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《人教版中考英语复习之情态动词课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版中考英语复习之情态动词课件.ppt(24页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、专题八 情态动词,中考英语语法专题,本专题内容适用于79年级学生,本专题一般共需1课时,情态动词,知识要点: 一、情态动词概说 二、情态动词用法 三、巩固练习,一、情态动词概说 1情态动词也是“辅助性”动词,用来表示说话人的语气或情态。情态动词所表示的情态有:请求、命令、允诺、可能、需要、敢于、愿望、义务、能力等。eg: Can you help me? You should finish your homework first. 2情态动词本身有词义,但词义不完全,不能单独用作谓语,没有人称和数的变化,且后面只跟动词原形。eg:She can sing an English song.3有些

2、情态动词的过去时与其原形相同,有些与原形不同。,4.情态动词的否定形式:cannot - cant could not - couldnt may not- maynt might not- mightnt must not - mustnt will not - wont would not - wouldnt need not - neednt shall not - shant should not - shouldnt ought not - oughtnt dare not - darent,二、常用情态动词的用法:1can与could1) can(1)表示体力或脑力方面的“能力”,

3、也能表示根据客观条件能做某事的“能力”。 He can drive. I cant catch up with Jim. can与be able to二者都表示“能够”,区别是:can只有现在时和过去式,而be able to可用于各种时态。如: Ill be able to speak French in half a year. He hasnt been able to finish it on time. (2)表示允许: Can I use your bike? (3)表示推测: can表示猜测或怀疑只用于疑问句及否定句中。 Who can it be? It cant be tru

4、e.,2) could(1)can的过去式,表示过去有能力及过去的可能性。 He couldnt climb up the mountain. The news could be true. (2)表示客气地请求或委婉地陈述意见。 Could you go skating with me tomorrow? Could I use your pen ? Yes ,you can。No,you cant。(3)表示惊异、怀疑、不相信等态度 How could he say that?,2.may/mightmay/might表示可能,但may比might可能性大。如:-Why isnt he i

5、n class?He may be sick.(生病的可能性较大) He might be sick.(生病的可能性较小)may/might表示“允许”,may用于现在时或将来时,might常用在间接引语中表过去时,但might也可用于现在时间,表示比较委婉的语气,回答用may。如:He says we may leave.He said we might leave.may / might 表示建议或请求,但might比may更客气,意思更肯定而无过去时态的含义。 May / Might I use your bike? Yes, you can / may. No, you mustnt,

6、3must(1)表示义务,命令或必要。 eg. Soldiers must obey orders. 战士必须服从命令。 We must be strict with ourselves. 我们必须严格要求自己。(2)must表示肯定的推测。如:eg. The light is still on, so he must be at home. 灯还亮着,所以他一定在家。(3)mustnt 表示禁止做某事。eg. You mustnt smoke in the office.你不准在办公室抽烟。(4)must 引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答用must,否定回答用neednt.eg. Must he

7、finish all his work this week? Yes, he must No, he neednt,(5)此外还要弄清楚must与have to的区别 1 两词都是必须的意思,have to 表示客观的需要, My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the night. 我弟弟病得很厉害,我只得半夜里把医生请来。(客观上需要做这件事)2must 表示说话人主观上的看法,既主观上的必要。He said that they must work hard. 他说他们必须努力工作。(主观

8、上要做这件事),6need1)need意思是“需要,必须”,主要用于否定句和关系问句中。 You neednt come so early. Need I take part in the Party? 2) need引导的疑问句,肯定回答时多用must,否定回答时用neednt。 Need he come? Yes, he must. /No, he neednt. 3) need to do sth 实意动词用法,7.will / wouldwill 用于各种人称表示“意志”、“意愿”或“决心”等,否定式 wont + 动词。如:I will tell you all about it.T

9、om wont do such a thing.will用于疑问句中,常用在第二称时表示说话人向对方提出“请求”或“询问”如:Will you please tell her the news when you see her?,will 表示习惯性的动作,有“总是”、“惯于”的含义。如:Fish will die out of water.would 表示客气的请求、建议或意愿。如:Would you please be quiet?Would you like coffee?would 表示过去反复发生的动作。如:When I passed my school I would see my

10、 teachers who taught me 5 years ago.,8. dare1) dare意思是“敢”,用于肯定结构中时,后接加to的动词不定式。 The boy dared to climb up the tree. She should dare to question her teacher. 2)dare用于否定句或疑问句中时,与大多数的情态动词一样,后接不带to的动词不定式。 Dont dare do that again! The poor girl dare not go home.,9had better You had better see a doctor. Y

11、ou had better not leave now. Had I better wait for her?,10.should / ought toshould和ought to表示应当、应该,前者比后者语气轻。如:You should / ought to work hard.should / ought to work hard.Since she is not here, we should / ought to be in the classroom.should / ought to的否定形式表示禁止之意。如:Children shouldnt smoke.should可表示陈述

