人教版高三英语第一轮复习高一Unit16课件 新课标 人教.ppt

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1、Unit16 Senior One2021/8/9 星期一1Dictation2021/8/9 星期一21.have an advantage over 优于。优于。2.fly a plane/kite 驾驶飞机驾驶飞机/放风筝放风筝 3.be in/take charge of 主管主管/负责。负责。4.charge sb.money for sth.因。收取某因。收取某人钱人钱5.take care/make sure that 务必。务必。6.under control 处于控制之下处于控制之下7.fasten/fix/tie to 把。系把。系/栓到。栓到。8.pick out 选出选

2、出2021/8/9 星期一39.beyond doubt 好无疑问(用作状语)好无疑问(用作状语)r10.reach/draw a conclusion得出结论得出结论11.take advantage of 利用。利用。12.tear sth.open13.apply to sb.for sth.向某人申请得。向某人申请得。14.free of charge免费免费=for free15.a sense of humor幽默感幽默感16.make the best/most use of 充分利用。充分利用。.2021/8/9 星期一4doubt是个常用词,也是历年高考经常考查的词语之一。是

3、个常用词,也是历年高考经常考查的词语之一。doubt既可用作动词,也可既可用作动词,也可用作名词。现将其用法归纳如下。用作名词。现将其用法归纳如下。一、一、doubt用作动词用作动词1.doubt+名词或代词。例如:名词或代词。例如:I doubt his word.我怀疑他的话。我怀疑他的话。They doubted him before.他们以前曾经怀疑过他。他们以前曾经怀疑过他。2.doubt+宾语从句宾语从句(1)在否定句和疑问句中,)在否定句和疑问句中,doubt后面接后面接that引导的宾语从句。例如:引导的宾语从句。例如:I don”t doubt that he can fin

4、ish the task on time.我相信他能按时完成任务。我相信他能按时完成任务。Do you doubt that she will succeed?你怀疑她会成功吗?你怀疑她会成功吗?(2)在肯定句中,)在肯定句中,doubt后面一般接后面一般接whether或或if引导的宾语从句。例如:引导的宾语从句。例如:I doubt whether they can swim across the river.我怀疑他们能否游过河去。我怀疑他们能否游过河去。He doubts if she will keep her word.他不敢肯定她是否会遵守诺言。他不敢肯定她是否会遵守诺言。注意:

5、在肯定句中,注意:在肯定句中,doubt后面也可以接后面也可以接that引导的宾语从句,但表示疑虑较大或引导的宾语从句,但表示疑虑较大或“不相信不相信”。例如:。例如:We doubt that they can complete the work ahead of time.我们不相信他们能提前完成我们不相信他们能提前完成这项工作。这项工作。I doubt that he will come.我看他未必会来。我看他未必会来。二、二、doubt用作名词用作名词1.doubt常与常与about/of/as to/on等介词连用。例如:等介词连用。例如:There is no doubt abou

6、t it.此事无可怀疑。此事无可怀疑。I have no doubt of his ability.对于他的能力我毫不怀疑。对于他的能力我毫不怀疑。She has her doubts as to this being true.她怀疑这事是否真实。她怀疑这事是否真实。No one has any doubt on this point.这一点没有人会怀疑。这一点没有人会怀疑。2021/8/9 星期一52.doubt后面接同位语从句后面接同位语从句(1)doubt用在否定句中,后面接用在否定句中,后面接that引导的同位语从句。例如:引导的同位语从句。例如:I have no doubt th

7、at he will succeed.我相信他会成功的。我相信他会成功的。There is no doubt that they will agree with you on this matter.毫无疑问,他们在这件事上会同意你的意见毫无疑问,他们在这件事上会同意你的意见的。的。(2)doubt用在肯定句中,后面接用在肯定句中,后面接whether引导的同位语从句。注意不可以用引导的同位语从句。注意不可以用if替换替换whether。例如:。例如:He had his doubts whether they would give him another chance to have a t

8、ry.他不能肯定他们是否会再给他不能肯定他们是否会再给他一次机会试一试。他一次机会试一试。There is some doubt whether their football team will win the match.他们的足球队会不会赢得这场比赛还他们的足球队会不会赢得这场比赛还不能肯定。不能肯定。3.由由doubt组成的一些短语组成的一些短语(1)in doubt怀疑;拿不定主意。例如:怀疑;拿不定主意。例如:We are in doubt(about)what to do next.我们不知道下一步要做什么。我们不知道下一步要做什么。When in doubt about the

