人教版高三英语第一轮复习高一Unit17课件 新课标 人教.ppt

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1、Unit17Unit17REVISIONREVISION2021/8/9 星期一1Youth is lifes seed-time.年轻时代是生命的播种期。年轻时代是生命的播种期。2021/8/9 星期一2SUCCESSsmartnessunderstandingcarefulnesscharity(宽容)宽容)enthusiasm(热情)热情)self-determination(自决)自决)self-confidence(自信自信)successWish you2021/8/9 星期一3Oprah WinfreyWhat is needed in order to be successfu

2、l?successdesire,hardworkingabilityself-confidencegoal,interestperseverance(毅力毅力)discipline(纪律纪律).2021/8/9 星期一4I.Dictation 2021/8/9 星期一5Task 1:Useful phrases:w400-mile journeywpull my sledwput my tent upwblow awaywdragintowgive upwhold no promisewstruggle throughwa howling stormwwithout warningwsolo

3、travelwstruggled to ones kneeswat the top of ones voicew400英里的旅行英里的旅行w拉我的雪橇拉我的雪橇w搭起我的帐篷搭起我的帐篷w把把吹走吹走w把把拖进拖进w放弃放弃w没有前途没有前途w挣扎着度过挣扎着度过w怒吼的狂风怒吼的狂风w毫无预兆毫无预兆w单独旅行单独旅行w挣扎着跪起来挣扎着跪起来w高声地;大声地高声地;大声地2021/8/9 星期一6II.SpellingW:Professor Smith,may I see you for a(1)m_?M:Of course.Come in and have a(2)s_.W:Ive co

4、me to talk to you about my(3)g_ on my last paper.I want to know why I was given an“F”.M:Well,(4)y_ was so similar to that of another student in the class that I seriously doubted whether youd done it(5)y_.W:I did work closely with my roommate Jean,but let me explain why.A week before the(6)p_ was du

5、e,I was too sick to do my research.Jean agreed to help me.But it was really my own.momentseatgrade yoursyourselfpaper2021/8/9 星期一7M:Well,youd been given a month to work on the paper.Wouldnt it be better to get ahead start(7)r_ than to wait until the last minute?Each student was(8)s_ to prepare it in

6、dividually.Im afraid my decision(9)r_ the same.(10)H_,if youre willing to make an oral presentation about the governments role in running the economy,Ill give you extra credit.W:Thank you.Ill do that.rathersupposedremainsHowever2021/8/9 星期一8一、重点词汇一、重点词汇2021/8/9 星期一9equipmentluggage,furniture,clothin

7、g指各种各样的指各种各样的装备装备,是一个集体名,是一个集体名词,被当作一个词,被当作一个不不可数名词,没有可数名词,没有复数形式复数形式像这样用法的集体名词有像这样用法的集体名词有2021/8/9 星期一10Important words and phrases1.just around the corner2.die down3.stand on4.regret5.value2021/8/9 星期一111.just around the corner(P2.L2)=likely to happen soon(即将来临即将来临)The new term _.A.is just around

8、the cornerB.is at the cornerC.is just at the cornerD.are just around the corner2021/8/9 星期一12around the corner 本意为本意为 very near,指某,指某个地点的距离很近个地点的距离很近(相当于汉语中相当于汉语中“拐个弯就拐个弯就到了到了”),比喻为,比喻为“某事即将发生某事即将发生”egHer house is just around the corner 好日子近在眼前好日子近在眼前Good times are just around the corneraround the c

9、orner她家离此不远她家离此不远around the corneraround the corner2021/8/9 星期一132.die down 减弱,减弱,平息平息(P4,L1)1._the speaker restarted his speech.等人们激动的情绪平息后,等人们激动的情绪平息后,After the excitement of the people died down,2.这些谣言这些谣言(rumors)不久就会逐渐平息。不久就会逐渐平息。These rumors will soon die down.2021/8/9 星期一143.stand on 用用站立站立(P7

10、,L1)单脚站起来单脚站起来倒立倒立躺着躺着侧卧侧卧趴着趴着stand on ones legstand on ones headlie on ones backlie on ones side lie on ones stomach2021/8/9 星期一154.regret regret doing/having done 后悔做了后悔做了 regret to do 遗憾要做遗憾要做(P8,L2)Tom will never forget_ to Shanghai when he was young.A.take B.taking C.being taken D.to takeC2021/

