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1、初三英语试卷Part 2 Vocabulary and GrammarII. Choose the best answer.1. The exciting football game didn, t come to end until midnight.A. aB. anC. theD. /【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:那场激动人心的足球比赛直到午夜才结束。考查冠词。根据短语come to an end (结束)”可知,此空应填不定冠词an。应选B。2. If you forget to bring your dictionary, I can share with you.A. meB.

2、myC. mineD. myself【答案】c【解析】【详解】句意:如果你忘记带你的字典,我可以和你提供我的字典。考查代词辨析。me我,人称代词宾格;my我的,形容词性物主代词;mine我的,名词性物主代词;myself 我自己。此处表示“我的字典”,空格后无名词,用名词性物主代词mine表示“我的字典,应选C。3. The children learned how to depend themselves through the six months training.A. forB. withC. ofD. on【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:通过六个月的训练,孩子们学会了如何依靠自己。考

3、查固定搭配。depend on “依靠”,固定搭配,应选D。4. Parents are supposed to care for their children s physical health their mental health.A. not-butB. neither-norC. either,-orD. not only-but also【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:父母不仅应该关心孩子的身体健康,还应该关心他们的心理健康。考查连词辨析。not.but不是而是;neither.nor既不也不;either.or不是就是;not only. . . but also 不但而且。 根

4、据 uParents are supposed to care for. . theirchildren s physical health. . their mental health.”可知处是指不但要关心孩子的身体健康,而且in games and most of all got to know much about foreign cultures. The theme of the closing ceremony was “A Foreign Culture Carnival . There were nine tents set up on the playground. Eac

5、h tent stands for one country, namely Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Holland, India, Egypt, Switzerland and the UK. Let s have a look at three of them.The Japanese tent is the most popular one. Walking near the tent, you can see a big tree decorated with many cherry blossoms (樱花),which were made of

6、paper. The tree is about two deters high, and the hundreds of blossoms on it were painted by students one by one. A girl is showing the tea ceremony in front of the tree. The scene has a Japanese look.Many students gather around the Australian tent. Alice from Class 6, Grade 6 is dancing near the te

7、nt. She has learned ballet, traditional Chinese dancing and Latin. She wears very little. She must feel very cold! British tent looks very special. A boy wearing a Scottish kilt (苏格兰方格短裙)is playing the violin in front of the tent. Scottish men wear this kind of clothes. He doesn t feel funny at all.

8、 He feels great wearing it!39. Mount International School organized the English Festival .A. to encourage students to take part in many interesting eventsto make a deep impression on everyoneB. to let students enjoy delicious food and take part in gamesto help students know more about different cult

9、ures40. Which is the British tent?41. Japanese tent is about Japan. Student are busyCherry blossoms these days.10A. decoratingA. decoratingB. wateringC. drawingD. pickingAlice has learned many types of dancing except .A. LatinB. Chinese dancing C. cowboy dancing D. balletThe underlined word ,Carniva

10、l” in the second paragraph means .A. an exciting and colorful experiencea public festival, usually one that happens at a regular time each yearB. a story that includes a series of traditional actionssomething that you find interesting and exciting42. After reading the whole passage, we can conclude

11、that .A. different countries have different cultures B. our teachers are fond of creating different tentsC. Chinese culture is greatD. students are eager to know more【答案】39. D 40. C 41. C 42. C 43. B 44. A【解析】【分析】短文是一篇记叙文。主要表达了第四届Mount国际学校英语节的情况。【39题详解】推理判断题。 根据文中 “Students and teachers enjoyed deli

12、cious food, took part in games and most of all got to know much about foreign cultures. ”可推理出,Mount国际学校组织英语节是为了帮助 学生更多地了解不同的文化。应选D。【40题详解】推理判断题。根据文中 “British tent looks very special. A boy wearing a Scottish kilt (苏格兰 方格短裙)is playing the violin in front of the tent.”和图画内容可推理出,图画C是英国帐篷。应选Co【41题详解】推理判

13、断题。根据文中 “The tree is about two deters high, and the hundreds of blossoms on it were painted by students one by one. v可推理出,这些天日本的学生们忙着画樱花。应选C。【42题详解】推理判断题 根据文中“Alice from Class 6, Grade 6 is dancing near the tent. She has learned ballet, traditional Chinese dancing and Latin.”可推理出,除了牛仔舞之外,爱丽丝还学了很多种舞蹈