9、meaning of a word,consult the dictionary.当你对一个词的意义没有把握时,就当你对一个词的意义没有把握时,就查一下词典。查一下词典。(2)no/without/beyond doubt无疑地;必定;当然。例如:无疑地;必定;当然。例如:It is no doubt difficult.这无疑是困难的。这无疑是困难的。No doubt he didn”t mean to hurt you.他肯定不是有意伤害你的。他肯定不是有意伤害你的。Without doubt this is the best.无可置疑,这是最好的。无可置疑,这是最好的。Beyond do

10、ubt he will give you some advice on your study.毫无疑问,他会给你的学习作一些指导的。毫无疑问,他会给你的学习作一些指导的。(3)make no doubt of 对对毫不怀疑。毫不怀疑。例如:例如:We make no doubt of his sincerity.我们对他的诚意毫不怀疑。我们对他的诚意毫不怀疑。She made no doubt of what he had said.她对他所说的话毫不怀疑。她对他所说的话毫不怀疑。(4)throw/cast doubt on使人对使人对产生怀疑。例如:产生怀疑。例如:Galileo”s exp

11、eriments threw doubt on Aristotle”s theory of falling objects.伽利略的实验使人们对亚里士伽利略的实验使人们对亚里士多德的落体理论产生了怀疑。多德的落体理论产生了怀疑。What he had done cast doubt on his honesty.他的所作所为使人们对他的诚实产生了怀疑。他的所作所为使人们对他的诚实产生了怀疑。2021/8/9 星期一617.Liquid 18.Activist19.Electric 20.Application21.Handkerchief22.Conduct 实施,管理,指挥,引导实施,管理,

12、指挥,引导23.Comfort 舒适,安慰舒适,安慰24.Unnecessary 25.String 线,细绳线,细绳 26.Frame结构,框架结构,框架 27.Engine28.There is no doubt that we will have three days off after the exam.毫无疑问考试后我们有三天假。毫无疑问考试后我们有三天假。29.Having realized that I could use a kite to attract lightning,I decided to do the experiment.意识到我可以用风筝吸引雷电,我意识到我可

13、以用风筝吸引雷电,我决定做这个实验。决定做这个实验。2021/8/9 星期一7I.SpellingM:Hi,Jeanie.Why have you come to school an hour(1)e?W:I wanted to get a front row seat and(2)r _ one more time before the test because I failed a(3)c _ last term.Why are you here so early,Jack?M:I get out of my car here at this time every day.You seem

14、 to be(4)n _ about your lessons.Have you(5)f _ your review?W:Ive only been studying night and day for last week.If I dont get an A in this class,I wont get the support of my country.Why do you(6)s so calm?M:This class is really just a review for me.Ive been learning it for two years.W:Thats lucky fo

15、r you.M:Jeanie,can you(7)g _ what the test will be like?Will it be(8)d _?W:I think not.But Im still worried about it.M:Well,(9)c _ up.Hope for good luck.W:Thanks for(10)w _ me luck.Im going to need it.arlyeviewervous inishedourseeemuess ifficultheer ishing 2021/8/9 星期一8Phrase practice1.利用利用(use)2.增添

16、增添3.保护保护不受不受4.为为而斗争而斗争5.与与相悖相悖6.利用利用(advantage)7.在在的控制下的控制下8.挑选挑选9.总之,概括来说总之,概括来说(conclusion)make use ofadd toprotectfromfight forgo against take advantage ofunder the control ofpick outin conclusion2021/8/9 星期一9Phrase practice10.被从被从赶走赶走11.被烧毁被烧毁12.从从恢复恢复13.使得使得/导致某人做某事导致某人做某事14.目标是目标是15.徒劳,白辛苦徒劳,白

17、辛苦 16.为纪念为纪念17.为为而骄傲而骄傲18.决心做某事决心做某事(determine)be driven off be burnt downrecover from lead sb.to do sth.be aimed atin vainin honour ofbe proud ofbe determined to do sth.2021/8/9 星期一10II.重点词汇重点词汇2021/8/9 星期一11【1 1】advantage胜过某人胜过某人利用利用对某人有利对某人有利有有的优势的优势have an advantage over sb.take advantage of to

