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1、2022届上海市普陀区九年级一模英语Part 1 Listening (第一局部听力)1 . Listening Comprehension (听力理解)(共 25 分)(5 分)1. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】【答案】. D.A E . C.B【解析】 【原文】1. Taking notes can keep us focused on our tasks.2. The 2022 Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.3.

2、Ben took hold of the ladder and try to save the cat in the tree.4. Sound effects are added to make the pictures more exciting.5. Many people are learning to order products through their phones.A. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选择最恰当的答案)(5分)2 .

3、【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. At 4:13.【答案】BB. At 4:13.【答案】BC. At 4:30.D. At 4:50.E. At 5:40.句意:这使得人们买得起书籍是可能的。根据“Before that. they were very expensiveH可知,在这 以前书籍是很贵的,有了造纸术后书籍变得廉价了;在根据“to”可知,空处应填动词,备选词 “afford” “买得起”符合语境。应选E。basic later exactly several awareBelle was boating with her friend in the sea. A big

4、ware from the back turned the boat over. Belle and her friend were unable to move out under the boat. They hit the bottom of the river36 times. They were in great trouble. Belle and her friends were 37 that they were drowning(溺水).A brave dog, Tommy swam to the overturned boat. Then he pulled out Bel

5、le* s friend. He was smart enough to know 38 where she was. After that, Tommy dived again to save Belle. He came back up 39 and pulled Belle by the hair. Belle was cut and bleeding, but she was safe.【答案】36. several37. aware 38. exactly39. later【解析】【分析 1本文主要讲述了贝尔和她的朋友在海里划船,出了意外的事情。【36题详解】句意:他们好几次撞到河底

6、。根据They hit the bottom of the river. timesw结合备选词汇可知, 此处是指“他们撞到河底好几次了,several “几个,故填several。【37题详解】句意:贝尔和她的朋友们意识到他们快要淹死了。根据“that they were drowning(溺水).”结合备选词 汇可知,此处是指“他们意识到了,aware “意识到的”,是形容词,故填aware。【38题详解】句意:他很聪明,知道她在哪里。根据He was smart enough to know. where she wasv结合备选词 汇可知,此处是指“他可以确切地知道她在哪里,exact

7、ly “确切地”,是副词,故填exactly。【39题详解】句意:过了一会儿,他回来了,拉着贝尔的头发。根据He came back up. and pulled Belle by the hair. ”10结合备选词汇可知,此处是指“他后来回来了,later 后来,以后”,是副词,故填later。IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper form(s 用括号中所给单词的适当 形式完成以下句子,每空格限填一词)As far as I can remember, this is the time we ve m

8、et. (three)【答案】third【解析】【详解】句意:就我所记得的而言,这是我们第三次见面。根据句意,此处表示“第三次见面”,故需用 “three”对应的序数词“third”,故填third。40. The play got good and quickly became well-known, (review)【答案】reviews【解析】【详解】句意:这出戏受到好评,很快就知名了。review “评论”,可数名词,此处应用复数形式,表示 类别。故填reviewso41. Through discussion, we al 1 thought our idea was much be

9、tter than . (they)【答案】theirs【解析】【详解】句意:经过讨论,我们都认为我们的想法比他们的好得多。they “他们”,是人称代词主格,根 据“we all thought our idea was much better than.可知此处应该用其名词性物主代词theirs,表 示“他们的想法”,故填theirs。42. In the past, farmers grew rice for the use of their family, (main)【答案】mainly【解析】【详解】句意:过去,农民种植水稻主要 为了家庭使用。分析句子结构可知,此句不缺少任何成分,

10、故 此空应填副词作状语,mainly “主要地”,mainly for “主要用于,故填mainly。43. Jiaozi are Chinese food and they are deeply 1oved by many people, (tradition)【答案】traditional【解析】【详解】句意:饺子是中国的传统食物,深受许多人的喜爱。tradition “传统”,是名词,此处需使用其 形容词形式traditional “传统的”修饰后面的名词,故填traditional。44. We were very to learn her new book was so succes