11、8/9 星期一16I regret _ you that you have not passed the examination.A.telling B.tell C.to tell D.toldC2021/8/9 星期一175.value v.to think that sth.is important to you珍视,重视珍视,重视v.to decide how much money sth.is worth.估价估价n.价值,币值价值,币值2.Jim saved me yesterday and hurt himself.Ill_ the friendship with Jim.1.H

12、e _ _ my advice,he would regret.didnt value 不重视不重视value3.We valued the house at$3,500.4.This work has no value.1.You will find this map of great _ in helping you to get around London.A.price B.costC.value D.usefulnessD.2.改错。改错。The dictionary is very value to students.Cvaluable(估价)(估价)(价值)(价值)2021/8/

13、9 星期一18value“珍珍视视,尊尊重重,估估的的价价格格,价值价值”eg 我非常珍视我们之间的友谊我非常珍视我们之间的友谊I value our friendship very much2021/8/9 星期一19Task 2:Sentence patterns1.I found myself spending.我发现自己整天都呆在帐篷里。我发现自己整天都呆在帐篷里。2.I had travelled only two hours one day when the winds increased 一天,我刚走了两个小时,突然狂风大作,我只好趁风一天,我刚走了两个小时,突然狂风大作,我只好

14、趁风力还不算太大之前,支起帐篷。力还不算太大之前,支起帐篷。3.,I was moving forward over a slope that seemed safe when suddenly 几天以后,我正在一个似乎安全的斜坡上前行,突然,几天以后,我正在一个似乎安全的斜坡上前行,突然,毫无预兆,滑雪板下的大地陷下去了。毫无预兆,滑雪板下的大地陷下去了。2021/8/9 星期一20我忽然发现自己站在讲台边了。我忽然发现自己站在讲台边了。然后我突然发现六个孩子围着自己。然后我突然发现六个孩子围着自己。Dick不知不觉地朝教室走去。不知不觉地朝教室走去。Suddenly I found mys

15、elf at the edge of the platform.+介词词组介词词组Then I found myself surrounded by six children.+过去分词过去分词Dick found himself walking to the classroom.+现在分词现在分词find oneself发现自己(处于某种状态);不知不觉地发现自己(处于某种状态);不知不觉地.When I went in,I found her _ to a young man of about twenty.A.to talk B.talked C.talk D.talkingB.Dfin

16、d sb.doing 发现某人在做某事发现某人在做某事2021/8/9 星期一212.I had travelled only two hours one day when the winds increased so much that I had.had donewhen,“刚刚刚刚.就就”2021/8/9 星期一223.,I was moving forward over a slope that seemed safe when suddenly was/were doingwhen“正在正在(突然)就(突然)就”2021/8/9 星期一23Examples:学生们足球没踢一会儿,铃就

17、响了。学生们足球没踢一会儿,铃就响了。我还没把门打开,狗就叫了起来。我还没把门打开,狗就叫了起来。我正在睡觉,这时他进来了。我正在睡觉,这时他进来了。我们正在上英语课,突然天开始下雨。我们正在上英语课,突然天开始下雨。The student hadnt played football long_I was sleeping _.I had hardly opened the door _.We were having an English class _.when the bell rang.when he came inwhen the dog barkedwhen it began to

18、rain2021/8/9 星期一24be about to dowhen“正要做正要做,突然,突然”1.他刚要出门时,天开始下雨了。他刚要出门时,天开始下雨了。He was about to leave when it began to rain.I was about to go to bed when there was a ring.2.我正要睡觉这时电话玲响了。我正要睡觉这时电话玲响了。2021/8/9 星期一25表示旅行的一些单词表示旅行的一些单词 journey travel trip tour voyage长途长途漫无目的的漫无目的的短途短途,往往含有往往含有“一往一返一往一返”

