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《英语结构语法之情态动词课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语结构语法之情态动词课件.ppt(34页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、英语结构语法之情态动词第1页,此课件共34页哦一、结构说明n情态动词的基本用法情态动词的基本用法n情态动词的比较情态动词的比较n情态动词情态动词+完成时完成时n情态动词的情态动词的“度度”第2页,此课件共34页哦二、情态动词的基本用法二、情态动词的基本用法n1.can 和和could的用法。的用法。n(1)表示惊讶,常用在否定句和疑问句中表示惊讶,常用在否定句和疑问句中。nHow could you do such a silly thing?n(2)cannot.too/enough表示表示“无论无论也不过分;也不过分;nYou cant be too careful while drivi

2、ng.(3)表示能力表示能力I can speak English.第3页,此课件共34页哦2may和和might的用法。的用法。n(1)may和和might表示表示“许可许可”,“可能性可能性”,“祝愿祝愿”等意义。等意义。nMay I play basketball this afternoon?nNo,you may not.(2)“may/might as well动词原形动词原形”意为意为“最好,倒不如最好,倒不如”。nFor environmental reasons,we may as well take these waste products and have them re

3、cycled.第4页,此课件共34页哦n(3)may作作“可以可以”讲时,其疑问句的否定回答常用讲时,其疑问句的否定回答常用“mustnt/cant”表示表示“禁止禁止”;must作作“必须必须”讲时,其讲时,其疑问句的否定回答用疑问句的否定回答用“neednt”,表示,表示“不必不必”。nMay I use your car?我可以用你的车吗?我可以用你的车吗?nNo,you mustnt.不,不可以。不,不可以。(委婉的拒绝可用:委婉的拒绝可用:Sorry,but I am using it now.或或Youd better not.等等)nMust I work out the pro

4、blem tonight?n我今晚必须解决这个问题吗?我今晚必须解决这个问题吗?nNo,you neednt.不,你不必。不,你不必。第5页,此课件共34页哦3must的用法。的用法。n(1)表示禁止表示禁止(用于否定句用于否定句)。n“You mustnt smoke in the bedroom,”Rose said to her husband and pushed him out of the room.n(2)表示表示“偏执偏执”,“固执固执”。nCould I have a word with you,Mum?nOh dear,if you must.n好吧,亲爱的,如果你偏要谈的

5、话。好吧,亲爱的,如果你偏要谈的话。nMust you make so much noise?n你非得弄出这么大的声吗?你非得弄出这么大的声吗?第6页,此课件共34页哦4shall的用法。的用法。n(1)用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方对方nShall we begin our class?nShall the driver wait outside?n(2)用于第二、第三人称陈述句中,表示说话人给用于第二、第三人称陈述句中,表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺或威胁。对方的命令、警告、允诺或威胁。nI promised he shall

6、get a present for his birthday.n我许诺给他一件生日礼物。我许诺给他一件生日礼物。nYou shall not get my support if you do such a thing.第7页,此课件共34页哦5will和和would的用法。的用法。n(1)表示自愿做或主动提出做什么,如意表示自愿做或主动提出做什么,如意志、愿望或决心等。志、愿望或决心等。would用于过去的用于过去的情况。情况。nJohn promised his doctor he would not smoke,and he has never smoked ever since.(北京高

7、考北京高考)nI have told him again and again to stop smoking,but he will not listen.第8页,此课件共34页哦n(2)would 可以表示过去的习惯性动作,可以表示过去的习惯性动作,比比used to正式,但没有正式,但没有“现已无此习惯现已无此习惯”的含义。的含义。n Last year our English teacher would sometimes tell us stories in English after class.n 去年我们的英语老师常常课后给我们去年我们的英语老师常常课后给我们讲英语故事。讲英语故

8、事。第9页,此课件共34页哦三、情态动词的比较n(1)can(具备具备)和和be able to(具体具体)nI can swim.nLast night,a fire broke out,but they were able to escape.n(2)must(主观主观)和和have to(客观客观)nYou must go now.nI have to go now,because they are waiting for me.第10页,此课件共34页哦情态动词的比较n(3)will(意愿意愿)和和be going to(打算打算)nI will help you whenever y