18、ones advantage/to the advantage of have an advantage in 2021/8/9 星期一121.I refused her offer for me to be her driver.-Oh,she is such a successful being in business whose _ you should take of.A.advantage B.use C.position D.notice2._ Johns ignorance,the dealer sold him a worthless car.A.Taking advantag

19、e ofB.Taking care ofC.Taking delight inD.Taking charge ofAA2021/8/9 星期一13【2 2】apply to sb.for sth.apply to applied mathematics an application form 她向经理申请去英国工作的职位。她向经理申请去英国工作的职位。She _ _ the manager _ a post in England.applied to for向某人申请某事向某人申请某事把把运用于运用于应用数学应用数学申请表申请表2021/8/9 星期一14【3 3】comfort n.Vt.l

20、ive in comfort Its a comfort to do fort sb.知道她安然无恙是令人安慰的事。知道她安然无恙是令人安慰的事。He is now in his sixties,_(生活得极为舒适)生活得极为舒适)Its a comfort to know that she is safe.living in great comfort生活舒适生活舒适做做是令人安慰的事是令人安慰的事安慰某人安慰某人2021/8/9 星期一15【4 4】charge n.费用,价钱;费用,价钱;/主管,负责主管,负责 Vt.收费;索价;控告;充电收费;索价;控告;充电因因向某人要钱向某人要钱免

21、费免费给电池充电给电池充电以某事指控某人以某事指控某人主管;负责主管;负责由由负责负责charge sb.money for sth.charge a battery free of chargecharge sb.with sth in charge oftake charge ofin the charge oftake the charge of2021/8/9 星期一16charge,in charge of,in the charge of,charge with,charge sb.for.He _ _ _ stealing the diamond.The company is _

22、 _ _ _ Tom when the boss is away.How much do you _ _ repairing my camera?My cell phone cant be used now for it _ _ _.Will you be _ _ _ the company when I am away?was charged with in the charge ofcharge foris being chargedin charge of2021/8/9 星期一17The police charged the driver _ careless driving.A.to

23、B.forC.onD.withWe dont charge anything _ that.A.forB.fromC.byD.inDA2021/8/9 星期一18【5 5】control n.控制,掌管控制,掌管 Vt.控制,操纵,管理控制,操纵,管理have no control of/over sb.beyond ones controlunder ones control under control lose control ofbe/get out of control 管不住管不住 在某人控制之下在某人控制之下 控制不住控制不住得到控制得到控制 失去对失去对 的控制的控制失去控制失去

24、控制2021/8/9 星期一19【6 6】sense n.感觉,感官感觉,感官 Vt.认识到,意识到认识到,意识到有意义,讲得通有意义,讲得通 弄明白弄明白幽默感幽默感Can you _ the article?What he said at the meeting _.make sense a sense of humor make sense ofmake sense of makes no sense/doesnt make any sense2021/8/9 星期一20III.重点词组和句型重点词组和句型2021/8/9 星期一21【1 1】too much,much too,too

25、manyThere are _ reference books in the book store and I dont know which to buy.The question is _ difficult for me._ information _(puzzle)people sometimes.Allen had to call a taxi because the box was _ to carry all the way home.A.much too heavy B.too much heavyC.heavy too much D.too heavy muchtoo man

26、y Too much puzzles much tooA2021/8/9 星期一22【2 2】use充分利用充分利用 对对有用处有用处尽量利用尽量利用开始被使用开始被使用 在使用中在使用中把把加以利用加以利用 make full/good use of to domake the best use of be of use to(sb./sth/)put/bring sth.to use in use come into use 2021/8/9 星期一23make use of,it is no use ,put to use,come into use,be of use,be in us

27、e 105When did the word _?We should _ our time _(study)He will be able to _ his experience _.The textbook is no longer _.I dont want it,but it may be _ someone._(ask)me.I dont know any more than you e into use make use of to studyput to usein use of use toIt is no use asking2021/8/9 星期一24If better us

28、e is _ of your spare time,you will make great progress in it.A.spent B.made C.taken D.thought This is the best use _ we made the money.A.with whichB.by whichC.of whichD.in which11班班BC2021/8/9 星期一25【3 3】pick out,pick up 在人群中辨出自己的朋友在人群中辨出自己的朋友pick up ones hatpick up some informationpick you up at the