11、sful, (surprise)11【答案】surprised【解析】【详解】句意:得知她的新书如此成功,我们感到非常惊讶。空处应该用形容词作表语,surprise的形容 词形式是surprising或surprised,此处主语是we,形容人用形容词surprised。故填surprised。45. The new machine is cheaper, quieter and easier to . (operation)【答案】operate【解析】【详解】句意:这台新机器更廉价、更安静、更容易操作。operation “操作”,是名词,空前有不定式符 号to,此处应该用动词形式oper

12、ate 操作,故填operate。46. The secret to is to keep setting yourself new challenges, (happy)【答案】happiness【解析】【详解】句意:快乐的秘诀就是不断给你自己设置新的挑战。“the secret to”意为“的秘诀”,介 词“to”后应跟名词作宾语,happy”的名词形式为“happiness”。故填happiness。V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据要求改写句子)Helen went to sleep early yesterday to

13、have a good rest.(改为一般疑问句) Helen to sleep early yesterday to have a good rest?【答案】.Did (2). go【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:海伦昨天睡得很早,以便好好休息。由went可知原句是一般过去时,变为一般疑问句需借 助助动词did,动词过去式went,恢复原形go。位于句首需大写首字母,故填Did; go。47. Nick will set off for his farmhouse on the mountain in two weeks.(对划线局部提问) will Nick set off for hi

14、s farmhouse on the mountain?【答案】.How .soon【解析】【详解】句意:Nick将会在两周后动身去他山上的农舍。划线局部为“in two weeks(两周后)”,疑问词 用“how soon,注意首字母需大写,故填How; soon。48. They set up some computers in the living room to work at home.(改为句意基本相同)12 They set up some computers in the living room they could work at home.【答案】 .so .that【解析

15、】【详解】句意:他们在客厅里安装了一些电脑,以便在家里工作。根据句意可知,装电脑是为了可以方便 在家工作,改为同义句可以用so that ”以便,为了”引导目的状语从句,故填so; thatoFrank phoned the police and told them where they could find him.(改为简单句)Frank phoned the police and told them find him.【答案】 .where .to【解析】【详解】句意:弗兰克打 给警察,告诉他们在哪里可以找到他。分析原句可知后面句子是宾语从句, 连接词是where,改为简单句可以用whe

16、re+不定式来代替,故填where: to。49. u Have you read today * s newspaper, Ben?” the class teacher asked.(改为间接引语) The class teacher asked Ben had read today, s newspaper.【答案】 .if#whether .he【解析】【详解】句意:“本,你看过今天的报纸了吗? ”班主任问道。直接引语是一个一般疑问句,变成间接引 语连接词可以用if或whether,表示“是否”,Ben “本”,是男性,用he指代,故填if/whether; he。 53. Mandy

17、, s classmate recognized her as soon as she came into the room.(改为被动语态) Mandy by her classmate as soon as she came into the room.【答案】 .was.recognized【解析】【详解】句意:Mandy 一进房间她的同学就认出她了。原句是一般过去时,应改为一般过去时的被动语态, 结构是wis/were done。主语Mandy是第三人称单数,be动词用was, recognize过去分词是recognized。 故填 was: recogn i zed。54. get

18、, you, before, some, had better, professional advice, buying a car(连词成句)【答案】You had better get some professional advice before buying a car【解析】【分析】【详解】根据标点提示可知,本句是陈述句,分析所给单词,you作主语,had better do sth最好做某事,13 got some professional advice 寻求专业建议,before buying a car 在买车之前。故填 You had better get some prof

19、essional advice before buying a car “你在买车之前最好征求一下专业人士的意见”。Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三局部阅读和写话)VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)A. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) It is common to surf the Internet at home now. However, a recent survey showed over 90% of parents are not clear what websites their chi

20、ldren visit. I strongly believe that a training project should be started to help parents to improve their internet and computer skills. Then they can better monitor and guide their chiIdren. Providing training would get parents to pay more attention to their children s online activities. This is on

21、e advantage. If parents had a better understanding of the internet and websites, they wou 1 d see the need to make sure that their children use it properly and responsibly. Providing training to parents would al low parents to help their chi 1dren with their schooIwork as wel1. These days, some home

22、work of online courses needs to be done on computer. If parents have poor computer ski Ils, they wi 11 be of 1 ittle or no help with the homework. Thatcan make parents very upset. Some people argue that it is good that students can work independently on computers. However, it is clear that students,

