人教版高三英语第一轮复习高一Unit20课件 新课标 人教.ppt

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1、Unit20 Senior One 2021/8/9 星期一1I.Dictation 2021/8/9 星期一2spellingA:Grandmother.How did you meet grandfather?B:Oh,well,Thats quite a f_ story.In fact,we met several times.You see,I met grandfather in England,w_ we lived before we came to Australia.We only lived about eight k _ from each other.Your gra

2、ndfather was a m_ in the church,three villages away.A:And when did he ask you to m _ him?B:Well,it was really funny.We were having dinner in a r_ one evening,and we were talking about people getting married,and so on.As a minister in the church it was your grandfathers job to marry couples.We talked

3、 all kinds of different people.We were having a very enjoyable c_ and laughed a lot.So Iunnyhereilometresinisterarryestaurantonversation2021/8/9 星期一3 ask him,“And will you marry me?”A:What did he say then?B:He went a little red in the face,and couldnt say a_ for a few minutes.He looked rather surpri

4、sed.Finally,he said,“well,this very sudden and unexpected!”I i_ realised that he had not understand me correctly.A:What did you do then?B:I told him what I meant.He laughed,and seemed feel much better after I said that.We c_our dinner in much the same way as before.We had very nice evening together.

5、nythingmmediatelyontinued2021/8/9 星期一4Phrase Practice2021/8/9 星期一5 be certain of/about make fun of marry sb.make use of be fluent in couple/a couple of lay down look on/upon as have sth.in mind knock sb.off plan to intend to do sth.stop doing/stop to do确保某事;对确保某事;对有把握有把握取笑取笑;嘲笑嘲笑与与结婚结婚利用利用在在.很流畅很流畅/

6、流利流利几个几个放倒在地放倒在地把把看作看作记得某事记得某事把某人从把某人从撞下来撞下来计划做计划做打算做打算做停止做停止做/停下来做停下来做(另一件另一件事事)2021/8/9 星期一6一、重点词汇一、重点词汇2021/8/9 星期一71.intend vt.想要想要,打算打算;意指意指 Ive made a mistake,_.(虽然不是有意虽然不是有意)_,but she took itaway.(那椅子原来是给你的那椅子原来是给你的)intend to do sth.打算打算/意欲做某事意欲做某事intend doing sth.打算意欲打算意欲/做某事做某事intend sb.to

7、do sth.打算让某人做某事打算让某人做某事be intend for 为为.打算打算/设计设计intend to have done 本来打算做本来打算做had intend that-clause/to do本来打算做本来打算做intend for 打算供打算供使用使用,打算使打算使成为成为,though I didnt toThe chair was intended for you2021/8/9 星期一81.She _ to catch the early train,but she didnt get up in time.A.intended B.was intended C.

8、had intendedD.was intending2.-May I go to the party with you?-No,dear.The party is _ for adults only.A.intend B.intended C.intending D.to intend3.The newly-published book,which refers _ basic English grammar,is _ only for beginners.A.as;meant B.for;intendedC.to;planned D.to;intendedCBD2021/8/9 星期一92

9、.certain adj.确定的确定的;无疑的无疑的;某某(种种)There is no certain cure for this illness.There are certain laws about drinking and driving.certainly adv.确定地确定地;无疑地无疑地 certainty n.确定确定;铁定的事实铁定的事实make certain 弄清楚弄清楚 be certain to do sth.肯定干某事肯定干某事be certain of/about sth.确保某事确保某事It is certain that某事是真的某事是真的Sb.is cer

10、tain that某人确信某事是真的某人确信某事是真的2021/8/9 星期一10It is _ that his English is _ perfect.(2003辽宁联考辽宁联考)A.sure;very B.right;rather C.exact;fairlyD.certain;quiteIm not _ what she wants.A.certainly B.certain(of)C.certain that我确信他是个诚实的孩子我确信他是个诚实的孩子.他是个诚实的孩子他是个诚实的孩子,这是真的这是真的.DBIm certain that he is an honest boy.I

11、t is certain that he is an honest boy.Question:It is certain that中可用中可用 sure代替代替certain 吗吗?2021/8/9 星期一11Wait till you are more _.Its better to be sure than sorry.A.inspired B.satisfied C.calm D.certainD2021/8/9 星期一12rapid;fast;quick 三者都有三者都有“快的快的,迅速的迅速的”意思意思rapid侧重于运动本身侧重于运动本身,隐含速度快得出人意料隐含速度快得出人意料F

12、ast 侧重于速度快侧重于速度快quick强调迅速、敏捷、或持续时间短强调迅速、敏捷、或持续时间短1.He has made _ progress in English study._ reading was one of the courses I liked incollege.2.All the interviewees are required to give a _answer to the question.3.Unexpectedly,he had a _ recovery from his illness.(2004 百校联考百校联考)A.fast B.quick C.rapi