14、。故 选Co11【43题详解】词句猜想题。 根据前文 “Students and teachers enjoyed delicious food, took part in games and most of all got to know much about foreign cultures.可猜想出,后句应是:闭幕式的主题是“外国文化 狂欢节”,故下划线单词Carnival的意思应是“一种公共节日”。应选B。【44题详解】推理判断题。通读全文,尤其根据日本、澳大利亚以及英国的帐篷的装饰以及帐篷前的人物的穿着和动作 来推理出,不同的国家有不同的文化。应选A。B. Choose the wo

15、rds or expressions and complete the passage.In 1985, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were climbing a mountain in the Andes. They thought they would end without any problem. However, a blizzard (暴风雪)happened. The two climbers got to the top of the mountain, but they had problems on the way 45, It was icy

16、, and Joe slippedand 46 his leg. If he didn t get the injury, he could climb down the mountain 47.Because he couldn t walk, Simon lowered Joe down the mountain on a rope. When they were almost back to the camp, Joe slipped again. He was dangling (悬挂)on the rope over the edge of the mountain. He didn

17、, t have the 48 to climb up the rope. What was worse, the cold weather damaged Simon s hands. He was unable to 49 Joe up. Simon held on to the rope for several hours, but he finally had to cut the rope. He thought Joe had died, but Joe was not dead. He had fallen more than 100 feet, but even with hi

18、s injured leg, he had managed to climb to safety and get back to the camp.In 1988, Joe Simpson wrote a book, called Touching the Void, about the experience. The book was a huge success and the movie about the climb was made later. I wish that I did not see the movie before I read the book. I also wi

19、sh I went to the movie with a friend. It was 50!Of course, it was inspiring, too.45.A.upB.downC.outD.to46.A.brokeB.cutC.frozeD.attacked47.A.by the wayB.from time to timeC.by himselfD.for the first time48.A.hopeB.feelingC.loveD.strength49.A.pushB.pullC.takeD.give50.A.frighteningB.relaxingC.funnyD.ord

20、inary【答案】45. B 46.A47. C 48. D49. B50. A【解析】12【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要是Joe和Simon在爬山时遇到了暴风雪,然后Joe滑倒摔断了腿, 两人一起下山的途中,Joe被悬空吊在悬崖上,Simon想把Joe拉上来,Sin10n努力了很久,眼看已经撑不 住了,只好用刀割断绳索,Joe从悬崖上摔下,但Joe最后经过努力活了下来,然后Joe把这次经历写成了 一本书触及巅峰的故事。【45题详解】句意:两个登山者登上了山顶,但在下山的路上遇到了问题。up 向上;down 向下;out 出去;to 至I,根据前文的 “The two climbers g

21、ot to the top of the mountain, but they had problems on the wayn可知,应该是下山的路上出了问题,应选B。【46题详解】句意:天气很冷,Joe滑倒摔断了腿。broke摔断;cut砍;froze结冰;attacked袭击,根据空前的“Joe slipped”可知,应该是Joe滑倒摔 断了腿,应选A。【47题详解】句意:如果他没有受伤,他可以自己下山。by the way 顺便说一下;from time to time 有口寸;by himself 单独;for the first time 第一次,根据 前文的“If he didn

22、t get the injury”可知,应该是他没有受伤的话,可以自己下山,应选C。【48题详解】句意:他没有力气爬上绳子。hope 希望;feeling 感觉;love 爱;strength 力气,根据前文的 “Joe slipped and broke his leg” 和 “Joe slipped again”可知,他没有力气爬上绳子,应选D。【49题详解】句意:他不能拉Joe上来。push 推;pull 拉;take 带走;give 给,根据前文的 “He was dangling (悬挂)on the rope over the edge of the mountain”和空后的“J

23、oe up”可知,应该是拉Joe上来,应选B。【50题详解】句意:它是令人胆战心惊的。frightening令人胆战心惊的;relaxing令人放松的;funny有趣的;ordinary普通的,根据前文表达的 爬山经历可知,这是很令人胆战心惊的,应选A。C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.Bruce Lee(1940-1973 ), the greatest action movie star of all time, should be given a lifetime13achievement award

24、 for his work in the movies. U 51, Bruce died tragically in 1973, so hewouldn t be able to receive the award himself, but his f 52 al 1 over the world would love to see him honored.Why was Bruce Lee so great? The fight scenes in his films are a 53 and Bruce was always in top physical condition. His