23、 especially young students often need this kind of home support. Improving parents* Internet and computer skills might also be a good way for parents to improve their relationships with their children. These days, children spend a lot of their free time on computers. If parents want to be part of th

24、eir free time, they need to see that playing on computers can be a fun family activity. Joining their chiIdren can help parents bridge the gapbetween them and their children. Most people believe that children need to be helped and guided to use the Internet in a proper and responsible way. Therefore

25、, training is extremely important.By Peter Ball 55. In the passage, the writer .A. advises children not to spend a lot of their free time on computersthinks parents should improve their Internet and computer skills14tries to help children find online courses and finish the homeworkI), explains why p

26、arents should pay more attention to their chi IdrenAccording to the passage, the survey tells us that many parents A. seldom help their children design websitesB never tell their children how to surf the internetC. don, t know what websites their children visitnever limit their children* s time on i

27、nternet use56. The underline word That in Paragraph 3 refers toA Being helpless with the schooIworkB. There aren, t enough online coursesThere is no computer at homoC. Giving their chiIdren too much stress” help parents bridge the gap between them and their children” in Paragraph 4 probably means _A

28、. let parents often argue with their childrenadvise parents to pay attention to their childrenB. ask parents to keep off from their childrenconnect parents and their children closely59.Which of the fol lowing best showsthe structure of the passage?A./B./D.D.C./The passage is probably from the sectio

29、n in a newspaper.A. sports and fitnessB. health and dietC. cultural exchangeD. education guide【答案】55. B 56. C 57. A 58. D 59. C 60. D【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍了一个培训工程的目的是帮助父母提高他们的互联网和计算机技能,这样他们就能 更好地监督和指导他们的孩子。【55题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段I strongly believe that a training project should be started to help15 parents to im

30、prove their internet and computer skills”可知作者强烈认为应该开始一个培训工程来 帮助父母提高他们的网络和电脑技能,应选【56题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段However, a recent survey showed over 90% of parents are not clear what websites their children visit.”可知根据调查显示很多父母不知道他们的孩子访问什么网站,应选C。 【57题详解】词义猜想题。根据第三段“If parents have poor computer skills, they will b

31、e of little or no help with the homeworkn可知如果父母的电脑技能很差,他们在孩子家庭作业上就没有什么帮助,此处的that 指的是对孩子功课无能为力,应选A。【58题详解】句意猜想题。根据第四段“If parents want to be part of their free time, they need to see that playing on computers can be a fun family activity. Joining their children. v 可知如果父母想 要成为他们空闲时间的一局部,他们需要看到玩电脑可以是一个有

32、趣的家庭活动,这句话很可能意味着要 加强孩子和父母的粘性,应选I)。【59题详解】篇章结构题。文章第一段是在说培训的目的,是总说;第二、三、四段是在介绍培训的理由,是并列:第 五段强调培训的重要性,是总说。结构为总一分一总结构,应选C。【60题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段 “I strongly be 1 ieve that a. then they can better monitor and guide their children.可知此培训郡助家长掌握互联网和计算机的技能,可以推断本文可能来自报纸上的教育方面内 容。应选D。B. Choose the words and complet

33、e the passage(选择最恰当的单词,完成短文)In 2015, some American sociologists (社会学家)reported that empathy, the ability to understand other people and share other s feelings among college students had fallen down quickly over the past 10 years. That could be because so many people have replaced face time with scre

34、en time, the sociologists said. Today, people spend more time 61 and are less likely to join groups and clubs.Annie Moore is in charge of a teen program. She 62 differently. Turn on the TV, and we watch news and see reality shows full of people fighting, competing and treating one another16 with no

35、respect. Humans learn by exampleand some examples are not ompathctic(有同理心的)at all.There are good 63 not to follow those bad examples. Humans are born with social relations. And empathy plays a key role in these relationships. The sociologists have also found that empathetic teenagers are more likely

36、 to have high self-respect. Besides, empathy can help us stay away from sadness and fear.Empathy is also an ability for a good leader. In fact, Annie says, many top companies think that empathy is one of the most important things they look for in new 64. Good socialskills, including empathy are a ki

