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《交互英语TOEIC高分教程商务英语单选篇解析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《交互英语TOEIC高分教程商务英语单选篇解析.pdf(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 UNIT 1 1.Blatant _ for the standard operating procedures resulted in the fire at our Denver manufacturing facility.A.disregard B.display C.distortion D.distance 2.The argument between the two men was resolved by the manager _ in the privacy of her office.A.quiet B.quietness C.quieter D.quietly 3.Em

2、ployees can return to the kitchen only _ they have thoroughly washed their hands.A.after B.then C.soon D.afterwards 4.There were several applicants _ to be interviewed when the power went out.A.wait B.were waiting C.have been waiting D.who were waiting 5._ for beginners,this educational software pro

3、vides a complete overview of the phonetics and grammatical structure of the language.A.Design B.Designer C.Designing D.Designed 6.Revisions were unnecessary as unanimous approval was granted by the board for the proposal as it was originally _.A.submitted B.read C.linked D.permitted 7.Budget managem

4、ent is crucial to a company s bottom line,_ of the industry you are in.A.nevertheless B.regardless C.despite D.which 8.Carl asserted that his boss had no _ to fire him because he was an excellent employee.A.Means B.ground C.variations D.positions 9.Elsa commented _ on the report and sent it back to

5、the human resources department for further editing.A.reverently B.critically C.unanimously D.impressively 10.Everyone in the warehouse has been working for several hours _ a break.A.unless B.over C.without D.in spite 1.Due to security measures,people who are not employed by the company need special

6、standard 标准 applicant 申请人 assert 坚持 procedure 程序 downtown 市中心 participate 参与;参加 facility 设施;设备 beginner 初学者 unanimous 意见一致的 distortion 变形;失真 overview 综述;概观 assistance 援助;帮助 privacy 隐私;秘密 revision 修订本 submit 提交;服从 employee 雇员 budget 预算 deposit 保证金 property 财产;所有权 customer 顾客 membership 会员成分 average 平

7、均的 collection 收藏品 issue 问题;期号、发布 tenant 佃户 attached 附加的 mission 使命;任务 contract 合同 commission 佣金 guarantee 保证书;抵押品 documentation 文件 maintenance 生活费用 announcement 公告 management 管理 dispute 争吵;辩论 shipment 装货 _ to enter the laboratory.A.compensation B.permission C.admiration D.nutrition 2.The meeting is

8、mandatory so you must attend,_ you want to or not.A.whether B.despite C.neither D.including 3.The interview seemed to be quite successful,but Arthur was still not _ the job.A.paid B.retained C.completed D.offered 4.After you have _ your entree,you can select a beverage and a dessert from the page on

9、 the back of the menu.A.choose B.chosen C.choice D.choosing 5.As you prepare _ please make sure that you have taken all of your baggage and other personal belongings with you.A.to arrive B.arrived C.arrive D.be arrived 6.Jasmine plans carefully before she acts and is known for _ time to anticipate p

10、otential problems.A.taking B.relating C.searching D.tracing 7.Of all the hotels on the coast _ we could have stayed,our travel agent booked us at the most beautiful one in the area!A.where B.when C.those D.how 8.One of the _ of the secretary is to keep a careful eye on the amount of office supplies

11、being used by the other members of staff.A.salaries B.allowances C.resumes D.duties 9.You may be perceived as arrogant if you are not _ able to accomplish everything that you claim you can.A.actual B.actuality C.actually D.actualize 10.The prices of commodities on the exchange following the crisis _

12、 to be higher than ever before.A.estimate B.estimates C.are estimated D.has estimated UNIT 2 1.The results of the experiment were recorded in the logbook,but no one realized the _ of the discovery.A.remuneration B.perspective C.location D.significance conversation 交谈;对话 express 快车;快递 exchange 交换;交流