9、ou are in trouble.nI was going to your party last Saturday,but I had an unexpected guest.第11页,此课件共34页哦情态动词的比较n(4)must(肯定推测)和 can not(否定推测)nHe must be a teacher.nHe must be sleeping now.nHe must have arrived in Beijing then.nHe can not be a teacher.nHe can not be sleeping now.nHe can not have arrived

10、 in Beijing then.nMr.Bush is on time for everything.How can it be that he was late for the meeting?第12页,此课件共34页哦情态动词的比较n(3)will和和 shall疑问句疑问句肯定句肯定句will第二人称第二人称(征询意见)(征询意见)所有人称所有人称(意愿)(意愿)shall一三人称一三人称(征询意见)(征询意见)二人称二人称(指令、承诺)(指令、承诺)第13页,此课件共34页哦will和和 shallnI will do it for you.nWill you come right

11、away?nShall he come in or wait outside?nYou shall clean the whole classroom.nFather promises that Tom shall get a new bicycle for his birthday.第14页,此课件共34页哦四、情态动词+have donen1can/could have done表示表示“本来可以做,而本来可以做,而实际上未做实际上未做”或者或者“过去可能过去可能”,疑问或否定形式表,疑问或否定形式表示对过去发生的行为表示怀疑或不肯定,其中示对过去发生的行为表示怀疑或不肯定,其中cant

12、have done多用于语气强烈的否定,意为多用于语气强烈的否定,意为“不可能做过不可能做过”。nShe cant have left school,for her bike is still here.nThe accident could have been avoided.第15页,此课件共34页哦(2)may/might+have donen表示对过去行为的推测,意为表示对过去行为的推测,意为“可能做过可能做过”。might所表示的可能性比较弱,语气较委婉。所表示的可能性比较弱,语气较委婉。此外此外might have done可表示可表示“本可能做而实际上未做本可能做而实际上未做”。

13、nSorry,Im late.I might have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.nIf it had not been for the traffic jam,I might have arrived on time.第16页,此课件共34页哦(3)must+have donen表示对过去行为的推测,意为表示对过去行为的推测,意为“一定,想一定,想必必”,语气十分肯定。,语气十分肯定。nHe must have completed his work;otherwise,he wouldnt be enjoy

14、ing himself by the seaside.第17页,此课件共34页哦(4)should+have donen表示过去本来应该做某事而实际上却没表示过去本来应该做某事而实际上却没有做;有做;shouldnt have done表示过去表示过去本来不应该做某事而实际上却做了。这本来不应该做某事而实际上却做了。这一用法往往含有责备的意味。一用法往往含有责备的意味。nIm not feeling well in the stomach.I shouldnt have eaten so much fried chicken just now.第18页,此课件共34页哦(5)neednt+ha

15、ve donen表示本来不必做某事而实际上却做了表示本来不必做某事而实际上却做了.nCatherine,I have cleaned the room for you.nThanks.You neednt have done it.I could manage it myself.第19页,此课件共34页哦五、情态动词的“度度”nMustought toshouldmaymight n-When can I get the photos?I need it tomorrow.n-It should be ready by noon.nTom may come tonight.But he is

16、 not sure.第20页,此课件共34页哦n第十六组:情态动词n151.他昨天不可能到达了北京,因为他是昨天晚上出发的。(否定推测)nHe couldnt have arrived in Beijing.Because he set out last night.n152.他现在一定在图书馆看书。(肯定推测)nHe must be reading in the library now.n153.他是进来呢,还是在外面等。(shall)nShall he come in or wait outside.n154.父亲承诺玛丽在生日一定会得到哈利波特这本书。(shall)nFather pro

17、mises that Mary shall get Harry Potter on her birthday.n155.你不必告诉我这件事情,我已经知道了。(need)nYou neednt tell me that,Ive known it.n156.任何人都可能犯错。(may)nAnyone may make mistakes.n157.Tom今晚也许会来,但他不太有把握。(may)nTom may come tonight,but he is not sure.n158.令人难以置信的,像他这样的绅士居然对这位女士如此粗鲁。(should)nIt was strange that a g

