,前面有介词,动词用动名词 形式,故填(b)arking。【47题详解】句意:尝试以下方法。根据Try the following.以及下文可知此处是指方法,way “方法”,是可数 名词,下文有好几种方法,所以名词用复数形式,故填(w)ays。【48题详解】句意:训练你的狗。根据 “Practice basic commands (指令)like sit and stay. This will help you manage your dog when you notice bad behavior. v可知此处是指训练你的狗。train “

21、训练”,是动词,此处是 祈使句,动词用原形,故填(T)rain。【49题详解】句意:这将帮助你的狗了解你希望它如何表现。根据Give your dog treats and care when it s calm. This will help your dog understand. you want it to behave. v 结合单词首字母可知此处是指你希望 它怎么去表现,how “怎么样”,故填(h)ow。50题详解】句意:让你的狗与其他狗相处。根据“The dog park is a good place for your dog to practice playing with

22、 other dogs. ”可知此处是指和其他的狗狗相处,others等于other+dogs,此处表示“其他狗”,故 填(o)therso【51题详解】句意:当一条狗深深地爱着一个人时,嫉妒是很自然的。根据“When a dog loves someone deeply, it s.for it to feel jealous”可知此处是指狗有嫉妒心是很正常,自然的。natural 自然的,是 形容词,故填(n) atural。D. Answer the questions.One day Jack was preparing to leave on a trip. He often tra

23、velled on business back and13 forth between New York and his home in Boston. His wife Katie was carrying out his suitcase to the car when it suddenly opened. Inside were shorts, shirts, sandals, and a swimming suit. In light of the fact that her husband had packed all of his casual clothes, she star

24、ted to doubt (怀疑)that he was going on a business trip.The next day, she followed up on her suspicion(猜测)by calling the airline that her husband travelled on. She asked the man at the airline. Can you tell me how many frequent flyer miles my husband and I have?”The man looked up their account and tol

25、d Katie, “Up to now, you have almost 100,000 miles if I include your husband s most recent flight. ”Katie was surprised. She said. That doesn t make sense. How did my husband collect so many miles flying to New York?The man at the airline told her. Those miles include his flights to New York and his

26、 flight to the Bahamas. ” “The Bahamas!Katie thought. No wonder I can t find the sunscreen! ” She knew just how to get even with(报复)her husband. Now that she knew her husband was having fun without her, she would! She wanted to use up all of the frequent flyer miles by going as far as she could.I d

27、like to reserve a ticket for myself, please. she said. When is your next flight?”uThere are two flights leaving this afternoon: one to Chicago and one to Paris. It s up to you. ”“Paris would be perfect!Katie smiled.52. Jack and his wife Katie lived in New York, didn t they?53. Why did Katie doubt he

28、r husband was going on a business trip one day?54. How did Katie fol low up on her suspicion the next day?55. How did Katie feel when the man at the airline told her they had almost 100,000 miles?56. Where did Jack go recently according to their flight account?14What can be filled in the blank?【答案】5

29、2. No, they didn t.53. Because her husband had packed all of his casual clothes.54. By calling the airline that her husband travelled on.55. She felt surprised.56. The Bahamas.57. do exactly the same/ have some fun without him, too/ enjoy a trip all by herself, too【解析】【分析】本文主要讲述了 Katie发现她的丈夫公里数超出他所出

30、差的距离,她猜测丈夫在不带着她的情况 下单独出去玩,她决定用完所有的飞行里程,尽可能走得更远。【52题详解】根据 He often travelled on business back and forth between New York and his home in Boston. ” 可知,家住在波士顿,故填No, they didn t.【53题详解】根据 In light of the fact that her husband had packed all of his casual clothes, she started to doubt(怀疑)that he was goin

31、g on a business trip”可知,因为她丈夫把他所有 便装都打包好了, 她开始怀疑他是不是要出差,故填 Because her husband had packed all of his casual clothes.【54题详解】根据 The next day, she followed up on her suspicion(猜测)by calling the airline that her husband travelled on”可知,是通过打 给丈夫所乘坐的航空公司来证实自己的怀疑,故填By calling the airline that her husband t

32、ravelled on.【55题详解】根据Katie was surprised. v可知,根tie听到公里数感到很惊讶,故填She felt surprised.【56题详解】根据Those miles include his flights to New York and his flight to the Bahamas及“The Bahamas! v Katie thoughtv可知,根据他们的飞行记录,Jack最近去了巴哈马,故填The Bahamas.【57题详解】根据 She wanted to use up all of the frequent flyer miles by

33、going as far as she could. “ 可 知,看到丈夫最近自己出去玩了,她也想做同样的事情,也想自己出去玩,故填do exactly the same/have15 some fun without him, too/ enjoy a trip all by herself, too。ML Writing84. Write at least 60 words according to the given situation.58.(根据以下情境写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)今年教育部公布的“双减”政策(Double Reduction policy)要求学校减

34、轻学生作业负担(reduce students homework burden),这就意味着放学后你会获得更多自由调配的时间,请谈谈你将如何合理安 排自己的学习和生活。注意:1.短文中不得出现任何真实人名、校名及其它相关信息,否那么不予评分。2.照搬阅读语篇内容不得分。【答案】例文:This year, China introduced Double Reduction policy which hopes to reduce students homework.Due to the policy, we have more free time after school and we shou

35、ld arrange our study and life reasonably. Although there are many kinds of after-class activities, I will finish my homework first. After that, I will play basketball with my friends. I also like drawing pictures so I will spend half an hour practising drawing every day. What s more, I will help my