12、意见,推出建议或请求;而ought to可以表示劝告之意。如:You ought to respect your parents.He suggested that they should leave at once.,【典型例题】1.Are you coming to Jeffs party?Im not sure. I_ go to the concert instead.(NMET 2000)A. must B. would C. should D. might解析:答案为D。本题考查情态动词的基本用法。由题目中“Im not sure”,表明我可能去Jeffs party,也可能去音乐

13、会,故用might。 2.Isnt that Anns husband over there? No, it be him Im sure he doesnt wear glasses. A. cant B. must not C. wont D. may not 解析:答案为A。本题考查情态动词表推测。问:那边的难道不是 Ann的丈夫 吗?答:不是。不可能是他,我确信他不戴眼镜。,3.Will you stay for lunch?Sorry, _. My brother is coming to see me.A.I mustnt B.I cant C.I neednt D.I wont解

14、析:答案为B。本题考查表示请求的英语口语,用will来向第二人称提问的疑问结构,是表示一种请求和意愿,是用疑问的形式来表达较为婉转的祈使语气,意思是“请你,好吗”,对于这种问句的肯定回答是:Suree! Gertainly! Yes, of course. Id be glad to 等;否定回答通常是:Im sorry, I cant. No, Im afraid I cant. Im sorry, but Id like to, but 等。注意情态动词表客气的用法及其在一般疑问句中的问与答。,1. Nobody _ do it. Let me _ . A. can, try B. can

15、t, to try C. can, to try D. cant, trying2. “ _ you like _ bananas to eat?” “ Yes, please.” A. Would, some B. Will, any C. Could, any D. Can, some3. “ Can you answer this question in English?” “ Sorry, I _.” A. neednt B. may not C. cant D. mustnt4. “ _ I borrow your dictionary?” “ Certainly, here you

16、 are.” A. Must B. May C. Need D. Shall5. I _ see the words on the blackboard. _ you write a bit clearly? A. mustnt, Can B. dont, will C. cant, Can D. neednt, Could,课堂小练,1. Nobody _A_ do it. Let me _ . A. can, try B. cant, to try C. can, to try D. cant, trying2. “ _A_ you like _ bananas to eat?” “ Ye

17、s, please.” A. Would, some B. Will, any C. Could, any D. Can, some3. “ Can you answer this question in English?” “ Sorry, I _C_.” A. neednt B. may not C. cant D. mustnt4. “ _B_ I borrow your dictionary?” “ Certainly, here you are.” A. Must B. May C. Need D. Shall5. I _ see the words on the blackboar

18、d. _C_ you write a bit clearly? A. mustnt, Can B. dont, will C. cant, Can D. neednt, Could,6. Its a sunny day today. You _ take a raincoat with you. A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. can7. Ive looked for my pen everywhere, but I _ find it. A. couldnt B. cant C. mustnt D. didnt8. “ _ I speak to Ann?” “

19、Speaking.” A. Must B. May C. Need D. Shall9. Shall we go to the zoo tomorrow? _. A. Yes, we shall B. Yes, you shall C. Yes, you will D. All right10. Mr. John, we must hand in our homework today, _? No, you _. But you must bring it to school tomorrow. A. neednt we;mustnt B. mustnt we;neednt C. mustnt

20、 you;mustnt D. neednt we;neednt,6. Its a sunny day today. You _C_ take a raincoat with you. A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. can7. Ive looked for my pen everywhere, but I _B_ find it. A. couldnt B. cant C. mustnt D. didnt8. “ _B_ I speak to Ann?” “ Speaking.” A. Must B. May C. Need D. Shall9. Shall we

21、 go to the zoo tomorrow? _D_. A. Yes, we shall B. Yes, you shall C. Yes, you will D. All right10. Mr. John, we must hand in our homework today, _? No, you _B_. But you must bring it to school tomorrow. A. neednt we;mustnt B. mustnt we;neednt C. mustnt you;mustnt D. neednt we;neednt,中考真题,1.(2021贵州铜仁中

22、考)-Must I water the flowers now,mum?-No, you .You do it later.A.mustnt;must B.mustnt;mayC.neednt;may D.neednt;must2.(2021江苏连云港中考)- I know by what time you want the project to be done?-By the day after tomorrow. you finish it on time?A.May;Can B.Must;Need C.Could;Must D.Need;Would3.(2021长沙中考)-Whos si

23、nging in the garden?-It be Mr.Brown. He always practices singing at this time.A.must B.cant C.need4.(2021河北中考) I follow you. Would you please repeat it?A.cant B.mustnt C.neednt D.shouldnt5.(2021北京中考)-Must I hand in my homework now, Mr. Smith?-No, you .A.cant B.shouldnt C.wouldnt D.neednt,C,A,A,A,D,课时总结,情态动词的助记口诀:情态动词两要点:动词原形跟后边,没有人称 、数之变,can 表能力,may许可,must来把责任担(必须),否定回答need换。need需要 dare敢,should应该,will/would 愿(意), have to“ 不得不”表客观。表示“建议”和“忠告”,had better 为最好。 建议某人“最好不”,要用 had better not do。,Thank you for listening,


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