29、station pick up the bad habit pick up French while in FranceHes beginning to pick up now.pick out ones friends in a crowd得到得到;获得获得得到一些消息得到一些消息用车接某人用车接某人染上坏习惯染上坏习惯习得习得/无意间学会无意间学会恢复健康恢复健康2021/8/9 星期一26At present the hotel is almost empty,but Im sure things will start to _ in the spring.A.rise up B.hol

30、d on C.pick up D.hang out -How did you _ French?-My experience helps a lot,in fact.I had lived in Paris with my aunt for 2 years before I came to England.A.pick out B.pick up C.set up D.set out -Have you _ any information?-No,Im going to _ the business department.A.picked up;call atB.picked out;call

31、 onC.got;call onD.received;drop in CBC好转,改善;发现好转,改善;发现;听到,通过实践学会(外听到,通过实践学会(外语、技术,得到(情报语、技术,得到(情报,知识);偶然结识某知识);偶然结识某人;逮捕某人人;逮捕某人;2021/8/9 星期一27【4 4】There is no doubt about sth.There is no doubt _ 从句从句 毫无疑问毫无疑问I have no doubt _从句从句no doubt beyond doubt I dont doubt _从句从句I doubt _从句从句 There is no doub

32、t _ John will come by bus.A.ifB.whyC.thatD.how _ he was just trying to help,but hes spoiled our work.thatthat无疑地无疑地,很可能很可能毫无疑问地毫无疑问地,确实确实thatwhetherCNo doubt2021/8/9 星期一28我对他的诚实毫不怀疑我对他的诚实毫不怀疑.(简单句简单句)毫无疑问毫无疑问,他会获奖他会获奖.我相信你会成功我相信你会成功.(doubt作名词作名词)我怀疑我怀疑TOM会不会按时来会不会按时来.(doubt作动词作动词)I have no doubt abo

33、ut his honesty.There is no doubt that he will win the prize.I have no doubt that you will succeed.I doubt whether Tom will come on time.2021/8/9 星期一29【5 5】祈使句祈使句+and/or+and/or+陈述句陈述句Tie the corners of the handkerchief to the points of the cross,and you will have a nice strong kite.努力学习,你就能赶上你的同学们。努力

34、学习,你就能赶上你的同学们。再多给我两天时间,再多给我两天时间,我能把这项工作做得更好我能把这项工作做得更好快点儿,快点儿,不然你就会错过最后一班车。不然你就会错过最后一班车。Work hard and you will catch up with Two more days,and I will do the job better./and I would have done the job better.Hurry up,or you will miss the last bus.2021/8/9 星期一30高考链接高考链接(06重庆卷)重庆卷)_ and Ill get the work

35、 finished.A.Have one more hour B.One more hourC.Given one more hourD.If I have one more hour(04湖南卷湖南卷)Turn on television or open a magazine and you _ advertisement showing happy families.A.will often seeB.often seeC.are often seeing D.have often seenBA2021/8/9 星期一31【实战演练】【实战演练】1.(05广东卷)广东卷)Some rese

36、archers believe that there is no doubt _ a cure for AIDS will be found.A.which B.thatC.what D.whether2.(06湖北卷)湖北卷)AIDS is said _ the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years.A.that it isB.to beC.that it has been D.to have beenBD2021/8/9 星期一32【实战演练】【实战演练】3.H

37、er fluency in English gives her an advantage _ other girls for the job.A.above B.over C.than D.with4.She was complaining that the doctor was _ too much for the treatment he was giving her.A.expending B.offeringC.costing D.charging5.Without proper lessons,you could _ a lot of bad habits when playing

38、the piano.A.keep up B.pick up C.draw up D.catch upBDB2021/8/9 星期一33【实战演练】【实战演练】6.-What do you think of Andrew?-There are some things that are not easy to _,and his coldness is one.A.put asideB.put up withC.think ofD.get along with7.A cold wind began to blow and he _ his collar to keep out the cold.A.turned down B.turned off C.turned over D.turned upBD折起,卷起折起,卷起2021/8/9 星期一34【实战演练】【实战演练】8.Do let your mother know all the truth.She appears _ everything.A.to tellB.to be toldC.to be tellingD.to have been told D2021/8/9 星期一352021/8/9 星期一362021/8/9 星期一37


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