Unit4 单元清能力测试-高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册.docx

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1、Unit 4单元清能力测试第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小期2分,满分30分)A.There are four fiin festivals throughout the year in Brazil.Festa JuninaHesta Junina is celebrated all over Brazil fbr the entire month of June as a yearly celebration of Saint John. It celebrates country life with typical clothes, food and dan

2、ces inside a large tent, with decorations such as colored flags, beautiful (able cloths and balloons.OktoberfestThe Geimanic roots of the south of Brazil brought this traditional German festival to Brazil, where it has become one of the most popular beer festivals. Held in the middle of October ever

3、y year in Blumenau, it celebrates typical German cuisine and plenty of beer. Therere all kinds of German foods at the festival. Festival de CachaqaEvery year in the town of Paraty, Festival de Cachaa is held fbr cachaa, the national alcohol (?) made from sugarcane (甘蔗).This festival is held over a l

4、ong weekend in August and it gives you a chance to try cachaqa. There are also shows osamba (桑巴舞)and food trucks. Its also a great opportunity to get to know the beautiful town of Paraty.Parintins Folklore FestivalThe festival held every year in Parintins is the second largest in Brazil after the ca

5、rnival. It goes over a period of three days at the end of June and celebrates the Amazonian legend of a resurrected ox (复活的牛). The main attraction of the festival is the competition between the two teams Garantido and Caprichoso that compete to retell the story of the ox through a mix of dancing and

6、 singing.21. Which festival lasts the longest time?A. Oktoberfest.B. Festa Junina.C. Festival de Cacha9a. D. Parintins Folklore Festival.22. What can you do if you attend Oktoberfest?A. Taste German food.B. Watch shows of samba.C. Drink the national alcohol.D. Listen to the story of the ox,What do t

7、he four festivals have in common?A. They are yearly activities.B. They enjoy global popularity.C. They fbcus on food and dancing.D. They are celebrated all over Brazil.B.Riding a bike and often wearing a blue hat, John Butler, an 84-year-old former farmer from Derbyshire, England, has become a 乎力”/“

8、a/ (精神的)guide to a growing number of devoted fans.Butler, an early advocate of organic farming, is a long-time follower of meditation (M). As part ofhis spiritual journey, he began recording inspiring messages in the hope of sharing the lessons hed learned with others.The peacefi.il tone, calming pr

9、esence, a voice like a warm glass of milk, in which Butler delivered his plain view of life online, soon stinck a chord(弓I 起共鸣)with a rising number of people struggling to free themselves from the day-to-day anxiety caused by COVID-19.Butler became famous in a 2016 BBC interx iew. After the intervie

10、w, he was picked out by members of the Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR)community as someone worth attention not just fbr what he said, but fbr the manner in which he said it. Since then, this seniors popularity has grown.Having always considered himself something of a (格格不入的人)“in society,

11、 Butler was much more surprised by his popularity than anyone else. Before his ongoing video project, Buller said he had never heard of YouTube and had little knowledge of the Internet. But Butler feels lucky to be able to provide a good influence for people just doing their best to deal with modern

12、-day life.“So many people have this problem, and because they naturally seek some sort of balance, they look fbr rest or peace, dont thcy? Butler told the BBC.23. What can we learn about Butler from Paragraph 2?A. He is a tour guide with many fans.B. He is an expert on organic farming.C. He wants to

13、 be famous on the Internet.D. He enjoys thinking carefully and deeply.24. What made Butler attract a lot of fans?A. His inspiring life experience.B. His good performance in an interview.C. His efforts to promote organic farming.D. His unique way of delivering opinions on life.25. Why was Butler surp

14、rised at his popularity?A. He was an outsider of YouTube.B. He felt out of place in society.C. Many people were struggling with their lives.D. Many people showed great interest in his video project. 27. Whats the best title fbr the text?E. Butlers road to successF. The wisdom of an old manG. Deal wi

15、th problems in life peacefullyH. A fiirmer becomes a star on the Internet C.From classic books like A Wrinkle in Time to classic movies like Back to the Future, children and adults both have been fascinated by the concept of time travel for hundreds of years. But is it even possible?Time (ravel soun

16、ds simple: you just move back and forth between differentpoints in lime like you would between different points in space. You could jump forward into (he future, or you could jump back to sometime in ihc past.Exactly how would this be done? Most artistic works that feature time travel finish it with