18、entleman like him should be so rude to the lady.n159.我有急事要处理,车却偏偏抛锚了。(must)nI have something urgent to deal with but my car must break down.n160.他一定已经到达了上海,是吗?(反意疑问句)nHe must have arrived in Shanghai,hasnt he?第21页,此课件共34页哦解析:解析:考查情态动词完成时的用法。表示对过去已发生考查情态动词完成时的用法。表示对过去已发生动作的一种推测。动作的一种推测。have a hand 意为

19、意为“参与,插手参与,插手”。答案:答案:may/might/could have had a hand1(湖北高考湖北高考)It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones,he_(可能参可能参与与)in playing the monument,or in helping transport and pull up the stones.(hand)第22页,此课件共34页哦解析:解析:考查考查must完成式的用法,表示对过去已发生的完成式的用法,表示对过去已发生的动作做出肯定性推测。动作做出肯定性推测。

20、stay up意为意为“熬夜熬夜”。答案:答案:have stayed up2(湖北高考湖北高考)He looks sleepy.He must_(熬熬夜了夜了)last night,writing the essay.(stay)第23页,此课件共34页哦3(湖北高考湖北高考)Its said that they have swum to the island from the continent,but they _(不可能做到不可能做到)because the ocean in between is too wide.(do)答案:答案:cant/couldnt have done so

21、/it/this/that第24页,此课件共34页哦1(2011黄石调考黄石调考)Bad luck!But for my illness,I_(一定在为你送行一定在为你送行)at the airport now.(see)答案:答案:must be seeing you off第25页,此课件共34页哦2(2011湖北部分重点中学联考湖北部分重点中学联考)The road outside is wet.It _(准是一直准是一直在下雨在下雨)last night.(rain)答案:答案:must have been raining第26页,此课件共34页哦3(2011黄冈中学二模黄冈中学二模)

22、My bicycle isnt where I put it.Who _(可能移动可能移动)?(move)答案:答案:could/might/can have moved4(2011襄阳调考襄阳调考)It is already 12 30 now,but Dad hasnt come back.He _(肯定遇到肯定遇到)the traffic jam on his way home.(catch)答案:答案:must have been/got caught in第27页,此课件共34页哦5(2011湖北省部分重点中学联考湖北省部分重点中学联考)I was on the highway wh

23、en a car passed me followed by a police car.It _(肯定一直在肯定一直在)driving at least 150 miles per hour.(must)答案:答案:must have been 第28页,此课件共34页哦6(2011宜昌模拟宜昌模拟)Based on the real story,the film _(肯定会受到肯定会受到的欢迎的欢迎)the audience all over the country when it is shown.(must)答案:答案:must be popular with 第29页,此课件共34页哦

24、7(2011荆州质检荆州质检)Everyone in my class has passed the exam.Oh,really?It _(肯定不难肯定不难).(difficult)答案:答案:cant/couldnt have been difficult第30页,此课件共34页哦8(2011宜昌模拟宜昌模拟)Its said that she swam across the river ten years ago.She _(不可能做不可能做到到)because she was too young.In addition,the river was over 100 meters wid

25、e.(swim)答案:答案:couldnt have done so/that第31页,此课件共34页哦9(2011荆州模拟荆州模拟)He _(该该到了到了)there by now.He left two hours ago and its only a 20 minutes walk.(arrive)答案:答案:should/ought to have arrived第32页,此课件共34页哦10(2011黄冈模拟黄冈模拟)How are you getting along in America?Quite well,but some friends of mine are still t

26、elling me I _(不该搬到不该搬到)this country.(should)答案:答案:shouldnt have moved to第33页,此课件共34页哦11(2011咸宁模拟咸宁模拟)She must _(熬熬夜了夜了)late last night.She keeps yawning during the lesson.(stay)答案:答案:have stayed up12(2011黄石模拟黄石模拟)The government official has told the villagers that in no case _(他允许他允许)them to go hungry.(should)答案:答案:should he allow第34页,此课件共34页哦


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