13、dock 码头 downtown 市中心 refuse 拒绝;抵制 folder 文件夹 headquarters 总部 deliver 履行;投递 document 文件 donate 捐赠 transportation 运输工具 notify 通告;公告 carton 纸板箱 redesign 重新设计 retirement 退休;退役 envelope 信封 assign 分配;指派 experiment 实验 theory 理论 deadline 截止日期 logbook 日志(航空,航海)altercation 争吵 personnel 人事部门 remuneration 报酬;酬劳

14、 nomination 提名 pivot 枢轴;中心点 perspective 观点 audit 审计 bonus 奖金;红利 2.When asked to _ about the economic model,the student could only repeat what he had read in the textbook.A.theory B.theoretician C.theorize D.theoretical 3.The details of the controversial incident were _ by both sides involved in the

15、altercation.A.specialized B.disputed C.harassed D.encouraged 4.The bus made _ stops for tourists to alight and take photographs of the scenery.A.often B.plenty C.frequent D.increase 5.In order to be eligible for the award,you must first _ by your supervisor.A.nominate B.have been nominated C.been no

16、minated D.Nominated 6.The only way to meet the _ would be to ask everyone to stay for a few extra hours today and tomorrow.A.personnel B.deadline C.decision D.confirmation 7.It was difficult to decide _ the main dishes because they both looked so delicious.A.for B.between C.of D.among 8.The audit of

17、 several years of sales receipts would be tedious,but it was necessary to do it _ the hours of careful calculation that the job would require.A.although B.despite C.while D.which 9._ you decide to take with you,you will need to pack in your backpack.A.Whatever B.That C.Which D.This 10.Franks concess

18、ion on his bonus turned out to be _ during the contract negotiations.A.pivot B.pivotal C.pivoting D.Pivoted 1.Some charts were left out of the proposal,but they were not _ to the terms of the agreement.A.pertinent B.arrogant C.innocent D.embarrassment 2.The currency exchange rate fluctuated a great

19、deal,_ affecting the profitability of the company.A.tenderly B.properly C.diligently D.adversely 3.Please _ to be certain that all of your documents have been stamped by the immigration authority.A.check B.to be checked C.to check D.be checked 4._ arrive on time at the airport,Bruce and Charlotte we

20、re allowed to leave the office two hours earlier than usual.A.In order to B.In spite of C.In response to D.In lieu of 5.Barney Brimweld promised to supervise the project _ so he could monitor its progress.A.previously B.primarily C.personally D.Potentially habit 习惯 proofread 校对 community 社区 smoking

21、吸烟 recommendation 推荐信 internship 实习生 influence 影响 applicant 申请人 form 表格 advertisement 广告 commission 佣金 consultant 顾问 downtown 市中心 transcript 成绩单 resume 简历 management 管理 branch 分部 schedule 时间表 6.Often,you can understand the main points of a research article simply by _ the introduction A.scan B.scann

22、er C.scanning D.scanable 7.The visiting physicians were invited to _ the new procedure in the laboratory during one of the clinical trials.A.object B.observe C.obtain D.obey 8.Delayed by _ design flaws,the newest model jet aircraft finally rolled out of the factory in December.A.number B.numerous C.

23、numbering D.numerously 9.The pay raise was _,but the amount was still less than Carla was offered by the new firm.A.sizeable B.monetary C.currency D.amount 10.Before the restaurant opened,the chef prepared all of the ingredients _ he would need for the evenings menu.A.when B.who C.that D.whom UNIT 3

24、 1.Increasing profits in each of the previous nine quarters,KlimaKooler Inc.has been _ expanding its market share.A.finally B.constantly C.negligently D.inappropriately 2.The report included an appendix with an extensive _ of news articles regarding the new security measures.A.compile B.compiles C.c

25、ompilation D.compiled 3._ Rina will have to do the translations or we will have to hire someone to do so.A.Either B.Both C.Including D.whereas 4.Several of the parts coming off of the assembly line were shown to be _ but these were removed before being packaged.A.defect B.defectors C.defective D.def