25、body was almost perfect. He was also a great actor. He s 54 acting when he was just six years old. He was very comfortable and n 55 in front of the camera. His face was very expressive. Therefore, he was able to communicate a lot of feeling with a simple look. Bruce Lee was a talented actor, a brill

26、iant fighter, and an almost perfect example of physical fitness. His films brought traditional Hong Kong kung fu movies to a new 156of popularity. His films also i 57 kung fu to millions of people in the West. He should receive an award that recognizes his great contribution(贡献)to the art of film ma

27、king.【答案51. (U) nluckily#(U) nfortunately(f)ans# (f)ollowers52. (a) mazing(s)tarted 55. (n) atural 56. (1) evel 57. (i)ntroduced 【解析】 【分析】本文主要介绍了李小龙的生平基本情况。 【51题详解】句意:不幸的是,李小龙于1973年不幸去世。根据Bruce died tragically in 1973”结合单词首字母 可知此处是指不幸运地,unluckily和unfortunately都表示“不幸运地”,是副词,修饰整个句子,故填 (U)nluckily/ (U)

28、nfortunatelyo 【52题详解】句意:因此,他本人无法获得该奖项,但全世界的追随者都希望看到他获得荣誉。根据so he wouldn t be able to receive the award himself, but his. . . all over the world would love to see him honored. ” 可知此处是指他的追随者或者是粉丝。follower “追随者”,fan “粉丝,迷”,都是可数名词,此处应该 用复数形式,故填(f) ans/(f) ol lowers【53题详解】句意:他电影中的打斗场面令人惊叹。根据hy was Bruce

29、Lee so great? The fight scenes in his films14are.结合单词首字母可知此处是指打斗场面令人惊叹。amazing “令人惊奇的”,是形容词,故填(a)mazingo【54题详解】句意:他六岁时就开始演戏了。根据uHe. . acting when he was just six years old”结合单词首字母 可知此处是指他六岁就开始演戏,start “开始”,是动词,结合语境可知句子时态是一般过去时,动词用 过去式,故填(s)tarted。【55题详解】句意:他在镜头前表现得非常自在和自然。根据aHe was very comfortable

30、and. in front of the camera.His face was very expressive. 结合单词首字母可知此处是指他在镜头前很自然,natura “自然 ”, 是形容词,故填(n) aturalo56题详解】句意:他的电影将香港传统功夫片的受欢迎程度提升到了一个新的高度。根据“His films brought traditional Hong Kong kung fu movies to a new. . of popularityv 结合单词首字母可知此处是指他的 电影将香港传统功夫片的受欢迎程度提升到了一个新的水平。level 水平,高度”,是可数名词,前面有

31、 a修饰,名词用原形,故填(l)evel。【57题详解】句意:他的电影也将功夫介绍给了数百万西方人。根据uHis films also. kung fu to millions of people in the West”结合单词首字母可知此处是指电影也将功夫介绍给了数百万西方人,introduce ”介绍”, 是动词,结合语境可知句子时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填(i)ntroduced。D.Answer the questions.Real Superheroes15Photographer Josh Rossi has used his cameras to show the wo

32、rlds real superheroes 一 young children who are battling severe disease and disabilities.The heartwarming project began in 2016, when Rossi realized his then three-year-old daughter s dream of becoming Wonder Woman (神奇女侠).The photographer says, “I got so many emails and calls from families who had ch

33、ildren with diseases. They kept telling me that their kids were the REAL superheroes.”Since it was Wonder Woman that created the idea. Rossi decided to focus on the superheroes that appear with her in the movie Justice League. To make the photos more meaningful, he matched each child with a superher

34、o. They had the most in common.Teagan Pettit was born with only half a heart. The nine-year-old loves and respects Superman. The photographer says, uSuperman and Teagan both have hearts of steel!” The second member was Kayden Kinckle. The five-year-old uses prosthetics (假肢)to walk. To Rossi, Kayden,

35、 s perfect superhero was Cyborg, who was a healthy boy before a terrible accident, forcing his father to keep him alive with robotic parts. Simon Fullmer, who suffers from a rare type of nerve cancer (神经癌),is fond of Batman. According to his mom, the five-year-old never complains. Since the brave bo

36、y is dealing with his enemylike a true superhero, Rossi, thought he was the perfect Batman.58. According to the passage, who is a real superhero?are fighting against diseases?59. What did Rossi get from families with children who1660. What s Teagan Pettit s trouble?61. Why did Rossi think Kayden Kin