13、d D.soonrapidFastquickC2021/8/9 星期一13most;mostly;almost1.The weather here is_ sunny in the spring.2._ students went home for the Christmas holiday.3.What pleases his parents _ is that he has made great progress.A.most B.almost C.the most D.mostly4.The houses in this village are _ built of stone and

14、brick.A.most B.almost C.mostly D.nearlymostlyMostAC2021/8/9 星期一14Exercises1.His good deeds were highly _ A.thought of B.thought over C.thought about D.thought for2.He was too short to _ that apple.A.catch B.reach C.find D.spread3.I find _ necessary that I should help them finish the task.A.that B.th

15、is C.it D.oneABC2021/8/9 星期一15nearly与与 almost一般情况下一般情况下,与可以互换与可以互换.但以下四种情况下不但以下四种情况下不换用换用:(1)在表示思想状况或感情时在表示思想状况或感情时,用用almost.(2)修饰修饰no,nothing,none,never,nobody,nowhere等表示否定意义的词时等表示否定意义的词时,用用almost.-Did you hear his talk?-Yes,but he said_ worth hearing.A.almost nothing B.almost everything C.nearing

16、anything D.nearly nothingA2021/8/9 星期一16(3).和和too,more than 连用时,连用时,almost(4).被被 very,pretty,not 等修饰时等修饰时,用用nearly.Practice:1._ no one believe him.2.The speaker said _ nothing worth listening.3._ none of the students know about it.Frankly speaking,I dont _ know about it either.A.Almost,nearly B.Near

17、ly,mostly C.Almost,almost D.Nearly,nearlyAlmostalmostA2021/8/9 星期一174.The house in this village are _ built of stone and brick.A.most B.almost C.mostly D.nearly5.What pleases his parents _ is that he ha has made progress.A.most B.almost C.the most D.mostlyCA注:必须放在否定词之前,而必须放注:必须放在否定词之前,而必须放在否定词之后。在否定

18、词之后。2021/8/9 星期一18 Key Phrases2021/8/9 星期一191.suffer from 受受折磨折磨,患某种疾病患某种疾病;经受经受(不愉快的事不愉快的事)suffer from heart disease 患心脏病患心脏病 suffer from heart failure 患心力衰竭患心力衰竭The old lady _ great pain when her only son was killed in a traffic accident.A.took B.suffered C.Suffered from D.stood The performance of

19、 the host,intend to pleased the audience,_ a cold silence,however.(2004 太原太原)A.suffered from B.suffering C.suffering D.to suffer suffer vt.受到受到,遭到遭到,蒙受蒙受(后接后接loss、pain、defeat、poverty、punishment、hunger、hardship等做宾语。等做宾语。)BA2021/8/9 星期一20 _ such heavy pollution already,it may now be to late to clean u

20、p the river.A.Having suffered B.suffering C.to suffer D.suffered2.make fun of 取笑;嘲笑取笑;嘲笑 laugh at(因某人的不足而因某人的不足而)嘲笑(某人)嘲笑(某人)Play jokes/a joke with sb.和某人开玩笑和某人开玩笑Fun 不可数名词不可数名词 不可和不可和a/an 连用。连用。It is fun to do sth.做某事有趣做某事有趣What fun it is to do sth.!做某事多有趣啊!做某事多有趣啊!A2021/8/9 星期一21 _ it is to have a

21、 bath in the river in such hot weather!A.What great fun B.How funny C.How great fun D.What a great funA2021/8/9 星期一22四、实战演练四、实战演练2021/8/9 星期一231.The professor has received the letter _ to give a lecture in Princeton Institute.(2004 黄冈)A.being invited B.to be invited C.inviting him D.invited2.We saw

22、new houses _ wherever we went on our visit.A.built B.being built C.building D.to build3.Helen had to shout _ above the sound of the music.A.making herself hear B.to make herself C.making herself heard D.to make herself heardCBD2021/8/9 星期一244._ from heart trouble for years,Professor has to take some

23、 medicine with him wherever he goes.(2001上海)上海)A.Suffered B.Suffering C.Having suffered D.Being suffered5.The _ boy was last seen _ near the East Lake.(2000 上海上海)A.missing;playing B.missing;play C.missed;played D.missed;to playCAA2021/8/9 星期一256.Those flowers were _ for your mother on her 70th birth

24、day,but as she is away,I would be glad if you accept them.A.devoted B.produced C.intended D.supplied7.Weve booked seats for a _car.A.sleep B.sleeping C.slept D.sleeps8.Reading is an experience quite different fromWatching TV;there are pictures _ in your mind instead of before your eyes.A.to form B.f

25、orm C.forming D.having formedCBC2021/8/9 星期一269.Dont leave the water_ while you brush your teeth.A.run B.running C.being run D.to run10.The flowers _ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.A.to smell B.smelling c.smelt D.to be smelt11.He looked around and caught a man_ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.A.put B.to be putting C.to put D.puttingBBD2021/8/9 星期一272021/8/9 星期一282021/8/9 星期一29


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