26、ectively 5._ of all trash in the receptacles by the doorway on your way out.A.Dispose B.Disposal C.Disposable D.Disposition 6.The fans were clearly not _ by the cancellation of the concert ten minutes before it was scheduled to begin.A.available B.observed C.pleased D.accustomed 7.When she retired,P

27、aula was asked to _ her own successor.rental 租赁的 unavailable 不能利用的 clerk 职员 license 费用 update 更新 colleague 同事 garage 车库;汽车修理厂 verification 验证 discount 折扣 license 执照 voucher 收据 product 产品 profit 利润 compilation 编辑 appoint 任命 market share 市场份额 translation 翻译 customer 顾客 negligent 粗心大意的 defector 背叛者 rec

28、eptacle 容器,插座 compile 编译 disposition 处置 duration 持续 A.appoint B.retain C.comfort D.pressure 8.While there were vending machines stocked with candy and soft drinks,there wasnt _ nutritious food available.A.most B.any C.usual D.few 9.The duration of the meeting was _ than expected,causing several memb

29、ers of the entourage to miss their flights.A.bigger B.larger C.longer D.fuller 10.Unable to _ the task on his own,Michael was humble enough to ask for help.A.complete B.combine C.compete D.Compare benefit 利益 death rate 死亡率 plastics 塑料 progress 进步 translation 翻译 customer 顾客 hazard 危险的事 notice 公告 succ

30、essor 继承者 increase 增加 resign 辞职 guidance 指导 resident 居民 transfer 转学 bluegrass 蓝草 decline 减少 database 数据库 technology 技术 1.Prices are slightly higher _ the busy summer season but lower at other times of the year.A.from B.during C.about D.behind 2.Because coal is so _ in the area,many of the communitie

31、s are completely dependent on the mining industry.A.plenty B.more plentiful C.plentiful D.plentiful than 3.Davids car was being worked on by the mechanic so we had to use _ instead.A.me B.my C.myself D.mine 4.The _ of cargo was scheduled to arrive in port on Friday,but the storm caused a delay.A.gro

32、up B.harbor C.shipment D.area 5.It is difficult to judge which is more important to a successful interview,a neat appearance _ a sense of humor.A.with B.and C.or D.in addition 6.Lombardi Enterprises credit rating _ recently due to its stronger financial position and ample reserves of cash.A.improves

33、 B.improved C.will improve D.will be improved 7.Neil is sometimes mistaken for a passive leader because he never gets angry and speaks _ during meetings.A.soft B.soften C.softness D.softly 8.The quote given to you by the contractor was only an _,not an actual bill for services.A.implication B.estima

34、te C.observation D.item 9.Proper maintenance of the machinery will aid in preventing _ from occurring.A.production B.equipment C.variety D.malfunctions 10.The owners manual contains diagrams and a detailed _ of the tools required for assembly.A.describe B.describes C.description D.Descriptive UNIT 4

35、 conversation 对话 automatic 自动的 coach 教练 rental 租赁的 unavailable 难以利用的 voucher 收据 agency 代理处 prospective 预期的 advertisement 广告 garage 车库 update 更新 announcer 广播员 license 执照 identification 鉴别 interview 采访,面试 manual 手册,指南 verification 确认,证实 reschedule 重新计划 ceremony 仪式 prevent 防止,阻止 applicant 申请人 accompany

36、 伴随 promotion 促销 frequently 频繁地 intend 打算 standard 标准 restaurant 餐厅 attention 注意力 revenue 税收 1.Pioneer Corp.is considering _ the beginning of the opening ceremony until later this month.A.putting off B.put off C.to put off D.to be put off 2.The companys business plan includes _ revenue from advertis

37、ements and event promotions,which help recruiters to find qualified applicants.A.draw B.to draw C.drawing D.drawer 3.This meeting is intended to make clear the information about our program and _ a clear plan of the next project designed to develop a new market.A.to make B.making C.made D.make 4.Thi