37、ckle was similar to Cyborg?62. What does the underlined word “enemy” refer to?63. Why does Rossi think Simon Fullmer is brave? Why is bravery (勇气)so important in our real life?【答案】58. Young children who are battling severe disease and disabilities are superheroes.59. Many emails and calls. /He got m

38、any emails and calls.60. He was born with only half a heart.61. Because Kayden Kinckle uses prosthetics to walk and Cyborg had to live with robotic parts. /Neither of them can walk on their own.62. It refers to his nerve cancer.63. Because he suffers a lot but never complains. Because everyone will

39、meet with difficulties or setbacks, bravery helps us face them directly and try our best to solve problems. (Any reasonable answer is acceptable.)【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。主要介绍了摄影师Josh Rossi用相机展示了世界上真正 超级英雄一一与严 重疾病和残疾作斗争的小孩子们。【58题详解】 根据 uPhotographer Josh Rossi has used his cameras to show the world s real s

40、uperheroes young children who are battling severe disease and disabilities. v 可知,真正的超级英雄是那些与严重 疾病和残疾作斗争的小孩子们。故填 Young children who are battling severe disease and disabilities are superheroes.【59题详解】 根据 I got so many emails and calls from families who had children with diseases. “ 可知,Rossi 收到了孩子患有疾病

41、的家庭的邮件和 。故填Many emails and calls. /He got many emails and calls.【60题详解】 根据 uTeagan Pettit was born with only half a heart. v 可知,Teagan Pettit 出生时只有半颗心脏。17 故填 He was born with only half a heart.【61题详解】根据The second member was Kayden Kinckle. The five-year-old uses prosthetics (假肢)to walk. ” 及 “ Kayden

42、 s perfect superhero was Cyborg, who was a healthy boy before a terrible accident, forcing his father to keep him alive with robotic parts. ” 可知,Kayden Kinckle 和 Cyborg 都不能 自己走路,需要借助假肢。故填 Because Kayden Kinckle uses prosthetics to walk and Cyborg had to live with robotic parts. /Neither of them can

43、walk on their own.【62题详解】根据 uSimon Fullmer, who suffers from a rare type of nerve cancer (神经癌)”可知,Simon 的敌人 是一种罕见的神经癌。故填It refers to his nerve cancer.【63题详解】根据 According to his mom, the five-year-old never complains. Since the brave boy is dealing with his “enemy” like a true superheron可知,虽然Simon患有神

44、经癌,但是他从不抱怨,而是勇 敢地面对并尽全力解决问题。故填 Because he suffers a lot but never complains. Because everyone will meet with difficulties or setbacks, bravery helps us face them directly and try our best to solve problems.VII. WritingWrite at least 60 words on the topic “A perfect family(以“完美家庭”为题写一篇不少于 60个词 短文,标点符

45、号不占格)我们都和家人生活在一起,都希望拥有一个完美的家庭。请你描述一下你心目中的完美家庭。(注意:短文 中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息,否那么不予计分)(题目)【答案】例文:A perfect familyEvery child holds his or her own views on a perfect family. In my opinion, perfect families always have some specific qualities. First, family members always love each other. They love one ano

46、ther whether they have shortcomings or not. Second, they know how to respect each other, such as parents do not interfere with children s privacy and children can understand their parents? difficulties. Third, they support each other. If any of the family members is in trouble, the others give him o

47、r her encouragement and help.【解析】【详解】1.题干解读:本文是一篇话题作文。题目要求以“A perfect family为题,用不少于60词描 述一下你心目中的完美家庭。2.写作指导:本文主要以观点陈述或一般情况的描述为主,时态主要采用一般现在时;人称主要使用第三 人称;在文章内容上可以结合日常生活从多角度阐述你认为的“完美家庭”所拥有的特质;写作完成后需 保证文章内容符合题目要求,行文流畅,语言表达符合英文语法规那么。19 还要关心他们的心理健康。应选D。5. The staff completed the project before the schedul

48、e and the manager seemed.A. satisfiedB. humorousC. surprisedlyD. happily【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:工作人员提前完成了工程,经理似乎很满意。考查形容词辨析。satisfied满意的;humorous幽默的;surprisedly惊奇地;happily开心地;seem后接 形容词,排除副词选项 C 和 D;根据“The staff completed the project before the schedulev 可知此 处指“员工提前完成任务,经理似乎很满意,排除B。应选A。6. Teenagers should use as electronic products as possible to protect their eyes.A. littleB. fewC. fewerD. least【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:


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