36、parents with housework.It s necessary for us to make a plan for our study and life and I think everyone should make it reasonable.16【解析】【详解】1.题干解读:本文是一篇材料作文,围绕“双减”政策,写一篇合理安排自己学习和生活的文章。2.写作指导:本文采用一般将来时为主,人称采用第一人称。第一段描述“双减”政策内容;第二段具体 描述自己将如何安排学习生活;第三段进行总结。写作时,注意词汇短语使用准确,语言符合语法结构; 层次清楚,条理清晰。17【分析】【详解】句

37、意:“我假期都应该做什么? ”女孩问自己。考查代词辨析。my我的;her她的;myself我自己;herself她自己。ask oneself “问自己,主语是“the girl”,应选 DoThe English Corner makes me in speaking English than before.A. confidentB. the most confidentC. most confidentD. more confident【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:英语角让我比以前更有信心说英语。考查比拟级。根据“than”可知,此空应用比拟级,应选D。5. In her letter

38、, Auntie Sue told us many about her visit to Britain.A. newsB. storiesC. informationD. truth【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:在她的信里,苏姑姑告诉我们很多关于她去英国参观的事。考查名词。news新闻,消息;stories故事;information信息;truth真相。根据“many”可知是可数名 词的复数形式作宾语。根据about her visit to Britain可知句子表达“很多关于她去英国参观的事”, 用复数名词stories o应选瓦Gumah met with many difficu

39、lties, he never gave up and won the Nobel Prize in literature.A. orB. andC. butD. so【答案】c【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:Gumah遇到了许多困难,但他从未放弃,并获得了诺贝尔文学奖。考查连词辨析。or 或者;and 和;but 但是;so 因此。根据 uGumah met with many difficulties. . . he never gave up”可知,空格前后是转折关系,虽然遇到许多困难,但是没有放弃,应用but连接,应选C。6. Smokers smoke in all indoor pu

40、blic places from March 1st, 2017.A. mustn, tB. needn, tC. can tD. shouldn t【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:从2017年3月1日起,吸烟者在所有的室内公共场所不准吸烟。考查情态动词。mustn, t不准;needn t没必要;can t不能;shouldn t不应该。根据smoke in allindoor public places from March 1st, 2017”可知是条例规定强制不准抽烟,用情态动词否认形式 “mustn t”。应选 A。7. I just had my tooth pulled out.

41、 I d better noodles for dinner tonight.A. cookB. to cookC. cookedD. cooking【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:我刚把牙齿拔掉。今晚晚餐我最好下面条。考查had better用法。固定短语had better do sth.最后做某事”,动词用原形,应选A。8. Jack won t have a holiday with his family he can finish the project in time.A. whenB. ifC. unlessD. so that【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:如果杰克不能及时完成

42、这个工程,他就不能和家人一起度假。考查连词辨析。when当时;if如果;unless除非;如果不;so that以便。根据句意结合常识可知,如果不能及时完成工程就不能和家人一起去度假,空处应用unless引导条件状语从句。应选C。9. Harry will work in the north of Canada after he from PHD in UBC.A. will graduate B. graduateC. graduatesD. graduated【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:从哥伦比亚大学哲学博士毕业后,哈利将在加拿大北部工作。考查时间状语从句。after用作连词引

43、导时间状语从句时注意遵循“主将从现”,本句中主句使用一般将来 时,从句使用一般现在时即可,主语为he,注意保持主谓一致,应选C。10. I would rather spend more time having sports instead of all day long.A watch TVB. watched TVC. to watch TVD. watching TV【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:我宁愿花更多的时间做运动而不是一整天看电视。 考查非谓语动词。短语“instead of”表达“而不”,后面用名词或动名词作宾语。表达“看电视”用 动名词形式“watching TV”。应选D

44、。11. 一 do you hear from your pen pal in Canada?一About twice a week.A. How longB. How oftenC. How many times D. How soon【答案】B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:一一你多久收到你加拿大笔友的信?一一大约一周两次。考查特殊疑问句。How long多长;How often多久一次;How many times多少次;How soon多久。根据About twice a week. v可知,表示事情发生的频率,对频率提问用how often。应选B。12. It is said Chi

45、na International Import Expo in Shanghai last year.A. was heldB. are heldC. has been held D. had been held【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:据说中国国际进口博览会去年在上海举行。考查动词语态。根据句意可知,主语和动词之间是被动关系,故应用被动语态;根据时间状语last year 可知,句子应用一般过去时的被动语态,构成形式为:was/were done;主语“China International Import Expo”是第三人称单数形式,故be动词应用was; hold的过去分词是hel

46、d。应选A。13. Mum was surprised to find her little son all her suitcases already.A. was packingB. has packedC. had packedD. would pack【答案】c【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:妈妈发现她的小儿子已经打包好了她所有的手提箱,感到很惊讶。考查动词的时态。结合语境可知,妈妈看到手提箱打包好了,感到很惊讶,动作“pack”发生在was surpirsed之前,即过去的过去,动作已完成,应用过去完成时“had done”。应选C。111. Complete the followin

47、g passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once.A. show off B. brave C. end D. anything E. backA rich man loved crocodiles so much. Once he bought a new house. There was a large swimming pool in the 16, However, it was filled with fierce crocodiles. One day the man had a partyto 17 the big house as we11 as his favourite pets. As the man expected, no one dared to stand next to the pool. I think a real hero should have courage. shouted the man. If anyone is 18 enough to swim through the crocodiles and make it to the other side. I will give that person 19 he wants.


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