38、s restaurant has _ many people that many customers cannot find a place to sit.A.too B.so C.very D.such a 5.The medicine must be stored as _ as possible to prevent children from finding them.A.highly B.high C.highness D.Hight 6.In a recent survey of 1000 old parents aged sixty to seventy;twice as man

39、y said they could be accompanied _ by girls than boys.A.most frequent B.more frequently C.frequently D.improved 7.The government will invest 200 million dollars _ the old peoples living standard in the city.A.to improve B.improve C.by improving D.improved 8.The average learner will not be able to pa

40、y attention to the _ between Standard English and American English.A.differently B.different C.differences D.of different 9.Without your _,we cannot continue our project.A.permitting B.permits C.permission D.permit 10.The school has an _ system that allows parents to check their childrens files.A.ac

41、cess B.accessible C.to accessible D.Accessibly representative 代表 register 注册 earthquake 地震 gravity 重力 positive 正比 surpass 超越 harvest 收获 entitle 赋予 straightforward 简单的 efficacy 功效 designate 划定,指定 attributable 归属,归因 1.After years of surveying,many experts are beginning _ the function of traditional Ch

42、inese medicine.A.to acknowledge B.Acknowledging C.acknowledged D.acknowledge 2.Before we install a new operating system,we have to _ make use of the one we already have.A.efficient B.efficiently C.efficiency D.more efficiently 3.If we both want to sign a contract,we have to make _ concessions to do

43、so.A.some B.any C.a little D.plenty of 4.The use of a computer _ only in the two rooms.A.is permitted B.permitted C.is permitting D.will permit 5.As per the contract,the construction of the factory could be _ into three steps.A.divided B.decomposed C.developed D.deprived 6.Even when she is short of

44、money she still keeps 100 dollars _ an emergency.A.although B.in spite of C.in case of D.in case 7.We should be happy that the net profit of our company is much more than _ of any of our competitors.A.that B.this C.those D.these 8.The downward trend in energy stocks began three months ago _ is expec

45、ted to continue until the American economy improves.A.then B.however C.to check D.and 9.The toys in our shop are not only beautiful to display,but are also good _ the development of intelligence.A.for B.at C.in D.with 10.Some schools have strict rules regarding students _ with each other.A.fight B.f

46、ighting C.to fight D.Fighter UNIT 5 conversation 对话 automatic 自动的 coach 教练 rental 租赁的 unavailable 难以利用的 voucher 收据 agency 代理处 prospective 预期的 advertiseme广告 garage 车库 update 更新 announcer 广播员 license 执照 identification 鉴别 interview 采访,面试 manual 手册,指南 verification 确认,证实 reschedule 重新计划 employment 就业 dum

47、p 抛弃,倾倒 conference 会议 residential 居民的 complaint 抱怨 recycle 回收 proficient 精通,熟练 plant 工厂 handle 处理 significant 重大的,有意义的 material 材料 spiritual 精神的 1.Unemployment is _ high that the government has to make a new policy.A.such B.very C.so D.despite 2.The leaders of the government will hold a conference t

48、o talk about _ goals for the next five years.A.them B.their C.theirs D.they 3.As a customer service staff,Mr.Brown tried to solve complaints from customers before asking for _ managers advice.A.he B.his C.him D.himself 4.My parents and I extend _ thanks to those who helped me during the big earthqua

49、ke.A.us B.ours C.our D.ourselves 5.He is proficient in his work,_ has more work to do than he can handle.A.and B.Than C.So D.But 6.Traditional vehicles are made of materials that cannot be easily _ once they are dumped.A.realistic B.racial C.recycled D.rebellious 7.The ABC Factory,a chemical plant,m

50、ust be torn down because it is not allowed in _ areas.A.residential B.remote C.risky D.ridiculous 8.In economics class,both An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations and On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation are regarded as _ books.A.sacred B.rubbish C.secret D.sat


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