19、之意之意 有组织的考察,观光性质的有组织的考察,观光性质的海上或空中的长途海上或空中的长途practicea2021/8/9 星期一26threaten 动动词词,“恐恐吓吓,威威胁胁,扬扬言言要要,预示,预示的凶兆的凶兆”threaten sbwith sth(sb)to do sththatclausee eg g他威胁说要杀死我他威胁说要杀死我 me with death.to kill me.that he would kill me.He threatened2021/8/9 星期一27eg他他们们为为自自由由而而奋奋斗斗同同困困难难做做斗斗争争同同癌癌症症做做斗斗争争/从从燃燃烧烧

20、的的汽汽车车中中挣挣扎扎着着爬爬出出来来 They struggled for freedomagainst difficultieswith cancerout of the burning carstruggle 动词动词v.“奋斗,挣扎奋斗,挣扎”2021/8/9 星期一28 struggle to ones feet挣扎着挣扎着(用脚用脚)站起来站起来挣扎着挣扎着(用膝盖用膝盖)跪起身来跪起身来struggle to ones knees2021/8/9 星期一29We struggled a living.They struggled difficulties.He struggle

21、d cancerThe old man struggled the burning carI was struggling stormy weather.I struggled my knees knowingforagainst without ofthrough to.practice2021/8/9 星期一30我还很健康,而且我所有的装备也状况良好我还很健康,而且我所有的装备也状况良好in good health=表表示示“健健康康”的的意意思,思,in 表示表示“处于处于状况之中状况之中”类似的用法有:类似的用法有:in prison in hospital .in a hurry i

22、n order .in dangeregThe road is in good conditionhealthy坐牢坐牢住院住院匆忙匆忙有秩序有秩序处于危险之中处于危险之中这条路状况良好这条路状况良好2021/8/9 星期一31 我很健康我很健康.Im =Im 我所有的装我所有的装备状况状况良好良好All of my equipment was .=All of my equipment was .in good c 坐坐牢牢 _ 住住院院 _ 匆匆忙忙 _ 有有秩秩序序 _ 处于于危危险之之中中 _ in good healthhealthyin a hurryin hospitalin p

23、risonin good condition working well5in orderin danger practice2021/8/9 星期一32四、实战演练四、实战演练2021/8/9 星期一331.In fact,he _ in bed all the morning without doing anything,but he _ to me about that.A.lied;lied B.lay;lay C.lied;lay D.lay;lied2.He _ me to come,but he hasnt arrived yet.A.allowed B.promised C.ag

24、reed D.invited3.Deer _ mainly on grass.A.feed B.feeds C.live D.lives4.They eat less sugar and that is _they have_ teeth.A.why;healthy B.because;healthy C.why;health D.that;healthDDAA2021/8/9 星期一345.When you leave the room,_ to lock the door.A.be sure B.make sure C.make sure you D.be sure of6.She kno

25、ws how to _ the problem,for she is very experienced.A.deal B.deal with C.treat D.go with7.Do what you have been told,_youll be punished.A.because B.unless C.and D.or else8.The boy has _ a ladder and hurt himself.A.fallen off B.fallen to C.fallen away D.fallen offADBA2021/8/9 星期一359.The doctor told h

26、er _ and stop worrying about the disease.A.not to take it easy B.to not take it easy C.to take it easy D.to take easy it10.Many people _ for the Party before liberation.A.laid down their lives B.lay down their lives C.lied down their lives D.lying down their lives11.They woke up _ everything around

27、_.A.found;changed B.finding;changing C.to find;changing D.to find;changedCAD2021/8/9 星期一3612.He was uncertain _ next.A.what to do B.how to do C.how to do what D.how do it13.Hearing the news,Tom left here at once,_the book _ on the desk.A.left;lay opened B.leaving;lied opened C.leaving;lying open D.l

28、eft;lain open14.The Arabians are used to_their right hand fingers.A.eating using B.eat using C.eating to use D.eat to useACA2021/8/9 星期一3715.The taxi stopped to _ a passenger.A.pick out B.pick up C.get on D.get in16.He has good eyesight,he can see_the distant island in the sea.A.as long as B.so far as C.so long as D.as far as17.The villager_the drum and danced happily to the_.A.beat;beat B.struck;strikeC.hit;hit D.knocked;knock18.I hope my teacher will _ this painting.A.satisfy B.be satisfied C.be satisfy with D.be satisfied withABDD2021/8/9 星期一382021/8/9 星期一39


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