17、 the help of a special device usually called a time machine. The time machine features whatever technology has been developed to transport people successfully to other points in time.But could time travel really happen? Some scientists believe that parts of Albert Einsteins theories of special and g

18、eneral relativity might allow for the possibility of time travel. These theories are complex and very hard to understand. They involve unusual astronomical things like black holes and wormholes. Traveling faster than the speed of light might also be required.It can be fun. though, to think about wha

19、t problems might be presented by time travel. It may create an absurd (荒谬的)situation. For example, lets say that you travel back in time to the day your parents met. What if your showing up on the day your parents met caused a ripple (连锁反应)in time that led to them not meeting? If they had never met,

20、 you would never have been born. If you had never been born, how could you ever exist to travel back in time to cause the problem you just caused? Confusing as it sounds, wc hope that any scientist who ever manages to make time travel possible works out these problems in advance.28. What kind of fil

21、m is Back to the Future most likely to be?A. An action film.B. A fantasy film.C. A historical film.D. An adventure film.29. What does the author mainly do in Paragraph 2?A. Add a topic.B. Give an example.C. Explain a concept.D. Make a conclusion.30. What is some scientists5 judgement on the possibil

22、ity of time travel based on?A. Previous similar cases.B. Accurate scientific research.C. Some scientific theories.D. Advanced space technology.31. What does the author think of time travel?A. It will certainly come true one day.B. It is an impossible and absurd idea.C. It will change some historical

23、 events.D. It may cause sclf-coniradictory situations.D.Research in the US, for the resale site ThrcdUp, suggests that 70% of women were prepared to buy second-hand fashion in 2019 compared with 45% four years earlier. It predicts that the resale market will be bigger than fast fashion featuring cop

24、ying high-fashion designs by 2029 as traditional charity shops sell more items and the resale market expands.Vinted, another resale site, which now has more than 37 million registered members globally across 13 countries, including 1.2 million in the UK, said it saw an increase of between 16% and 17

25、% in listings in its European markets during COVID-19. The company says during COVID-19 shoppers turned to the Internet to clean out unwanted items they could not sell at charity shops.And there is an impetus that pushes big retailers (零售商)into the second-hand market. According to a report, the fash

26、ion industry is responsible fbr 10% of yearly global carbon emissions (碳HE放)一more than all international flights and shipping combined. Companies including Asda have all signed up to an action plan, including enabling clothing re-use and reducing waste.Individuals who are without jobs or working sho

27、rter hours are increasinglyselling unwanted goods online, also driving second-hand sales. Theres recognitionthat useless objects can have a cash value that can be easily realized.Tracy Diane Cassidy, a fashion expert, says that an appreciation of excellent design and a desire to create a more indivi

28、dual look beyond mass-produced fast fashion are also driving the(趋势).Brands are starting to take notice that there is a sales opportunity here. Their sales will drop when people start to buy second-hand goods. If they dont join in, where else are they going to make up for the lost income?32. What do

29、es the research find according to Paragraph 1?A. Fast fashion is bound to suffer great losses.B. People are more willing to buy used items.C. The resale market attracts young women more.D. 70% of second-hand fashion buyers are women.33. What do the underlined words “an impetus in Paragraph 3 mean?A.

30、 A real trouble.B. A weak point.C. A driving force.D. An economic benefit.34. What drives the sales in the resale market according to Tracy Diane Cassidy?A. Fashion taste.B. A big profit.C. The habit of saving.D. Environmental protection.35. Whats the text mainly about?A. The future of fashion brand

31、s.B. The advantages of clothing re-use.C. The popularization of the resale market.D. The reasons fbr buying second-hand items.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。As a well-known Chinese saying goes, “A journey of one thousand miles begins with a single step.” 36 They turned

32、 off all lights and electronics irom 8:30 to 9:30 pm local time.Earth Hour is put forward by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). On March 31. 2007, the organization encouraged the citizens in Sydney to switch off all lights and turn off all non-essential devices for one hour. Over 2 million households an

33、d 2.100 companies answered the call. This small action helped save 10% of the electricity in a regular evening hour. 37Besides making an immediate difference, the WWF says the worldwide participation shows peoples desire to do their share to reverse(逆转)climate change. 38 According to the WWF, simple