37、ng of emotional(情感的)intelligencen and it will help you succeed in many areas of life. wAcademics ( 学术知识)are important. But if you don t have emotional intelligence, you won, t be as successful in work or life,“ she says.Whats the best way to up your EQ(情商)? For starters, let down your guard and real

38、ly 65 others. One doesn, t have empathy by having a lot of opinions and doing a lot of talking, M Annie says.To really 66 empathy, you d better volunteer a nursing home or a hospital, join a club or a team that has a diverse membership, have a “sharing circle“ with your family, or spend【解析】time tcik

39、ing care of pets at an animal shelter.61.A.awayB.aroundC.aloneD.along62.A.suggestsB.apologizesC.predictsD.explains63.A.customsB.reasonsC.effectsD.cases64.A.detectivesB.citizensC.customersD.managers65.A.give ordersto B.learn fromC.1isten to1).take the place of66.A.developB.rememberC.hideD.refuse【答案】6

40、1. C 62.,D63. B 64. D65. C66. A【分析】文章大意:社会学家发现如今人们相互理解的现象正在减少,就此负责一个青少年工程的Annie 分析其原因,并且作者就如何培养同理心提出了几点建议。61题详解】句意:今天,人们花更多的时间独处,不太愿意参加团体和俱乐部。away 离开:around 在周围;alone 单独;along 沿着。根据are less likely to join groups and clubs” 可知,如今人们更喜欢独处,应选C。1762题详解】句意:她有不同的解释。suggests 建议;apologizes 抱歉;predicts 语言;exp

41、lains 解释。根据Today, people spend more time and are less likely to join groups and clubs 及“Turn on the TV, and we watch news and see reality shows full of people fighting”可知,Annie的解释跟上文的社会学家的不同,应选D。【63题详解】句意:我们有充分的理由不去追随那些坏的例子。customs 习俗;reasons 理由;effects 努力;cases 情况。根据 Humans are born with social rel

42、ations.And empathy plays a key role in these relationships”可知,此处在解释不要追随那些坏的例子的 理由,应选B。【64题详解】句意:Annie说,事实上,许多顶级公司认为,换位思考是他们在新经理身上寻找的最重要的东西之一。 detectives 侦探;citizens 公民;customers 顾客;managers 经理。根据empathy is one of the most important things they look for in new ”可知,在寻找新的经理人时,换位思考是要考虑的因素之一, 应选Do【65题详解】

43、句意:首先,放松警惕,认真倾听他人。give orders to 下命令;learn from 从学到;listen to 听;take the place of 取代。根据 “One doesn, thave empathy by having a lot of opinions and doing a lot of talking” 可知,此处的建议是注意聆 听,应选C。【66题详解】句意:要真正培养同情心,你最好去养老院或医院做志愿者。develop 培养;remember 记得;hide 隐藏;refuse 拒绝。根据you d better volunteer a nursing h

44、ome or a hospital, join a club or a team that has a diverse membership”可知,此处介绍如何培养 同情心的方法,应选A。C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,是 其内容通顺,每空格限填一次,首字母已给)It was the last day for Teddy in the company. After he packed up all his personal belongings, he started back

45、 home. An old lady stood on the side of the road. He a 67 didn, t see her.18Even in the dim(微弱)light of day, he could see sho was in trouble. Teddy stopped his car and got out, walked towards the old lady.Even with the smile on his face, she was w 68 No one had stopped to help for the last hour or s

46、o. Was he going to hurt her? He didn t look safe.He said, “I am here to help you, Madam. Why don t you wait in the car where it is warm? By the way, my name is Teddy. ”Woll, all she had was a flat tir。(爆胎),but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Teddy lay down and moved under the car changing the

47、tire. But he had to get d 69 and his hands hurt.As he was tightening up the lug nuts, she rolled down the window and began to talk to him. She told him that she was from St. Louis and was only just passing though. She was grateful for his help.Toddy just smiled as he finished the work. The lady aske

48、d how much she owed him. Any amount wou1d be all right with her. Sho already i 70 al 1 the awful things that might happen if he had not stopped. Teddy never thought about being paid. This was not a ,j 71 to him. This was helping someone in need, and God knows there were plenty who had given him a hand in the past. He had lived his whole life that way, and it never occurred to him to act


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