34、 actions such as turning off unnecessary lights or choosing wood pencils over plastic ones can also help reverse climate change.39 In 2(X)8, over 50 million people in over 5.000 cities worldwide observed the event, and the numbers have only grown since. Today, Earth Hour is celebrated in over 180 co

35、untries.Are you not sure what to do without your phone or television fbr a whole hour? WWF suggests organizing a candlelight dinner for your family or, even better, a picnic under the stars. 4() Remember that climate change can be reversed if we all help, so be sure to do your part!A. Your participa

36、tion never counts.B. Or how about a late-night hike or a bike ride?C. There is no doubt (hat (heir efforts have paid off.D. Gradually, more people joined the Earth Hour movement.E. Its the biggest voluntary environmental movement globally.F. And it shows small lifestyle changes can make a big differ

37、ence as well.G. On March 27, 202 L millions of people worldwide took the first step towards reversing climate change.第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)George Turner thought his childhood bike gave him freedom. For him. home meant 41 chores, homework and an endless sea of books. A bike

38、 meant42 . George and his friends often rode to the beach, the mall, construction sites and so on. When growing up, therefore, he 43 to help boys and girls discover the 44 of riding bycicles as he used to. Then he opened Penuel Bicycles in Inglewood, California, transforming his interest into his 45

39、 .In those days, many kids, 46 . had a new love. They enjoyed playing video games or were 47 to their phones. They didnt 48 and ride bikes. Lots of adults didnt ride, either. George struggled. Some days, he 49 if he sold just one bike.Last year, (he coronavirus pandemic 50 the nation. George closed

40、PcnucPs door. Separated at home and 51 fbr something to do. many Americans were buying bicycles. Bicycles became a source of 52 during a time of sadness and loss. Bike shops nationwide 53 .George sold all his bicycles in a month. People in his neighborhood pulled their old bikes out of the garage (车

41、库)and 54 them to Penuel to get their bikes55 and ready to ride. He 56 saw various bikes appear in front of his shop.Out on his own bike, George saw 57 everywhere. Suddenly hislong-held dream of a whole community on their bikes, enjoying the freedom of two wheels, 58 .Finding what you are ,59 in and

42、never6() it up are the meaning of life.41. A. amusingB. relaxingC. surprisingD. boring42.A. successB. progressC.escapeD. loss43. A. determinedB. refusedC. failedD. pretended44. A. dangerB. courageC. difficultyD.joy45. A. drcamB. occupationC. hobbyD. motivation46. A. besidesB. howeverC. thereforeD. o

43、therwise47. A. addictedB. relatedC.exposedD. used48. A. settle downB. go outC. cheer upD. calm down49. A. celebratedB. whisperedC. jokedD. nodded50. A. dividedB. inspiredC.rescuedD. troubled51. A. sorryB. concernedC. eagerD. grateful52. A. comfortB. prideC. anxietyD. stress53. A. closed downB. sold

44、outC. gathered togetherD. stood out54. A. returnedB. threwC. contributedD. wheeled55. A. recycledB. paintedC. repairedD. replaced56. A. suddenlyB. clearlyC. secretlyD. hopelessly57. A. runnersB. dancersC. ridersD. drivers58. A. came backB. came trueC. came to nothing D. came to life59. A. richB. dis

45、appointedC. expertD. interested60. A. cleaningB. settingC. givingD. picking第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。A dance show which recreated (再现)scenes from the Tang dynasty became a hot topic online, 61 (receive) much praise from Internet users.Titled Tang Gong Ye Yan, the show 6

46、2 (vivid) presented the process from making preparations to performing by a group of female 63 (musician) at a feast in the Tang dynasty. It broke with (he tradition of Chinese classic dance and offered 64 amusing and real-life sense.Fourteen dancers wearing clothes filled 65 a bunch of sponge (海绵)r

47、ecreated the (丰满的) figures of females in the Tang dynasty. Besides, their 66 (color) costumes made audiences feel like they were in the Tang dynasty.Modem technology such as 3D and AR. used 67 (produce) a combination of the virtual scene with the real stage, along with funny dance moves of actresses

48、 and (he display of national treasures, made the show impressive. The show also presented several priceless antiques of Henan province through68 (it) performance.The program 69 (consider) a highlight of the 2021 Spring Festival gala (晚会)of Henan Satellite Television. 7() gala was widely praised by audiences this year.第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Last term, nothing were going well in my study. O


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